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Wake-up Call: 2035

Page 12

by Robert J. Traydon

  She smiled in wonder and spoke, “By some miracle of coincidence, the Aurorian orbital year matched your Earth year to within a single second, and its rotational speed was the same to within a millisecond. Thus our time references effectively mirror your own. As a matter of interest, the Aurorian year forms the foundation of the Intra-galactic Time Standard (ITS) used across the Galactic Federation.

  “After an extensive search we located a suitable planet that closely matched the planetary parameters of our dying planet. Soon thereafter, we started the arduous process of terraforming and colonising it. We slowly transformed it into a fully functioning inhabited planet and were able to save over 95% of Auroria’s indigenous species. Our new home planet’s name is Endurion, and our Auroran race has been living there for over 200 000 years. Throughout that time our race’s population has remained constant at 400 million.

  “This is Endurion’s location in our galaxy.”

  She pointed towards the galactic hologram and a purple sphere showed Endurion’s location within the galaxy’s central core. The density of stars in the core was quite astounding when compared to the spiral wings.

  She continued, “And this is Earth’s location here …”

  The Earth was then identified by a light green sphere in the depths of the galaxy’s fourth spiral wing. The visual perspective of the Earth’s location within the galaxy was awe-inspiring. Most of the Principals had never cared to know where the Earth’s position was in relation to the galaxy. They had not considered it to be of any real significance. But there the Earth was, midway along the fourth spiral between the galaxy’s centre and outer edge.

  She continued, “Although unforeseen, I am pleased that we have this opportunity to meet and am optimistic that together, we will be able to overcome the monumental challenge that stands before you.”

  The Empress then invited her Chancellors to introduce themselves.

  9:18 a.m. Observatory: Chancellor Warion (Galactic Spiral Wing 1)

  The African gentleman rose from his seat and looked across at the Principals. He exuded an air of wisdom as he spoke, “My name is Valantor Warion, Chancellor of the galaxy’s first spiral wing, hued in yellow. It contains 83 billion stars around which 147 billion planets are in orbit. From these planets, 4 223 support life and of those only 10 are home to intelligent life.

  “I came into being on a planet named Corianthyn.” A yellow sphere identified its position. It was located at the midway point along its spiral wing, on the opposite side of the galaxy to Earth.

  “It is a desert planet similar in size to your plant, with three moons. Its rotation speed is almost half that of Earth meaning our day/night cycle is 45 hours long. This causes a much larger temperature variation between midday and midnight, which constrained our planet’s diversity of life. As such, we have just over 1% of the number of species that Earth has.

  “My species’ population numbers a constant 250 million and we pride ourselves on living in harmony with all the other species that share our planet with us. Together we perpetuate the wellbeing of our planet’s environment in the full knowledge that every single living creature has a role to play in maintaining its fragile life-sustaining equilibrium.”

  He closed, “I trust that this encounter will serve as a channel of enlightenment for both you and all those you represent, as the future of your planet’s existence depends on it.”

  9:20 a.m. Observatory: Chancellor Kestryn (Galactic Spiral Wing 2)

  The lady of Asian ethnicity rose and held a hand up in a polite gesture of greeting. She had a kind demeanour and spoke gently, “I am Raylene Kestryn, Chancellor of the second spiral wing, hued in red. It has 56 billion stars and 104 billion planets. Of these planets, 2 975 support life and of those, only 6 exhibit intelligent life.

  “My species resides on a planet named Arpathia.” A red sphere showed its position. It was located on the inner extremity of its spiral wing, in the same galactic quadrant as Earth.

  “It is one of 12 planets that share our orange dwarf host star, five of which are rocky and the other seven, gaseous. Unlike Earth, our planet has fresh water oceans which cover only 40% of its surface. Most of our land area is covered in dense forest with the balance being high altitude tundra. Due to our planet’s elliptical orbit around our host star, we have two summer-winter periods per orbital cycle. The number of species on our planet is just less than 2% that of Earth.

  “Our population has been stable at 150 million for half a millennium. It had reached a peak of 300 million two millennia ago, but we soon realised that our impact exceeded our planet’s ability to support us. Through careful planning over 920 years, our population was progressively eased to its current sustainable size.

  She closed, “This is an historic day both in our lives and in yours, and it will undoubtedly be regarded as the point in our galactic history when our destinies were fused and redefined.”

  9:15 a.m. Earth: United States – Atlantic City

  Vice President Zach McKenzie’s phone rang. He noted the caller ID and politely excused himself from the laborious environmental forum. He sighed in relief as he made his way out of the venue. The ‘greenies’ were getting to him. They had no idea what they were talking about. Just a load of theoretical mumbo-jumbo stating that the world’s environment was nearing a critical ‘tipping point’. Their obvious intention was nothing more than to scare the world into unaffordable action. They seemed to show little interest in the fragile state of the global economy, and equally little regard for the indisputable fact that development and economic growth put food on the tables of millions of American families each day.

