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My Forever

Page 3

by J. L. Perry

  Brooke said that the Elvis version had been her mother’s favourite. She liked that one, too, but when she first heard the one sung by Andrea, she had fallen in love with it. I had to agree with her. It is a beautiful version of the song.

  Brooke has no idea, but I secretly flew Andrea and Katherine to Australia to perform the song live for us. This is the first of many dances we will have together as husband and wife so I want it to be something she will never forget.

  It is lucky I have a lot of connections in the entertainment industry. I called in a few favours to pull this off. It had cost me a lot of money to fly them in for this one song but, to make my baby happy, it is worth every cent.

  As we are walking to the dance floor, I tell Brooke that I have a surprise for her. I want to tell her before the song starts. Once we are dancing, I want her to focus on us, not on who is singing the song. I want her to be lost in the music and, of course, me.

  As I point to the stage, her mouth flies open. Her eyes nearly pop out of her head. “How in the hell did you manage that?!” she screeches.

  I laugh. “Anything is possible when you’re a multi-millionaire.” I wink.

  She playfully smacks my arm before snaking hers around my neck. “You are the most wonderful husband in the world,” she whispers. My heart swells when she calls me her husband.

  I kiss her cheek. “Anything to make my beautiful wife happy.” She looks up at me and gives me a big smile. God, I love this woman.

  When the piano starts playing, we get in position to start our first dance. I am nervous and hope that I don’t screw it up. I remember when we had been practicing this dance. Brooke had told me to just look into her eyes and I would be fine, so I do just that. When we were rehearsing, there were so many times that we had ended up making love before the song was even halfway through. I have to try and put those thoughts out of my mind.

  The song is over before we know it. It was perfect, and I didn’t even miss a step. Brooke is such a graceful and skilled dancer. She can make anyone look good…even me!

  Everybody claps and cheers when the song is over. I lead Brooke over to the stage because I want her to meet our special guests. Being around the rich and famous is something I grew up with so it is no big deal to me. Brooke, on the other hand, hadn’t grown up that way, and she smiles and blushes like a schoolgirl.



  The night couldn’t have been more perfect. I was shocked that Logan had flown Andrea and Katherine in for just that one song. He really is amazing. Or, shall I say, extravagant, but still amazing.

  The speeches that my father, father-in-law, and Logan had made earlier had me in tears. They all said the nicest things. I am one lucky girl to have such an amazing family. It feels so good to be surrounded by so many people who love me. I know that, after tonight, I will never feel alone again.

  After Logan introduces me to our special guests and we talk for a few minutes, we make our way back to the dance floor. The bridal party joins us for another dance, and then it is time to dance with our parents.

  I enjoy dancing with my father. He tells me that our wedding song had been his and my mother’s song. I am starting to realise that a lot of my mother’s favourite things somehow lead back to him.

  I haven’t felt as close to him as I do right now. He kisses me on the cheek during the dance, telling me how much he loves his little girl. I don’t know if it is the champagne I drank or if I am lost in the moment, but I hold him tight as a tear runs down my cheek.

  “I love you, too, Dad,” I whisper.

  He holds me tighter. “Oh, sweetheart…,” he whispers. It felt good to say it. It also felt right. Even though I can’t see his face, I can tell he is smiling.

  When the dancing finishes, we make our way back to the table. Logan pulls me down onto his lap. “Is my wife enjoying her special day?” he whispers into my ear.

  “I am,” I reply with a smile. “And it’s only because I have the most wonderful husband in the world.” I lean down and brush my lips against his. I love this man so much. We both just stare at each other, smiles covering our faces. I know he is as happy as I am.

  After we cut the cake and dance to a few more songs, it is time to say our goodbyes. I am kind of sad that it is over, but I am also looking forward to going back to our room and being alone with my husband.

