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My Best Friend's Sister

Page 5

by Q. B. Tyler

  Her eyes flutter open. Her chest is heaving rapidly, and her cheeks are bright red and flushed. She’s fucking beautiful. I trail my fingers up her body and hold them in front of her face. “Suck.”


  “You’ve never tasted yourself before? Aren’t you curious how you taste?”



  She leans forward slightly and reluctantly wraps her lips around my fingers.

  Fuck. Bad. fucking. Idea. Now all I can do is picture her lips wrapping around my cock the same way. Abort mission, Walsh.

  I try to pull them from her mouth, but she grabs my hand, holding it in place and nibbles gently on them.

  Oh, she’s testing me, and she knows it. She lets me go with a pop before running her tongue up the length once as if it were the shaft of a cock. Fuck her. I chuckle inwardly. She turns and looks at me, giving me a cheeky grin, and I narrow my eyes at her.

  She stands up and turns around to face me before climbing back on the bed to straddle me. My cock was already hard, but we are officially in painfully hard territory as her soaking wet folds are now grazing my crotch. I’m wearing jeans, so I can’t exactly feel the warmth of her pussy on me, but just the fact her dripping folds are pressed up against me is enough to turn me to granite. “Your turn,” she says devilishly.

  “Ava, that was for you.”

  “You’re supposed to be teaching me about everything. I need to know how to do...this.”

  “You don’t really need to know much about the equivalent. No one over the age of eighteen gives hand jobs to completion.”

  And that might even be a stretch. Most women I’ve been with live by the--you can do it better than I can mantra. Or why would I do something you can do yourself? I’ll just blow you instead. And that certainly earned no complaints from me.

  “I’ve still never…touched one…or seen one.”

  “Fair,” I tell her as I slide up her bed and thankfully out from under her pussy, the scent of her orgasm still floating in the air.

  I pull off my jeans, leaving me in my briefs, and she kneels between my legs. She rubs her hand over my length, and my cock twitches in response. She’s about to free it from the constraints of my underwear when my phone begins to ring. What the fuck? She freezes, and I sit up slowly. “I want to ignore it, but I’m expecting a call from my COO...,” I trail off.

  “Oh, go for it! Not a problem.” She moves from between my legs and lies down on her bed. I grab the phone from my jeans pocket, and my heart immediately sinks. Fuck.

  “It’s your brother,” I tell her, and she rolls her eyes.

  “God, how many times do you talk on the phone every day? I don’t even talk to my mother as often as you two talk.”

  “Shut up.” It was true, Tucker and I did talk practically every day. About what? I have no fucking idea.

  “If I don’t answer, he’ll call again.”

  “Stage five clinger much? Are you guys fucking?”

  “Don’t make me spank you,” I tell her, and she giggles as she leans over the side of her bed, giving me a clear view of her ass and pussy. I groan. “Can you not?” I chuckle. She sits up and giggles as she puts a textbook in her lap.

  “Sorry, forgot,” she winces, but I can see the devilish look in her eyes.

  “What’s up, T?” I say into the phone.

  “You are not going to believe who I ran into today,” he says, and I resist the urge to ask him who because if that’s the first thing out of his mouth, this story is going to be great.

  “T, can I call you back? I want to hear who.”

  “Yeah sure, you still at the office? I swear you work too fucking much.”

  Bingo. “Yeah, and I’m on the other line.”

  “Alright fine… Hey, I talked to Ava today; she said you guys had dinner the other night. How’s she doing? She looks okay? Not too stressed? Mom and Dad are wigging out that law school is kicking her ass.”

  I look over at the half-naked woman who just happens to be the one in question. “No, she’s good.” Her eyes meet mine before rolling them in a dramatic circle, having figured that her brother asked about her. “She’s… great.”

  “Oh, good, well, thanks for checking up on her. You’re the best, bro.” I freeze at his choice of words.

