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Liberate (The Vindicated Series Book 2)

Page 23

by Addison Jane

  Kace tugs my body through the only open door, slamming it shut behind us. I open my mouth to speak but he catches me off guard, his hands reaching for my waist and pulling me in just as his mouth lowers and captures mine in the most intense, passion-filled kiss of my life. But I wouldn’t expect any less from this man.

  He slowly moves me backward, one small step at a time, and I follow blindly as our tongues battle each other for dominance. His taste, his touch, it all surrounds me like a whirlwind, and I’m drawn into its powerful force.

  With a thump, my back hits a wall and I gasp.

  Kace finally pulls back, but only far enough to let a breath of wind pass between us. I can still feel the heat of his mouth, and as I grab a hold on his shirt I’m shocked to feel his body shaking beneath it.

  “What were you thinking?” he growls, his fingers digging into my hip bone.

  I raise my chin. “I was thinking that I wasn’t going to sit in my safe little bubble anymore. I’m sick of feeling so weak, and I’m sick of people constantly having to save me.”

  His brow pulls together and his shoulders tighten. “Do you realize what could have happened?”

  I scoff, only causing his frown to bury deeper. “Do you realize what could have happened if I didn’t come?”

  His hand slams against the wall beside my head, I flinch but I continue to stand my ground. There’s no going back now, I am here, and I’ll probably have a complete and utter breakdown about this later, but right now, I’m feeling pretty strong.

  “Yes! You would’ve been perfectly safe,” Kace snaps, his eyes blazing.

  What part of me just saving his ass did he not understand?

  “Who gives a shit! We’re in this together, this is about us, so what’s the point in letting you go down if I’m going to be left without you, Kace. I can’t live like that.” I slam my palms against his chest but he doesn’t even budge. “Stop treating me like I’m so fucking broken. I’m stronger than you give me credit for. Yes, the shit you do scares me but I can handle it. It doesn’t mean I’m completely incapable. If you let me in more, I’d be a lot stronger.”

  Kace grabs my face in his hands, and I still as I catch a look of pain suddenly cross his face. “I’m trying to protect you.”

  “When did this become about you and not about us?” I fire back, wrapping my hands around his wrists. “When did you stop considering the fact that I’ve given up everything for you, and you just think I’ll be fine if something happens to you?”

  His jaw ticks as he clenches his teeth. “Okay, I hear you,” he finally answers, hanging his head. “But holy fuck, woman, you brought the whole damn MC with you?” I don’t miss the smirk that pulls at the corner of his perfect lips.

  “Um…yeah? I’m not that stupid, Kace. You really think I’d come alone?”

  He chuckles lightly. “With this whole Rambo woman thing you’ve got going on right now, it wouldn’t surprise me.” His eyes look me up and down and I can’t help but grin. “What about Blair?”

  “He knew something was going on when he couldn’t get a hold of Tanner and he discharged himself from the hospital. He rang Ruin looking for you guys right when things were going down, so I filled him in, and we came up with the idea of him taking down a guard and stealing their clothes, and then taking me into Camilla and recording everything.” I want to bounce up and down, I’m that giddy. “It worked perfectly. She had no idea.”

  “I had no fucking idea, it was actually genius,” he mutters, maybe a little ashamed to admit that he’s got himself caught and had to be bailed out by others.

  Kace isn’t perfect, though, I wish I could remind him every day that, that didn’t matter. It’s not his fault he didn’t see through Camilla’s bullshit act, and he has to realize that he can’t hold that all on his shoulders.

  “What do we do now?” I ask, my foot tapping nervously. I lick my lips, trying to build the courage to ask my next question. “Do we get to go home?”

  His hands move from my face and places them on the wall at either side of my head. His heavy sigh makes me feel nauseated. “We need to wait and see what the Board says first, but it’s a step in the right direction.”

  I stand a little taller, not even caring that we have to wait for the Board. I am one step closer to this whole debacle being over. One step closer to seeing my parents again. One step closer to my world being pulled back into its rightful place. Only this time Kace will be a part of it, and we will have a fresh start.

