My Forever

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My Forever Page 9

by J. L. Perry

  After showing her the bathroom, I tell her to take a shower, while I go to my room to get some clothes for her. “I will take you to your house tomorrow and we can pick up some stuff for you and your mother.”

  Jacinta throws her arms around me and starts to sob. She has been through far too much for someone so young. I just hold her tight and try to reassure her that things will work out. Once she calms down, she wipes her eyes and gives me a small smile. “Thank you for everything, Miss Brooke.”

  “Well, Logan and I will do anything to make sure you and your mother are safe.” As she turns to walk towards the bathroom, I add, “And please call me Brooke, okay?” She turns her head and gives me another small smile, nodding.

  Once she is showered and dressed, I ask her if she needs anything. “I would just like to go to sleep,” she replies in a quiet voice. “It has been a long day.”

  She gets into bed and I tuck her in, then kiss her forehead “My room is just down the hall. Yell if you need anything,” I say. She smiles at me before closing her eyes.

  I leave her room and make my way downstairs. It is time to talk to Logan. I hate fighting with him.



  I think I am on my fourth or fifth scotch when I hear Brooke come back downstairs. The alcohol isn’t doing shit. The way I’d spoken to Brooke earlier is playing heavily on my mind. What she did today was a nice thing—the right thing. It is the danger she put herself and the baby in that makes me angry.

  When I’d seen Jacinta’s mother lying in the hospital bed, swollen and black-and-blue, I had flashbacks of that night with Brooke. I’ve tried hard since that day Jake took Brooke to not think about it, but every so often something happens to trigger the memories. Seeing Brooke that night, lifeless and beaten on the floor, is something I don’t want to ever think about or witness again.

  I turn around on the stool and watch her walk towards me. She looks sad and it breaks my heart. When she is a few feet away from me, she stops. We just stare at each other for a few moments without saying a word.

  She is still the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and, as I look at her, I have a lot of emotions running through me. I am relieved she is alright. I’m also proud of her for what she did today, and I feel terrible for the way I treated her earlier.

  Before I get a chance to say something to her, she whispers, “I’m sorry.”

  I reach over and pull her to me. She puts her head on my shoulder and nestles between my legs. “Oh, baby, you have nothing be to sorry about. I am sorry for the way I spoke to you.” She pulls her head back so she can look at me. She has tears in her eyes. “I just wish you would have called me before you went over there today,” I add. “But I’m extremely proud of what you did.”

  She puts her lips on mine and kisses me softly. I hate fighting with her and I am glad we are okay. I hesitantly pull out of the kiss so I can look at her. There are some things I need to say.

  “Today brought back a lot of horrible memories for me, ones I have been trying to forget,” I say. “I remember every single detail of the night Jake took you from me. You didn’t see what I saw, baby. You don’t know how you looked through my eyes. Fuck, Brooke. It almost killed me to see you bleeding and unconscious on the floor. I will never forgive myself for not being there that day to protect you from him.” I put my head down as I run my fingers through my hair, memories of that night flooding my mind.

  Brooke leans over and gently kisses my forehead. “I’m sorry, hot stuff,” she replies. “I really didn’t think this through. I now know what I did was reckless.” I look up at her. She looks so sad. I pull her into my arms.

  “I don’t want to argue about your safety,” I plead. “I promised myself that I would never let anybody hurt you like that again. Please, baby, just let me keep you safe. I can’t go through that shit again.”

  I kiss her, then stand up, never taking my mouth off hers. I scoop her into my arms before carrying her upstairs and into our bathroom. We undress each other, then make love in the shower. After the night we just had, we both need to have that connection with each other.


  Three days later, Grace is discharged from the hospital. Jacinta is at school so Brooke brings Grace back to the penthouse. We want to talk with her without Jacinta around.

