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Terraformed Skies

Page 52

by Anna Lewis

  Determination surged, I aimed the gun again and pulled the trigger with a cold, calm determination. Still, I missed. Then on the third shot, somehow, despite all the odds being stacked against me, it hit. The target flung backwards, and happiness exploded in my chest.

  “Yes!” Lorna screamed, while jumping up and down. “Yes, thank you, Ali. You hit it! I get a prize.”

  A massive beaming grin spread across my cheeks as I saw her choose a little pink teddy bear. It was absolutely obvious from the shine in her eyes that this was something she would treasure forever more. I was so glad that I could contribute towards that memory for her.

  “Thank you so much,” she gasped happily. “I love this so much. It’ll remind me of you forever. Especially when you’re gone…”

  Uh oh, there was that sadness again. I needed to change the subject before tears streamed down her face. It was hard enough for me to keep it together without Lorna sobbing too.

  “Come on,” I slid her fingers through mine and brought her closer to me. “Let’s go and see if we can find a funny picture of James and your dad. There is bound to be some silly ones of them pulling scared faces on the rides. We can buy one for them to keep. That will make them laugh.”

  By the time we found James and Evan again, Lorna had the silliest picture of them clutched between her fingers. She could barely contain the giggle that was bubbling in her throat at the thought of them seeing it. That was a good idea on my part, it really turned her mood around.

  “Dad, dad, look!” she flashed it in his face before he could even begin to get his spinning head in order. “I found a photo of you and James screaming.”

  Evan’s eyes almost welled up as he took the picture from her, years of hurt all beginning to heal in the sweetest way possible. “Wow, thank you so much, but now we need to get one of all of us.”

  “Ali too?”

  I instantly shook my head, not wanting to be a permeant feature in their family’s happy moment, but it didn’t seem like I was going to get away with it that easily.

  “Yeah, come on, dad,” James jumped in with a grin. “Let’s all do it.”

  “Okay sure,” Evan gazed at me and I could see it again, that intensity behind his gaze, which caused a deep and powerful and stirring inside of me. “I think I spotted a photo booth just around the corner somewhere. Let’s go and find it.”

  My feet barely touched the ground as I walked behind the family, this all felt so overwhelming. I knew that I’d made a difference already, but still for them to accept me so much…

  After being rejected by absolutely everyone in my life, this was so lovely.

  “Here we are.”

  The kids quickly bounded in, and Evan indicated for me to follow them. As we squeezed our bodies inside I started to feel a little bit like this was all wrong. We were so close, all pressed up together, and as Evan joined us I became acutely aware of every single inch of him. His leg was touching mine, his arm was behind me barely brushing my back, I could hear every little bit of his breath. It was very difficult to concentrate on myself. My arms felt weird, my heart was racing quickly in my chest, I felt my whole body heat up with emotion.

  All I could think about was the damn kiss that I’d been trying so hard to forget.

  “Okay, ready?” Evan didn’t seem anywhere near as messed up as me. Did our kiss not affect him at all? Maybe it was just me freaking out for no reason! Maybe he did that sort of thing all the time. “Smile, say cheese.”

  I tried my best to force my face to appear normal, but there was a definite strain there. I felt like a silly, pathetic school girl with a crush, I even redeveloped all my awkward teenage tendencies. I was sure that would probably come across in the picture, but I couldn’t seem to control myself.


  “Oh God, I’m so tired,” Lorna exclaimed as she practically fell through the door to the villa. “I’m going to go to bed.”

  “Me too,” James grumbled, which made me laugh. This was the first time I’d seen the kids racing off to get some sleep, which proved what an awesome day they’d had. Evan had done incredibly well with them, I was sure he had to be proud.

  “Night!” I called out behind them, but I didn’t get much of a response. They were both gone. “Well, that was something else,” I turned to Evan, instantly noticing a massive smile spreading across his cheeks. “They really enjoyed it.”

