My Forever

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My Forever Page 10

by J. L. Perry



  Today has been a long day. Everything that could have gone wrong, did. I planned on coming home hours ago, but it just wasn’t possible. I am so tired that I feel like I am close to tears. I’m too tired to even eat, but I know Logan won’t let me get away without eating.

  When I step out of the elevator, Logan is waiting for me. “Hi, baby,” he says. “You look tired.”

  “I am,” I reply with a sigh. It is nice to finally be home. Logan asks me to sit, as he holds the chair out for me. Jill has already left for the day, but he’d put my dinner in the oven to keep it warm. He massages my shoulders while I eat. It feels so good.

  “While you finish eating,” he says, “I will go and run you a bath.” He is still standing behind me, rubbing my shoulders. I lean my head back and rest it on his stomach.

  “Thanks, hot stuff,” I say with a small smile.

  After Logan runs my bath, he comes downstairs to get me as I am rinsing my plate. “Leave that, baby,” he says. “I will do it later.”

  “It’ll only take a minute.”

  He takes it out of my hand and puts it in the dishwasher. Then he scoops me into his arms and carries me to the bathroom. After placing me down gently, he starts to undress me.

  “I am not an invalid,” I say.

  “I know that, but you are tired, and I am just trying to look after you. Besides, undressing you is one of my favourite things to do.” I put my arms around his waist. He really is the sweetest husband. He places me in the bath when I am undressed and, after undressing himself, he hops in behind me.

  I let out a happy sigh, as I rest my head on his chest. This is just what I need. Being pregnant is great, but the constant peeing and always feeling lethargic sucks. Logan puts his arms around my waist and rubs my belly. I close my eyes and start to relax.



  Brooke is lying on my chest when I ask her how her day has been, but she doesn’t answer. I put my head forward so I can look at her face. The poor thing is asleep. It is my fault for getting Michelle to keep her longer tonight, and it makes me feel like shit.

  After reaching for the body wash, I gently wash her, then push her slightly forward so I can get out. When I go to lift her up, she opens her eyes.

  “You fell asleep, baby,” I say, lowering her to the floor and grabbing a towel. She stands there and lets me dry her. I get down on my knees to dry her legs. She still has her eyes closed, but I know she is awake. She puts her hands on my shoulders to keep her balance. I kiss her cute little belly before I stand back up, then scoop her into my arms and carry her to bed.

  I kiss her gently, pulling the covers over her. She doesn’t open her eyes, but she smiles.

  “I will be back in a minute, baby,” I whisper, as I walk back into the bathroom to dry myself. I let the water out of the bath, then climb in beside her. I’m not tired so I just lay there, watching her sleep. She is so beautiful.

  The next morning, I am pleased to see her looking better. “Why don’t you pass on your walk today?” I ask. “You overdid it yesterday, and should probably take it easy.” She smiles at me and nods.

  “That’s my girl,” I say with a smile. I was expecting her to argue with me, but am happy that she doesn’t.

  “I am meeting Michelle at the studio at eleven,” she explains. “Then we are going to go and have some lunch.”

  “That’s sounds nice,” I reply with a smile. She asks me if I want to meet them, but I tell her I have too much going on.

  The baby furniture is being delivered at 1:00 p.m., so I need to be here for that. By the time she gets home late this afternoon, it will be all set up and waiting. I am looking forward to surprising her with it. Part of me worries that she will be angry, but I hope that isn’t the case.

  Chris and I arrive back at the penthouse just before one. The delivery guys pulls up not long afterwards. We both help them carry up the furniture. I bought a crib and mattress, change table, chest of drawers, a book shelf, a rocking chair, and a day bed.

  I also ordered five top-of-the-line baby seats. One for my new car, that I hadn’t even bought yet, one for Brooke’s, my parents’, her father’s, and Michelle’s. I am sure there will be times they will have the baby, so I want them to be prepared. The seats are being delivered and installed closer to the due date.