  I’ve already spoken with the prosecutor and he told me that her husband is looking at serving around six to eight years. With my best criminal lawyer helping the prosecutor, we are going to push for eight to ten years. It isn’t forever, but it is long enough for Grace and Jacinta to make a new life for themselves.

  We ask Grace if she is still interested in starting over. She tells us she is. I explain how her husband will be in prison for some time. Of course, I can’t give her an exact time frame, but I assure her we will work on getting him the maximum penalty. She says she is worried about how she can afford to pay for the lawyer, and I tell her we are doing it free of charge.

  “If you are serious about starting over,” I explain, “I suggest you move as far away from here as possible after the court case.”

  “But I have no money and nowhere to go,” she says sadly.

  “I have a proposition for you,” I reply. “I have another company in Melbourne. If you and Jacinta are willing to move there, I am willing to give you a job and a place to live until you get on your feet.”

  “You would do that for us?” she asks surprised, wiping off the tears that had fallen down her bruised and swollen face.

  “You deserve a second chance at a good life,” Brooke adds. “We want to do anything we can to help make that happen.”

  “Jacinta is a good kid,” her mother sniffles. “She deserves to live a normal childhood, without living in fear. I feel guilty that I let it go on for this long. I should have had the guts to do this years ago, but I was too scared.”

  Brooke puts her hand on top of Grace’s. “You are doing it now, and that’s all that matters.”

  She tells us she will never be able to repay us for the kindness we have shown her and her daughter. “Seeing you both live a free and happy life is reward enough,” Brooke replies with a smile.

  Brooke invites Grace and Jacinta to stay with us for a few days, but she says that with her husband behind bars, it is safe to return to her house. She hugs us both, then we drive her back home. When we drop her off, Brooke tells her that she will pick Jacinta up from school, and then drop her off after her dance lesson.




  Three months later, the trial is over. Jacinta’s father is sentenced to nine years, but could be out in seven for good behaviour. Jacinta and her mother have been so brave throughout the whole trial.

  Logan arranged for a removalist to pack them up, and their stuff is already on its way to Melbourne. He also paid for everything. My husband is such a sweetheart.

  Jacinta and her mother are spending their last night in Sydney with us. We are taking them to the airport tomorrow. Grace has completely healed from her physical injuries. I am sure the mental ones will take a lot longer, though. They are both looking forward to starting a new chapter in their lives.

  I am going to miss Jacinta. We have become quite close over the last three months. Her personality has blossomed. She’s told me how great her life has become without the consent threat of her father hanging over them. It is good to see. Her mother even looks a lot happier.

  I have made a few calls to Melbourne to line Jacinta up with a great dance company so she can continue her dancing. I also paid her fees for the first year. Logan rented them an apartment not far from his Melbourne office. He even paid the first six month’s rent.

  As promised, he lined up a job for Grace at his Melbourne office. She is starting in two weeks. That will give them enough time to settle in and enrol Jacinta in a new school.

  We are taking them out to a nice restaurant for dinner tonight. It is both a celebration and farewell. I know we will keep
in touch, and whenever we are in Melbourne, we will visit them. I am still going to miss Jacinta, though.

  The next morning, we drive them to the airport. Logan and I both hug them and wish them well. Jacinta and I both cry. “I love you and will miss you, Brooke,” Jacinta sobs. I am touched. I have grown to love her, too, and I am definitely going to miss her. She is such a sweet girl and I am glad she is going to finally have the life she deserves.

  Jacinta tries to give me back the mobile phone I had given her, but I tell her to keep it. That way, we can call and text each other whenever we want.

  Logan hands Jacinta’s mother an envelope before they walk away, and tells her that it is something to help get them get by until she starts her new job. I didn’t know he was going to do this, but nothing he does surprises me anymore. She tries to refuse it. “You have both done so much for us already,” she says with tears in her eyes.

  Logan smiles and hands her a business card. “When you arrive in Melbourne, call that number. Ask for Jim Maloney. He is in charge of my Melbourne office and is expecting a call from you. He’s a great guy and will take care of everything.” She thanks us again and grabs Jacinta’s hand as they walk off.