  Our guests all stand around in a large circle as Logan and I make our way around the group, thanking them all for coming. I am glad we did it together because I don’t even know some of the people Logan has invited. When I say goodbye to Logan’s parents, his mother has tears in her eyes again. Logan’s dad even gives me a huge hug, saying he is glad to have me as part of their family.

  My father has a big smile on his face when we get to him. He hugs us both, telling us how happy he is. It feels really good that he is in my life.



  When we finally get to our room, I scoop Brooke into my arms. After all, it is tradition to carry your wife over the threshold. I was never big on that sort of thing, but all that has changed since Brooke came into my life. Taking chances with bad luck or superstition when it comes to her is not something I am willing to do.

  Once we are inside, I put her down and pull her tight against me before crushing my lips into hers. I have wanted to do that all day.

  “I can’t believe all my dreams have finally come true,” I breathe. “I’m the luckiest man in the world to have you as my wife. I love you with all my heart and soul, Mrs. Cavanagh.”

  She reaches up and puts both her hands on either side of my face. “I love you with all my heart and soul, too, Mr. Cavanagh. I am the luckiest woman in the world to have you as my husband.”

  I smile at her because I love hearing her say things like that. After brushing her lips with mine, I turn her around. I’ve been patiently waiting to undress her all fucking day, and I desperately want to be inside her. Being without her last night was almost too much to bear.

  I slowly pull down the zipper on the back of her dress. My hands are shaking, and my heart starts to beat out of my chest. I have done this so many times before, but it feels different tonight. She is my wife now, and that really means something. Tonight is going to be special.

  After all this time, she still has such a strong effect on me. I feel my erection immediately spring to life when I notice what she is wearing under her dress.

  Fucking hell!

  She is wearing a sheer white lace corset, with a white silk suspender belt and a tiny white lace G-string. Her stockings are white and sheer and end with a few inches of lace halfway between her knee and upper thigh. She also has a red garter around one of her legs.

  I let go of her dress and it pools on the floor. After I fall to my knees, I gently kiss her beautiful arse. “You are so fucking beautiful, baby,” I whisper.

  I tell her to turn around so I can look at her. “I want to imprint the image of you in my mind forever,” I groan as I stand there staring at her. “Oh, my god, baby. I think I have died and gone to heaven.”

  She looks at me and gives me one of her beautiful smiles that lights up her whole face. I know I am smiling, too. You wouldn’t have been able to wipe it off my face if you tried. “If you like it so much,” she says, “why don’t you take a picture and then you can look at it anytime you want.” I laugh at her, but she assures me that she is serious. “You are my husband now, Logan. Why shouldn’t you have pictures of me?” she asks.

  She walks over the bed and lays down, giving me a sexy little pose. I quickly pull my phone out of my suit jacket. She is the hottest thing I have ever seen and, as I take the photo of her, I know that I will never be able to stop looking at it.

  “One more,” she says. She gets up on her hands and knees so her hot little arse is facing me. She turns her head so I can see her face, and gives me this sexy little pout.

  “You are so sexy, baby,” I breathe. “If you don’t stop doing that, I think I m
ight come in my pants.”

  I quickly take one more photo before throwing my phone on the chair. I am extremely turned on, so I make my way over to her. I softly bite her on the arse before gently kissing it again. Then I flip her over. As I gently crawl on top of her, she wraps her long legs around my waist. Her sweet lips part as I lean down to kiss her, so I slip my tongue in her mouth. We kiss each other with so much passion. As much as I need to be inside her, I don’t want to rush it. I want to take my time and enjoy every moment.

  Brooke pushes on my chest, and then rolls me onto my back. “You are wearing too many clothes, Mr. Cavanagh. Let me undress my sexy husband,” she says with a smile. I just lie there, staring up at her. She is so adorable. I love her so much.




  I look over at the clock next to the bed. 4:00 a.m. We have been making love for four hours. I don’t want to stop, but I want my wife to get some rest. We have to be back at the penthouse by lunch when our families comes over. So, begrudgingly, I roll off her.