  When I picked out the furniture the other day, there was one other thing I bought. It is a baby mobile that will sit above the crib. It has tiny little angels hanging down from it, with puffy clouds above them. It plays the sweetest music. I don’t know what the tune is, but it is sweet. Since we have both been referring to the baby as “angel”, I thought the mobile was very fitting.

  It is after three by the time we have it all assembled and set up. I take a quick shower and change. I ask Chris to drop me off at the studio, then I give him the rest of the day off.

  Brooke and I arrive back at the penthouse about five. After we have eaten, Brooke says she is going upstairs to take a shower. I ask her to wait for me so I can come with her.

  “I have been thinking about the nursery,” I tell her as we are walking up the stairs. “I think your old room would be perfect.”

  She looks at me and smiles. “I was thinking the same thing. It is the closest to ours.”

  “How about we look in there before we shower?” I say. “Then we can start making plans.” She smiles at me again, as we walk towards the room. As she opens the door, she comes to a complete stop.

  “Oh, my god,” she says, her hands over her mouth. “Did you do all this?”

  “What do you think?” I ask.

  She turns to face me with tears in her eyes. “I love it,” she squeals, throwing her arms around me. “How did you manage to do all of this behind my back?”

  “I have my ways,” I reply with a shrug. “I didn’t decorate it. I thought you might like to do that.”

  “You are so wonderful,” she says, brushing her lips against mine. “What did I ever do to deserve someone like you?”

  “I’m the lucky one, Brooke.”

  “I love the colour,” she says. I knew she would, since yellow is her favourite. With a huge smile on her face, she runs her hands over everything.

  She walks over to the crib to look at the mobile I’d hung above it. When she notices the little angels hanging down, she starts to cry. “It is perfect,” she whispers.

  I pull her into my arms. “Oh, baby, I am so glad you like it.”

  “Can we go this weekend and pick out all the other things?” she asks, a hopeful look on her face.

  “We can do it whenever you want.” I thought she might want do it on her own, but I am happy that she wants me to do it with her.

  “I can’t believe we will have our baby sleeping in here in a few months,” she says with a smile.

  “I can’t wait. You are going to be the best mother.”

  She smiles at me. “And I know you will be the best father,” she says, resting her head on my chest. “Look how well you care for me.”

  I’m so happy that she loves what I’ve done with the nursery, but I know how tired she is so I eventually have to coax her to leave the room and get in the shower. She needs her rest. I’m still feeling bad for keeping her out for so long today.

  When I wake up the next morning, Brooke is already up. I put on some pants and go looking for her. As soon as I step out of the room, I notice the nursery door open. She is standing in the middle of the room, looking around at everything. I just lean up against the door frame and watch her. The huge smile on her face makes me smile.



  As I lay in bed that morning, all I can think about is the nursery. After untangling myself from Logan, I get out of bed and slip on my robe. I want to go and see it again. It is so beautiful. Logan is always doing sweet things behind my back to surprise me.

  The furniture he had picked is perfect. Our baby is so lucky to have such a caring
and loving father. It just makes the fact that we will soon have a little bundle much more real.

  I can feel myself smiling as I look at the nursery. Suddenly, I hear Logan clear his throat. After turning around, I find him standing in the doorway, watching me. I walk over to him and slide my hands around his waist.

  “It’s all so beautiful,” I say. “Thank you again.”

  “You’re welcome, baby.”

  “Our baby is lucky to have a daddy like you,” I say, tightening my arms around his waist.

  He smiles down at me. “I’m going to like being called ‘daddy’,” he replies, brushing his lips gently against mine. “Now come back to bed for a while. It’s still early.” I can tell by the sexy smirk on his face that he didn’t care about getting more sleep.


  On the Saturday morning, we go shopping for all the baby stuff to fill the nursery. We buy so many things that we have to get everything delivered. All the accessories we choose are either yellow or white. We also got tiny little clothes and shoes. They are so cute. This is going to be one spoiled little baby.

