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The Shameless Billionaire Series: Billionaire Romance Box Set (An Alpha-Male, Billionaire, Bad Boy, Bad Girl, Romance)

Page 122

by Michelle Love

  With one push of a button, his face falls as the television lights up the room which previously was only lit by the lamp next to me. Being that it’s nearly ten at night, I suppose he thought he might find a game half over.

  Instead, his wife’s face fills the screen. Crocodile tears cascade down her red cheeks. Along the bottom of the screen run the words, ‘previously recorded.’

  “Change the channel,” I say and look back down at my laptop. “Michelle sent me the notes on this. It was done the other day. The day your boyfriend, Lance, showed up. You don’t want to know what she says, Baby. I promise you, you don’t.”

  Instead of turning the damn thing off or changing the channel he turns the sound up and comes back to sit next to me. Taking his beer off the coffee table in front of us, he downs the last half of it.

  “I’d like to see what I’m up against here, Baby.” His eyes stay trained to the television.

  “I don’t want what happened to me to happen to any other woman, ever again,” Jana says as she sniffles.

  The female hostess of the trash television show shakes her head with sadness in her dark eyes, Sally, of, ‘The Sally Show’ looks into the camera which has been moved to show her. “If we can get just one more creep off the streets then we’re at least trying to make this world a better place. Remember what I said in the beginning of this show. A ticket bought to watch Channing Michaels beloved hockey team, The Skippers, is a ticket saying you believe what he did to this poor woman was right.”

  “Does she have to go after my team?” he asks then looks at me. “Why the jugular? Why do so many people go straight for the kill without knowing a damn thing?”

  “Wish I knew, Baby. You really should turn the channel.” I go back to finding what all Channing wants for Lance, and he gets up and goes out of the room after pausing the show.

  I look up as he comes back in with another beer in his hand. “Okay, I’m ready to hear what all she’s going to lie about now.”

  He starts the show back up and Jana is looking sadly into the camera again. “You think you know a person after an entire year. I thought he loved me. I really did.”

  Channing shakes his head. “I did. I was a fucking moron.”

  I stop doing what I’m doing to pay attention to this little session he seems to be having.

  Jana has a long necklace of pearls her hand nervously twists. “He gave these to me on our wedding day, Sally. Who would give a girl something so nice as this if he didn’t love her?”

  Channing laughs. “I did not give her those. She must’ve bought them herself. On our wedding day, I placed the wedding ring she picked out on her own, on her finger and gave her nothing more than that.”

  I stay quiet while he stares at the screen. He takes a small drink of his beer as Jana says, “The loss of our son is what pains me the most.”

  He leans up and places his elbows on his knees. “Do tell, liar.”

  Sally asks, “Jana, how far along were you when he threw you off the small sailboat in the middle of the ocean?”

  “Six months. I hadn’t told Channing yet. I was waiting for that special moment and I found it on the boat. I’m afraid that may have been what made him try to kill me.”

  A laugh comes out of my mouth. “Liar!”

  Channing looks at me. “Yes, she is.”

  Then Sally’s producer puts a picture up on the screen of a smiling Channing and Jana. Her dress is form fitting, hugging her skinny body. Her very skinny body with no hint of a baby bump.

  Sally asks. “This is the last picture anyone could find of you two. How long before he tried to kill you was this taken, Jana?”

  “Two weeks.” Jana’s face fills the screen again. “I had just been to see my doctor that very day before we went to the fireman’s gala that night. My doctor told me I was going to have a son. I was so happy and wanted to tell Channing then, but he was in a foul mood so I decided not to.”

  “If that bitch is six months pregnant in that picture, then I’m the Pope?” I say then close my laptop to focus on her.

  Channing takes a drink and nods. “That’s what I’m saying.”

  Sally’s hand moves out and rests on Jana’s leg. “Please tell us you went to see your doctor when you got back to safety, Jana.”

  With a shake of her head, Jana says, “I was much too afraid of Channing at that time. I mean, I lost a lot of blood when I was rescued by another boat. It was full of fisherman who spoke no English. They helped me into their boat and since I couldn’t communicate with them, I found a payphone at the old marina they pulled into. I called the only person I could trust. Morgan Riley. And he took excellent care of me.”

  Sally looks concerned. “But you have gone to the doctor since you came out of hiding, right?”

  Jana looks at her with tears dripping down her face again. “There was no need. The baby was gone.”

  I laugh. “There was a need. It’s called a D and C, idiot! She really is a tool.”

  Channing looks at me and smiles. “This is all very good, Baby. If you know these things so do others. Her lies are about to trip her up.”

  “I hope so.”

  Looking back at the television I see the slightest hint of doubt on Sally’s heavily made-up face. “Jana, let’s talk about something else. That subject is too painful for you. Tell us more about the change in the man once you married. You said he turned your bedroom into a torture chamber. My followers would love to know more about that.”

  “So would I,” Channing mumbles just before he pulls the tall, dark bottle to his lips for another drink.

  “When we came home on our wedding night,” Jana says. “We had no honeymoon thanks to a hockey game that was happening the next night. Anyway, he took me to his bedroom.”