  “I’ll get to see my mom and dad? And Liam?” I ask excitedly, unable to stop my voice filling with euphoria.

  Kace smiles and dips his head, resting his forehead against mine. “Yeah baby, I’ll take you to them myself.”

  The instant the words come out of his mouth, I can’t stop myself. I throw my arms around his neck and leap, knowing full well that he will catch me.

  Kace will always catch me.

  His hands go straight to my ass and my legs wrap around his slim waist. Taking a few steps backward, he suddenly drops. My heart skips until I realize that we’ve landed on a sofa. Kace laughs softly in my ear, but I don’t even care that he thinks scaring the crap out of me is funny.

  I grind my hips down and he instantly quiets, his body going completely still. Pulling my hair back, I dip my head, my lips pressing against his neck as I raise up and press my body down once again.

  “You really doing this right now?” Kace groans, his fingers weaving through my hair.

  “Yup,” I mumble against his neck, not wanting to drag myself away from the touch of his skin for even a second.

  “Well…” I squeal as he lifts me up, twisting his body and dumping me flat on my back on the sofa before settling himself between my legs. His hands braced next to my head, he leans over me, pushing his hips forward. I moan loudly and arch my body up. “Victory sex it is then.”

  He sits back, a cocky smirk on his face as his fingers reach for the button of my jeans. I wiggle my hips as he draws them down my legs, torturously slow.

  “Is this how you always celebrate a victory,” I ask, my voice soft and husky.

  He shakes his head. “Usually we drink,” he answers as he hooks his fingers inside the waistband of my panties. “But for you, I’ll make an exception.”

  He yanks them down to my knees, not even bothering to pull them off completely before he pushes my legs back toward me, folding me in half. My knee twinges, but again, I don’t care. He holds me captive there with one hand while the other trails down the back of my thigh, tickling and teasing its way to my pussy.

  With one swift swipe through my folds, my body thrashes from side to side and my hands grip onto the cushions beneath me.

  “Kace,” I moan, shuddering as one finger slips right inside me.

  “Lily,” he counters, clearly amused by his antics. “Hold your legs right there.”

  I wrap one arm around my knees, holding them to the side of my chest as I watch him unzip his pants. With one hand he continues to push in and out of me, my pussy so slick his finger glides with ease.

  Kace pulls his pants down just far enough to pull out his thick cock, which he tugs at a couple of times as he eyes my body. He purses his lips as he removes his fingers and lays his length on top of me, pushing his hips forward so the head slips through my lips and bumps against my clit.

  I throw my head back, my mouth falling open.

  “Oops, I missed,” he chuckles.

  I realize then that I would never like to meet this man in a torture chamber because he’s good, so fucking good.

  “Someone will come looking for us soon, so this is gonna be hard and fast,” he warns as he slips inside me so deliciously slow.

  My body feels alive, the adrenaline of what just happened is still coursing through my veins, heightening my senses. I can’t tell you why I’ve been so calm. Maybe it’s because I’m not the same person I was before. Maybe it’s because suddenly death and destruction have become the norm. Or maybe it’s simply
because Kace is here.

  No more running, no more hiding out or houses exploding.

  We’ve fought through the worst, we’ve conquered the depths of hell that should have destroyed us and we are stronger.

  Stronger together.

  We’ve lived in the darkness, and now there is only light ahead.

  My nails dig into my skin as Kace settles all the way inside me. I take a peek at him, he looks strained, like he’s holding back. “Give me everything, I want it.”

  He looks surprised by my words, but the creases of tension in his face lessen and he whispers, “For the rest of my damn life, I’ll give you everything you need…starting now.”

  He withdrawals momentarily, pulling back before thrusting straight back inside me, deeper than I ever imagined possible. I cry out, the feeling of him filling me, driving me to the brink of insanity and I crave more.

  I want to get lost in him, in us, in the electricity that swirls around our bodies. A flash of darkness sparks in his eyes and he leans over me, contorting my body and slamming me with one harsh thrust upon another into the sofa cushions.