  “You’re the best, bro?” Great. I just finger-fucked your little sister, and I’m planning to take her virginity. Yeah, and the award for best friend of Tucker Remington goes to.... I rub my forehead, willing the headache that’s forming away as all the thoughts of the past few days come flooding back.

  How could I do this to T? After everything he and his family did for me growing up. Tucker has been my best friend for as long as I can remember, and I repay him by defiling his virgin sister? A girl I’ve known since she was born? I’ve got to get out of here. And did he have to call me “bro?” Now all I’m thinking about is how being Tucker’s bro means I’m Ava’s bro as well. Jackson, you’re losing it.

  “So, I’ll call you back in a bit.”

  “Alright, later.”

  I toss my phone in front of me and rub my hands over my eyes. “Fuck,” I groan.

  “What’s wrong?” I hear, followed by the feeling of Ava’s hand on my bicep. I pull out of her grip, not wanting her to touch me because it will suck me back in too easily, and I needed to get out. She looks at me nervously. “What?”

  I blow out a breath and run a hand through my hair. “I can’t do this; I’m so sorry I did this to you, Ava.”

  “Did what to me?”

  “This…” I point at her and then the mirror. “I…I shouldn’t have.”

  “What did Tucker say? Stop freaking out. He doesn’t know anything.”

  I get off the bed and pull my jeans on. “That’s not the point. He’s my best friend. And I’m messing around with his little sister. You are off fucking limits, Ava.”

  “No, I’m not! And you’re just… you’re helping me!”

  “Ava.” I raise an eyebrow at her. “I can’t very well explain to your brother that we were fooling around like it’s a fucking experiment. ‘Yeah, Tucker…she just wanted to lose her virginity, and I helped her so she would be ready for some pretentious asshole in her class.’”

  “Okay, first of all, don’t be a dick! And secondly, why are you telling him anything?! I know you two can’t like wipe your asses without telling the other, but can you please NOT talk to him about this?”

  “It still doesn’t change the fact that doing this, makes me the world’s shittiest friend.”

  “You’re not, Jackson. This has nothing to do with you and Tucker, this is between you and me.”

  “There is no you and me, Ava,” I tell her and I hate the words as they leave my lips.

  There was something between us. If there wasn’t before, my hand between her legs tonight made it so.

  “So that’s it?” she asks me.

  “Ava, we can still hang out, but the sex stuff is just not a good idea.”

  “That is so not fair.”

  I shake my head and let out a sigh as I grab my phone off her bed and slip it into my pocket. “I know.”


  * * *

  Ava barely talked to me the last few days. She’s ignored my calls, given me the shortest answers via text, and has more excuses as to why she couldn’t hang out. I know she studies a lot, but I also know she is avoiding me, and it sucks. I miss her.

  In the week we had reconnected, I realized how much Ava had always meant to me. I don’t know if I hurt her feelings, or if she’s just being pissy with me, or maybe it’s her time of the month, but this shit is ending tonight. Which is how I ended up at a club in New York, on a Saturday night, in the dead of winter.

  I’d asked her to have dinner with me tonight, and when she politely declined, I demanded to know why. It was Friday, meaning she didn’t have class the next morning so there was no reason why she couldn’t see me like she’d avoided since we’d had
dinner at her house. She told me she was going out with people from her class and “if I wanted to, I could come.” I could hear the shock in her voice when I told her I’d be there. Called your bluff, Remington.

  I step out of the cab and groan when I see the long line down the block. I know what to do here.

  I walk up to the bouncer. “How much to not wait in this line?”

  He gives me the once over, then looks next to me, assumedly looking for another person. “You’re by yourself?”


  “No woman?”

  I look next to me to see if one manifested between the car and here. No, asshole. “Just me.”


  “To get in here?” Who the fuck are you kidding, pal? This place probably doesn’t cost one-fifty to keep the lights on.

  “Hot night tonight.” He shrugs. “Take it or leave it.”