  Later that day, I kiss Logan goodbye and head to the studio. I tell him I will be back in a few hours, and he says he is going to spend some time with my father.

  Our end-of-year concert is getting nearer. It is time to start deciding what sort of costumes our dancers will be wearing. We have over twenty individual dances to perform, so that is a lot of costumes to design. Michelle has organised a seamstress to meet us at the studio. We are going to start by choosing fabrics, then we are going to work on the designs.

  When I arrive at the studio, I am surprised to see so many cars in the parking lot. It was only supposed to be Michelle and the seamstress.

  When I open the front door of the studio, my heart skips a beat. There are pink and blue balloons and streamers everywhere.

  “Surprise!” I had no idea that Michelle had planned a baby shower for me. Logan’s mother, Lara, Jill, Ellen, Claire, and some of my students and their mothers are here. I feel the tears rise to my eyes.

  Stupid pregnancy hormones!

  I am so lucky to have so many caring people in my life. I feel extremely loved. After making my way around the room to thank and hug everyone, I make my way to Michelle. After giving her an extra big hug, I whisper, “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, sis,” she says, and the tears start to fall again. All my life I had dreamed of having a sister, and now I have one.

  “Look at all your presents, Aunty Brooke!” Lara calls out and we all laugh.

  We are having so much fun playing baby games. When the front door opens, I look up and am shocked to see Jacinta and her mother walk in. I run over and hug Jacinta. I’d been missing her so much.

  “Logan flew us in for the day,” she says with so much excitement in her voice. “We flew first class and it was awesome.” I laugh because I know exactly what she means. Compared to first-class, flying economy-class sucks arse.

  They both look so happy, and it warms my heart. I am so happy they are here. Again, my sweet husband has done something special to surprise me. There is nothing he wouldn’t do to make me happy.

  I am overwhelmed by all the gifts I receive, and am kind of regretting my shopping spree earlier today. When the party’s over, Logan and my father show up to help me take everything home. It has been such a wonderful day. Chris came to pick up Jacinta and her mother to take them back to the airport. Jacinta has school on Monday, and her mother starts her new job so they couldn’t stay any longer. I would have loved to spend some more time with them.


  The next six weeks fly by. I am over eight months pregnant now. I’m absolutely huge! We started going to our birthing classes about five weeks ago. Logan has been very supportive throughout it all. Last week, we watched a video on somebody giving birth. It was a real eye opener. Of course, I know where babies come from, but actually watching someone giving birth scared the shit out of me. On the way home that night, Logan told me that the video had been the most horrific and amazing thing he had ever seen. I had to laugh at him.

  “I feel for you, baby,” he said, reaching over and squeezing my hand. “It looks pretty painful. I wish I could do it for you.”

  I turned to him. “Bullshit.”

  He laughed. “Okay, you’re right. But it is going to kill me seeing you in pain.”

  Teaching my dance classes is no longer possible, so I have hired two extra teachers. I still go to the studio every day to oversee everything and teach my piano lessons. Our concert is only a week away, and I want to get it out of the way before the baby is born. Three weeks is all I have left until my due date. I am certain the baby won’t come before then.

  The last month has been hectic with getting all the costumes finished. We still have a final fitting, but we are on track. My girls are excited. Michelle has been wonderful, and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without her. All the tickets have sold out. It is going to be a big night.

  Tonight, Logan is taking me out on a “date”, as he puts it. Things have been so crazy at the studio lately. We haven’t been able to see each other as much as usual so I am looking forward to spending the evening together.

  It is early when I arrive home. Logan had recently taken me shopping to buy some new clothes since most of my normal wardrobe no longer fit. The dress I chose for tonight is black. It is tight-fitting at the top, flowing down from under my breasts, stopping just above my knees. It is silk at the top, and the bottom is covered in chiffon. My breasts are enormous now and, of course, Logan loves them.

