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Terraformed Skies

Page 56

by Anna Lewis

  The drive home had been a thoughtful one, with Julia wondering why she wanted a position as a nanny this badly, when her real career was at stake. Deciding it was the desperation talking, Julia settled back into her routine of applying for work.

  She was broken out of her reverie about the past few months when her phone rang, a sharp sound in her pocket. Fishing it out quickly, Julia answered it easy, “Hello, this is Julia speaking. How may I help you?”

  “Julia.” The voice on the other side of the phone was smooth and warm. Masculine. Julia’s heart seized in her chest. “This is James. Have I caught you at a good time?”

  “Uh, yes, of course.”

  She could hear the smile in his voice. “Julia, I was wondering if you were still interested in the live-in nanny position?”

  Julia felt her heart stop, catching in her chest, hope fluttering in her stomach. “Oh, yes, definitely.” She internally cringed for sounding so desperate.

  “That’s great. How soon could you start?”

  “I could start today if you wanted,” Julia laughed, trying to ease her own tension.

  “Wonderful. I get off work at five. Does that suit you?”

  “Five is fine,” Julia found herself agreeing with him.

  “Fantastic. See you then. Thank you, Julia.” His voice, like melted chocolate, echoed through her head as he ended the conversation.

  “See you then.” Julia clicked off the phone, surprise coursing through her, feeling a little stunned. She had gotten the job!

  Elation flooded through her. She had the job! It might not be a college teaching position, but it would pay the bills and she wouldn’t be left stranded, tail between her legs, while the college undertook her review.

  Julia felt like crying with relief. Instead, she flopped down on the couch and let out a deep sigh. Fantastic. She was getting somewhere, and it was better than a crappy little waitressing position. No offense to waiters, it was an honorable profession, it just didn’t pay a heck of a lot.

  Julia gave herself a moment to revel in the enjoyment of her success, letting it flow through her like a healing balm after the weeks and weeks of stress that she had been through. Finally, she had gotten a break. She found herself thinking about James, and she blushed.

  She could not have a crush on her employer. That was a sure-fire way to lose her job and she was not about to let that happen for a second time. She was going to hang onto this job no matter what, and she was not going to mess this up.

  And first things first, she needed to start with a good first day on the job. She needed to look her best. She glanced at the clock. It was a little past two, and she had plenty of time to get ready, pack her things and make her way to the Monroe residence.

  With a blissful sigh, Julia made her way to the bathroom. She smiled as she undressed, turning on the shower to a warm spray. It had been a while since she had splurged, but she decided that today was a great occasion to take good care of herself.

  She started by slathering a mask into her hair, letting it really sink in and moisturize the strands, keeping them silky and soft to the touch. She also wiped her face with a warm cloth and massaged a mask onto her face as well, wanting to look radiant, instead of exhausted and stressed. That was not a good image when starting a brand-new job.

  She stepped under the warm water, lathering up her skin and enjoying the floral smell of the soap. She took her time, really washing her skin, before she decided to go the whole nine yards. Grabbing her razor, she took the time to shave her skin until it was silky smooth and feeling radiant.

  A long scrub was the next step, and it left Julia feeling so much fresher than when she started. She rinsed off the hair mask and the face mask, conditioning her hair and rinsing that out too, before turning off the shower and wrapping herself up in a soft robe.

  It didn’t take her long to dry off and moisturize her skin before she moved on to styling her hair. She blow dried it, running styling creams through it and giving it a quick flick with the curler, just to keep it from getting frizzy.

  It tumbled down her back, and she thought that it looked a lot less severe than the up-do which, while professional, was not welcoming for a child. Wrapping herself in a soft robe, Julia looked through her clothing, hauling a suitcase from under her bed. After a quick look through her closet, she decided to pack mainly clothing that was comfortable, professional, and easy to move in. A few elegant dresses and tops went along with this, as did a few pieces of casual wear.

