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Wake-up Call: 2035

Page 9

by Robert J. Traydon

  This was such a politically sensitive situation that it needed to be dealt with at the highest level. The Empress knew that extreme caution and care would be required throughout. The repercussions of a failed remedial intervention effort could push the Galactic Federation to the brink of revolution. This was unthinkable for both her administration and prevailing intra-galactic peace. Since so much was dependent on the intervention’s outcome, she wanted to scrutinise the Exploration Council’s Remedial Intervention Plan with Commander Trennor, in person and in real time, prior to its approval.

  The Empress’s Stryation-series spacecraft, named Silhouette, docked with the Observatory. It had taken 6,5 hours to travel from the galactic core to the planet, via the IGT Stations. Their journey had been uneventful, exactly as intra-galactic travel should be. Minutes later, they were welcomed on board and escorted directly to the Council Chamber.

  As they walked through the wide corridor towards the chamber, various crew members stopped to greet them. As was customary, they used the traditionally accepted federal greeting, which involved holding their hands out in front of them, palms facing upwards, wrist over wrist, while spreading their digits out like the wings of a bird of prey. As they did so, they maintained eye contact in respectful awe and admiration.

  It was extremely rare for the Empress and Galactic Spiral Chancellors to be seen together outside of the Senate Sanctorum and even more extraordinary to have them on board a divisional spacecraft, even if it was the famed Observatory. The crew appreciated the fact that the highest level of leadership in the Galactic Federation was now directly involved. They had an entire galaxy to administer, but this potentially cataclysmic situation obviously took priority.

  As they were shown into the Council Chamber, Commander Trennor stood to greet them. “Your Majesty, Chancellors – it is an honour to have you on board the Observatory. I trust you had a restful journey?”

  The Empress replied, “Our journey was as good as could be expected, Commander. Thank you for asking.”

  They were all well acquainted and Trennor was pleased to see them again despite the circumstances. None of the five had slept during the voyage, but they had been able to relax and rejuvenate their states of mind. Trennor invited them to join him at the observation window where Andorayan Sanctuarium was in full view. They gazed at the planet’s splendid magnificence and were all awestruck by its extravagant beauty.

  The Empress commented, “It is truly the most glorious world I have ever had the pleasure of seeing. It is distressing to think that its very existence is in peril and that we find ourselves in this terrible situation. But I have faith in you and your Council’s ability to save this planet.”

  The Commander responded, “Your confidence in us is greatly appreciated, Your Majesty. My Exploration Councillors together with the Observatory’s crew, have done some outstanding work thus far.”

  The Empress’s radiant eyes shone in high expectation as she spoke, “Commander, I am looking forward to the presentation of your proposed Remedial Intervention Plan. Since we do not have any time to spare, let us begin our meeting immediately.”

  The six took their seats around the chamber’s conference table and Trennor began his interactive presentation. Councillors were called in at various times to provide supporting information and to clarify technical points where requested by the Empress and other Chancellors. The entire Remedial Intervention Plan was reviewed in fine detail, with particular attention being given to the encounter proposal. A key decision was taken that the encounter would be facilitated by the Federal Alliance members themselves. After three hours of discussion, the plan was concluded and declared ready for the execution phase.

  The next two hours were spent reviewing the Environmental Restoration Strategy, which the Exploration Council had customised to suit the particular environmental circumstances of Andorayan Sanctuarium. The six acknowledged that the finalised register of conditions and targets was challenging, but certainly not impossible for the human species to achieve. It would, however, not permit any leeway in the event of non-compliance.

  As the meeting neared its end the Empress was feeling more optimistic than she had anticipated, but it still bothered her that so much hinged on the human species’ response to the ER Strategy. She was, however, confident that the Remedial Intervention Plan was comprehensive, and maximised their chances of saving the Earth and its wide diversity of life.

  Trennor brought the meeting to a close. “In conclusion, my team will need exactly one hour to make the final preparations. Then everything will be in place to hyperglide the Principal delegation on board the Observatory from the planet’s surface. From that point on, the destiny of this planet will be determined by our interaction with the 12 Principals.”

  The imminent encounter was set to be a historic landmark for both the Galactic Federation and humankind.

  Observatory Spacecraft: Principals

  With 15 minutes to go, everything was in place for the Principals to be hyperglided on board the Observatory.

  Commander Trennor stood with Captain Parenton in the command centre of the bridge, monitoring all the systems to make sure that everything was in order. Once all the checklists had been verified with the Titan, they were ready to proceed with the encounter’s initial phase – hypergliding the Principals safely on board.

  Trennor activated the spacecraft’s crew address system and spoke, “Esteemed guests, Councillors and crew members. We are on the cusp of making history that shall surely be referred to for aeons into the future. We are just minutes away from engaging in a remedial intervention encounter, which will be the first of its kind in the history of the Galactic Federation. We all know what is at stake here and thus require each and every one of you to carry out your duties with absolute precision and care. The destiny of Andorayan Sanctuarium now lies in our hands.

