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Liberate (The Vindicated Series Book 2)

Page 10

by Addison Jane

  “Ahem…” Luca coughs behind us and I slump, slowly easing the kiss and break free from Lily. I pull back looking into her eyes making sure to let her know I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.

  Her hand comes up gently touching my forehead. “You’re hurt,” she says and I shake my head.

  “It’s just a scratch. It’s nothing. I’m fine—”

  “I’m sorry to interrupt guys, but we’re standing out the front of a biker club out in the open. We need to go inside if you two can stop making googlies at each other for two seconds, okay?” Luca asks.

  Lily’s eyes open wide. “Wait? What? A biker club?” she asks looking back to Luca. “You said we were going to hang out with some cyclists.”

  I can’t hide my smirk as Luca chuckles. “Well, I didn’t lie, Lily. Just because I said cycles and left off the word motor… it’s not my fault. We’d just been attacked, we were in a hurry, and I had to get you here somehow didn’t I? It’s not my problem that you believed a club of cyclists could keep you and Kace safe. I mean really, Lily, did you not think that was a little weird?” Luca quips and Lily huffs as Molly giggles from the back seat.

  “What not you, too, Molly? Why are you laughing at me?” Lily jibes.

  Molly sticks her head out of the car. “Seriously, Lil? You really thought he meant cyclists? As in push-bike cyclists? Geez, even I knew it was going to be a biker club. I’d picked up the clues he was putting down, but I didn’t want to fill you in either. We all know you would’ve freaked out if he’d told you it was a biker club… true?”

  “Yes true! Kace, we are not staying here,” Lily states emphatically, a firm look set on her face.

  “Lily, these guys, these bikers, they’re not your typical run of the mill derelicts you hear about in the news. These are good people, Lil,” Axel tells her.

  She slumps and furrows her brows looking to me for guidance.

  I turn to Axel and exhale. “Axel… you sure about this?”

  He nods. “I trust my family just as much as I trust you guys.”

  My chest squeezes and a sense of relief washes over me. If Axel feels that strongly then I think we’ll be okay. I trust him, and if he trusts them, then I know we’ll be fine. Plus, I know some of them, and the ones I do know are great guys. I’m probably worrying about nothing.

  “Okay. Axel, ask them to open the gates. We better get inside.”

  Axel nods and looks up to a camera with his left hand down and his right hand up and gives the thumbs up. It’s clearly a signal to whoever’s watching. The gate creaks and shudders and then starts to open with a loud screech.

  “Affirmative! All clear! Proceed to landing dock, Riot,” a voice calls out over a speaker.

  I glance to Axel who smiles at me and nods.

  “We’re good to go. Kace, jump in the car with Lil and I’ll meet you in the yard,” Axel says hoisting his leg over his bike and starting it up again. He hammers down as I lead Lily back to the car and slide in behind her. Luca pulls the car into the cemented yard.

  It’s pretty bleak. There’s not much out here, it looks a hell of a lot like a used car garage. The main clubhouse to the left is a giant building made of tin, but it looks super solid. Like it could withstand anything.

  We pull around the back to see a row of bikes lined up and glistening in the afternoon sun. All sparkling and shining like they’ve been freshly polished. A small grassed area to the side houses a cubby house and play area for children. I furrow my brows as Luca parks the car next to a stack of oil barrels. We all get out as Axel walks over and tilts his head toward the back of the clubhouse. There’s basically one red door and then two giant roller doors side by side taking up the rest of the space. I imagine it would be awesome for when they have their parties, the whole place will open right up.

  The red door swings open with a thud and two Dobermans rush out. Lily smiles as Molly hides behind her and I grin that my girl isn’t scared of dogs.

  “Riot! It’s been a while, lad. The club misses you, boy. Get your ass front and center and give your pa a man hug,” Falcon calls out.

  Falcon is Axel’s dad. An ex-fighter pilot and President of the Malice MC. He’s a good guy, he’s been decent to me the few times I’ve met him.

  “Dad, ease up, we have company,” Axel says walking up to the salt and pepper haired man who walks with a slight limp, but other than that looks incredibly fit.