  “Yeah, I know, it made me realize just how much I’ve missed out on.” He sat down at the table and furrowed his eyebrows thoughtfully. “I’ve become so sucked in by the business, it’s mad really. What I should’ve been doing is hanging out with my children. They’re such amazing kids, I feel so bad for not spending enough time with them.”

  “Well, no, you’ve achieved a lot with your company. You’ve done well for yourself, and them. Yes, maybe you’ve missed out a bit, but now you have all the time in the world to make up for that. What you did today meant a whole lot to them.”

  “I’m going to get a drink,” he changed the subject rapidly, as if he couldn’t quite stand to talk about it anymore, and he moved across the room. “Would you like to have one with me?”

  I probably shouldn’t, I knew that it was risky move, but we’d had such a nice day. One drink wouldn’t hurt, would it? “Oh yeah, that’d be lovely.”

  He poured two glasses of a champagne that I didn’t even recognize the name of. It was obviously an expensive brand that someone like me didn’t know.

  “Here you are.”

  As I sucked back a sip, it was like heaven in my mouth, nicer than anything I’d ever tasted before. I didn’t want to get too used to the finer things in life because it wouldn’t be too long before I was back to crappy three dollar wine from the local store, but still… for now I could relish in it.

  “So,” I leaned forward onto my elbows, already noticing a buzz racing through me. “Did you enjoy today? You look like you were having a good time.”

  “I really did,” he smiled happily. “The kids are awesome. I’m proud of myself too, this is the sort of relationship that Phoebe always wanted me to have with the children, this is what I should’ve done all along. It shouldn’t have taken me this long, but at least I’m doing it now.”

  “She sounds like she was an amazing woman.” I hoped that I wasn’t stepping on any toes, but he did bring her up to me first. It would probably be weirder if I said nothing.

  “She really was…” he glanced at me, giving me a totally indecipherable look. There was clearly something going on behind his eyes, but I couldn’t work out what it was. I cocked my head curiously to one side, but I couldn’t quite find the words to ask him what was going on, but as it turned out I didn’t have to. “I guess that’s why I haven’t been able to find someone else since her, someone anywhere near as good. Maybe that’s why I threw myself so much into my work too. I was scared that I wouldn’t ever find anyone to compare.”

  “I get that,” I murmured, shifting uncomfortably in my seat. This was definitely an odd topic to be discussing with someone who I’d shared a kiss with. Was he trying to give me a hint that he didn’t want anything more? If so that was okay, I’d already made the decision to keep away anyway. This had to all be about work, however squishy and excited he made me feel inside.

  “And then you came into my life.”

  Uh oh, my eyes snapped up at him, shock rendering me speechless. What the hell was he saying here? I was totally torn between what my heart really wanted him to say, and what my head knew was right. I opened my mouth to speak, but snapped it shut quickly before I could say something stupid.

  “You’re different,” he mused thoughtfully. “Not like anyone I’ve ever met before.”

  “What do you mean?” I whispered, unable to give my voice any volume. It was almost as if my mouth was afraid of what would happen next.

  “I mean, you’re sweet, and sexy too.” My heart stopped dead in my chest, did he just call me sexy? He had to be joking. “And really nice. You see thi
ngs that no one else does. I don’t know what it is, but I feel like there’s something there between us.”

  Okay, he was delving right in there, getting straight into the difficult conversation. I had never experienced that before, things with Max were always so roundabout. The only way he’d ever been direct was with the breakup, and that was only because I caught him in action. And actually, it was Taylor who gave me the blunt harsh truth.

  I stared up at him, feeling everything within me shift. Of course I liked Evan too, I’d been trying to squash down my feelings ever since I first laid eyes on him, but that was for a good reason. Just because he’d expressed an interest in me didn’t change any of that…

  But the way that he was looking at me really did. It was hard to resist someone staring at me with such lust and adoration. It made me feel powerful and sexy. My body was screaming at me to jump on him, to kiss him, to totally give myself over to him, and it was slowly drowning out all the rational thoughts in my brain.

