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Xavier: An Omnes Videntes Novel

Page 8

by Wendie Nordgren

  “He’s lucky we got him out. Bishop set the place to blow,” Oona said. Then, with a nod of her head, she turned to go.

  Juju grabbed her wrist, stopping her. “With what my boys have planned for him tonight, he’s about to get lucky again. We should discuss this situation. If Bishop got away, the job’s not done. Let me buy you a drink.”

  Oona was tempted, but she wasn’t ready to sit across from Juju and have a professional conversation. “Just keep the kid out of trouble,” Oona said as she took a step away.

  Juju braced her boot against the side of Oona’s foot to prevent her next step. Oona’s eyes widened as Juju grabbed her jacket and pulled her close. The soft press of Juju’s lips made her thoughts flee. Her hands pressed against Juju’s back holding her close. Then, Juju pulled free and ran her hands over Oona’s arms.

  “I was too harsh. Come have a drink and make up with me. Then, we can go hunt down this exploiter of children like the badass bitches we are,” Juju cajoled.

  “I’d like that. I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed what you can do with that mouth of yours other than talking.”

  “Well, maybe that kid of yours won’t be the only one getting lucky tonight,” Oona said as she followed Juju to Luna Eight’s bar.

  From the shadows, Xavier grinned at the two female bounty hunters. With the two of them focused on Bishop, he and Sparrow could go after his buyer. It was time to split from Oona. She could handle Bishop, especially with Juju and her team’s support. Xavier went back for Sparrow. Together, they boarded the merchant ship on which he had booked their passage to Amphictyon. Within the hour, they were in orbit. Xavier secured their cabin door. He turned and with a soft growl, stalked Sparrow.

  Alarmed, she gave a little jump. “What are you doing?”

  “I intend to do what I’ve been wanting to do since we docked on Luna Eight.”

  Sparrow’s eyes widened, and she backed up. Xavier had a wild, predatory feel to him that reached her through the bond they shared. He had explained the symbiotic connection to her, but the concept and application of it were two entirely different things. The feelings reaching her seemed agreeable, but the way Xavier seemed ready to pounce seemed threatening.

  “There is nowhere for you to hide,” Xavier said as he cornered her. Xavier grinned at Sparrow’s bewildered expression.

  Slipping his hands into her soft brown curls, he kissed her delicate throat and sent trills of pleasure across her skin. Sparrow’s hands clutched at his jacket. He shrugged out of it and spent the trip to Amphictyon teaching Sparrow how much fun it was being caught by her predator.

  Xavier thoroughly enjoyed holding Sparrow while she slept. His little female had calmed his mind to such an extent that reaching out telepathically to Izaac was no longer a strain. Through private telepathic communication, he was able to share all that he had learned with his younger brother. Xavier had not only found, but also married the weapons expert responsible for building the thermo-resonator missiles. Oona and Juju were in pursuit of Bishop. Oona could be rather persistent when she felt financially cheated, and Juju had her own score to settle since Bishop had enslaved one of her crewmen. Technically, Xavier had successfully completed his mission.

  However, his mind kept returning to his first meeting with Sparrow and the reflective cloaking system she had used to conceal her escape pod. The vessel in which Felix Jiri’s clone had attempted to abduct both Teagan and Vice Admiral Dario Galerius had been using that same technology. His instincts were telling him to keep hunting while the heat signatures were still hot, but they were also telling him to take Sparrow home. Xavier’s heart and mind were inextricably bound to the woman who slept curled against his side. Now, he fully comprehended the ingrained compulsion to keep his female safe at all costs. For the short term, he could keep her safe by returning to Parvac. However, the threat of a stealth vessel with reflective cloaking that could take her from him at any time would remain. If Oona and Juju failed to apprehend Bishop, he would persist in his efforts to recapture Sparrow. For the two of them to have peace, he would need to eliminate Bishop’s buyer.

  Sparrow began to stir beside him. Soft with sleep, she stretched and slid her hand across his chest. Xavier caught her fingers and kissed them. “How long have you been awake?” she asked.

