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Dirty Trick

Page 29

by Mickey Miller

  “I said we were taking a bath together. Now scoot forward.”

  I blinked at him, but moved forward, giving him enough room to climb behind me. The water sloshed up to the rim of the bathtub, and almost splashed over.

  He groaned with pleasure against my ear, and then pulled me back against his slick, rock-hard torso. “Mm this is nice.”

  “You are a mystery to me.”

  “I’m an open book, Princess, you just need to know how to read my language.”

  I couldn’t help but smile as I settle into his arms. His huge legs were around me, his knees popped up alongside my ribs. I essentially laid against him between his thighs.

  He stroked my arms in gentle, soothing motions. “Was it too much?”

  Connor sounded hopeful and worried, and the intimacy between us deepened. I shook my head slightly, my damp hair slid across his chest. “No, I’ve never been fucked like that but it was…everything.”

  A pure male sound of appreciation rumbled in his chest. “You brought it out in me. I’ve wanted you since the first moment I saw you.”

  “And now that you’ve had me…?” I let the question hang in the air, all my hopes on display. It was easier to talk to Connor when I wasn’t looking at him, and he wasn’t parading around like a damn peacock.

  “Now, I’m not letting you go. You’re mine, Crystal Lawson. What do you have to say about that?”

  I muttered a little moan as he dragged his nails up my arm, and then back down again, leaving goosebumps in the wake of his touch.

  “Maybe I kind of like the cavemanish approach.”

  His fingers slipped into the base of my hair and gave a little tug.

  “There’s no ‘kind of’ about it, Princess. You like everything I do to you.”

  He said like, but I was thinking there was another word for it.

  One that sounded a whole lot like love.

  13 - Connor

  After the night at the club, the floodgates opened for Crystal and me. I went back to my stringent training routine, but I’d had a new component introduced: fucking my roommate.

  Her pussy molded so perfectly to my cock, it was like God had the two of us in mind when he made us. I’d feared Crystal would become a distraction if the two of us started hooking up. Far from it. Every morning and night when I made her come, her whimpers beneath me brought me a calm and a satisfaction that I’d never felt before in my life. That first night she’d been so tight, but after a couple of weeks she gripped me perfectly, and I couldn’t get enough of her.

  After our usual early morning love-making session, I went for a run as the sun came up over the island. When I got back to the cabana, I was dripping sweat, and Crystal was already dressed in one of her sexy power dresses.

  I immediately wanted to rip the thing off her and throw her on the bed, but from her body language I was sensing this wasn’t the time for that.

  “Connor, where have you been? We have a meeting with the Zoreto people at nine a.m.! It’s almost eight-thirty already.”

  “Christ, that’s today?”

  “Yeah, it’s the thirty-day meeting. Just basically a check in to see how the promo has been going, go over ratings and numbers, stuff like that.”

  I stepped closer to her and kissed her on the cheek. “Well don’t get your beautiful panties in a bunch, Princess. I’ll shower and let’s head over.”

  After a quick shower, we jumped on my motorcycle and headed into town. The warm breeze flooded past us I loved that the air smelled fresh and there was barely any traffic on the island. Even though I’d spent most of my time in cities, I’d never forgotten my small-town roots and the farm in Ireland where my parents still lived. It just felt natural to be in a town like this, it was more like home.

  A huge part of me felt that it didn’t really matter where I lived, as long as I had a girl like Crystal along for the ride. Shit, she wasn’t like the other ones. She was a good girl. Emphasis on the was, because now that I’d corrupted her, she was mine and I couldn’t see how I could let go of her. She was the essence of perfection as she rested her chin on my shoulder and pressed her voluptuous tits into my back. Despite how anal she’d seemed about her appearance from the get go, the layers had been peeling back and I swear I saw a free spirit in her that was begging to climb out. Clothes, fashion and style were part of her passion and I understood that, but to me she was most beautiful when she was stark naked and I could feel her skin touching mine and she writhed against me.