  The world was a big machine that depended and thrived on human expansion and advancement. All these greenies seemingly wanted to do was take the human race back to the Stone Age. He was growing tired of all these theoretical environmental analyses and impractical demands for sweeping reforms. In the real world they were just a load of hogwash.

  Once outside of the venue he was able to answer the call.

  “Agent Walker, what can I do for you?” asked McKenzie in greeting.

  Walker hid his sheer relief at the call finally being answered. “Mr Vice President. I’m sorry to bother you, but we have a serious problem …”

  He proceeded to outline the situation for the Vice President.

  “Agent Walker, how on earth can the American President just go missing?” yelled the Vice President. “This is completely unbelievable … and unacceptable!”

  He paused, hoping that his annoyance at the absurdity of the situation would hit home and also give himself time to collect his thoughts.

  He continued, “What about her tracking device?”

  Walker responded, “Sir, it appears that the tracking device has gone dark. We are doing everything we can to find out what happened. One second it was showing the President in her office and the next it was gone … as though it had simply disappeared.”

  The Vice President snorted, “Bloody technology, we spend billions of dollars on it and just when you really need it, it fails.” He continued after a brief pause, “I trust you’ve locked down the White House.”

  Walker replied, “Yes, Mr Vice President. It was done immediately after the inspection of the office. We are currently searching the entire premises. If the President is here, we will find her.”

  “I certainly expect so, Agent Walker. Give me feedback every 15 minutes, or as soon as the President’s location is established. I only hope for this country’s sake that this is some kind of ridiculous misunderstanding,” said McKenzie.

  He ended the call convinced that it was a trivial mix-up of sorts. He returned with reluctance to the interminable environmental forum.

  9:22 a.m. Observatory: Chancellor Raker (Galactic Spiral Wing 3)

  The gentleman of Indian origin stood to introduce himself. Despite his small stature, he had an imposing presence and wore an equally austere expression.

  He spoke in a respectful tone, “My name
is Fortex Raker, Chancellor of the galaxy’s third spiral wing, hued in blue. It is home to 72 billion stars around which 129 billion planets orbit. From these planets, 3 586 support life and of those, only 8 have intelligent life.

  “I originated on a planet named Variantor.” A blue sphere identified its position. It was located a third of the way along its spiral wing from the central core, in the quadrant adjacent to Earth.

  “It is an oceanic planet, but wasn’t always. Almost 38 millennia ago, a 200-year volcanic event resulted in vast swathes of polar ice pack warming up and melting. Our sea levels rose over two kilometres, submersing every trace of land except our highest mountain ranges. Over 95% our land species were lost during this event, resulting in our planet having only 1,4% of the number of species found on Earth.

  “Our species’ population is carefully sustained at 320 million. We have had to adapt to living under the ocean surface in large submerged cities, meaning that our population size has had to be very carefully maintained. If it were to grow beyond this number, then the capacity of our submersed life-support structures would quickly be exceeded.”

  He closed, “It has been an honour for me to personally witness Earth, one of the greatest planetary phenomena in our galaxy. Your home planet is truly magnificent and deserves to prevail long into the future.”

  9:24 a.m. Observatory: Chancellor Yusoara (Galactic Spiral Wing 4)

  The Arabian lady then rose from her seat. Her hypnotic eyes glimmered as she stared at each of the Principals in turn. She exuded a fearsome aura far beyond her deceptively young age.

  She spoke, “So, the question that has long been asked by your species, of whether extra-terrestrial life exists in the Universe, has now finally been answered. This must be a startling realisation for you to come to terms with, but be secure in the knowledge that our intentions are both honourable and necessary.

  “I am Laview Yusoara, Chancellor of the fourth spiral in our galaxy, hued in green. It is home to 64 billion stars, which are host to 112 billion planets. From these planets, 3 249 support life and of those only 7 are home to intelligent life. Your planet, Earth, is one of these seven and since it resides in this spiral wing, it falls directly under my authority.

  “My home planet’s name is Naulantus.” A dark green sphere showed its position. It was located in the first quarter along its spiral, in the other galactic quadrant adjacent to the Earth’s light green sphere.

  “It is a planet 30% larger than Earth but with similar specific gravity. Our oceans fluctuate between being completely frozen and unfrozen every orbital cycle. This is due to our planet’s eccentric orbit around our yellow sub-giant star. Its furthest orbital point from our star is twice that of its closest point. Thus we have an extreme summer and winter cycle. Due to this, our species count is just 1,7% that of Earth.

  “The population of our people has been maintained at 550 million for deca-millennia. We celebrate the species that share our planet with us and continuously strive to keep our planet’s environment in harmonious balance. As such, we have not had a single non-natural species extinction in the last 20 000 years.

  “The other five planets within our spiral wing that exhibit intelligent life, have not yet reached a stage of evolution where they can be formally introduced and invited to join the Galactic Federation. They remain blissfully unaware of the fact that life exists beyond their own planets … as you were just before this encounter.”

  She closed, “I trust that you will gain both knowledge and insight from your experience here, and that it can be used to suitably prepare you for the demanding journey that stands before yourselves and those you represent. This encounter will surely redefine your planet’s future.”