  “For a while,” he said as he pulled at a curl and let it spring back into place. “I’ve been thinking about your escape pod. What can you tell me about the reflective shielding?”

  Sparrow sat up and looked at him. Carefully, she held the sheet to her chest. She didn’t want her husband getting any ideas. She watched his lips lift up in the corners. He knew very well that she had enjoyed enough of his manly attentions. Sparrow began by listing for Xavier the materials required to construct the shielding.

  He chuckled at her. “Basically, you know everything about it.”

  “Yes,” she said. Then, she pulled at one of the hairs near his left nipple.

  “Stop that, female,” he said in mock pain. She enjoyed their differences and had taken an interest in teasing him. “For whom do you believe the shielding was being produced?”

  “Someone who is building custom vessels for the very wealthy,” Sparrow said as she became thoughtful. “Whenever an order for shielding was completed, Bishop was never gone for very long.”

  After listening to Sparrow’s recollections, Xavier did some quick calculations in his head. “It is highly probable that Bishop was conducting business from Amphictyon. Therefore, we need to visit establishments frequented by the upper echelons of Amphictyon’s society. If I can get close enough, I can hear their thoughts. Anyone working with or for Bishop will be on the lookout for you.”

  Sparrow stared at his chest and asked, “Why is this so important for you? Why can’t we just leave and never look back?”

  Xavier nudged her chin up with his index finger so she would look in his eyes. “Aside from concern for your safety, I have a duty to my clan sister and to the Empire. You are now a part of something much greater. You are now a member of Clan Ponidi. Our current situation consumes you. This is because all you have ever known of life has been from a contained and sterile environment. All of this is temporary. I will show you universes, wondrous planets, and things of indescribable beauty. A new life awaits us with my brothers and their families.” Xavier kissed Sparrow gently on her lips.

  “Why is your eye sparkling with gold and pink?” Sparrow asked suspiciously.

  “I’m imagining you on Thalassa. It is one of the favorite places of Teagan, your sister-in-law. Come. We have docked.” He followed Sparrow into the shower.

  “What’s our plan?”

  Smiling, he filled his palm with some shampoo and washed Sparrow’s hair. The feeling of her wet, soapy hair between his fingers was deeply satisfying. “We will show up at a soiree that the governor is throwing for his new wife. The most affluent members of society will be there. By mingling amongst them, I will be able to sense their thoughts. Should anyone recognize you, we will have our next lead.”

  “Xavier, what is a soiree?”

  “Close your eyes, and tilt your head back.” He waited until she had done so to answer. “It will be a gathering in a large room. There will be lords and ladies dressed in their finest clothing. There will be music and dancing.”


  “You have nothing to fear. Trust me.”

  A short time later when Sparrow found herself in the dressing room of an expensive boutique attempting to fasten herself into the first dress she had ever worn, she began to worry. Based upon her observations of other females, Sparrow decided to make some additional modifications to her personal grooming. She asked the shopkeeper a few questions. Once she had selected a dress along with the appropriate accoutrements, she paid with some of her stolen credits while Xavier smirked at her. Then, he took her purchases and secured them within a compartment of his hover bike.

  “Take me to Femme Fabulous Salon on Halo Stree
t, please.” Her husband had a cute little smile on his face. She climbed onto the bike behind him. When he pulled to a stop in front of the salon, she said, “You can go do whatever you need to do and come back for me when I’m done.”

  “Alright.” After she had gone inside, he walked across the street to wait for her at a restaurant. He couldn’t wipe the smile off of his face. He had liked it when she had given him those very wifely orders. However, there was no way he was leaving her. Pulling out his vid-screen, he scanned for high concentrations of the polycarbonates specific to the AIs.

  With heavy skepticism as to the prudence of her current endeavor, Sparrow entered the salon. For the evening, she had decided to view herself as a weapon in Xavier’s arsenal. She would consider her outer shell to be much like a missile’s casing. The sleeker and more polished a casing was, the more seriously it was taken. With detached disbelief that females subjected themselves willingly to such horrors, Sparrow endured body hair removal and meticulous attentions to her phalanges. After it was all over, she almost didn’t recognize herself. Rather than looking like an unshielded escape pod after reentry, she looked like a pod fresh off of the assembly. Sparrow found herself hoping that Xavier would approve of what she considered upgrades to her physical appearance.