  She wrapped her arms closer around me. I wondered if she knew just how much I thought about her these days?

  I pulled the motorcycle to a stop in a parking spot just outside the hotel. “Nine-oh-six,” Crystal informed me. “And your suit looks damn good. I just can’t get over how you can transform from a thug to a professional businessman so well.”

  I smirked as I took my sunglasses off. “And I don’t get how you are the classiest, most proper consultant I’ve ever worked with, and makes the hottest sex whimpers the world’s ever heard.”

  She blushed at that, and I was at the brink of kissing her when she stopped me by turning her face away. “Connor, not here,” she whispered.

  “Oh, right.” I rubbed my forehead. I’d forgotten how despite how regular and natural our relationship had progressed, she still couldn’t technically date a client.

  We headed inside the hotel and through to the restaurant. The Zoreto marketing team were drinking coffee with their tablets out on the table.

  “Connor, Crystal. So nice of you to join us. Did you get caught in traffic on the island?” the rep asked us, and they all chuckled.

  The guy was clearly just trying to be an asshole, but I had to play along with him since he was on the side that was going to give me the endorsement of a lifetime. “You know, with the big fight coming up, I had to move a few more of those big rocks during my training routine this morning,” I smirked and sat down. I let Crystal take a seat at the other end of the table, though my every instinct wanted her next to me. This was business, and I couldn’t give any indication of what was going on behind the scenes with us.

  “You actually lift those things?” The guy asked. I saw Crystal stifle a giggle. The “big rocks” on Easter Island weighed over twenty tons, as she and I knew. For all the time the Zoreto marketing team was spending here, they apparently didn’t leave the bar or care to learn a damn thing about the culture of the island. No one can move those fucking things.

  “Oh yeah,” I smirked. “It’s part of my routine every day. I carry one from one side of the island to the other.”

  They smiled and nodded, still seeming unsure if I was being sarcastic or not. Crystal was the only one in the room who’d taken the time to get to know my personality, I was so bombastic most people had no fucking clue if I was serious or not. And that’s the way I liked things.

  “We didn’t come here to talk about moving giant rocks,” Crystal cut in, her tone positively businesslike. “Let’s talk numbers. The ratings for this tournament are breaking records all over the globe. Plus, the international flavor by picking a place like Easter Island has really garnered the interest of the Asian and South American markets in one fell swoop. The American and European markets are holding steady of course.” She paused and typed on her tablet. “There. I just sent you all a summary of the data analysis I did this past week, but I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”

  The suits all played with their tablets. I just sat there with a smirk on my face and my hands folded. I didn’t even own a tablet or a computer. Who needs one when your profession is about stringent training and winning in the ring, anyway? Besides, my agent had told me on more than one occasion that if I had a Twitter, I’d be stirring up trouble in ways that could seriously damage my career if I said some of the off-the-cuff shit I talked in writing. I was an old-fashioned guy. I liked my trash talking in person, and my women feminine.

  Speaking of feminine, Crystal batted her eyes at me while all the suits had th
eir faces in their tablets, and my cock hardened. This wasn’t just a dick twitch, I literally had a full-on boner in my suit pants. Fuck, this girl had total control over me.

  She noticed that all the suits were stuffed in their tablets, not paying attention to us, and she ran her tongue all the way around her mouth.

  I had to stifle a groan. She was being a naughty girl at the business table, and I was going to make her pay. I met her grin with my cocky smirk. So, she wants to be naughty at the business table? Two can play at this game.

  “Holy cow, these are some impressive numbers!” Suit number two remarked. “You were pushing three point two million last Saturday? These are real numbers.”

  “No, I sent you a fake report,” Crystal snapped sarcastically, then backtracked. “Just kidding of course.” She laughed awkwardly to cover up her rudeness. Shit, I guess I was starting to rub off on her in more ways than just one. Although I didn’t blame her slight rudeness for how dickish these guys were being.