  I needed to make a choice soon, Evan was moving over to me, giving me a deep, dark, desire filled look. He wanted to devour me, and I needed to decide whether or not I was going to let him. If I defied everything that I decided to do, then I would be in for what promised to be the best night of my life. My body pulsated and ached to experience that, but it wasn’t the night I was worried about. It was tomorrow morning.

  He laced his fingers through mine and slowly tugged me in closer for a kiss. This was it, my chance to make up my mind, but it seemed as if I’d lost all control of myself…


  His lips pressed gently against mine, much gentler than the last time we kissed. It was almost as if he was asking permission this time, which sent desire flurrying all over me. This man was powerful and controlling, yet he was asking something of me… and my God I wanted to give it to him.

  I parted my lips, and allowed him to snake his tongue inside, and as I did, I felt him lift me up from my seat. His hands were around my waist, exploring my curves, and as I ran my fingers up his strong, muscular back an involuntary moan escaped past my lips. He’d barely touched me and already my body was crying out for him. There was no pulling away this time no matter what the smart thing to do was.

  “Come on, let’s go to my bedroom,” he whispered, his breath tantalizingly tickling my lips.

  I nodded against his mouth, and allowed him to guide me across the villa. My heart thundered wildly in my chest, my ears were buzzing with lust, my tummy danced happily. Everything about me felt glad to give into temptation, even though it hadn’t been long, it felt like I’d been pushing it down forever, so whether there’d be complications or not I was glad to finally experience it.

  This was crazy, I knew that, but it felt too damn good to resist.

  As soon as we made it into the bedroom, Evan spun around and claimed me with his mouth. Now that he knew what I wanted, he’d become the powerful, commanding man I knew him as and that felt incredible too.

  “On to the bed, you,” he teased, slapping my butt which caused me to squeal. I complied with his commands, wanting that too. As soon as I set my body down on that bed, it meant that this was really happening. “And now, I’m going to take that sexy summer dress off you because it’s been driving me crazy all day long.”

  It seemed that I hadn’t been alone in my intense sexual frustration after all. It felt good to know that he’d been watching me too, it made me feel even more desirable.

  As the material slid up over my body, I wriggled out of it happily. The way that Evan was looking at me had me wanting him to see more. Usually I was pretty shy about my body, especially when it was being seen for the very first time, but since Evan had already seen me in my bikini I knew it was going to be okay. He liked me anyway, so what was the point in holding back?

  “You’re so beautiful,” Evan murmured happily as he gazed upon my milky skin, with only black lacy underwear covering me. “You have no idea how gorgeous.”

  Evan was definitely the sort of man who could’ve had anyone in the world. He had probably been with supermodel types his whole life, he was sexy enough to claim anyone, but for some reason he wanted me and that drove my body wild.

  As he kissed me once more, the fire was lit, everything within me sparked and I clung to him as if there was no tomorrow. My nails were trying their best to dig into his beefy muscular shoulders, but he had too much material in the way.

  I almost couldn’t cope with what it was going to do to my mind, but I needed him naked. I fisted the material of his tee shirt and I pulled it upwards and over his head.

  “Oh my…” I gasped loudly, slowly tracing my fingers over his chest and abs. He had such a masculine body, one that I’d only ever fantasized about before, and now it was here with me, absolutely blowing my mind. He must’ve worked out to look so good, and I really liked that he took care of himself. “You’re gorgeous.”

  He smirked and bent down to kiss me, showing me just how passionate he felt. I could feel a rush coming from him, and that excited me even more. Plus, the feel of his thick, throbbing erection pressed up against my leg was driving me insane.

  If I didn’t have him now, I would just die.

  Eventually I could feel his fingers trailing up my thigh, slowly working their way towards my panties. The intense need grew, I wanted him badly too, so I pressed myself up against him to give him the hint. Just as I was about to scream loudly, his mouth moved towards my neck and even further down my body, getting slowly nearer to the wet, hot desire that was waiting for him.

