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Terraformed Skies

Page 49

by Anna Lewis

  Her fist closed around his shaft and he shuddered.

  “Tell me if you need me to stop,” she said. He nodded, still lost in the glow of her touch.

  With that simple nod, all boundaries between them were shattered, and Amaya took the head of his cock between her soft lips.

  Endres cried out, sharp and brief, and then stilled as her mouth slid down his rigid shaft.

  Normally, Amaya preferred to wait and tease, but not now, not with Endres. She took him down with one deft swallow, sucking him further and further into her throat until the tip of her nose grazed the soft thatch of hair at his base.

  “Amaya, that’s… that’s…” he stuttered.

  “That’s what?” she teased, sliding her mouth off his tip again with a small pop.

  “That’s, really nice,” he finished. “Please don’t stop.”

  Amaya did not. She took him down again, faster now, finding a rhythm he liked. Above her, Endres arched back against the wall, crying out each time she swallowed him down.

  His cock hardened as his need quickened. She increased her pace now, adding her fist around the slick base of his hardness. He was close now, she could tell. The sounds of his pleasure tangled in his throat, small grunts of desperation.

  His hands plunged in to her auburn locks, guiding her skilled mouth toward his peak. Endres cried out and Amaya felt the back of her throat burn as he spilled within her, hot and fast.

  She held him in her mouth until his trembling subsided, then eased off his cock.

  Endres knees buckled and he slid to the floor, spent. She knelt beside him, arms around her dragon lover, cradling him in his post-orgasmic bliss.

  Neither of them were sure how long they stayed like this, curled together and panting on the floor of an abandoned subway station, but it could have been anywhere from minutes to hours.

  Finally, Amaya pulled away and stood up, brushing the dust off her knees. Endres looked up at her, appealing. It was torture to have to leave him, but she knew it had to be done.

  She reached one hand and pulled him to his feet.

  “Come on,” she said. “We need to go home.”


  The factory was dark when they arrived back and climbed the ladder to the loft. Neither expected Raeph to be at home, but there he was, sitting in the pitch black at the kitchen table.

  He looked at them when they came in, but his emerald eyes were not angry. It was a look of sad resignation and Amaya’s heart almost broke.

  “So, made up your mind, little goat?” he asked, then knocked back the remnants of a glass of red wine that sat on the table in front of him.

  Amaya shook her head, glancing between Raeph and Endres. She had to choose one of them, but the decision seemed so far away.

  “I need to go home,” she announced.

  Raeph and Endres both shook their heads, so alike in their reactions yet so different in their appearance; one light and noble, the other dark and brooding.

  “Not forever,” she clarified, “just long enough to get my things and say goodbye to my father. I’ll be back, I promise.”

  Neither man said anything as she climbed back down the ladder and escaped to the street. She half expected a dragon to tail her cab as she travelled back across the bridge to Manhattan, to the Bond Building, but the starless sky was empty for her journey.

  If the doorman was surprised to see her, dirty and disheveled, he did not let it show. He simply opened the door and greeted her with a polite “Good evening, Miss Bond.”

  Her father, however, did not have the manners of the doorman. His eyes practically bulged out of his face when Amaya walked through the door of the penthouse.

  “Amaya,” he croaked, staring at his daughter with blatant shock. “Why are you… how did you–?”

  She didn’t answer, simply threw her arms around her father. Despite what Endres and Raeph had told her, she simply refused to believe that her father—the man who had loved her and cared for her for thirty three years—could possibly be the monster who traded her for his fortune. That was not the man she knew.

  “I came back to you,” she whispered in his ear before pulling away from the embrace.

  “You can’t, Amaya,” he said. “You can’t, they’ll come for you.”

  “They won’t, father. We have time.”

  He considered this information for a moment. “There’s something I need to tell you,” he said.

  “There isn’t.”

  “There is, Amaya,” he said. Her father looked so sad, she’d never seen this side of him. Amaya had known the brash businessman, full of bravado. She’d known the loving father who had spoiled her for her entire life. But she’d never known him to look like this: a frightened old man.