  9:27 a.m. Observatory: Commander Trennor (Galactic Exploration Division)

  The Commander stood with his intimidating bulk towering over the table. His unyielding stare bore into the Principals making them all feel uneasy. It was as though they were being condemned for something that they were not yet fully aware of.

  He spoke in an authoritative voice, “Good day to you all. My name is Rifton Trennor and I am the Commander-in-Chief of the Federation’s Galactic Exploration Division and also of this spacecraft. Our Exploration Division has been responsible for exploring, observing and charting close to 80% of the galaxy. Of the approximately 940 billion planets that we have catalogued to date, only 26 580 exhibit life. Of these, 55 are home to intelligent life and of those, only 12 are classified as having super-intelligent life.

  “These 12 super-intelligent races, which we collectively refer to as ‘Galacians’, have all been openly communicating and trading with one another for well over 150 000 years, with some relationships stretching as far back as 280 000 years. Hence the official establishment of the Galactic Federation and Galacian Senate 125 000 years ago. Each of the 12 Galacian races is represented in the Senate by three Senators.

  “As a matter of interest, ‘intelligent life’ is used to refer to races that have discovered the intermediate principles of mathematics and science, and are also able to communicate in a written dialect of more than one million independent words. Super-intelligent life is used to refer to races that have mastered the Universal laws of mathematics, chemistry, physics and quantum mechanics, invented micro-fusion power generators, and developed ultra-density ion propulsion drives for intra-galactic travel.”

  He motioned towards the galactic hologram and an array of orange and turquoise spheres began to populate its extents. They showed the widespread distribution of simple and complex life-harbouring planets across the galaxy, which numbered 21 171 and 5 342 respectively. It was noticeable that the occurrence of inhabited planets was commensurate with stellar density.

  The hologram was then populated with 42 silver spheres, which identified the locations of all the remaining intelligent life harbouring planets. Seven golden spheres then appeared pinpointing where the other super-intelligent life harbouring planets were located.

  The Principals found themselves mesmerised by the display. The holographic depiction of life distribution across the galaxy was an impressive sight to behold. Although at first glance the occurrence of life appeared to be prolific, it actually put into perspective just how exceptionally rare it was, especially in the context of the enormous number of stars and planets that existed. Payton was fascinated by the information and knew that astronomers back on Earth would be equally so. It was an exclusive privilege to see it, especially considering that it was the culmination of aeons worth of exploration work.

  Trennor continued, “Like our Empress, I am also Auroran and reside on Endurion. To expand on the event that she spoke of earlier, our Auroran ancestors had the terrible experience of witnessing their world’s century-long environmental demise. It was brought about by the planet’s molten inner core shifting orientation in such a way that its protective magnetic field began to falter. Without this protection, the host star’s intense radiation destroyed the planet.

  “It is only because of the successful efforts of our ancestors to terraform and colonise another planet, that the Auroran race exists today. To say that the experience was harrowing for them, would understate the abysmal reality. All life and infrastructure that could be saved was physically uprooted and relocated during the half century prior to Auroria’s environmental implosion point being breached. In the decade that followed, the planet’s environment became uninhabitable for all complex life including our own species. Those that refused to be relocated, all perished.”

  He elaborated, “This relocation process was only made possible due to the semi-advanced technologies that were available to our ancestors at the time. From what I have studied of the experience, it is not something that I would wish on any other species living in this Universe. From this event, our species learnt that one’s home planet should never be taken for granted. It should at all times be regarded as one’s lone island of survival.

  “The relocation of our planet’s species to an uninhabite
d habitable planet, was the first successful attempt in the known history of the galaxy. However, it was only successful through great sacrifice, as our species suffered far-reaching moderation in living standards, hardship and loss throughout that period. But our ancestors’ efforts will never be forgotten because they ensured the future survival of the Auroran species and also that of the vast majority of our cohabitating species.”

  He paused before closing. “I realise that it is difficult to accept unsolicited counsel, especially from outsiders, but the information that is about to be imparted to you is without doubt the most critically important information that your species will ever be shown.”

  The Principals watched the Commander return to his seat. He came across as a man of impeccable character and infallible moral principle. His motivation reinforced their resolve to take cognisance of every word that was to follow.

  9:20 a.m. Earth: White House

  Agent Walker immediately lifted his hand to his comms radio. “Agents Bravo, Delta, Romeo and Zulu, please report to the Security Office immediately for a strategic briefing.”

  Within just two minutes they had gathered in the office. Walker ran through the only set of viable options that he could think of, then invited comment from the other agents. He had a sixth sense that they were missing something but he had no idea what it was. Within just five minutes, they had agreed on a search operation strategy that would be coordinated from the Security Office by Walker’s second-in-charge, Agent Davis. The full complement of Secret Service agents were then strategically spread across the White House to conduct an unprecedented manhunt for the President.

  Agent Walker immediately contacted the Chief of the National Guard Bureau, General Ronald Flanker, to notify him of the situation and request that a National Guard garrison be assembled and placed on standby. If there was still no sign of the President by 9:30 a.m., then they would be called on to assist.


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