  My eyes slid closed as his fingers worked the outline of my panties, teasing me to desperation. He was kissing my thighs, almost touching me, but never quite getting there which was almost too much to cope with. I was at his beck and call, he had total control of me, and I was more than willing to hand that right over. He was making me feel so amazing that I really didn’t care.

  All of a sudden, without me even realizing it, my panties flew off my body. Evan had shed them in a heartbeat as if they meant absolutely nothing. I was completely exposed to him, and still he was looking at me like I was a sexy goddess, the best-looking woman he’d ever laid eyes on, which made the entire sensation amazing.

  “Oh my God!” His mouth moved in, I could feel his breath on my core, and as his fingers slowly slid up and down my slit, I grabbed hold of the sheets beneath me to keep myself in one place.

  As his tongue found me, and it rolled over my clit in the most incredible feeling pattern I’d ever experienced, I felt like I was about to explode. This was on another level of incredible, this really was something else, I was driving ever closer to the knife edge of desire and if I didn’t have him soon I would crumble. I was barely holding it together as it was.

  “Stop,” I panted breathlessly. “Stop, I need you.”

  “What do you want?” he commanded loudly.

  “You,” I could barely get the words out now, this was all too much. “I want you.”

  “Beg,” he was teasing me, and I wasn’t sure how much I could take it. “Beg me.” This was the powerful alpha side of him coming out, and that had my heart racing even faster. I absolutely adored every side of him, but in the bedroom, this had to be one of my favorites.

  However, I wasn’t about to give in to his demands.

  “Fuck me,” I burst out instead.

  With that he shimmied up my body while sliding his trousers down, and he slowly, tantalizingly slid into me. His length filled me up, it hit spots that I didn’t even know I had, and as he thrust, slowly at first but eventually much quicker, he unhooked my bra without me even realizing.

  His mouth claimed my breast, his hands were all over my curves, he had total control inside of me. He had me completely and I loved that. It felt wonderful to belong to Evan, if only just for a moment.

  “Oh fuck,” I panted loudly as the pressure started to build. “Oh fuck, Evan.” My head was spinning, my heart flying, a hot pool of pleasure was spreading its way all over my body. I
felt like there was a pressure building up, an intensity claiming me, a power growing…

  And then it burst free, the dam collapsed and it shattered all through my body. My nails were piercing Evan’s skin, my yells were filling his ears, my body was shuddering violently beneath him. This was an orgasm like I’d never had before, it was rolling over me and I honestly never wanted it to end.


  Oh… my… God…

  That was crazy, I don’t even know what to think about it. I mean, it was amazing, there was no denying that. It was the most intense, sensual experience of my whole life. But it was wrong, a moment of weakness that went too far.

  I stared down at Evan’s body, watching him slowly breathe in and out, my heart fluttering with excitement as he did. He made me feel like nothing else ever had before, and I really didn’t want it to end. This was a gorgeous, real man who seemed to know my body extremely well without me even having to tell him. It was refreshing to have someone so incredible by my side. It was just a shame that it was so complicated.

  Was I reading too much into it all? We both knew that this could only be for a month, maybe it was just fun for him which was why he seemed so calm. Could I commit to only a month of fun? As I considered the idea, it sent an excited shiver up and down my spine. I did need a good time, I had been through a lot recently. Maybe Evan could help me to unleash a deeper sexual being inside of me, maybe I could use this time to distract myself from every aspect of my life. It would be very unlike me, but maybe that was a good thing.

  If I went into this with my eyes wide open, if I was perfectly aware that it was only a short-term fling, then I wouldn’t get my heart broken. It would all end okay. I couldn’t get hurt again.

  I felt like this was the moment where I made my decision, if I wanted to try and forget about this then I needed to make a run for it now, but if I wanted to have some fun then I had to stay, to show Evan that I was in.


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