  “I need to speak to you somewhere private,” William Bond declared, the businesslike mask falling back over his features.

  Amaya wanted to argue, wanted to pack her things and return to Brooklyn and her inevitable choice, but she should indulge her father in this one last request.

  William Bond led his daughter to the roof. She hesitated at the door, memories of her last time on the roof ringing through her mind, but she finally stepped through. Her father had made his sacrifice, and he was finally free of debt. The dragons were no danger to either of them now.

  The moment the rooftop door slammed behind her, she realized her mistake. William held a knife in his hand, an ornate silver dagger. “I’m sorry, Amaya,” he said as he lunged toward her.

  Instinct and adrenaline forced her to dodge, her father’s blow whistling past her head. Amaya barely had time to catch her balance before the blade sliced toward her again. She caught her father’s arm this time, struggling to keep the silver blade far from her.

  “You can’t be here,” her father growled, pushing against her with all of his strength. William Bond may have been an old man, but he was strong. Amaya’s arm trembled as he fought to bring the dagger back under his control.

  “Father, no,” she begged, but his eyes were blank and merciless. The dragons did not intend to see her dead, but it was obvious now that her father did.

  Amaya fought and kicked, but her father held on, the deadly blade drawing nearer and neared to her bare neck. She pushed once more, but instead of driving her father away, both of them tumbled to the ground.

  She lay there on the dirty rooftop, her father poised over her with the knife raised, and said a silent goodbye to everything she loved. She said goodbye to New York, goodbye to Central Park and, finally, a goodbye to Endres and Raeph. She’d not even known they existed until the previous night, but now they were the only things that she could think of in her final moments on the earth.

  Endres’s white blond hair and brown eyes, Raeph’s mocking grin and secret sadness. The way their scales shone as they flew through the night sky. The sound of their wings.

  The sound of their wings.


  Amaya opened her eyes as a pair of black talons snatched her father from her. The black dragon roared, his rage shaking the rooftop, and her father screamed as he was whipped away. A red shape zoomed past her, catching up to Raeph, and ripping her father from Raeph’s claws. Both dragons wheeled back toward the top of the Bond Building and stopped just above her.

  Endres’ eyes glowed in the heat of battle, the soft brown now a violent red. Raeph looked down at her, too, his emerald eyes sparkling in the moonlight. She looked back at the dragons, her dragons, and nodded. Endres paused for a moment, then relaxed his talons.

  William Bond screamed once, long and tortured, and then fell to the city streets below. He never made another sound.

  The night was still and silent, the only sounds were the beating wings and her own racing heart. Amaya huddled on the rooftop, shaking. She did not see which dragon gently clutched her in his talons and carried her back to the factory, but it didn’t matter. Either one would have carried her, either one would have killed her father. There was no difference in their devotion to her.

  By the time they reached the Brooklyn factory, Amaya’s decision was made.


  They sat in silence at the kitchen table.

  Neither dragon spoke, allowing Amaya space for her grief. Neither had bothered to put on clothes, either, but she was still too shocked from the night’s ordeal to properly notice or care.

  It was Raeph who spoke first. “Wine?” he asked. Amaya nodded.

  As Raeph opened a bottle and poured out generous glasses, Endres moved closer to her, inspecting her for injury.

  “I’m fine,” she told him. He started to move away, but she reached out for his hand and pulled him back to her. “Please stay.”

  Endres stayed.

  “Well, little goat,” Raeph said, setting a glass in front of her. “Looks like you made your decision.”

  The mocking tone was back in his voice, a verbal suit of armor that he wore to hide his fragile heart.

  “I have,” she said. Endres’ hand tightened on hers and Amaya squeezed back. “I choose Raeph.”

  Raeph’s jaw dropped. “You… what?”

  She could feel Endres’ disappointment as he dropped her hand. Amaya snatched his hand up again.