  “I can see that boy. I’m not blind, still have my twenty-twenty vision. Eyes of a fox, libido of a rabbit—”

  “Geez, Dad!”

  “I like him,” Molly chimes to Lily as Luca chuckles.

  “And who are these fine young WAF’s?” Falcon asks.

  I shake my head as Lily and Molly scrunch their eyebrows taking in Falcon’s strange gibberish talk.

  “Stop talking in jargon, they’re not women in the Air Force, Dad. They’re just people who need our help... and protection.”

  “Well then, you’ve come to the right place. Help is easy, but protection… well, we specialize in that. Keeping people out of here is our forte. We’re not just some run of the mill MC, we’re the best. We’re bikers and we’re proud of that fact. Don’t be scared of us, we’ll keep you safe from whatever threat is out there. Riot brought you here, so if he wants you protected, his word is our bond. You’re safe. You have the club at your back, no questions asked.”

  Just as he finishes another couple of the club members walk outside. They’re wearing their cuts and their guns are hanging visibly from their belts as they take us in, looking us all up and down. Their bodies are tight with tension—strangers in their home. They look to Axel and Falcon, but Falcon nods letting them know we’re not to be harmed and they visibly relax as they lean up against the bollards next to Luca, who’s watching every move they make.

  Giggling echoes from inside the clubhouse and a couple of club girls run out from inside and they slip into the arms of the two men. No, actually they throw themselves onto the two burly men and are wearing practically nothing. I’m sure one of them is only wearing a mini skirt and nipple tape as I glance to Lily who’s chewing on her bottom lip with her arms wrapped around herself tightly. A clear display of how uncomfortable she’s feeling. This is not the type of place she would ever want to be associated with, but desperate times and all that. She doesn’t have a choice, and I will do everything to keep her safe even if it means spending time with outlaw biker club members.

  “Don’t worry guys, this is my family, this is who I am,” Axel says trying to reassure us.

  “This,” he waves his hands around, “… the guys with the artillery, the girls… it’s all a part of the club. But don’t worry about the girls, they will stay away from you lot and keep their mouths shut,” Falcon directs mainly to Lily.

  “I’m more worried about them staying away from him,” Lily replies looking toward me.

  Furrowing my brows, I shake my head slightly in shock. She should know by now I wouldn’t even look at them. “I have to stress to you how important it is that being here doesn’t get out to anyone,” I say to Falc.

  He nods with a laugh. “After years of Agency protocol’s, you’re still questioning me?”

  “Just part of the job.”

  Falc chuckles shaking his head and slaps my shoulder pulling me toward the clubhouse. “C’mon let’s get ya’ll inside. You’ll be safe here, no worries about that. We have a guard on post at all times. A security system is in place around the clubhouse and plenty of brothers on standby for your protection. No one is getting near you guys without going through us first. Riot wants you protected, you gonna be damn well protected! Feel free to ask for anything you want or need any time of day or night.”

  “I need to talk to my team for a bit,” I say and he nods.

  “Sure thing. Your crew can use the media room.”

  “Thank you. The girls need somewhere to stay while I talk to my te—”

  “No, I’m leaving,” Molly interrupts.

>   I shake my head as Noah slumps his body and visibly looks annoyed at her.

  “Molly you can’t go back.”

  “But what about Daisy?”

  My anger flares and my chest squeezes tight thinking about my dog and how she’s been left behind in all this. “Well, maybe you should have thought about that before doing something so damn reckless and stupid!”

  “Kace, leave her alone,” Lily barks at me.

  Groaning, I turn with a heavy sigh running my hands through my hair and shake my head. “I’ll call Eli. Send him around to your apartment to grab Daisy.”

  “But he won’t be able to get in,” Molly answers and everyone rolls their eyes. “What?” Molly asks and I simply huff out a grunt.

  Luca grins at Molly. “Got two words for you sweetheart… secret agent.”

  She frowns back at him and sticks her tongue out like a spoiled child. “Okay, okay. I'm catching on.”

  I nod to Falc, and he lifts his chin in response, letting me know he’ll watch the girls as I walk off toward the media room with Luca and Axel.