  “It is our ultimate goal to restore this planet’s state of environmental equilibrium. To achieve this, we must ensure that the current course of environmental ruin is stopped and reversed. The human species must be convinced to reform their current way of life to save, not only their planet’s existence, but their very own existence as well. May flawless conduct be with us all.”

  He then addressed Captain Parenton, “Captain, have the locations of the 12 Principals been confirmed?”

  Parenton responded, “Locations confirmed, Commander.”

  “Thank you, Captain. Dispatch the hyperglide nanopods and await further instruction,” said Trennor.

  The Captain signalled to his operations crew and the instruction was entered into the control surface. Halfway along the exterior length of Observatory’s hull, a small cargo hatch opened and 12 microscopic, spherical pods were launched towards the planet. Once in position within a half metre distance of their designated Principals, the hyperglide function could be initiated. Upon initiation, the nanopods would expand in diameter to envelop its target, carry out the hyperglide and then return to its original size – all in a picosecond.

  The operations crew monitored the progress of the nanopods. Precisely 10 minutes later the display screen confirmed that hyperglide lock had been established on all 12 Principals.

  Trennor spoke, “Captain, ramp up the hyperglide drive.”

  “Yes, Commander,” said Parenton, executing the instruction.

  The primary screen in the command centre showed the interior of the hyperglidonian room. This was where the Principals were set to arrive. Within the room, images of Earth’s natural wonders were displayed in a rolling sequence around the surrounding wall. Soothing classical music from a notable composer was also playing in the background.

  A subtle ocean scent was released into the air. It would act as a calming agent, entering the Principals’ bloodstream and inducing a state of calm without any impact on cognitive aptitude. Gravity and air composition were set to Earth’s standard and would be maintained as such throughout the interaction. Room temperature would be kept at 18°C for the first
phase of the encounter and then be raised slowly to between 20°C and 24°C depending on each individual’s comfort level. Everything was ready for the Principals’ imminent arrival.

  Captain Parenton announced, “Commander, the hyperglide drive is now at peak power.”

  On Earth, the human Principals were oblivious to the encounter that awaited them. It would defy their perceived realms of reality and challenge them as never before. To them and humanity as a whole, intelligent extra-terrestrial life was something relegated to science fiction books and films; and definitely never expected to occur as a part of real life. They were each about to get a monumental wake-up call.

  Trennor gave the final instruction, “Initiate hyperglide, Captain.”

  “Very well, Commander. Countdown to simultaneous extraction commencing now: five, four, three, two, one …”


  |EDT | 8:45 a.m. Earth: Washington, D.C. – White House (Thursday)

  Congressman Charles Greenfield had arrived at the White House in good time for his 9:00 a.m. meeting with the President of the United States, Sally Jameson. They were to discuss the growing fallout from controversial legislation recently passed by Congress stipulating that sugar infusion into all food and beverage products be drastically reduced over the next decade to meet a revised set of World Health Organisation standards*.

  [* In 2025, the World Health Organisation took a decision to reclassify sugar as a high health risk product, as had been done with cigarettes before the turn of the century. Food and beverage companies were outraged and condemned the move, but escalating health deterioration and obesity statistics, as well as soaring national healthcare costs, forced governments across the world to take action. By 2035, people’s perception of sugar had begun to evolve, much as it had with cigarettes decades earlier. In the United Kingdom sugar was added to the list of sin taxes. Most recently, in Denmark, new laws targeting all sweetened products stipulated that 75% of their packaging’s surface area had to display health warnings.]

  Greenfield was processed by the security team and then asked to wait in the beautifully decorated entrance lobby. Five minutes before his appointment he was met by Senior Secret Service Agent, Lionel Walker.

  Agent Walker had been with the Secret Service for 25 years. He was a tall man, mid-forties, crew-cut with flashes of grey emerging from his thickset brown head of hair. His nickname was ‘the Fridge’, not only because of his intimidating stature that was similar in proportion to a large fridge, but also because of his ice-cold personality. He was a man of steel in every respect: a man who had devoted his life to serve his nation no matter what the cost. In his humble opinion, to lose one’s life in the line of duty would be an honour and a privilege, not a duty at all.

  After a brief introduction, the Congressman was escorted down a long carpeted passage furnished with antique pieces and paintings, some of which dated back to the American Civil War era. At the end of the passage, to their right, was the door to the US President’s Oval Office.

  9:00 a.m. Observatory: Arrival

  “…viable hypothesis, which …” Edward Payton was speaking out loud when he stopped abruptly and looked around himself in amazement. A split second ago he had been lecturing his third year Environmental Sciences students in his lecture theatre; now he suddenly found himself in a completely foreign place, surrounded by a group of other people.

  His eyes were struggling to adjust to the dull light, so it was difficult for him to see any specific features of those around him. But from what he could make out, there were 11 other people standing in a circle evenly spaced away from one another, inside a mid-sized round room.

  “What … what on Earth just happened?” asked a hesitant female voice to his left.

  Payton looked at her and spoke, “I have absolutely no idea myself …”

  He paused and blinked his eyes. Then he looked more closely at the woman and immediately recognised her as Serena Harpon, the world famous television talk show host.

