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Surrender to the Scot

Page 1

by Emma Prince

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Surrender to the Scot

  Highland Bodyguards,

  Book Seven


  Emma Prince

  Surrender to the Scot (Highland Bodyguards, Book 7) Copyright © 2018 by Emma Prince

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For more information, contact

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. V 1.0

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Author’s Note

  Thank You!

  Books by Emma Prince

  Teasers for Emma Prince’s Books

  About the Author

  Want another historical romance story for FREE? Sign up for my newsletter and have “Aegir’s Daughter” (A Viking Lore Short Story) sent directly to you. Happy reading!

  Chapter One

  Late April, 1320

  Northern England

  There was no denying it. Elaine Beaumore’s friends—her only friends—were boring.

  She propped her elbow on the wooden counter dividing the cloth shop’s front display from the reams of colorful material in the back, resting her chin in her hand as Judith droned on about a new shipment of brocade.

  “…first glance you’d call it ruby, but of course it’s truly more of a burgundy.” Judith dragged her shears across a length of brown-dyed wool that was decidedly less interesting than the silks she and Julia had been eagerly anticipating for months.

  “And wait until you see the threadwork on it, Lainey,” Julia, Judith’s twin sister, added, deftly scooping up the bolt of wool and carrying it to the back of their father’s shop.

  “Aye, it’s enough gold to make my—”

  “—head spin.”

  The twins had a habit of doing that—cutting each other off and finishing each other’s thoughts. It happened more whenever they spoke about some new silk or velvet their father had ordered. Naught made Judith and Julia more excited than cloth.

  Elaine made an interested noise, but she was saved from having to comment because Julia had already reemerged from the back. She and Judith suddenly fixed her with an assessing look, their identical brown eyes sharp and their brown heads tilting at the same angle.

  “You would like it, Lainey,” Judith said. “The needlework is very fine. Mayhap for a—”

  “—wedding dress,” Julia continued. “You’ll need something nicer than what you normally wear. But then again, the color—”

  “—is all wrong for you.” Judith waved vaguely at Elaine’s head. “What with that copper hair, burgundy would be—”

  “—a disaster.”

  Elaine realized she’d been grinding her teeth. Judith and Julia were the only girls in the village her age, and despite the fact that she was a lord’s daughter and they merely the daughters of a cloth merchant, Elaine had sought their friendship.

  She didn’t begrudge the twins’ overfamiliarity with her, or even their criticisms of her appearance and her penchant to dress plainly. There was a time when Elaine had even looked up to Judith and Julia, for they’d taught her how to weave scraps of silk ribbon into her hair and had always told tales of the latest fashions from the French court.

  Nay, she was used to overlooking their informality and their cutting remarks. What she found she could no longer swallow was the triviality of their endless chatter.

  She straightened from the counter abruptly. “I just remembered—I have to go…help my father with…something.”

  The excuse was laughably thin, but neither twin seemed to notice. They merely blinked at her, then turned their attention back to folding the length of wool they’d just cut.

  “That brocade is supposed to arrive within the sennight,” Judith commented as Elaine turned to leave. “We can take your measurements and then you’ll be sure to have—”

  “—a gown fine enough to be wed in!”

  Elaine shut the shop door on Julia’s words. There was another topic of conversation the twins had fixated on—Elaine’s imaginary wedding. A month past, she’d told them that her father had broached the subject of finding a suitable husband for her. The twins had been oblivious to the tightness of Elaine’s voice as she’d spoken and had jumped straight into planning a grand event in their minds. Never mind the fact that Elaine’s eyes burned with the threat of tears every time she thought of it.

  Marriage. That meant the rest of her days spent tucked behind stone walls, the lady of some manor or other. It would be a quiet life, no doubt. A safe life. A boring life.

  Though the spring day was mild, Elaine’s cheeks felt cool as she strode away from the shop. She realized belatedly that a few tears had slipped out. Annoyed, she dashed them away with her palms.

  She’d long disliked the fact that she was quick to tears, for it seemed to confirm what everyone already thought of her—that she was an overly sensitive girl who had to be handled with care. And because of that, only the most inane topics—ribbons and gowns and how to dress most becomingly for the exact shade of her hair—should fill her life.

  Letting a frustrated breath go, s
he pointed herself toward the stables at the edge of the village, just below the rise atop which Trellham Keep sat.

  “Milady,” Jacob, one of the stable lads, said as she stepped inside. He set aside a piece of leather he’d been oiling. “A saddle on Gertie for you?”