  “I guess we can safely say that we were right?” Luca asks.

  “Yep, you’re right, looks like the Sinclair brothers have a hard on for us,” Axel says.

  “We need to go on the offensive instead of the defensive,” I suggest.

  “We’re gonna have to talk about it later because with us all going off the grid, and with Blair being hurt, Camilla’s gonna start asking questions. We’ll come back tomorrow or later tonight and sort it out. But for now you guys get settled into your new digs,” Luca suggests. “Axel can stay with you guys, and Noah and I’ll go cover our asses with queen bitch.”

  “Okay, we have a plan… sort of. Well, the start of one. We just need to find something more concrete on Camilla. But we need to get settled in here for tonight, we’ll reconvene tomorrow and start afresh.”

  “Affirmative. Right, I’ll grab Noah and head. If we don’t go back Camilla will know we’re on to her and shit will turn south quickly. I’ll see you tomorrow, no biker orgies while I’m gone. You know I live for this shit,” Luca says and I roll my eyes as Axel laughs.

  “Piss off, get out of here before I tell them to block you at the gates.”

  “Yes sir, boss man.” He fake salutes and rushes off as I glance to Axel and slump my shoulders.

  “Will the girls be safe here?” I ask him man to man.

  “You have my word, Kace. We’re not that type of club.”

  I take in a deep relieved breath and walk back out with him to where Molly and Lily are standing with Falc, and he’s talking to them nicely.

  “Prez, where’s Jinx?” Axel asks and Falc looks around and shrugs.

  “Dunno… Jinx?” he yells at the top of his lungs making me, Lily and Molly all jolt back in surprise.

  “Fuck Prez, I coulda done that myself,” Axel says.

  “Then why didn’t you, Riot? Making your old man do all the hard work around here, geez… Jinxy?” he yells again making Lily and Molly bit their lips in an attempt to hold in their smiles.

  “Why do you keep calling Axel, Riot?” Molly asks.

  “Axel? Ha, ‘cause he makes one hell of a riot when he’s drunk. Fucker won’t shut the hell up, and he’s as fun as shit, like a riot. It’s his road name. It’s what we call him here. Everyone has a road name. Fucking hell, Jinxy babe, where the fuck are ya?”

  “I’m right here, no need to yell, you bossy beast.”

  Jinx is really pretty for her age, her silver blonde hair sits half way down her back in waves and her bright red lipstick never fades. No matter what time of day, it’s always the same shade of red. She’s well built for her size, she’s short but has a voluptuous body, one that in her hay day I’m sure men would have died for. Not that she isn’t stunning now, she’s just a little older than me.

  “There she is… my beauty. Come here, you,” Falcon says pulling her to him and he plants a kiss on those bright red lips. She kisses him back and I glance to Lily who’s looking away and down to the floor like we’re intruding on an intimate moment.

  “Okay, really, your son is right here guys. Aren’t you too old to be kissing like that?” Axel jabs and I chuckle.

  “Riot, have some respect. And no, your mother is a wild cat, why do you think she’s a jinx.”

  I furrow my brows.

  “That doesn’t make any sense, Prez.” Axel chuckles.

  He furrows his brows. “How can it not? Wildcat… cat… jinx?”

  Lily bursts out laughing and leans in closer to Falcon. “I think you’re thinking of a lynx.”

  He frowns as everyone laughs and Jinx pinches his ass. “Shit! Man down, man down. Mayday. Mayday. Must terminate this conversation,” Falcon says as he leans in kissing Jinx’s cheek and walks off.

  “He’s a keeper,” Jinx says and looks to Lily and Molly. “So ladies and germs how ‘bouts I show you to your rooms. Get you all settled in for the night. Looks like you’ve all had a big day,” Jinx says and I nod reaching my hand out for Lily’s. She takes it and leans into my side as we walk through the clubhouse down past the pool table area then through a hall where the bedrooms are situated. It’s seems like it’s a hotel type spread where there’s bedrooms next to each other. Luckily we’re situated adjacent to each other in the hall.