  The emotional and mental bonds that Xavier had formed with her had made the two of them into one efficient unit. They were like two individual processors that linked systems without the use of relays. She liked that their relationship was enhanced by Xavier’s genetic modifications. There was nothing standard about her mate. He was definitely a high-grade humanoid. Sparrow saw Xavier smiling at her from the salon’s main entrance and approached him.

  “No,” she said as she recognized the hungry predatorial look he gave her. “I want some lunch.”

  Grinning, Xavier said, “Our table awaits,” and led her across the street. Thinking about her dress, Sparrow frowned at the hover bike. “Don’t worry,” he told her.

  A few hours later, Xavier watched as Sparrow bent to slip her feet into her dainty shoes.

  “Do I look alright for a soiree?” she asked. Xavier looked debonair in a dark-grey suit. With the way he was staring at her, she wasn’t sure what he thought.

  Taking out his vid-screen, Xavier took a picture of her. The floor-length ballgown of muted, pale gold floated about her hips, while the top hugged her breasts and drew attention to her soft shoulders and long, thin neck. “You are the most beautiful woman who I have ever seen. You are like the gentle flame of a candle in a dark room, drawing me to protect you from flickering just so I might stare at you longer.”

  Sparrow raised a groomed eyebrow at him. “So, is that a yes?”

  Xavier laughed. “Shall we go, Lady Ponidi?” He watched as Sparrow’s mind seemed to absorb the title.

  Taking the lift down to the transport deck, he held open the door of a two-seater hover transport for Sparrow and waited while she attempted to catch up the long, full skirt of her gown. After she was inside, he proudly took his seat beside her and drove to the gala at the Governor’s mansion. As an emissary of Princess Probus of Parvac, it hadn’t been difficult to get an invitation.

  “Why do you keep looking at me? Is something wrong?” Sparrow asked.

  “Yes. What’s wrong is that I want you all to myself. Unfortunately, tonight is business. I almost hope we don’t find a new lead so that I can instead concentrate on you.”

  Sparrow looked at Xavier’s hands on the controls. “It would be more expedient to complete our assignment. I’m curious about Thalassa.”

  Xavier decided to take Sparrow to the fancy resort that Fitz had rented out for Teagan. When they arrived at the Governor’s mansion, Sparrow stiffened beside him. Along with the usual staff and guards, robots were being used to park the guests’ transports. Powering down his transport, he got out and went to assist his wife. When she placed her hand in his, he calmed her through their bond.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  Sparrow nodded and stood.

  Before them, the Governor’s mansion rose up in all of its elegant glory. From the drive, the entrance to the house could be reached by entering either of two clear cylindrical lifts to either side of the hill-shaped manicured lawn. The lifts ran on rails that had been painstakingly designed to resemble stone steps and were equidistant to each other before gradually converging to either side of a semi-circular stone balcony. The effect made it seem as though guests floated up the stairs before alighting on the perch of an elaborately wrought cage of metal, plasti-glass, and stone. The mansion towered up five-stories.

  Telepathically, Xavier said, “The knoll upon which the mansion appears to be built is an illusion. The lawn and lifts disguise a subterranean level used in emergency situations.” Xavier held Sparrow’s incredibly soft hand against his arm. The manicurist had been skilled to eliminate the calluses Sparrow had earned from her work. He forced his thoughts away from his wife’s tiny soft hand and where he wanted it to be, wrapped around his shaft.

  “How do you know that?”

  “On a previous mission to this world, my brothers and I made a point of studying the cities and structures. We took numerous scans.” Xavier patted Sparrow’s hand and smiled at the adjunct stationed beside the lift they had used.

  “Welcome, Lord and Lady Ponidi of Parvac,” the man said with a bow.

  From the adjunct’s mind, Xavier learned that security had been ordered to keep him under constant observation. Xavier would make them all think that they did exactly that.

  “Thank you. My lady and I are fortunate that time allowed for us to attend.”