  “Aye, thank you.” Her rides were becoming a frequent enough occurrence that Jacob hardly needed to ask anymore.

  Elaine cast her gaze about the stables, a thrill going through her to find that none of Trellham’s guards were inside. With the village only a long stone’s throw down the hill from the keep, she was allowed to walk there by herself, though Finn Sutherland, her stubborn mule of a brother-in-law, had instructed the guards not to let her ride without an escort.

  It had been four quiet, peaceful years since Elaine’s sister Rosamond had been kidnapped by those working against the alliance between their father, Lord Henry Beaumore, and the Scottish King Robert the Bruce. Finn had saved Rosamond—and stolen her heart, leading to their joyful union here at Trellham.

  In truth, Elaine loved Finn, for he made Rosamond unfailingly happy, but her Highland brother-in-law could be just as bad as her sister when it came to being overprotective.

  Northern England—including Trellham Keep—was securely in Robert the Bruce’s hands now, and none dared to challenge him. Elaine would be forever grateful to the Bruce for bringing peace to the Borderlands. She’d grown up in a time of war and uncertainty, and these last few years had been blessedly calm. Still, it meant that her rides through the countryside were her only excitement—and that Finn needn’t have ordered guards to accompany her.

  Even as Jacob slipped the bridle over Gertie’s head, Elaine swung up into the saddle, uncaring that riding astride meant her blue woolen skirts hitched up to reveal her tall boots.

  “In a hurry, are you, milady?” Jacob asked, lifting the reins around Gertie’s alert ears and handing them to Elaine with a knowing smile.

  She’d done this before—slipped out of the stables without an escort—but never had she made it more than a few breathless moments before they caught up to her. She accepted the reins and clicked her tongue, guiding Gertie toward the open stable doors. “How far do you think I’ll get this time?”

  “Oh, at least to the copse of trees in the western valley, milady,” Jacob replied.

  With a flashing grin over her shoulder, Elaine squeezed her knees into Gertie’s flanks and snapped the reins lightly.

  The dappled gray mare needed no further encouragement. Elaine had selected her for her lean strength and eagerness to run. The animal longed to tear across the rolling landscape just as badly as Elaine.

  As they darted around Trellham’s base, she heard a shout go up from one of the keep’s towers. The guards had spotted her, then.

  Though they were good, honest men, Elaine couldn’t help resenting them, for they were a constant reminder that Finn, Rosamond, and her father still thought of her as a child that needed constant watching. Elaine was a woman grown at nearly nineteen—old enough for her father to raise the topic of marriage—yet her freedoms were as narrow as a reed.

  But at least she had this moment. She urged Gertie on, and the ground beneath them turned to a blur of spring-green grasses. As the copse at the bottom of the valley came into view, Elaine dared a look over her shoulder. Four guards barreled after her on big, powerful steeds, but to her surprise, they were only just descending from Trellham’s hilltop.

  Elaine leaned back over Gertie’s neck, letting the wind rip at her hair and sting her cheeks. Her eyes burned with exhilaration as she shot past the copse and up the other side of the valley. When she crested the next rise, a thrilled laugh rose in her throat.

  But as Gertie careened down the back side of the slope so fast that her hooves barely touched the ground, the mirth died inside Elaine like a doused fire.

  She wasn’t alone.

  A rider had just dipped through the valley floor and was headed up the slope toward her. A man Elaine didn’t recognize.

  Her elation shattered as a sharp lance of fear stabbed her. She reined in hard, but Gertie’s momentum and the slanting ground beneath them meant the horse couldn’t stop her descent into the valley—right toward the strange rider.

  Gertie’s hooves showered clumps of grass and dirt as she at last scrambled to a halt only a few paces from the man.

  “Easy there,” he said, lifting a palm as if he could halt her horse with just his hand.

  Elaine’s panicked gaze landed on that big, callused hand. Then again, mayhap he could. He was a fearsome sight. Seated atop an enormous roan stallion, he towered over Elaine, but as her eyes swept over him, she knew it wasn’t just the horse that made him seem overpowering.

  His dark brown hair was held back from his face, revealing features chiseled from granite. Thick stubble the same color as his hair dusted his angular jaw. The severe line of his lowered brows matched his flat, hard-set mouth, yet his lips were surprisingly full. Beneath those dropped brows lay sharp chestnut eyes that seemed to bore straight into her.