  “And I choose Endres,” she declared.

  “That’s not exactly an option, Amaya,” Endres told her, but he did not let go of her hand again.

  “Why not?” she argued. “Why the hell not? Both your clans think I belong to them, so why can’t I choose you both?”

  There was no answer. Both men stood staring at her, as if she’d uttered some nonsensical phrase in an unknown language.

  Finally, Raeph spoke. “Why the hell not?”

  “Why the hell not,” Endres echoed. “Neither of our clans cared for our wishes or Amaya’s. Why should we care about theirs?”

  There was nothing more to say. Without dropping Endres’ hand, Amaya pulled him along with her toward Raeph. She held his hand tightly as she reached up to stroke Raeph’s black curls, fitting her mouth tightly against his. He gasped against her, then kissed her back, hard and without reservation.

  The bed was on the far side of the loft, but they stumbled across the floor and tumbled into it. Amaya never broke from Raeph and Endres never dropped her hand.

  She didn’t know which man undressed her, which set of hands ripped her clothes away. It didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was the heat of the two bodies as they surrounded her.

  Raeph pressed down on top of her, their bodies wound together so tightly it was as if they were one. His erection was hard against her taught stomach and she bucked up, grinding up against him in her need.

  The weight on the bed shifted and Amaya looked up. Endres had moved away, perched on the edge of the mattress, gazing at her and Raeph with longing. She reached for him, but he pulled back.

  “I don’t want to interrupt,” he explained, looking sad and small in the cold moonlight.

  Amaya wanted to reassure him, but Raeph beat her to it. “You’re not interrupting, Endres.” He stretched out his hand and Endres clasped it, finally understanding their bargain.

  “I want you first, Endres,” Amaya said and Endres obeyed. She was so ready now, hungry for both her dragons. The wetness between her thighs was evidence of her need.

  Raeph slid off her, pulling Endres over to take his place. It was not difficult to coerce him into full hardness with her hand and soon he was perched, trembling, with his tip at her entrance. Raeph stroked the side of Amaya’s face and turned to Endres. “Let’s make this official, shall we?”

  And Endres was inside her, the long shaft of his cock driving into her with reckless abandon. Amaya’s hips met him thrust for thrust, urging him on. Raeph pushed her up and slid behind her, cradling her between him and Endres.

  He nibbled down her soft skin, biting at that tender juncture of shoulder and neck. Endres thrust harder now, his exuberance unrestrained. Amaya moaned, a name escaped her lips but she wasn’t sure which one. It didn’t matter.

  They were both hers. Raeph and Endres, Endres and Raeph.

  Raeph’s hand slid around her, cupping one full breast. His other was buried in Endres silver hair, encouraging his climax.

  With a cry, the red dragon in human form spilled inside of her, his release hot and throbbing. Endres toppled onto her, panting against her sweating body.

  “Amaya,” he panted, spent. And then, “Raeph.”

  Raeph took his cue. With one swift movement, he flipped them both over, Amaya now lying on top of an exhausted Endres. She lay there, quivering, as Raeph slid on top of her, taking her from behind. He was thicker than Endres, but shorter, and he filled her deliciously.

  One of Raeph’s strong hands buried itself in her hair as he rode her, shoving her against Endres with every thrust. Amaya moaned against Endres’ throat, loud and unrestrained. She pushed back against Raeph’s cock, driving him even more deeply into her, still pressing hot kisses along Endres’ throat.

  She was close now, so close. The heat in her belly coiled with every thrust and she pushed back, eager to take Raeph as deeply into her as she could.

  With a moan that was almost a roar, Raeph came inside of her and Amaya followed quickly behind, her orgasm washing over her, wave after wave of pleasure.

  She collapsed on Endres and Raeph fell onto her, merging the three of them into one exhausted, satisfied tangle of bodies.

  They stayed there for several long moments, until their breathing calmed and hearts stopped racing. Endres pressed a kiss to her sweaty temple and then shifted beneath the weight of the two other lovers.

