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Terraformed Skies

Page 73

by Anna Lewis

  “Against a local motorcycle club. They are claiming discrimination based on group. Is this true?”

  Janice felt her mouth dry up and she swallowed, unable to say a word.

  Lucas smiled. “They are suing. It’s a considerable sum of money, Janice. I do hope your business is profitable.” He paused and looked at her dead on again. “Of course, there is always out of court settlement.”

  Janice’s head was still spinning and she wasn’t sure what she was feeling anymore. Hope, anger, worry and uncertainty all warred within her for dominant position and she swallowed deeply. “What do you mean?”

  Lucas looked her over slowly. “What I mean, is the opportunity to rectify your conduct. For example, letting them back into your establishment. Perhaps establishing a new system.”

  He smiled and Janice caught his meaning at once. Let the Reds in, and kick the Black Dragons out. Either switch loyalties or face a huge financial charge. Janice felt sick, dizziness working through her system and leaving her feeling like she was about to pass out.

  If she chose the Reds, she would lose the protection of the Black Dragons, she would lose their patronage, she would lose the extra money, and when they won, she would lose it all. She would lose Ajax.

  But if she chose the Black Dragons, she would lose the money and reputation that was keeping the business afloat. It seemed like, no matter what choice she made, she would lose far, far more than she wanted to. Both options would result in the closing of the bar. Her sister’s dream would go to ruin, they would both be out of a home, and they would both go under pretty quickly.

  Janice was starting to realize that, no matter what she chose, she’d lose it all. Even Ajax. Her heart twisted and Janice felt like she could not breathe. It was an impossible choice, an impossible decision and she suddenly felt burning anger at Lucas for bringing this choice into her life, bringing in the terrible choice, the ultimatum.

  “I need to think about it.” Her voice came out harder than she meant for it to, and Janice found that she didn’t care, she didn’t care at all. She was being polite, civil, and beyond that, she didn’t care. It was enough effort not to tell Lucas where to get off.

  But she couldn’t risk it all. She needed to figure it out. Maybe she could talk to Ajax. She knew where his loyalties were, but maybe he could help them figure a way out of his mess without losing the bar, or the war against the Reds.

  Lucas nodded, pulling out his card and placing it into her hand. He did it deliberately, slowly, and when their fingers touched, sparks jolted through Janice.

  “I need your answer within 24 hours. Please let me know and…don’t hesitate to contact me.”

  Then he was gone, walking out of the bar and leaving it like he had never been there at all. A ghost. A spirit.

  The bar was still in one piece, but Janice most certainly wasn’t.


  Ajax came around as quickly as he could after she phoned him. Janice suffered through a sleepless night alone after work, worrying, as he had a bit of a drive to get there. Once he was in town, though it didn’t take him long to pull up on his bike and jump off. He was tense and Janice could see the energy burning through him, hard and deep and Janice felt the shivers run through her. It was not the time, but she couldn’t help the way he made her feel.

  She bit her lip and ushered him inside. They sat inside the bar, lights low and blinds drawn, everything set up for a quiet conversation. She had told her sister that she’d handle set up and Charlie had been happy with that.

  Janice sat at the table, her head in her hands as she tried to figure out what to do and how much to tell Ajax. She decided to tell him all of it. She started slowly, letting him know about Lucas and his conversation, then moved on to telling him about her own worries and fears. She didn’t want him to think she was betraying him, and she did her best to let him know that she was planning fully to stay on his side.

  She meant it too. She just wanted this fixed, she didn’t want to betray Ajax and the Black Dragons. Ajax listened the entire time, pausing only to ask questions. When she was finished, he fixed her with a hard, keen gaze, and Janice had a feeling he was trying to tell whether or not she was lying to him, or what her true intentions are.

  She stared him back down, even though she was shaking inside. She didn’t want to lose him. She had only just gotten him and she didn’t plan on letting him go so easily. He finally nodded and stood up. Janice stood too, her knees shaking.