  “I’ll help Molly get set up,” Axel says, as he takes Molly into her room next door and I nod leading Lily into our room.

  Opening the door it’s definitely like a motel room. The big double bed in the middle and a chest of drawers on the opposing wall at the end. The bathroom is next to that and the one window looks out onto the playground for the children. The sun is setting in the dark sky and Lily sits down on the edge of the bed with a “humph.”

  “How long are we gonna be here for?” she asks.

  “Are you really that worried?”

  “I’m not stupid… I’ve seen Sons of Anarchy.”

  My lips turn up in a slight smile. “But the difference is I have you. I don’t need those club girls. We’ve been through too much shit for something so little to get to you.”

  “Maybe it is getting to me. All of this shit we’ve been going through. I’m just exhausted, Kace. This is all crazy. Fake deaths, government agencies, syndicates, biker clubs… where does it end?” Her eyes glisten as her bottom lip quivers, she looks completely broken.

  No, she looks done.

  This is all taking a real toll on her. I need to finish this shit with Camilla before losing her to the darkness completely.

  Kace moves over to the edge of the bed and sits down next to me, his thigh touches mine and that all too familiar spark shoots through me. Even though I feel like a part of me is dying right now, the energy that Kace and I share keeps my heart thumping.

  He looks me deeply in the eyes and sighs. “I know this is hard. I’m so sorry I brought all of this on you. If I had my time over, I would have left you alone. Kept you out of this. Stopped you from being in my world. Then you would be safe from everything. Then you would be—”

  I reach up placing my hand on his cheek and shake my head interrupting him. “No, as much as I hate this, as much as living like this makes me feel like I’m losing myself, you’re the only good thing in my life, Kace. Without you, I don’t even know where I would be right now.”

  He sighs exasperated and looks down. “Safe.”

  “Maybe, but you think my life before you was great? It wasn’t, Kace. Sure I had a great job, but my boss was a prick. Sure I had Molly, but she’s here now, too. Yes, I don’t have my family, but these people, your team, they’re like family until I can get back to mine. It’s not so bad, I just have to remember that when I’m drowning in all the other stuff.”

  He looks back up into my eyes, his are droopy and sad. “I’m still unhappy you’re going through all of this… you, Molly, Liam, your parents… none of you should be dragged into my family mess.”

  “Hey, your family’s my family, right? We’re in
this together, Kace. You and me, the whole way, till the end.”

  Kace purses his lips and nods. His hand comes up smoothing some hair behind my ear and I lean my cheek into his palm. He inches closer, the mint on his breath an intoxicating reminder of all things Kace. I lean forward running my hand up his strong bicep and into his hair pulling him in. Our lips crash together, needing the comfort of each other as we kiss frantically. My heart starts to race a little quicker.

  Today has been chaotic and maybe some relief from the tension is just what the doctor ordered. My hand runs down to the bottom of his shirt, and I lift it up and yank it over his sculptured abs. He lifts his arms up helping me ease the shirt off and I throw it to the floor showing me how dirty, sweaty and bruised he is from today’s attack.

  Pulling my lips from his, I chew on my bottom lip and glance down to his body where red marks line his chest and bruises brand his skin like well-worn armor. Looking closely at the mark where the bruising is still clearly visible from where the bullet hit the vest when Luca shot him not that long ago, I exhale and run my fingers along all the marks and shake my head as he sighs.

  “I’m fine, honestly.”

  “What happened?”

  “I was caught in a blast and it knocked me into the scrub onto some logs. Really Lily, I promise, I’ve had much worse,” he says.

  “I hate that my brothers did this to you.”

  His hand comes up caressing my cheek again soothing away my tension. “Hey, they may have the same blood, but that doesn’t make them your brothers by the definition of the word. They’re not like Liam.”

  I look up at him and weakly smile with a nod then stand from the bed. He raises an eyebrow at me as I grab his hand and pull him with me. “C’mon.”

  “Where are we going?” he asks with a slight chuckle in his voice.

  “To wash off the shit of today,” I say and head toward the adjoining bathroom. He walks with me into the small stylish room. It has the necessities—a toilet, a sink and a shower.


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