  “Are ye all right, lass?” he asked, his dark gaze searching.

  Elaine’s fright must’ve been written clearly on her face. She’d never had any skill at hiding the emotions that so easily bubbled to the surface.

  Distantly, she registered that the man had spoken in a Scottish accent—and not just Scottish, but the same curling burr as Finn’s. He was a Highlander, then. Aye, he wore a plaid belted around his hips in the Highland style, though she did not recognize the red and yellow-slashed pattern.

  We are allies, she told herself, desperately trying to check her terror. He is a Scot, and my family is loyal to the Bruce. Still, kilted Highlanders did not normally ride alone into Northern England—unless they were lawless men, beholden to no one and out to take whatever they could.

  Elaine’s hands tightened on the reins as she attempted to urge Gertie backward away from the man. “I…you are…”

  The man’s gaze shifted to something over her shoulder. Before she knew what had happened, he’d closed the distance between them and clamped a hand around her waist. Suddenly she was being lifted off her horse and onto his. She connected with the hard, warm wall of his body. The air rushed from her lungs at the coiled strength there.

  Even as he settled her across his lap, one arm still gripping her waist, he drew the long, deadly-sharp sword from its sheath at his hip.

  Too shocked to scream, Elaine’s eyes widened on the glinting blade the man held before them both. Her gaze snagged on a motion at the top of the ridge. All at once, she knew why the man had dragged her so abruptly from her horse.

  The four guards from Trellham had crested the ridge and were barreling toward them, swords drawn at the sight of their lady in the arms of a rogue Scotsman.

  Oh God, nay.

  Elaine had wanted adventure. She’d wanted excitement. And now her foolishness would end in catastrophe.

  Chapter Two

  Jerome Munro’s arm tightened around the wide-eyed English lass in his lap. If he’d spotted the brigands chasing her a few moments earlier, he would have shifted her behind him in the saddle to free up both hands, but as it was, he would have to face the four bastards one-handed.

  It was better than the alternative—simply continuing on his way to Trellham Keep and letting the lass fend for herself. Damn if he didn’t like the diversion from his mission, but he was a Highlander, which meant he couldn’t stand aside and ignore injustice.

  Or a terror-filled pair of bonny blue eyes.

  The way the lass had come tearing into the valley a moment before had nearly made him reach for his sword right then, but it had been the look of fright on the lass’s delicate features that had sent the warning bells ringing in his head. When her four pursuers had topped the hill above them, he’d acted on instinct to protect her.

  Jerome squeezed his knees into Duff’s flanks, urging the animal to turn so that his side was exposed to the oncoming warriors. The stallion’s ears drew ba
ck and he nickered in protest at the position, for he was a trained warhorse and was used to facing battles head-on. But the angle would allow Jerome to shield the lass more with his own body and give him greater freedom with his sword arm.

  “Steady,” he murmured as the four riders thundered closer, but he wasn’t sure if he was speaking to Duff, the lass, or himself.

  “Nay, don’t—” the lass began, but one of the charging brigands shouted over her.

  “Unhand her, you bloody bastard!” The riders reined in, and as with the lass’s arrival, their horses kicked up clumps of mud and grass as they fought for footing.

  “And turn her over to the likes of ye scoundrels? Nay, I dinnae think so,” Jerome replied lowly.

  The apparent leader snarled in anger and lifted his drawn sword. Jerome braced his own sword for the blade’s impact, but before the other man’s weapon descended, a high, clear voice sliced through the valley.


  Her attacker froze for half a heartbeat. “Fear not, Lady Elaine—”

  “Brett, stand down.”

  Lady Elaine? From the brief glimpse he’d gotten, Jerome had seen a simple-clad lass with muddy boots and wind-snarled copper hair, not an English noblewoman.

  Before he could untangle that knot, another realization hit him. The outlaws knew the lass—and she knew them.

  “Milady, this Scot is trying to—”

  “Protect the lass from brigands,” Jerome cut it, comprehension beginning to dawn. He dared to lower his sword an inch, eyeing the four men. “And I take it ye are trying to do the same.”

  The lass in his lap shifted, and Jerome was suddenly acutely aware of her slight, soft body in his hold.

  “These are my guards,” she said, looking up at him.

  Thick russet lashes framed eyes as bright blue as the Highland sky on a summer day.

  “And the fear I saw written so clearly on yer face a moment ago…”

  She held his stare. “…Was for you. But seeing as how you tried to protect me, I gather I was wrong.”


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