  He then looked carefully around at the others and did a complete double take. He shook his head and stared again in total disbelief. Standing around him were some of the world’s most powerful and famous people. He was completely flabbergasted by the venerable company in which he suddenly found himself. The scene was surreal to him.

  Thoughts flashed through his mind … was he dreaming, was he dead, were these people real, how did they all get here and why was he of all people, with them? He felt decidedly out of place in this group of highly esteemed luminaries. He thus reserved his natural instinct to step forward and introduce himself.

  It was obvious that he was not the only one in a state of shock. The others stood there speechless and motionless. They all shared equally perplexed expressions as they looked around at each other and their peculiar surroundings.

  “Is everyone else here as confused as I am?” asked another lady on Payton’s right, who looked exactly like the President of the United States of America.

  Everyone confirmed in unison that they were. None of them knew how this extraordinary occurrence had come about.

  Finally, intrigue got the better of Edward Payton and he spoke, “You look very much like the President of the United States … are you President Sally Jameson?”

  “Yes, I am. And who are you?” she asked, while the others remained in stupefied silence.

  “My name is Edward Payton, Madam President.”

  He extended his hand in greeting and she shook it with a slight hint of apprehension. She had heard his name before but couldn’t quite place it.

  He continued, trying to reassure her of his credibility, “I’m an environmental scientist from Oxford University … but I don’t quite understand. Just seconds ago I was giving a lecture and then, in an unexplained instant, I found myself here. This is very strange indeed!”

  She responded, “Well, I was at my desk in the White House preparing for a meeting. I suspect we will all either awaken from this bizarre delusion, or otherwise be informed of where we are and what is going on.”

  They all agreed with the US President’s sentiments. Uncomfortable seconds ticked by as they tried to gauge their unfamiliar surroundings. The room’s continuous wall was adorned with a flowing wrap-around collage of astonishingly beautiful images. These included some of the world’s most identifiable and treasured natural heritage sites. Bach’s sixth symphony was playing quietly in the background offering soothing relief to the otherwise deafening quiet. They felt surprisingly reassured, possibly in the knowledge that there were 12 of them all in this crazy situation together.

  Payton pulled his mobile phone from his pocket and looked at it. It was switched off, which was strange since it had been on and fully charged earlier. He tried to turn it on, but without success.

  A moment later, a tranquil and eloquent female voice addressed them in English over the soft music.

  “Welcome, distinguished and eminent Principals of Earth. It is with great pleasure that we welcome you. Please do not be alarmed, we want to assure you that you are completely safe and secure and that no harm will come to you.”

  Some of the Principals frowned while others exchanged looks of concern, all trying to make sense of how and why they had been brought together in this obscure place.

  The voice continued, “You have been specifically chosen to represent the people of your world for this encounter, which pertains to the current environmental status of your planet. We request that you acquaint yourselves with your fellow Principals and then make your way through to the adjacent conference chamber.”

  Payton picked up on the reference to the environment and knew immediately why he was a part of this illustrious group. There wasn’t a single other person on the planet who understood its environment better than he did. What troubled him though, were the odd references to ‘Principals of Earth’ and ‘people of your world’.

  9:02 a.m. Observatory: Confusion

  The Principals remained dumbfounded by the situation
that faced them, but they soon sought comfort from one another. Serena Harpon was the first to move from where she stood and break the palpable awkwardness which prevailed in the room.

  She approached President Jameson whom she knew personally and spoke cautiously, “Madam President, I am definitely feeling much more comfortable knowing that you are here.”

  “I am equally relieved that you are here too, Ms Harpon,” said the US President.

  President Jameson was feeling particularly vulnerable, as this was the first time in years that she didn’t have her personal protection detail within a few metres of her. But despite this, she felt relatively safe.

  Serena Harpon was astounded by the fact that she was having this impromptu conversation with Sally Jameson. She spoke, “I was in my office speaking to a colleague just before arriving here. If this is a dream, then I might have fallen asleep right in front of her. Strange!”

  One of the other 12 spoke, “This is very strange indeed, Ms Harpon.”

  The man introduced himself briefly to the group as the Prime Minister of India, Rakesh Naidoo. He continued speaking, “I too am wondering if this is real. I can only think that I am, in reality, back in my ministerial suite fast asleep and snoring very loudly … much to my wife’s displeasure. Hopefully she’ll wake me up if that is the case.”

  Some of the Principals smiled at the Indian Prime Minister’s attempt to ease the tension.

  “This is actually very frightening,” said the Arab League Leader, Mr Shafik Nazam. He introduced himself as such and then asked, “What in Allah’s name is going on here, where do you believe we are?”

  The Chinese State President, whom everyone recognised, spoke for the first time, “I have no idea, but wherever it is, I am at least feeling secure in the knowledge that I share this room with what appears to be the world’s most prominent leaders and personalities. There are some here with whom I am not yet acquainted, but I have no doubt that you too are highly regarded leaders in your fields of expertise. Whatever happens, we will all be sharing this experience together.”


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