  I roll my eyes. “Whatever.” I pull out my card, and he looks at me like I’ve grown a third head.

  “Do I look like I have the machine to run that? Cash only.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Can’t you run it inside?”

  “You can’t be serious.” He looks at me. I was well aware that most clubs took cash only, but I was also aware that most clubs made concessions, especially when someone whips out a black American Express card.

  “Where’s the closest ATM?” I grit out.

  “What do I look like, Google maps? How the fuck should I know?”

  I run a hand through my hair and make my way down the street toward the lit shops hoping there’s a bullshit ATM amongst the seas of late-night pizza shops and markets.

  Need to get cash to jump the line, be in soon.

  Ava: You’re here? I have cash! I’ll come out and get you.

  No, stay inside. I got it.

  Well, she doesn’t seem mad that I’m here; that’s a plus.

  Ava: Kennedy is here…be cool! Don’t rat me out!

  I don’t even realize I’m moving faster down the street until I’m slightly out of breath when I reach the first ATM in between a broken payphone and a group of rats feasting on a pile of trash. So, what, you’re jealous of Kennedy now? I think to myself, wondering where this feeling of annoyance came from all of a sudden.

  I’m back at the club and hand the bouncer one-sixty. “You going to give me my change or?”

  “Service fee,” he says, stamping my wrist.

  “Of course.” Not that I give a fuck about the ten dollars or the one hundred and fifty others, but principle. I walk down a long corridor that is only lit with low purple lighting as I can hear the bass of the music through the wall. I enter the main club, and there are people everywhere. How the hell am I going to find Ava?

  Here, where are you?

  Ava: When you walk in, go to the left! I’m at the bar there.

  I move through the crowds and stop in my tracks when I see Ava dancing with a few of her friends. Her eyes find mine as I head toward her, and she gives me an enthusiastic smile.

  “You made it!” she says, and I waste no time pulling her into my arms and holding her tightly. I tuck my face in her neck and press a brief kiss on her cheek before pulling away. “Hi, Ava, long time no see, stranger.”

  “Sorry.” She blanches. “Been a crazy week.” I nod, knowing it’s a bullshit answer. “Do you want a drink?”

  “I’m going to go to the bar.” What the fuck am I doing here? Her friends are young law school students; they don’t want me hanging around.

  “I’ll come with!” she tells me and links her arm through mine, leading me to believe she’s also a little bit drunk. We get to the bar, and she leans over slightly to get the bartender's attention.

  “We should take a picture to send to Tucker; he’ll be so jealous he’s not here.” She taps the person next to us before I can protest. “Can you take our picture?” she asks a girl with fiery red hair and a dress too tight for her. She points her phone at us and takes one.

  “You guys are such a hot couple.” She giggles as she takes a sip of what is probably a very strong drink.

  I wasn’t going to correct her, but I wasn’t going to say anything either. Ava, however, perks up. “Thanks! His dick is huge.” She giggles, and I pull her away from the equally drunk girl.


  “What? From what I felt, it was big.”

  “That’s not the point!” I chuckle. “How much have you had to drink?”

  “Not that much.”

  “What does not that much mean?”

  “Not enough to forget that the only reason you’re here is because you think I’m mad at you.”

  “Are you?”

  She looks at me for a beat, then shakes her head. “No. I’m not. A little bummed out, but I get it. I’ll get over it.”

  But did I want her to get over it? I wasn’t over it. I want nothing more than to take her home or to her place so we could talk or…something. But I couldn’t do it here. I needed her alone.

  “Ava, I--”

  “Hey, babe, I was looking for you,” I hear as an arm slides around Ava’s shoulders, effectively interrupting me.

  Babe? What the fuck? Stop touching her!

  “Sorry, Jackson got here, and we were just getting a drink!” She smiles up at him.

  “Oh, Jackson…friend of Ava’s brother, right?” he says, and I resist the urge to punch his face in.