  She packed this all carefully, before selecting a dress to wear today. She packed one pair of heels—the rest were all flats. It was impractical to run around after a child in sky-high heels, after all, and she needed to keep this in mind. She packed some toiletries in a bag and decided that she was finished.

  With a smile, she closed her case and checked the time. She had just enough time to get dressed, do some simple make-up, and still arrive a few minutes early. Perfect. She smiled, finally feeling a little more optimistic after the horrible weeks before.

  She stepped into her dress first, making sure it was clean and tidy. It was a simple, dark blue wrap-around dress. It fit her very nicely and was long enough to come just above her knees, almost level with them. Professional, clean-cut, with sleeves, and a neck-line that was not too plunging or revealing. It was also comfortable.

  She paired it with a subtle belt and low, kitten heels. Her make-up was simple and clean. A fresh look for her complexion, a brush of color to her cheeks, a touch of balm on her lips and some eyeliner to make her eyes really pop.

  Eyeing herself in the mirror, Julia decided that she looked polished, well put-together, friendly and professional. Perfect! It was just what she was going for. Also, if Julia was being completely honest, she wanted to look put-together in front of James. Yes, he was her employer and there would never be anything between them, but he was an attractive man and she didn’t want to look sloppy around him.

  Nerves jumped around within her stomach, making her feel jittery and sick. Oh, she hoped that this went well, that the first day was a success. She really needed this job to go well. Taking a deep breath, Julia grabbed her case and made her way to the door. She shut all the lights off, as well as the heaters and other electricals, unsure if she would be back tonight or not. She stepped out, shutting the door behind herself and taking her suitcase to the car.

  The drive there was uneventful, but Julia’s stomach kept doing flips. She bit her lip and took a deep breath, reassuring herself that everything would be just fine. She parked herself outside of the gates, steadied herself and got out of the car, walking up the drive and towards the huge doors.

  This was it. Make or break. And Julia hoped that it went according to plan.


  When James opened the door, he looked as dashing as before. This time, he was in a blue business shirt, with an open collar. He wore neat dress pants that looked as if they were part of a suit. He smiled at her, and it seemed to light up his whole face.

  “Julia. Thanks for coming.” He stepped back to let her inside and she obliged.

  “Sorry for the short notice—I’d just like to have someone here for Penny as soon as possible.” He smiled, almost apologetically, but there was warmth in his gaze that was enough to make her melt. “I hate having to send her to after school care.”

  Julia smiled, feeling a little bit tongue tied. “It’s no problem at all.”

  James smiled again. “Let me show you around the house.”

  He took her through the maze of rooms that seemed to make up the home. There were so many passages and rooms that it was really difficult to keep up with it all. Julia had thought that it was a mansion before, but she had not even seen the half of it from the front.

  James moved with an easy grace, through every hallway with practiced ease. It was clear that he had grown up in this house, and he had no problems showing her around every inch of it. It truly was a beautiful home.

  Every single room took Julia’s
breath away and left her gasping in awe. There were ornate carvings along the wood work. They were so intricate that it was hard to believe they were real carvings and not just images that had been placed along the banisters. She drank in the dark, expensive wood furnishings and the way the wallpaper seemed to shimmer.

  It was classy, it was grand, and it looked at least 100 years old. James showed her the oil paintings that seemed to line every wall, all lavish and large. Some were beautifully painted scenes from around the area. Others showed portraits of people who were long gone. Each was more impressive than the next and Julia barely knew where to look, or how to possibly take it all in so quickly.

  “Don’t worry…” he said with a laugh as they walked through the halls, “I don’t expect you to clean. A quick tidy up of Penny’s room would be great, but that’s about it.”

  The furniture was another story all together. There were several rooms with ornate couches and lovely, sweeping tables. There were more where pianos seemed to take center stage, and when Julia stepped into the library, she felt like she was in her childhood fantasy of Beauty and the Beast. It was stunning, huge drapes covered big bay windows and Julia didn’t have to look to know that the garden would be exquisite.