  Sally holds up her hand. “Wait. What do you mean his bedroom?”

  Jana sighs. “Okay, Channing and I made a bedroom on the second floor of his house into the bedroom that was to be ours. He had his own room on the third floor. And I didn’t know it yet, but he had made one for me on the first floor. So when we came home after the wedding I thought we’d be going to the bedroom I had furnished before the wedding for us, together as man and wife.”

  “But he took you to his room instead?” Sally asks in confusion.

  “He did,” Jana says with a nod. “In that room, he told me things were going to change between us. I was his now and he could do with me what he wanted. He made me change into a tiny leather outfit and he pulled my hair back into a very tight braid.”

  Sally’s eyebrows arch. “BDSM, and against your will?”

  “I wouldn’t say against my will at that point. I found it exciting, and I went along with it. You have to recall I did love this man at that point.” Jana looks back into the camera. “When he took me to the room I had so carefully decorated I found it void of all the things I had bought. A set of silver handcuffs hung from some contraption on the ceiling A long chain hung on one wall and several whips on another. It looked like a dungeon it was so dark and frankly scary to me.”

  Channing takes a drink. “What a sack of lies she holds. That night when we came home she told me she was exhausted and went to her room she’d already set up for herself on the first floor. That room hadn’t been set up on the second floor yet. She did that a couple of months after we were married. Her shit just gets deeper and deeper.”

  Sally asks, “And that was the first time he ever hit you?”

  Jana nods. “He turned very brutal. I got my first of many scars that very night. And I soon realized he was not the man I knew before. That man was a lie.”

  Sally looks sadly at Jana and touches her arm. “Why didn’t you leave him, Jana?”

  “He said he’d kill me.”

  Gasps erupt from the audience and Sally looks at the camera. “And now a word from our sponsor.”

  Channing just sits there in stunned silence. Then he looks at me. “I think she should get some kind of award for performance of the year. And I�
�d love to know who her writer is. It must be my father. I never knew her to be that imaginative.”

  I run my hand through his dark wavy hair. “Just think how blown out of the water everyone will be when they find out what a big liar she is and how they were all duped into believing her shit.”

  Then a thought runs through my head that the show aired a few days ago and we’ve stayed off all social media since this all began. So I open up my laptop and search Jana’s name.

  Just as I thought, people are commenting on her age, her small frame, and the fact there is no possible way that woman was six months pregnant in that picture. I look at Channing who seems shell shocked.

  I suppose anyone would be, though. I mean he was married to the lunatic.

  “Channing,” I say and he turns to look at me. “We need to tell your lawyer you want a statement and receipts for this supposed doctor Jana said she was going to and who diagnosed the pregnancy. I told you before when we were looking for dental records, the insurance had no reports of any physicians’ visits since you put her on your insurance. And we both know she was cut off the credit cards and the bank at that time. She would’ve had to ask you for extra cash for those visits to the doctor.”

  “So get her caught in one lie and see how quick her house of cards falls?” he asks me and his lips turn up into a smile. “I like it, Beth. I like it a lot.”

  “We can watch the rest of her bullshit interview tomorrow. Let’s hit the hay,” I say as I get up and he follows behind me.

  Things may be looking up for him!

  Chapter 8


  As I pull her into the shower with me, Beth giggles and I stop them as I take her mouth in a hungry kiss. The giggles turn into a low moan and her arms go around me.

  The warm water flows over us and feels almost like rain. To hold Beth and kiss her in the rain is something I look forward to.

  Her nipples go hard as they rub against my chest. Her tits go tight and her stomach tenses as our bodies touch.

  She must love the way the muscles feel on my back as her hands run over them every chance she gets. I pull my mouth from hers and she makes a little groan in complaint.

  Lathering my hands with a cucumber, mint shampoo I bought just for her, I gather her hair in my hands and massage it in. “Let me pamper you, Sweet-thing.”

  “K.” She leans her head back and closes her eyes.

  She’s so trusting of me. At times, I find it very naive of her. There’s very little to go on, save my word, about what I’ve been accused of doing to my wife.

  And the fact that I told Beth how I did cause those scars on Jana’s body doesn’t seem to affect her one bit. She’s said if Jana told me to do that to her then how can I be blamed for it?

  But I do feel guilt. I feel a lot of guilt.

  Beth’s hands move up my arms and back down them. “That feels amazing, Channing. I love the smell of the new shampoo.”

  “I’m glad you do.” I lean over and kiss her shoulder. “It seems I think about you almost constantly. What kind of shampoos would smell great in your hair? I thought to myself while I was at the store the other day. What kind of bottled water would you like? How will you glow when you’re pregnant with our first child? You know those kinds of things.”

  She sighs and opens her eyes. “How many kids are we having, Mr. Plans Too Far Ahead?”

  “Wow, what a long last name I have. What’s the first one like?” I ask her with a little laugh.

  “Joe. Always Joe, with a long last name. Everyone knows that,” she says with a smile.

  “I see.” I pull her head back to rinse the shampoo out. “I think four kids would be a nice round number.”

  “Four?” she asks as her voice goes all high and squeaky like.