  “I think we better get some sleep, baby,” I pant. “We have to be back at the penthouse in less than eight hours.” She looks at me and pushes her bottom lip out. I can’t help myself. I lean over and suck it into my mouth.

  “We have the rest of our lives to do this. We fly to Europe tomorrow, and we can stay in bed for the whole month if you like,” I add with a smile.

  She snuggles in closer to me and kisses my chest. “I guess you’re right,” she replies. “It has been a long day, and I am pretty tired.” As I kiss the top of her head, I ask her to sit up. I want to help her take her hair out. She will wake up with a headache if she sleeps with her hair tied up so tight.

  About one hundred fucking bobby pins later, her hair is free so I gently lie her back down. I massage her scalp as she snuggles back into me, and we both fall asleep.


  When I wake, I look at my watch. It is just after 9:00 a.m. Brooke is still asleep, so I lie there waiting for her to wake up. I am going to order room service, but I want to shower with her first. I lean down and kiss her head.

  Brooke doesn’t open her eyes, but says, “Good morning, hot stuff.”

  “I thought you were still asleep.”

  “I’ve been awake for a while, but was too exhausted to open my eyes.”

  “Do you want me to run you a hot bath before I order breakfast?” I ask.


  I roll her onto her back and kiss her nose. “Just relax, baby,” I say. “I will come and get you when it is ready.” She opens up her beautiful eyes and smiles at me. I love her sleepy little face when she first wakes up.

  I get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. When the bath is ready, I put some of Brooke’s favourite vanilla bath oil in, then go back to the room to get her. She is lying there with her eyes closed so I scoop her into my arms and carry her in. She puts her arms around my neck and starts to suck on it.

  I gently place her in the bath, getting in behind her. She puts her head back on my chest, and I wrap my arms around her waist. We just sit there, relaxing. I look down at her hair. It is all over the place, still stiff from all the products the hairdresser put in yesterday. I am surprised she needed so much with all those fucking bobby pins.

  I sit forward and ask her if she wants to come to the shower so I can wash her hair. “In a minute,” she replies.

  I can tell she is still tied so I reach over and grab the body wash and squeeze some into my hands. I rub it over her shoulders, massaging her at the same time. She lets out a little moan. “Mmmm, that feels good.”

  I go to soap up again and she says, “Hey, don’t stop.” I smile as I put my hands back on her shoulders.

  “It hasn’t even been twenty-four hours and you are already turning into a bossy wife,” I chuckle and she laughs.

  She turns around in the bath and kisses me. “I am sorry,” she says. “It just felt so good.”

  “I’m only joking with you, baby,” I reply. “Turn around and I will continue.”

  “I’m hungry,” she says with a smile. “Let’s take that shower now so we can get some breakfast.” We both hadn’t eaten much last night. There was plenty of food, but we spent most of the night going around to all the tables, talking to our guests and taking photos with them.

  I get up out of the bath and lean over to pick her up. “I do have legs, you know,” she says with a smile.

  “I know you do,” I reply, “but I like carrying you around like this.”

  After I wash her hair, I leave her in the shower so I can dress and order room service.



  After getting out of the shower, I dry my hair, then dress. When I walk out into the main room of our suite, Logan is sitting at the table as the waiter lays out all the food. It smells delicious.

  I smile at my husband as I walk over to the table and sit down beside him. The waiter looks up and smiles at me.

  Once he finished putting all the food on the table, he says, “I hope you enjoy you breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Cavanagh.” Logan and I look at each other and smile. It is nice to hear him call us that. We thank him, and Logan reaches over and starts to dish out the food.

  “Are you sure you ordered enough?” I ask sarcastically.

  He just smiles. “I wasn’t sure what you felt like, so I ordered a bit of everything.”

  He isn’t kidding, either. There is bacon, sausages, eggs, fried tomatoes, mushrooms, cereal, fruit, muffins, and pancakes. I look over at him and smile. “Give me a bit of everything then. I am starving.”