  After all, her salary as a humble live-in nanny had shown that this man came from wealth. There was a ballroom in the house as well, and he took pride in showing her the kitchen. “We have a cook come in for dinners,” he said with a smile, “but I’d like it if you could pack Penny’s lunch and make her breakfast in the mornings.” He laughed. “She will let you know what she does and doesn’t like.”

  Julia’s stomach twisted—she hoped that this child was as lovely as her father, and not a spoilt brat. She kept her smile fixed in place as he led her to another room.

  “This room will be yours.” He opened the door for her. “If you need something else, please let me know.” He seemed a little anxious, but when Julia stepped into the room, she could not possibly understand why.

  A lavish, four poster bed with lovely curtains stood in the middle of the room. A large wardrobe stood along one wall, as well as a vanity, dresser, and a beautiful desk with shelves. All the furniture was made of rich, expensive looking wood and sweeping fabrics, high-backed chairs and what seemed like hundreds of cushions.

  It led into a bathroom, which had a full bath, toilet and sink, with plenty of space. The bath was clawfoot and looked delightfully Victorian. It made Julia’s heart flutter. Fresh towels, sweet smelling soap and a lovely view completed the vision.

  “Sorry there’s no shower,” James shrugged. “It’s an old house, and I’m reluctant to restructure too much.”

  “No, no, it’s perfect.” And Julia truly meant it. It was far more lavish than her little town house and she was in awe of the place.

  “I’m so glad.” He seemed genuine as he smiled at her. “Would you like to go over the duties?”

  Julia nodded and James began to list them off. “Basically, I work at odd hours, so I’m not always home. Just keep an eye on Penny, make sure she goes to bed on time, does her homework…that sort of thing.” He smiled. “Pack lunches, sew buttons, and make sure she catches the bus on time.”

  Julia was surprised at that—she was half expecting a private chauffeur. Then again, he did seem fairly down to earth, despite the obvious wealth.

  “Just making sure she is reasonably happy, healthy and organized for school. She tends to forget things,” he chuckled. Sighing, he continued, “I hate having to work like I do, but there’s not a lot I can do about it. I just want Penny to have someone else who is reliable.”

  Julia sobered, nodding, noticing the lines of stress as he frowned. In an attempt to lighten the mood, Julia ventured, “Is Penny home?”

  It worked and James brightened. “Yes, yes…I’d love for you to meet her.”

  A short walk later and James knocked on her door.

  “Come in!” a young voice called.

  James opened the door on a young girl who was sitting crossed legged on the bed. Her hair was a cascade of find blond silk down her back. She was long and lean and a natural beauty. When her dark eyes looked upwards, they spoke of her father, but Julia could only assume that the rest came from her mother.

  Her mother must have been stunning. The girl smiled, although her expression was guarded.

  “Penny, I’d like you to meet Julia, your new nanny. Julia, this is my daughter Penny.”

  “It’s lovely to meet you, Penny.” Julia smiled, her voice as warm and welcoming as she could make it. This child must have gone through some hard times.

  Penny nodded, her smile attentive, but polite, “Nice to meet you too.” She’d been raised with good manners that much was obvious and Julia was coming to love this family more and more.

  “If you need anything and I’m not home, you just ask Julia. You won’t have to go to after school care anymore either.”

  Obvious relief crossed Penny’s face and it lit up with a smile instead, “I don’t like aftercare.”

  James nodded. “I know, honey, I know.” He smiled and glanced at the book that she had open in her lap. “We’ll leave you to your book, okay?”

  Penny nodded as they left the room. Julia beamed as the door closed. “She’s lovely.” She meant every word and James seemed to sense that. He smiled in return.

  “Dinner will be at seven in the main dining room, so take your time settling in.”

  Dinner was a scrumptious affair, and the rest of the evening passed pleasantly with Julia settling in quickly. Over the next few days, she adapted quickly to the routine, really starting to enjoy herself. It was a pretty simple routine, and she liked helping Penny.