  Even in the awkward position, I don’t feel any pain, my body on a high, one that I wish would never leave. The new position allows him to get deeper, and my body begins to burn.

  He lays a soft kiss against the back of my leg before grazing my skin with his teeth.

  He’s breathless, and so am I, but it only intensifies the need to reach that place of euphoria quicker, faster.

  I feel it begin to blossom, starting in my gut and spreading throughout my body and limbs like a tidal wave. He pounds faster, the wave threatens to consume me, to swallow me whole and steal my breath.

  “Kace!” The only word I can make out before I’m done for, my body shaking and convulsing as the pleasure hits me like an explosion. Bright lights swirl around me and I feel lightheaded and dizzy but in the most fucking amazing way.

  After a few short thrusts, he follows me off the edge and into the oblivion that awaits us. There’s nothing but the two of us, floating in peace and ecstasy, our bodies molded together. This is where I could stay, for the rest of my life, here with him.

  “Lily,” he mutters as he pulls back from me, allowing a rush of cold air to attack my body. I shudder and he chuckles. “You with me?”

  “Always,” I mumble and he laughs again.

  “I meant right now, but that’s good to know.” He falls back, allowing my cramped legs the space to stretch, which I do, unable to stop the soft moan that leaves my lips. My muscles ache from the strange position but fuck it feels good, the kind of ache you get when you know you’re gonna remember this moment tomorrow.

  Kace pulls me to my feet, helping me with my clothes, his fingers fist into my naked skin, soothing and seducing me at the same time. We manage to pull ourselves together, not that it matters because the second we join the others, none of them can keep the smiles off their faces.

  Luca wiggles his eyebrows at me, a strange feat given that one of his eyes is still swollen basically shut. “What ya been doing?” he asks playfully, trying to make it sound like an innocent question.

  I unconsciously reach for my hair, smoothing it out only causing Luca to laugh, knowing that he’s caught me out.

  Kace flips him the bird, grabbing my hand and pulling me into his side. Axel shakes his head with a grin while Tanner outright smiles at me.

  “What’s been going on here?” Kace asks, drawing the attention away from us and moving everyone’s eyes to Noah. He’s sitting at Camilla’s desk, laptop open and typing furiously while Jack stands behind him, his eyes narrowed on the screen.

  After a few seconds, Jack finally looks up, acknowledging our presence. “Noah’s hacked into the security feed of this house to see who’s been coming and going over the last few days. Then he ran facial recognition software over the faces to try to identify the people. We’ve narrowed them down and we believe we have found the five members of the Board. We’re in the process of contacting them to get them all here.”

  Kace nods sharply. “Good, we need to get this underway before Camilla’s minions send out a rescue party.” His hand clenches around mine. “Speaking of the devil, where is she?”

  “We had Ruin and Curtains take her to her own holding cell in the basement,” Luca laughs. “Bet she never thought she’d be the one locked inside it. Karma’s a bitch. They’re fixing her up from Lily’s shooting rampage, which was totally hot by the way, Lily,” Luca explains and I can’t help but blush, even at what was meant to be a compliment.

  Kace grunts. “Eyes off, Luca.”

  “Ah… ease up, Batman, she’s all yours. Just the whole La Femme Nakita thing was hot that’s all. Plus, anyone who shots Camilla is gonna get the seal of approval from me.” He throws me an enthusiastic thumbs up across the room and I can’t help but laugh.

  Kace nails him with a pointed look, though. “If I’m Batman that makes you Robin.”

  Luca shrugs, his trademark cocky smirk unable to be wiped from his face. “I ain’t even mad. Can you imagine how good my butt would look in tights?”

  Tanner and I both laugh, while the boys all simply roll their eyes and groan, obviously not happy with the image Luca has just supplied their minds with.

  “Even with a bashed up face you’re still cracking jokes.” Axel slaps him on the back and Luca cringes, a look of pain flashing across his face. I take a step forward, my natural need to comfort him filling me, but his eyes meet mine and he waves me off.

  He pulls his shoulders back and forces a crooked smile on his face that I know none of his teammates fall for. “That’s why I’m the best man for the job and leader of the team.”