  We stand there and wave as they disappear through the airport security scanners, heading towards the departure lounge. Logan is standing behind me, his arms around my waist. His head is resting on my shoulder, and he is rubbing my belly. I am six months pregnant now, and seem to be getting bigger by the day.

  As we walk back to the car hand-in-hand, I ask Logan what was in the envelope. “Just a cheque,” he says with a shrug.

  “For how much?”

  “Ten thousand dollars. Enough to keep them financially secure until she starts her job.”

  I squeeze his hand. “You are a sweet man, you know that?”

  “Your sweetness is rubbing off on me,” he says with a smile.

  “You were sweet before I even met you,” I reply, playfully bumping his shoulder with mine.

  We decide to call at my father’s new house on the way home. He had moved in two weeks ago. The shit hit the fan when Logan’s aunt had been served with the papers saying she had to sell their house. She rang Logan and called him every name under the sun, threatening him. Logan wasn’t upset, though. He hates her, and doesn’t care what she thinks of him. He is just happy that my father can finally move on with his life.

  That night as we are lying in bed, the baby starts kicking again. It seems to be very active at night. I think the baby recognises his voice because every time he speaks to my stomach, the baby moves. Logan loves feeling the baby kick. I remember the first time he felt it. I was just over twenty weeks. It is an amazing feeling to feel that little life moving around inside you.

  We have had two Ultrasounds and everything is going well. We decide not to find out the sex of the baby. We both think it will be a nice surprise to find out when he/she is born. We have a few names picked out, but nothing definite. We want to see the baby before we name it, just in case the name doesn’t suit.

  We are both looking forward to the baby being born. We haven’t started on the nursery yet, but Logan assures me that it will be done soon.



  On the way home from the airport, we drop in for a visit with Brooke’s father. I am happy that he finally settled into his new house. He is finally getting his life back, and he looks well. All those years living with my aunt has taken its toll on him. He deserves to be happy because he is a good man.

  My aunt is still pissed with me, but I don’t care. She has called me and threatened me a few times, but I’m not afraid of her. I know her threats have no merit. She is just trying to intimidate me, like always. She is good at that.

  The only reason she is angry is because things haven’t gone her way. My mother always taught us that you reap what you sow so, in my eyes, my aunt deserves everything she gets. As they say, karma is a bitch.

  She has gotten half of everything they own. The only reason she is angry is because she had to sell the house they lived in. Most of their money was tied up in that house, and neither of them could afford to buy the other out so they didn’t have a choice. It is a three-story mansion and far too big for one person anyway. My aunt has always been a showy bitch, liking to flaunt her wealth wherever possible. Thank god my parents are nothing like that. I’m positive the only reason my aunt wouldn’t agree to selling the house was because she wanted to make my uncle suffer.

  It is late when we arrive home. After spending most of the day with Brooke’s father, we end up going out to dinner with him, so Brooke is pretty tired and wants to go straight to bed.

  Lying next to my beautiful wife and feeling our baby moving inside her is amazing. Brooke is getting bigger now, and I love looking at her. I never really paid attention to pregnant women before, but I find pregnant Brooke sexy as hell. Maybe it is because she is carrying my baby, or maybe it is just her. Whatever it is, I look forward to having more children with her.

  Brooke has been asking a lot about doing up the nursery. I’ve intentionally been avoiding the topic because I have already made plans to surprise her. We looked at some furniture a few weeks ago so I know exactly what she likes. I am going to put the baby in the room Brooke slept in the first night I brought her here. It is the closest room to ours. Hopefully, she stops bringing it up; otherwise, it is going to ruin everything.

  When I wake in the morning, I shower and get ready for work. Brooke is already up when I walk back into the room. She is putting on her running gear. I don’t like her running now that she is getting so big.