  She would wake up at six and make breakfast for Penny. She’d wake her up for school and they would have breakfast together at the table. Julia would remind Penny to pack her bag and grab her books. Penny would get dressed, comb her hair, and brush her teeth, then Julia would walk her to the bus stop.

  After that, she would do a bit of cleaning and tidying, make sure Penny’s clothes were pressed and ready, take care of a few other, little tasks, and the rest of the day would be her own to do with as she wanted.

  When Penny was finished school, Julia would collect her at the bus stop. She’d make her a snack, and pack lunch for the next day at school, while she was at it. She’d do some more laundry, help Penny with her homework, and running her bath, and make sure she was ready for dinner.

  When it was time for bed, she’d fetch her a glass of water and tuck her in. Julia was really warming to Penny and it seemed like the feeling was mutual, with Penny being happy in her company. She would chatter about school, about the programs she liked to watch, about what her friends and teachers were talking about.

  When she mentioned her mother, a sad look crossed her face and Julia wanted to hug her until the pain all went away. It sent a pang of anger through her, towards James. She knew he was doing his best, but she wished that Penny could see him a little bit more.

  She would sometimes see him at dinner, or late at night when she was reading in the library and he passed on his way from work. No matter how often she saw him, the jolt that fizzled through her never seemed to lessen. Even when he sparked anger within her over Penny, she still felt the chemistry, the energy, burn through her like a jolt. Dark hair, dark eyes, a killer smile, and a body that had seen its fair share of work outs.

  She had caught him working out in his personal gym one evening, long after everyone was asleep, straining on the weights until sweat had dripped down his skin and his muscles bunched. Julia had hurried back to her room, but her hands had strayed beneath the covers that night, despite her own rule not to fall in love with her employer.

  And for all the glorious enjoyment going on in her life, Julia could not shake the fact that she was still waiting to hear back from the board about her review appeal outcome. She prayed that it would be in her favor this time. No matter how much she was falling in love with the job of looking a
fter Penny, she didn’t want her reputation to be damaged, and she didn’t want to be a nanny for the rest of her life.

  The worry nagged at her, robbing her of her sleep at all hours of the night, and sometimes, she found herself pacing the halls worrying, and wondering if she would ever be let back into the life of research that she loved.

  She hoped so, but as the days dragged on, her hope started to fade into the distance. She tried to focus on Penny instead, on doing her job and doing her job well. She even let her mind stray to the snatched moments with James, seeing him in the hall, hearing his voice on a message.

  A silly crush on her employer that meant nothing. Her job, though, that was another story. That was important—that meant a lot to her and she would be a fool to try and deny it, to deny it to herself, or to anyone else.

  She had to survive, and she was growing both very fond and very protective of the little girl who she looked after. Eight years old, sweet as a button, and as beautiful as a nymph or sprite.

  She was determined to succeed in this job, and she prayed she would succeed in the review.


  A few weeks into her job, Julia was sitting in the kitchen, relaxing as the kettle boiled. It was later, far later than she would usually be awake and James said he would be away for a few days. It didn’t bother Julia, but a nice soothing cup of tea before bed would really hit the spot. She’d spent a few hours in the library, losing herself in the literary works while Penny was fast asleep.

  Penny fell asleep quite easily, but Julia always waited up for a little while, just to make sure she was settled. Sometimes, she’d wander out, half asleep, asking for a glass of water, or feeling a bit frightened from a bad dream.

  Julia didn’t have to be there. But she wanted to be. Penny was a sweet child, after all, and it wasn’t really a job to look after her. On this particular evening everything had gone quite well, and now Julia was looking forward to the remainder of her peaceful evening.

  She poured the water over the tea bag, taking her time to let it brew, before adding a splash of milk. She was just about to take it upstairs, when she heard a dull crash coming from the library. Instantly, Julia’s senses prickled on high alert.


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