  “Yeah, four.” I run my hands through her hair to make sure all the soap is out then rub in the conditioner that matches the shampoo. “Two boys and two girls.”

  “Even you can’t make sure that happens.” She turns around when I’ve got the conditioner all spread through her hair. Then makes a gesture for me to turn around and I find her putting shampoo onto my hair.

  Her hands move through it, leaving a tingling sensation all over where she rubs it in.

  “Oh, but you would be wrong my sweet, Beth. You see, there are special doctors who, when paid enough money, make sure you have the gender you want. They can even manipulate the genes while they’re doing it. We could have a little brilliant minded son or daughter. I suppose they all could be brilliant.”

  “I don’t know if having a houseful of kids who are smarter than we are would be a great idea, Daddio.”

  She might be right!

  “Well, you know what I mean. They could have the best genetics we have to offer them. Your sweet personality. My giant ego.” I laugh and she does too.

  She pulls me back to rinse my hair. “To be honest with you, Channing. That sounds kind of amazing.”

  Her dark green eyes sparkle and I know she really thinks it does. “I’m glad to hear that. It’s a thing my grandparents think is awful. They’re very old-school.”

  “How are you doing about their lack of support, Channing?” She finishes rinsing my hair and moves under the shower head to rinse hers.

  I run my hands through it as I face her to help her get the conditioner all out. “Honestly, I’ve had little support from them and my mother since I accepted my paternal grandfather’s money. They thought I should never have taken it. They told me to give it Morgan and forget I’m any part of that family.”

  “Wow! And you didn’t do what they all told you to? At eighteen? That’s amazing, Channing.”

  I kiss her sweet lips then say, “Nah, I just knew I needed to accept the amazing thing that was left to me. I knew I needed to make the best out of myself I could. It wasn’t Morgan’s father’s fault Morgan didn’t tell anyone about me. Why not accept what the man who might’ve been a fantastic grandfather to me if he was given the chance, gave me?”

  “I agree. I am shocked a teenager was able to go against his family, though.” She kisses me lightly on the lips and her arms run around my neck.

  Another light kiss I give her and say, “I was a bit of a rebel in my younger years. And once I had that money, I moved out to an apartment of my own while I went to college.”

  “You must’ve been a hot commodity for all those college girls with your own apartment and I bet a pretty badass car too.” She leaves a kiss on my neck and makes me groan.

  “Let’s not talk about what a badass I was in college, Baby. But we can talk about the canary yellow Corvette I bought myself.” My hands trail over her shoulders and down her back.

  “Now, I know that was a chick magnet, Channing,” she whispers near my ear, sending chills through me.

  “A bit, yes,” My fingers splay over her round ass and I pull her in closer to me. My erection presses against her stomach and she pulls her head back to look up at me.

  She looks so dreamy in my arms as she gazes at me and runs one finger over my lips. “Channing, you seem a little excited.” She smiles a wicked smile.

  “For you, I always am,” I say then take her mouth with an intense kiss.

  Our conversation is over and all I can think about is her. How her body feels so right when we hold one another. How her lips fit together with mine as if they were cut that way on purpose.

  One of her feet runs up and down my calf. This girl loves to feel my muscles.

  She stops our kiss and looks at me then lets me go and turns around in my arms. The sound that comes out of me as she bends at the waist and touches her toes is something I’ve never heard before.

  “Yes,” I manage to get out as I watch her grab her ankles.

  Taking her by the hips I ease my hard cock into her hot core. She’s tight as hell and my dick jerks with the pleasant pressure. “Oh, Baby,” I moan out.

  I can’t see myself ever getting tired of this woman!

  Chapter 9


  The sound of an alarm buzzing throughout the entire house interrupts our shower time. And just when things were beginning to get good, too.

  An abrupt end has us tripping all over each other to get out of the shower and going to pull on some kind of clothes as the security company will be showing up and it’s obvious we have an intruder.

  “You stay in here, Beth!” Channing shouts as he pulls on pajama bottoms and runs out of the room.

  Wrapping the towel around me, I rush to the closet to find something I can jump into quickly. A little sundress will work so I yank it off the hanger and run to find some panties to slip on.

  The alarm stops. I assume Channing keyed in the code. But why would he do that?

  Slipping on the panties, I run out of the bedroom and down the long hallway. I can hear voices coming from the first floor.

  Somehow I manage to streak down both staircases in moments. And then in the kitchen, I find Channing looking at Jana who’s red in the face and ranting about her damn car.

  “How the fuck did you get in?” I shout at her.

  Her red cheeks flush even more when she sees me. “You whore! Don’t worry about that. Go back to his torture chamber and wait like a good sub.”

  I rush at her but Channing has me in a tight hold before I make it to her. “No, I can’t let you do that to yourself, Beth.”

  I wiggle and squirm. “Just let me go and let me kick her fucking ass, Channing!”

  A smirk forms on the bitch’s face. Which up close looks very fake. Implants in her cheeks, Botox in her forehead, and lip injections. Is there anything real about this woman?

  “I want my car back, Channing! I saw that bimbo driving it and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let that happen. Haven’t you done enough to me already?” she has the audacity to ask him.


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