  When Ajax wrapped his arms around her, Janice thought she was going to cry. The tension rushed out of her deeply and she shivered as exhaustion finally flooded her. She’d been so worried. She still was, in fact, but knowing that Ajax was still by her side made the whole thing so much easier to deal with. She held him tightly, sighing in satisfaction at the feel of his leather jacket, his breath on her hair.

  “I’ll talk to Lucas. I think I know how to get this cleared up.”

  Then he kissed her and the world faded away. She gasped, a shiver passing through her as she kissed him back. His kiss was electric, just like it always was and the way his arms wrapped around her made her sigh in relief and satisfaction. She felt comfortable in his arms, she felt like everything was going to be okay.

  And even though the 24-hour time was almost up, and she was concerned about the bar, she felt herself melting into his arms none the less. His kisses were intoxicating and Janice kept going back for more and more.

  She moaned as his hand brushed the hem of her skirt, slowly creeping upwards and brushing her thigh. She blushed and shifted a little so that her legs were further apart. His hands brushed along her lace panties and Janice was glad she had worn them.

  They were skimpy, leaving little to the imagination and she felt Ajax shiver against her at the feel of them. He tugged at them, slipping them off her skin and letting them slide down her thighs. Janice stepped out of them and let them fall to the floor. She shivered as the warm air hit the warm place between her thighs. Ajax’s fingers found their mark, pushing slowly within her and Janice groaned and held onto him tightly.

  She rocked against him, his fingers pushing deeper within her and she gasped. He felt so good and she gripped onto his jacket tightly, her other hand tangling in his hair and tugging it softly. She shivered and gasped as she moved closer to him, wanting more, needing all of him, needing him inside of her.

  Ajax was panting, a heated sound as he held onto her. His free hand was wrapped strongly around her body, holding her safe and tight against his body. She felt his arousal through his jeans and thrilled at the fact that she could make him feel this way, could arouse him and make him want her like this.

  Just like she wanted him. The thought sent shivers through her and she thought back to the weeks spent together, their last night of passion, hot and fast on a bike. She bit her lip and moaned. When Ajax pulled his fingers out of her, Janice bit her lip harder, wishing the feeling never had to leave.

  Her breath was coming in quick little gasps and she knew that the blush was creeping up her cheeks and down her breasts. She moaned softly as Ajax’s hands tangled in her hair and he kissed her slowly. When he finally pulled away, Janice was left breathless and shaky. His hand stayed in her hair, tangled through the strands and he slowly pushed her down.

  Janice shivered, feeling her own arousal burning through her skin. She slowly sank to the ground, letting her knees hit the floor beneath her feet. She shivered as he sank into the nearby chair, his hands still in her hair, pulling her in closer. Janice felt trembles run through her body, her need for him burning her skin and flashing through her body. Desire made her breathless and she blushed as Ajax slowly undid his jeans.

  He pulled his member free and Janice gasped at the size. He was big, something that she had felt the last time. However, seeing it was a whole different matter and it made Janice’s heart race as she realized clearly what he wanted her to do.

  He held her firmly, but gently and pulled her in close. Janice moaned as he touched
her lips and she parted them to let him inside. She took him slowly, feeling the length and girth of him and blushing at the heat that flashed through her.

  She needed him, loved him, and wanted him in ways she could never have imagined. She felt her body trembling with excitement and she braced herself against his knees as she sucked. She wasn’t experienced with this, but it didn’t seem to matter to Ajax.

  He guided her anyway, strong hands and gentle movements pushing her where she needed to go. Janice licked, her tongue working across his skin, feeling the thrills passing through her at the situation. She closed her legs a little more, feeling the warmth between them.

  Ajax chuckled, a soft, low sound, and Janice heard the door swing open. Panic rushed through her all at once, but Ajax held her firm. He murmured low and soft, “I think we might be able to persuade Lucas, don’t you?”

  It took Janice a moment to realize what he meant and she found herself blushing red, a deep flush running across her skin. Lucas was here and Ajax thought that this was a good way to get him to see their point of view! The thought embarrassed Janice, but she couldn’t deny that the thought was sending heat flushing through her, desire that could not be quenched.