  “Whose idea was it to do this tournament out here on Easter Island? Whoever came up with that is a damn marketing genius,” another one remarked.

  “You’re looking right at him,” Crystal said, gesturing toward me.

  “You? Ha. Yeah right. You’re a fighter, not a thinker. Was it your manager or something?” Suit number three spoke up.

  I just furrowed my brow and clenched my fist. I was used to abuse from types like him. No one thought that a cocky-as-fuck fighter like me could actually have a smart thought in my brain. I was about to say something very unprofessional when Crystal cut in again, probably sensing I was about to blow.

  “Mr. McGrath has had this idea for years. He trained here five years ago--a lot of people don’t know the man behind the myth. With his tried and trusted marketing image, he’s definitely the man for your endorsement.”

  I cut in. “That’s an unabashed sales pitch, but hell, that’s the reason we are all here, isn’t it? You know what you’re getting with me. A household name with expanding popularity.”

  “Well, in theory.” Suit number one was talking again.

  “Excuse me?” I seethed.

  “I mean, in theory you are expanding. I haven’t seen any numbers on that.”

  “Did you not get the report I sent you at the start of the tournament?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t usually read the emails that come through from people I don’t know.”

  I clenched my fists. I was about to fucking boil over and it wasn’t even ten a.m. yet. What the fuck was the matter with these people? They call themselves professionals, and they can’t even read a damn email?

  “There, just resent,” Crystal jumped in again. Damn, she was good at knowing right when I was about to go apeshit on some dumbass corporate suits. And moreover, seeing how good she was at her job had the unintended effect of turning me on even more.

  “You know what, since this is the first you’re seeing of the main data, why don’t we give you some time to look it over. I am going to head into the hotel to take care of a couple emails and things. And Crystal, we need to work on the marketing templates. They are on my laptop upstairs though.”

  She squinted at me, seeming a little confused. “The marketing templates?”

  “Yeah,” I said, pulling out my chair. “Remember the ones we started this morning?”


  I had to cut her off or she might ruin my fun. “Anyways. Suits, we’ll be back in twenty minutes or so to wrap up this discussion. I would appreciate it if you had some actual questions for me this go around. And let me know if you have any problems understanding the data my consultant sent you.” My tone was dripping with disdain, and I didn’t give a fuck. I was starting to wonder what these guys did on the island all day, other than sit on the patio and drink margaritas.

  Crystal followed my lead and exited the table. As soon as we were out the door and out of site of the suits, I put my hand on the small of her back right above her ass.

  “What are you talking about with these marketing templates? I thought you didn’t even own a laptop.”

  “I don’t,” I smirked as we got to the front desk of the hotel.

  “Well then what the hell are we doing?”

  “Sir, I’ll take the keys to room four-twenty-one.”

  “Of course, Mr. McGrath.” He handed me one of those old-fashioned keys, not a keycard. Gotta love Island hotels.

  “Thank you, Sir,” I said, and guided Crystal to the elevator.

  “What the hell? You have a room?”

  I turned to her. “My manager made me rent a room just in case of emergency. It’s already paid for.”

  “Emergency? What happened? Is everything okay?” By the tone of her voice, she seemed genuinely worried.

  The elevator dinged and we stepped inside. The doors closed and I pinned her against the wall.

  “Yeah, we do have an emergency. I need to be inside you right now or I’m going to lose my shit,” I grunted.

  I ran my hand up her skirt along her luscious thighs, up to her ass, and squeezed over her panties. “Oh, God Connor,” she whimpered.

  I attacked her mouth ferociously with mine, and worked kisses down her neck until the elevator dinged. An older, white-haired couple stood at the door when it opened. The man’s gaze shot to my hand, and I realized I was still fully palming Crystal’s ass.

  For a moment, I thought he might chide us for getting busy in the elevator, but instead he nodded approvingly while his wife giggled.

  “We’ve all been there, buddy,” he said in a raspy voice. Crystal was smiling, though her face was beet red.