  Kace pulls me back toward him. “Oh geez, man, you know I’m taking my role back now this is all getting sorted,” he jokes as he tucks me under his arm. I look up at him in confusion, wondering why no one is offering to help Luca if they all know he’s in so much pain.

  I glance up at Kace, but he just shakes his head and mouths the word ‘later.’

  I’m still confused, but I settle in next to him, watching Luca carefully.

  Luca finally grins, and like a light switch, he’s back. “Whatevs, Batman.”

  We stayed the night in Camilla’s mansion. I slept peacefully knowing that just that fact was probably driving her fucking crazy. It’s funny how I’ve always been so non-confrontational, but pissing that bitch off has brought such joy into my life.

  I hate how she’d treated Kace, the things she’d told him, how the only reason she had him was to create her own army of perfect soldiers. It was bullshit! There must have been a part at some time that Camilla felt some kind of motherly feelings. I knew there was because if that part of Kace’s life had been absent, there was no way she could have hurt him this deeply.

  We’re all gathered in the living room when Noah walks through the doors. “They’re here,” he says quietly before stepping to the side. I can feel the moment that the reality sinks in and everybody hardens. Masks are pulled into place and Kace releases my hand and he and Jack both stand.

  I nervously rub my hands together, twisting and untwisting my fingers. The seconds seem to drag and as a line of five men and women enter the room, it seems as if the air is sucked out.

  This is it, this is where shit could turn on its head. Kace has made it clear that this situation was not all cut and dry. For all we knew, Camilla had them in her web and if that was the case, we were about to be eaten alive. This moment could mean the difference between me seeing my family again, or the whole lot of us being done for treason against the Director of the Agency.

  I know the reality, I know I could have run, hidden away, let Kace and his team deal with it. But I won’t. I had a part in this too, and these people—I’ve come to care about them. So if they went down, I’ll own my actions and fall beside them.

  There are two women and three men. If I had to guess I would say between the ages of fifty and seventy, give or take. They have a r
ange of different expressions on their faces—curiosity, anger, annoyance, even one of the ladies looks bored. The urge to get up and yell at her about how this has affected my life is strong, but I bite my tongue.

  The moment attention is drawn to me, Kace will have me out of there in two seconds flat. I want to stay, be by his side and support him. I want them to know that this is not a game and that they’re playing with very real lives.

  One man takes a step forward, separating himself from the group. “We don’t usually conduct our meetings with so many people present,” he sneers as he surveys the room. It’s obvious he’s upset. I get it, their safety is on the line here too. Usually, only the Director of The Agency is permitted to meet with the Board, their identities kept completely secret.

  Kace steps up, his shoulders square. “I understand the number of people here is intimidating, but this affects all of us. What Camilla has done has attacked my team and the people I care for. So they will be here to have their say if need be.”

  The older man jerks his chin up, a few strands of his gray hair falling across his forehead. “You realize that we appointed Camilla as Director of The Agency. What you have done is punishable under the treason act.”

  Kace nods. “Yes, sir. But with all due respect, your decision to put her in that position is questionable and to put it simply, stupid.”

  The man’s head rears back, the other Board members mouths falling open in shock.

  “Please, just hear us out,” Kace says, his tone softening.

  The old man bristles but nods. “Before you say anything, just know that the only reason I’m willing to listen to what you have to say is because more than one of you…” his eyes drift to Jack and then over to me, “…has been noted as deceased. Therefore I’m hoping for an explanation as to why you are standing in front of me… alive.”

  The others behind him nod, their shock now transforming into pure curiosity.

  Jack clears his throat and moves to stand beside Kace. “Guess I’ll go first. I was sent on a mission with a handful of my team. The tip off we’d received was bullshit. We searched this abandoned house for fucking hours, found nothing. My team got back in the car, but I realized I’d dropped my knife. It was one Kace had given me so I couldn’t leave it there.” Father and son look to each other and Kace’s eyes widen in surprise. I guess none of us expected that it was actually Kace who had saved his father’s life that day.


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