  Once I am dressed, I look in the mirror. Apart from looking like I have swallowed a beach ball, I am happy with the way the dress looks. I put my hair up and apply some light makeup, then slip my feet into a pair of black toeless wedges.

  Michelle and I went for a pedicure this morning. There is no way I can reach my toes anymore. I love being pregnant, but I am looking forward to having my old body back.

  As I am walking downstairs, Logan is on his way up. He looks me up and down, a big smile on his face. “You look beautiful, baby,” he whispers. He quickly makes his way towards me and gently kisses my lips. After rubbing my belly, he asks how I am feeling.

  “Like a whale,” I reply.

  He laughs. “I love you just the way you are. You do not resemble a whale at all. Personally, I still find you as sexy as ever.”

  After leaning down to kiss my stomach, he whispers, “How’s daddy’s little angel?” I love the way he constantly talks to the baby.

  We have a great night together. In a few weeks’ time, our date nights will become less and less. It will no longer just be the two of us. We are both looking forward to the baby coming, but we know we will no longer be able to just go out when we want. Our responsibilities will dramatically change, but we are both looking forward to being parents.




  It is late in the afternoon and I am sitting at my desk, looking through my phone. Of course, I am thinking of Brooke, she is always on my mind. It was nice having a date with her last night. All our dramas from the past are behind us, and we are now experiencing perfect marital bliss.

  Once the baby comes, I know things will change. Don’t get me wrong. I am looking forward to it, but I will miss spending all my time with my wife. Three short weeks is all we have left before our perfect family of two becomes a perfect family of three.

  As I look through the pictures I’d taken at the restaurant last night, I can feel myself smiling. Brooke is making funny faces in some of the photos. I sigh. My love for her is so strong that, sometimes, my chest aches just thinking about her. I am deliriously happy. She is such a great person to be around, so easy-going and fun, always making me laugh.

  I continue to scroll through the photos until I come across the pictures I’d taken on our wedding night. She is so fucking sexy. My cock is instantly bulging in my pants as I look at them. After all this time, th
e effect she has on me is still strong. Fuck, I need to get home and bury myself deep inside her. Once the baby comes along, I am going to have to wait six fucking weeks until I can make love to my wife again. That is going to be torture. I never thought it was possible to love someone as much as I love her. Brooke is my life, my everything!

  Brooke called me earlier to ask me to pick her up some ice cream on the way home. She has been having random cravings for the last month or so. One night, she sent me out at 11:00 p.m. to buy her some chocolate. There is nothing I won’t do for her and if she wants fucking chocolate in the middle of the night, she is going to get it. When I arrived back home with her chocolate twenty minutes later, I found her sound asleep. It didn’t make me angry, though. I just smiled as I climbed into bed beside her.

  I didn’t mind going out for her because I wanted her to have whatever she needed. The next day, I asked Jill to buy a shitload of chocolate, but she is obviously craving ice cream now.

  After looking down at my watch, I decide to leave early. I want to get home to Brooke, and I also know she will be wanting her ice cream. As I stand up from my desk, Claire comes into the office and asks me to sign some paperwork. I put my phone down and ask her to have a seat before sitting back down myself. We are chatting away when Rose buzzes me through the intercom.

  “Mr. Cavanagh,” she says. “There are two police officers here and they need to talk with you urgently.” I have no idea what this is about, but I ask her to send them in. Claire asks me if I want to her leave, but I tell her to stay.

  Claire walks to the door and opens it. I stand up from my desk to greet them. One of the officers asks, “Sir, is your name Logan Cavanagh?” I tell them that it is. “Are you owner of a black limousine, registration LC 2698?

  “Yes, I am the owner of that vehicle,” I reply. “What is this all about?”

  “Is Christopher Brown an employee of yours?”

  “He is my driver,” I answer nervously. I know Chris wouldn’t have done anything illegal. He is an upstanding citizen and a total stickler for the rules. I can feel the frustration setting in when they ask me to take a seat.


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