  She shivered, but when Ajax relaxed his grip, Janice didn’t pull away.

  “Good,” he murmured, low and possessive and Janice moaned right there and then.

  “Are you from the Black Dragons?” Lucas’s voice echoed through the room, sounding very conversational considering the situation he had just walked into. Janice sensed his presence behind her and she shut her eyes, thrills running through her.

  “Yeah, I happen to be. I was hoping we could settle this.”

  Lucas laughed, and it was starkly different to Ajax’s. “We’ll see,” he murmured.

  Then Janice felt him behind her, felt his hands on her skirt, lifting it up and caressing her skin. She was suddenly very aware of the fact that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. She blushed harder and felt a jolt as Ajax pushed a little further within her. She blushed and parted her thighs. Lucas moved behind her and, unlike Ajax, he didn’t wait.

  Janice felt his length pressing against her, felt his girth between her legs and moaned. She was low because of the chair and when Lucas pushed within her, she couldn’t help but gasp in pleasure. The rhythm was thrust upon her and Janice shut her eyes and gasped.

  Pleasure and enjoyment were rushing through her in sweet, electric waves. The desire to have them was overwhelming and Janice couldn’t believe herself and what she was doing. It was too much to believe, too much to keep in mind all at once and she found herself focusing instead on the sensations and the desire.

  She could feel her own climax approaching fast and she shut her eyes and rocked into the sweet sensations. The pleasure crashed down on her quickly, threatening to drown her with its intensity, overwhelming her in sweet waves as she climaxed hard and fast. She shivered, she tightened and she felt Lucas grab her hips as his own pleasure hit and he pushed into her deeper.

  Ajax followed soon after with a low groan and Janice was left gasping for air as she blushed and swallowed and tried to focus on something other than the ebbing desire that burned through her body. Shivering, she gasped as Ajax and Lucas both pulled out.

  Lucas’s arms wrapped around her first and pulled her into his lap. With a smirk, confident and breathless, Ajax grabbed her panties and slowly slipped them over her calves and up her thighs. Janice blushed and pulled down her skirt, adjusting her underwear as Lucas kissed her neck.

  Finally, they regained their strength. Janice was helped to her feet and she sat at the table, both men straightening up and joining her. There was a long period of silence, which Lucas finally broke with a smile.

  “Look, I can probably work something out.” He glanced across at Janice. “I’d rather not make a mess of things and pick sides with a girl like Janice involved.” He leaned back into the chair. “I might be able to work something out with the law too, we’ll see.”

  With that he stood, took Janice’s hand and pressed his lips to the back of it. “Until next time.”

  Ajax didn’t say a word, watching as Lucas left, wandering out and shutting the door behind himself. Just as quickly as he arrived, he was gone, leaving nothing in his wake, but the trembling memory of pleasure and a trace of hope in the situation.

  Janice cast her eyes at Ajax and he grinned easily, shrugging. “It worked.”

  “You could have consulted me.” Janice looked at him sternly, but her head still felt light with happiness.

  “Yeah, but we didn’t have much time.” He was infuriatingly smug and calm and Janice shook her head, unable to stop the smile. “You’re just lucky I was okay with it.”

  “Yeah.” Ajax smirked. “Very lucky.” Then he leaned in and kissed her, slow and soft this time.

  Janice melted into it and sighed. Things were finally, finally looking up.


  The next few weeks seemed to pass in a blur. Janice spent many hours working at the bar, sneaking away to see Ajax whenever possible. Sometimes, he came to visit her at work, ordering a couple of drinks and talking at the bar when she had a spare moment.

  Business was picking up nicely, enough that Janice could comfortably hire more staff with Charlie, to ease the load that was being put onto them. This, in turn, resulted in more time off for the both of them and Janice was very happy to finally be getting a full night’s sleep every now and then. It was a relief and she was feeling so much better for it.