  We stare at each other with smiles on our faces all the way through breakfast. Today is going to be our first whole day together as husband and wife.


  We arrive back at our penthouse just before lunch. Our families are already there, waiting for us. They collected all our wedding gifts last night and brought them here today. There are so many gifts that it is a bit overwhelming.

  We kiss everyone and Logan’s mum says, “You both look tired.”

  “Mum, it was our wedding night,” Logan says with a smile. “What do you expect? It’s not like we did much sleeping.” I am horrified, and I think his mother is, too.

  “Okay, Logan,” she says sternly. “I’m your mother, and I don’t need to hear you talk like that.” He puts his head down like a little boy who is getting in trouble. I hear his father and Craig laugh. His mother turns and looks at them, causing them to stop immediately.

  We got so many nice gifts, plus a lot of money. Some of the guests gave us five thousand dollars! Who does that?! I suppose they are rich, but I still can’t help but think that it is kind of ridiculous. I don’t think all of mine and Jake’s weddings gifts combined cost that much.

  After eating a nice lunch that Jill cooked for us, we say our goodbyes. We are flying to Europe tomorrow, and we won’t be seeing our family for a whole month.

  I am packing up all of the presents when Logan comes up behind me and puts his arms around my waist. “Leave that, baby,” he says. “I will get Jill to pack it all up while we are away.”

  “She is not our slave, Logan,” I reply.

  “But that’s what I pay her to do. Besides, we will be away for a month. It will give her something to do.”

  He picks up the pile of money we had been given. There is over one hundred thousand dollars! “I will put this in the safe,” he says. “When we get back from Europe, you can put it in your bank account.”

  “But, Logan, that money isn’t just mine.”

  “Baby, I have more money than I can spend in a lifetime. I want you to have it. Put it towards your studio, or invest it,” he says like it is no big deal. I am not happy, but I don’t argue. We’ve only been married twenty-four hours, and I don’t want to fight. Rest assured, though, as soon as we arrive back from Europe, I will be having this out with him.

  We go up to our room to finish packing what we need for our tri
p. Logan asks me not to pack too much. “We will buy some new things when we are over there.”

  Once we were done packing, we decide to lie down. We are both tired and we need some rest. I am looking forward to going to Europe because it will be my first time leaving Australia. We are spending two weeks in Italy and two weeks in Paris.

  When we get up early the next morning, Logan says that he has a few last minute things to do at the office before we fly out. I am going to go over to the studio and make sure I haven’t forgotten anything. Michelle has a list of things that need to be done while I am away. She is going to run everything for me, and I know she is more than capable. I also hired an extra teacher to make up for me not being there. I feel terrible leaving all this on Michelle’s shoulders, but she assures me that she is up to the challenge.

  It is 10:00 a.m. when I arrive back at the penthouse and Logan is waiting for me. Our flight is leaving at 1:00 p.m., so we have to be at the airport before 11:00. I grab all our toiletries and pack them in our carry-on luggage, while Logan carries our larger bags down to Chris.

  As usual, we are flying first class. It is a twenty-one hour flight from Sydney to Italy, so the reclining seats will come in handy. Logan tells me that Italy is eight hours behind us, which means we will be arriving in the early morning hours.

  They usher us on the flight before the other passengers. I am so excited when we take our seats. I look over at Logan and smile when he squeezes my hand. “I am looking forward to spending a whole month with you,” I squeal, bouncing in my seat.

  He pulls my hand up to his mouth and kisses it. “I am looking forward to it, too, baby,” he chuckles. I lean over and rest my head on his shoulder while we wait for the other passengers to board. The sooner we are in Italy, the better.



  When we are making our descent into Italy, Brooke is sound asleep next to me. I have been lying there just watching her for the past two hours. She is so beautiful. I never thought it possible to love another human being as much as I love her.


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