  “I’m a friend of Ava’s too.”

  Ava shoots me a warning look. “Jackson, this is Kennedy.”

  “A very good friend,” Kennedy interjects, and I can hear the underlying comment in his words: Back. The. Fuck. Off.

  Not a chance, Douchebag the Fourth. Not a fucking chance.

  Ava has barely left my side since I showed up, but I think it has less to do with wanting to spend time with me and more with the fact that I don’t know anyone here, and she feels like she needs to babysit. McDouchebag on the other hand, seems to hate my mere presence and is seemingly trying to make my time here as uncomfortable as possible.

  He’s used every excuse to touch her, hold her hand, kiss her, and, I swear, at one point his hand, which was resting possessively on her shoulder, grazed her breast. Breasts that I had my mouth all over just a few days ago.

  Breasts that belonged to me.

  I swallow hard and look away from the show I believe is only meant for me as I try and rein in my temper. The last thing I need is to punch this guy in the face. She’s going to give this asshole her virginity? I don’t know what I was expecting from Kennedy; even she had said that he’d been man-whoring around her class. I should have expected a pretty boy face was behind a name like Kennedy Burke the Fourth.

  I lean down close to her ear under the guise that it’s just due to the loud music blaring through the packed club, but really, I just need to be close to her. “I’m going to get another drink; do you want anything?” She shivers, and I smile at the reaction I get out of her. She’s affected by me. Maybe I can stop this plan she seems to have put into motion with Kennedy.

  I pull away, and I can feel the daggers he is shooting at me. Ava, however, doesn’t notice. She peeks up at me through her eyelashes, and I don’t even think she knows how sexy she looks in this moment.

  This woman can seduce me with just a fucking look. Why have I been fighting her? Fighting this?

  “No, I’m okay. I think I should slow down.”

  “Good girl,” I say instantly. Maybe in her more sober state she’ll be less likely to do something stupid with Kennedy. I know all too well the mistakes that can happen after one too many drinks. And something tells me I would be powerless to stop it.

  I head back toward the bar to order another whiskey. I wasn’t drunk, far from it. But I needed something to calm the tension coursing through me that Kennedy’s presence had caused. I’m leaning against the bar when I feel someone stand right next to me.

  I look to the right, and my eyes inwardly roll when I see who it is. Oh, this is going to
be great.

  “Do we have a problem…Walsh?” This asshole wants to go toe-to-toe with me? Is he kidding? I’ll squash this kid instantly. I don’t miss the way he eyes me angrily as he tips back his Bud Light bottle.

  I shoot him the smuggest grin I can muster. “No, Kennedy, I don’t think we do.”

  “Because I don’t give a shit how much money you have. Besides…I’m sure I have more...” He sneers.

  “Don’t you mean Daddy has more? That is who got you into law school, right? I’m sure your B minus average due to one too many keg stands at the frat house doesn’t exactly make you desirable to NYU law.” I roll my eyes. Naturally, I had done my research on the guy who had Ava so smitten. Come to find out he was just the stereotypical guy using his father to get a leg up. Not that there was anything wrong with it, but don’t pretend you got here on your own merit.

  “Who the fuck told you that?” His eyes are wide and nervous as if he’s worried I know all the secrets of his past. And that I’ll divulge them to Ava.

  “I have eyes and ears everywhere, Kennedy Burke.”

  He narrows his eyes at me and takes a step closer. “Stay the fuck away from her. Ava doesn’t want you.”

  Despite the fact I know he doesn’t know shit about my relationship with Ava, it stings hearing it.

  “You don’t know shit about what Ava wants.”

  “Oh yeah? I beg to differ. You’re like family. She doesn’t see you that way. Get over it, Walsh. Why else would she invite you out with her friends tonight. Invite you out with me? A guy she’s been talking to for weeks?” He chuckles. “God, are you delusional? Tell me you don’t think it’s more than that?”


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