  “I hate to be a pain,” he began, and needed to say no more. Amaya and Raeph slid off him and tried to find comfortable ways to curl up in the king sized bed.

  Raeph sat up. “This isn’t going to work,” he muttered, turning to Endres. “I sleep better when I’ve shifted, don’t you?”

  Endres nodded. “I do, as well. If Amaya wouldn’t mind?”

  Amaya didn’t know exactly what they were talking about, but there was very little that these two men could do that she would mind.

  Twin pops and the spacious loft was filled with the giant forms of two dragons. They shifted about for a moment, then managed to curl together. Two sets of dragon eyes peered at her, curious, and now Amaya understood.

  Between their entwined bodies was a small valley, the perfect size for a small human. She smiled and climbed in.

  Hours later, in the darkness of the loft, Amaya drifted off to sleep. She snored softly, curled between two dragons—one red, one black—and she was safe. She was at home.


  = Bonus Book 6 of 16 =

  Tempted by a Single Dad

  What the hell am I going to do now? I thought morosely to myself as I slumped on the floor of my apartment. I felt like I was deflating, that the last few days of drama were finally catching up with me, and now I had no idea what to do with myself.

  I couldn’t believe all that I’d been through, it was like a total nightmare. It was too much for just one person to deal with, never mind all in one go. How had I even managed to survive it? I guess the one thing that could come out of this was that I was much stronger than I thought I was.

  The first kick in the teeth was losing my job, completely unexpectedly. Okay, so it wasn’t Jenny’s fault that she had to fire me, she was losing more than I was what with her nursery closing down, but some warning that the place was running out of funding wouldn’t have gone amiss. Just some time to prepare. The fact that there wasn’t even any notice, that it was just a final pay check and a quick shift end made it even more shocking.

  I walked all the way back to the apartment that I shared with Max, safe in the knowledge that at least I could have a bubble bath and some time alone to get myself together before getting some much needed comfort from my boyfriend of two and a half years. At least he would be there to make me feel better, and he’d probably help me get another job too. One of the best things about Max was his abili
ty to be proactive even when things seemed utterly terrible.

  Except, when I walked into the apartment, he wasn’t at work. He was still at home, with a screaming, naked girl underneath him. I was so shocked by the sight of the love of my life cheating on me that it actually took me a while to realize that the girl being fucked was my best friend and confidant ever since high school. The one person I thought that I could trust.

  “Taylor!” I yelled out as sobs racked through my body. “How could you do this to me?”

  She wasn’t even bothered, she didn’t even care that she’d totally rocked the foundation that my world was built on, she simply gave me an awful look, shrugged, and told me, “It isn’t my fault that you’re boring and that your relationship has gone stale, Ali. You should’ve spotted it ages ago. This has been going on for months.”

  Okay, so now looking back, maybe she was right. Me and Max were much more like friends that lovers these days, things had fallen apart, but that didn’t give her any right to take him. She should never have done that to me. No one should ever do that to another person, especially not one that they’d been friends with for years. It just wasn’t right. I would never have done that to her.

  And now, I was here at the scene of their crime alone, and they were shacked up at her home, probably very happy. I was hurt, betrayed, angry, a whole rush of emotions that I didn’t even understand. What I needed was to get away, to run from this nightmare, but unfortunately what I needed even more was a job. I would have to start paying for this place by myself now, I needed at least some kind of income. I wasn’t in the mood to start the dreaded job hunt, but I didn’t have any choice in the matter.

  I sighed deeply before grabbing hold of the newspaper, trying to force myself to be productive. Without Max here to push me, and with the sense that my entire life was in tatters, it was difficult, but I had to start somewhere. I needed to start living eventually.

  Waitress… no, I didn’t have people skills with adults. My career had always centered around children and I wasn’t sure that I was ready for that to end. I didn’t think I could force happiness right now. Waitresses had a hard enough time with rude and suggestive customers as it was, I just didn’t think that I could handle it right now.


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