  Things still hadn’t been cleared up fully, but Ajax was on it and she heard that Lucas was shifting things in their favor. She had to smile, and her body still trembled at the memory of the night with just the three of them. It had been dirty and naughty and she couldn’t look at that table without remembering.

  She snuck looks at Ajax too and often caught him glancing in that direction, before giving her a slow, meaningful wink.

  Their relationship showed no sign of slowing down, and the romance between them was blossoming into something more than just a one night stand. She liked him. She liked his company and she was not ashamed of it.

  His electric eyes, his wild side, rides on his bikes, and hours in his arms. Janice loved every bit of it and she wouldn’t trade it for the world. It was everything that she had never, ever dared to even dream about. Raised in suburbia, this would have seemed insane to her.

  She should have a nice stable job with a nice stable relationship with some guy in an office. Her psychology degree was waiting, but all she could think about was nights at the bar and longer nights with Ajax. It was better than anything she had dreamt of. It was more dangerous, but in return, it was also more real.

  It was more honest and Janice liked that. She liked that a lot and she would not have it any other way.

  It was several weeks later that Ajax swung around the bar before her shift with a smirk on his face. “You free?”

  “I have to work.” Janice smiled, knowing that Ajax knew this.

  He nodded. “Good thing I got Charlie to cover it for you. You’re coming with me.”

  “Am I just?” Janice’s smile grew and she placed her hands on her hips.

  “You are, and I know you won’t regret it.”

  “Bold claims.” Their eyes met and Ajax smiled.

  “I’m all about bold claims.”

  She followed him to his bike and pulled on the helmet. A few moments later and they were taking off from the parking lot and down the highway. Janice was not about to complain. She let it happen, happy to fly down the road, her arms clutching his jacket, her heart soaring freely above them. She loved the thrill of the bike. She loved the thrill of Ajax, of the way he held her, the way he handled the bike, the hidden danger of a dragon that lurked beneath his skin, flashes of which she saw in the heat of passion, in the heat of anger.

  When he finally pulled to a stop it was in the middle of nowhere, along the edge of a huge ravine. Janice felt her heart shiver in awe and he park
ed the bike, kicking down the stand.

  “I have something for you.” He smirked, and handed her an envelope.

  “You had to take me all the way out here?” Janice smiled in confusion.

  He shrugged. “I’m a romantic guy.”

  Janice laughed and opened the envelope with trembling fingers. She pulled out the papers contained within and scanned them. Her heart missed a beat.

  It was the deed to the property that she and her sister owned, signed and paid for in both of their names. A small disclosure added that the Black Dragons reserved the right to visit the property (but not the upper apartments).

  Janice realized quickly what this meant. Firstly, it meant that she and her sister finally owned the property that they had been working so hard to pay off. They owned it and the chances of having to leave were minimal.

  Secondly, the turf war was finally over and the Black Dragons had won. Everything was secure. Lucas had come through and made sure that, legally, the Reds had no recourse and that the Black Dragons, and her family, were safe and secure. Janice felt dizzy.

  It felt like her whole world was spinning and she was going to pass out. She smiled and laughed and flung her arms around Ajax, hugging him tightly, “Oh my gosh!”

  Janice couldn’t think of anything else to say, laughter bubbling out of her chest and tumbling like water over pebbles. Ajax laughed and hugged her in return.

  “Thank you!” she gasped, at that moment, not even caring how it had happened. They had worked so hard for this and to finally, finally have it happen was almost more than Janice could handle. Her lips were on Ajax’s and they kissed, long and deep and passionate, letting any lingering worries wash away in the feelings of happiness and love that were overflowing from Janice.

  Ajax was grinning as they pulled away and Janice noticed that he looked even better in the sparkling sun of dusk. The light fell across his face and she drank in his features, feeling her heart swell with happiness and love. Perfect, just perfect.

  “You’re welcome.” His voice was soft, so different from usual, and Janice found herself blushing. The moment was quiet and still and when he brushed her hair away from her forehead, Janice couldn’t help the love that bubbled up in her chest.


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