  “Do you really think running in your condition is a good idea, baby?” I ask.

  “Please, Logan,” she sighs. “I thought we’d already gone over this.”

  No, we haven’t really discussed it at all. I told her last week that I didn’t want her running anymore, and she just rolled her eyes at me. That was it. I certainly wouldn’t call that a discussion.

  What she failed to understand is that I am only trying to protect her and the baby. The doctor explained that because she has been running for so many years, it won’t harm the baby. The running isn’t the problem. The problem is the possibility of falling over.

  “Why do you just dismiss everything I say?” I reply, exasperated.

  “I don’t,” she snaps. “I would never deliberately do anything that would harm the baby.”

  “I know that, Brooke, but nobody deliberately sets out to fall over, either.”

  She sighs. “Would it make you feel better if I walk instead of run?” she asks, annoyed.

  “It would make me feel a lot better,” I reply nicely.

  She rolls her eyes, gets up off the bed, and walks over to me. “If that’s what makes you happy, hot stuff,” she says with another sigh, “then that is what I will do.”

  I put my arms around her. “I just love my two girls,” I reply, kissing the top of her head. “I couldn’t live with myself if either of you got hurt.” Of course we don’t know the sex of the baby, but I am positive it is a girl.

  “You know how much I love my running,” she says with a cute pout. “It keeps me in shape. So when I am the size of this room, and the only way you can get me out is by removing the roof and hiring a crane, don’t come complaining to me.” I burst out laughing. Apart from her expanding stomach, she hasn’t put on an ounce. I hold her tight against me. She is funny when she over-exaggerates things.

  “Even if you did get that big, baby,” I say, whist trying to hold back a smile, “I would still love you.” She playfully slaps my arm as we walk downstairs.

  After I finish my breakfast, I tell Brooke that I need to make a few calls before I leave for the office. She kisses me goodbye and says she will just head out for her walk now. Of course, she emphasized the word “walk” and adds in an eye roll for extra effect. Her comment earns her a light smack on the arse.

  I’d been hoping she would leave before me. As soon as the elevator do
ors close, I quickly phone Chris. I tell him as soon as he sees Brooke leave to come straight up because it is “Operation Nursery” time.

  Chris and I had discussed this yesterday, and I am happy that, so far, things are going according to plan. I need him to help me move all the furniture out because the painter is coming in later today to paint the nursery. I know Brooke is going to be at the studio all day. Michelle is on board with my plans, as well, and is going to call me as soon as she arrives. She is also going to keep her there a little longer tonight, if it is possible.

  I need time for the room to dry and air out. The painter says he can use a paint that is virtually odourless, but I still want to be sure she can’t smell it when she gets home. Otherwise, it will ruin my surprise. The furniture is being delivered tomorrow, so I need the painting finished today.

  Now that Brooke is pregnant, she it always tired after being at the studio all day. I am hoping tonight she will just eat, shower, and sleep—like she’d been doing a lot of lately.

  Chris and I move all the furniture out and put it in one of the other rooms. Jill helps by moving some of the smaller items. Once the nursery is finished, I will figure out what to do with the excess furniture. We don’t have time to take it out of the penthouse today because Brooke will be back from her walk soon. I need to be gone before she gets back or she will get suspicious.

  Thankfully, we get it all done before she returns. Chris and I quickly leave the penthouse so he can drop me off at my office. Michelle calls me about 10:00 a.m. to say Brooke has arrived at the studio. I immediately call the painter because he is already waiting outside the building. Chris is on his way there now so he can take him upstairs and show him what room to paint.

  I am going to have the room painted in a pale yellow. It is Brooke’s favourite colour, as well as being pretty neutral. The baby furniture I ordered is white. Brooke had said that she liked that colour the best. I’m not going to decorate it because I thought she might like to do that herself. My plan is to have the room painted, and the furniture delivered and set up. The rest is up to Brooke.


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