  A server handed them each a drink. Then, Xavier led Sparrow into the main room. Rather than the usual annoyance Xavier felt at such events while looking into smiling faces that didn’t reflect the thoughts behind them, Xavier concentrated on alleviating Sparrow’s anxiety. Social cues were difficult for her to interpret in general. She had never before interacted with such a large group, and the wealthy and powerful patrons of the event could unnerve even a somewhat experienced socialite. While telepathically sharing with his wife his instincts about those with whom they came into contact, Xavier also concentrated on the thoughts flitting through the minds of those nearest them.

  He had made no attempt to disguise himself. All present knew him for what he was, a hybrid Laconian mercenary who now served the Princess of Parvac. Most of the individuals present made a point of acting nonplussed by his attendance. A few males even looked upon Sparrow with obvious lust. After delivering a few hard stares, that behavior ceased. Xavier had no intentions of sharing Sparrow. He intended to instill fear into any Parvac male attempting to attract her notice just as Zeth did to keep his female to himself. Zared might put up with a polyandrous union out of necessity, but Xavier and Zeth would not. However, neither of the brothers were stupid enough to ever let their wives know that they actively deflected male interests from their brides. Xavier grinned. It could be a new family tradition for the males who had originated in the polygamous Laconian Sector.

  Xavier guided Sparrow over to the receiving line and waited to exchange pleasantries with their host. Taking advantage of their close proximity, he rummaged through the minds around him. The Governor was concerned with making a favorable impression, pleasing his bride, and having time to catch up on all of his administrative tasks. He encouraged technological advancements that improved Amphictyon’s quality of like but had not encouraged weapons development. He was fully cooperating with the ongoing investigations of the Galaxic Militia.

  The Governor’s wife took him by surprise and raised his estimation of the man. The good-natured female was Governor Dorvesh’s own age, was slightly plump, and was very much in love with her groom. Xavier bowed low to her and kissed her hand.

  “It is an honor to make your acquaintance, Lady Dorvesh,” Xavier said.

  Lady Dorvesh smiled showing dimples. Her long black hair fell in waves down her back. While exchanging pleasantries, Xavier felt
Sparrow’s jealousy. Pushing his smug satisfaction away, he soothed his female’s emotions. The grand room they entered was filled with polite chatter, women wearing elaborate gowns, and men in expensive suits. Sparrow’s attention had become rivetted on the musicians and the instruments they played. A smile lit up her face.

  “They are actually playing. Real people are playing instruments. I’ve only listened to music on my vid-screens. This is fascinating,” Sparrow confided.

  Xavier stored Sparrow’s pleasure in live music away for future reference, took her hand, and swirled her out onto the dance floor. A slow smile spread across his face at the pink blush that brightened her cheeks. “Ignore everyone but me. Just listen to the music, look into my eyes, and feel me near you,” he said.

  Sparrow was overwhelmed by the beauty of the moment. Gazing up from her feet and the skirt of her ballgown, she appreciated the handsome and strong man in front of her. From his white eye, she looked into his black eye. As Xavier swirled her in a circle, powerful but tender emotions spun around in her heart.

  “Oh, Xavier. Really, I think I may love you.”

  He threw his head back and laughed as he lifted Sparrow and spun her around. Then, he kissed her in front of everyone. For the rest of the dance, Sparrow was so flustered that she kept stepping on Xavier’s toes, but he smiled and didn’t care.

  A brief malignant thought brushed against Xavier’s mind much like the hem of a dancer’s gown swirling out before drifting away. Turning in a wide circle with Sparrow in his arms, he caught sight of a man’s back as he took his leave of the party. Edging Sparrow from the dance floor, he placed her hand on his arm and walked with her out to a balcony. Closing his eyes, he sent his mind out to hunt. He found the earlier thought signature with ease. The man knew Sparrow, and he had already contacted Bishop. There was no need to track him. Xavier knew where he was going.

  “Time to go,” Xavier said.

  “Already? We just got here,” Sparrow complained.

  “This is your first ball of many. Now, let’s go.” Xavier had their hover transport brought to the front of the mansion.


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