  “Well thank you very much my good man. The elevator is all yours.” we stepped into the hallway and I held the door open for the two of them.

  “Thank you, Sonny,” he said, and as the door closed, the man winked.

  I swear I heard some fumbling around in the elevator. “Well I’ll be goddamned. That guy's still got it.”

  “More like she’s still got it,” Crystal quipped.

  I put my hand on her hips and guided her toward the room. “You better watch that mouth, naughty girl, or I’ll show you who’s still got it,” I growled as I turned the key and pushed our door open.

  A burst of light from the window greeted us.

  “Holy shit, Connor, check out this view.” She walked to the edge of the balcony, which looked out over the beach. I lingered behind for a moment, watching her from behind. The way the sun outlined her blonde hair, creamy skin and black dress was like she had movie lighting. “Gorgeous, isn’t it?” She turned, perhaps wanting my approval.

  “I’m not going to lie,” I nodded. “It’s a great ass.”

  She rolled her eyes and pushed the tip of her finger into my chest. “I mean the beach. Doesn’t it look so good from up here? Oh, and look! You can see the whole island, all of those big rocks.”

  I pulled up next to her on the balcony looked out, and took a deep breath. Crystal’s hair blew free in the wind and she had the most genuine, unconscious smile I’d ever seen her wear in the short month we’d known each other. It wasn’t lost on me that she was so drawn to the beauty of the island she ran right past the luxurious interior of the hotel’s penthouse suite, the huge bed, the fancy sheets, all of it. At heart, she was an outdoors girl. My instincts had been right all along.

  “You didn’t even look inside the big fancy apartment. You’re not pissed that I made us stay in a rundown cabana when we could have been staying here?”

  She shrugged. “I mean, the view is nice. But being all the way in the interior of the island makes me feel more alive, you know? It reminds me...of how I used to live, growing up on the farm in Mississippi.”

  I furrowed my brow, then wrapped my arms around her voluptuous little body. I loved the way her body softened against my hard muscles. “You haven’t talked much about that.”

  She sighed into me, and I inhaled her fresh scent. Why did she smell like flowers?

  “I know I’m working in fashion and style now, but times were simpler back then. I didn’t need, a fancy bed like this to make me happy. Even though I resisted it at first, I think I am enjoying living with you way out in the middle of nowhere, taking muddy motorcycle rides. It’s reminded me that I don’t need all these nice things to be happy.” She gestured toward the multiple couches and bed in the penthouse, and started walking toward it, her heels clicking on the floor.

  Just the sound made my cock pound. I grinned as I followed her inside onto the bed. “Who needs a bed this big anyway? And these sheets! These have to be at least eight-hundred thread count,” she said as she ran a hand across the smooth top sheet. “Who needs covers this soft?”

  “You do.”

  “I do?”

  “Yes, you do. So that when I fuck you hard against them, you don’t get carpet burn.”

  Her bottom lip dropped, and I pushed her onto the bed.

  “Are you ready to fuck in style, Princess?” I grunted, running my hand up her legs, wasting no time in arriving at her crotch. I thumbed her clit through the tiny thong she wore,

  “Yes,” she whispered. She was already helpless under my touch.

  “You’ve been such a good girl. You deserve it.”

  14 - Crystal

  This hotel was ridiculous. I couldn’t get over how swanky it was. After living in the small fishing village and in the hut for the past month, I’d forgotten that there was also luxury on Easter Island too.

  Connor showing me this taste of five-star heaven had me melting, even though I should have been scolding him for dragging me away from the Zoreto meeting just to fuck me. I was still burning up over their blasé attitude towards Connor’s career, and their outright dissing of my Irish fighter. It served them right to cool their heels for a while.

  I spread my thighs as I knelt on the bed and tossed a look over my shoulder. Lord, I was never going to get used to seeing Connor in all his rugged splendor gazing at me as if I was the best thing he’d ever seen. A girl’s head could get turned when faced with such constant positive reinforcement.


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