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The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life

Page 102

by Richard J. Herrnstein

  Dysgenesis, 341-368

  in America in the early 1990s, 348-357

  defined, 342

  demographic transition and, 343-345

  fertility and: see Fertility, differential

  immigration and: see Immigration

  importance of, 364-368

  regression to the mean and, 357

  state of knowledge about, 343-348

  Earles, James, 76

  “Educated person” 442-445

  Education, 417-445

  affirmative action in: see Affirmative action: in higher education

  policy agenda for, 435-445

  raising IQ with, 393-402, 407, 408, 414, 568, 573

  trends in

  average high school students, 419-425

  college-bound students, 425-427

  dumbing down, 429-434

  gifted students, 427-428, 434-435

  Educational attainment

  affirmative action and, 502-503

  assortive mating by, 110-112

  child maltreatment and, 211

  crime and, 250-251

  divorce probability and, 175-176

  employment problems and

  labor force dropouts, 157, 160-161

  unemployment, 164-165

  ethnic differences in, 319-320, 324-325, 353-354

  fertility and, 349-350, 353-354

  illegitimacy and, 184

  income stratfication and, 94-98

  IQ and, 568, 571

  marriage rates and, 171-172

  occupational stratification and, 52, 57-60, 64

  parenting and

  developmental problems, 229

  home environment for child development, 225

  low-birth-weight infants, 217

  poverty throughout childhood, 220

  poverty and, 135-137, 220

  as predictor of job productivity, 81, 89

  school dropouts: see School dropouts

  socioeconomic status and, 151-153, 560, 569

  voting behavior and, 259-261

  welfare dependency and, 193, 196-197, 198-199

  Educational standards, 429-433, 437, 439-440

  Educational stratification

  college degree and, 30-32, 35-36, 45-50

  effects of, 49-50

  elite colleges and, 37-49

  extent of, 45-50

  growth of college population and, 30-32

  high school diploma and, 32-35

  Egalitarianism, 9, 107, 500, 527, 532-534, 554

  Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965, 398, 434

  Elliott, Delbert, 250

  Ellwood, David, 555

  Employment, 155-166

  affirmative action and: see Affirmative action: in the workplace

  labor force dropouts: see Labor force dropouts

  low-IQ prevalence and, 372-375, 575

  physical disability, 161-163, 365, 367

  unemployment: see Unemployment

  Employment tests, 481-484, 502, 679-687

  Environmental factors in intelligence, 8-9, 106, 108, 298-299, 303-304, 309-315, 342-343, 410, 554, 574, 668; See also IQ: raising

  Epstein, Richard, 555

  Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC), 679-682, 684, 685

  Ethnic differences

  in aptitude test scores, affirmative action and, 451-458, 565-566

  in educational attainment, 319-320 324-325, 353-354

  in fertility, 352-357

  immigration and, 359-360

  in income, 322-327

  on indicators of social problems, 327-340

  cognitive outcomes for children, 337-338

  crime, 338-339

  developmental outcomes for children, 336-337

  home environment for children, 334, 336

  illegitimacy, 330-331

  labor force dropouts, 327-328

  low-birth-weight infants, 332-333, 334

  marriage rates, 329, 330

  poverty, 326-327, 333-334

  unemployment, 327-329

  welfare dependency, 331-332

  in IQ, 269-315

  affirmative action and: see Affirmative action Asian American and white, 272-276, 299-301

  black and white: see Black and white differences: in IQ

  cultural explanations of, 304-307

  genetics and, 295-311

  Jews and gentiles, 275

  Latinos and non-Latino whites, 275

  in Middle-Class Values Index, 339-340

  in occupational status, 320-322

  in reproductive strategies, 666-667

  Eugenic Hypothesis, 346

  Eysenck, Hans, 561

  Factor analysis, 3-4, 18-19, 558-560

  Family structure, 167-190; See also Divorce; Illegitimacy; Marriage

  crime and, 249-250

  single mothers: see Single mothers

  traditional, deterioration of, 190

  trends in, 173

  Feminism, 112-113

  Fertility, differential, 342-357

  demographic transition and, 343-345

  ethnicity and, 352-357

  mother’s age and IQ and, 351-352, 354-355

  number of children born and, 349-351, 353-354

  Fertility policy, 548-549

  Finch, Frank, 145

  Fletcher, Ronald, 12

  Fluid intelligence, 15

  Flynn, James, 273, 307, 308, 348

  Flynn effect, 307-309, 346-347, 391, 397, 422

  Founding Fathers, 530-532

  Frank, Robert, 42-43

  Frequency distributions, 577-579

  Galton, Sir Francis, 1-2, 26, 284

  Garber, Howard, 408

  Gardner, Howard, 18-19, 21, 22, 555, 558, 574, 661

  Gates, Bill, 114

  GED (General Educational Development), 147-148, 153-154, 372

  Gender differences in IQ, 275

  General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB), 72-73, 504

  General factor (g) of intelligence, 3-4, 557-562, 575

  analysis of, 560

  biological phenomenon, 560

  challenges to, 14-15, 18

  classicists and, 14, 15, 22-23

  defined, 4

  importance of, 561

  job productivity and, 71, 75-79, 560

  negation of, 558-559

  “pseudoscience” of, 557-562

  reaction time and, 283-284, 561

  Spearman’s hypothesis, 301-303, 655, 660

  Genetic factors in IQ, 23, 105-110, 295-311, 554, 555, 557, 562-566

  controversy over, 8-12

  demography of intelligence and: see Dysgenesis

  estimation of, 105-108

  Herrnstein’s syllogism and, 105, 108-110

  role of genes in individuals and groups, 298-299

  Spearman’s hypothesis and, 301-305

  Ghiselli, Edwin, 72

  Gillie, Oliver, 11

  Goddard, H. H., 6, 241

  Goldberger, Arthur, 571

  Gordon, Robert, 338

  Goring, Charles, 241

  Gottfredson, Linda, 321

  Gould, Stephen J., 12, 296, 555, 558-560, 561, 564, 569, 570

  Graduate Record Examination (GRE), 457-458, 665-666

  Griggs v. Duke Power(1971), 70, 85, 482, 485, 486, 490, 491, 681-684, 687

  Guilford, Joy, 15

  Gustafsson, Jan-Eric, 304

  Hacker, Andrew, 497-498, 555

  Hamilton, Alexander, 531

  Hartigan Committee, 74-75, 85, 484

  Harvard University, 28-29, 38, 40, 41, 43, 66, 451-454

  Haverman, Robert, 555

  Head Start, 403-404, 414-415, 434

  Heath, Shirley Brice, 206-207

  Heber, Richard, 408

  Heckman, James, 147-148, 151, 485, 570

  Heritability of IQ: see Genetic factors in IQ

  Herrnstein, Richard, 10, 553

  Herrnstein’s syllogism, 105, 108-110

  Higham, John, 358

  High Sch
ool and Beyond survey, 183-184

  High school dropouts: see School dropouts

  High school graduates

  divorce probability and, 175-176

  dropouts compared with, 148-150

  ethnic differences and, 319

  fertility of, 349, 350

  GED graduates compared with, 150-151

  illegitimacy and, 184

  income of, 94, 95

  low-birth-weight infants and, 217

  marriage probability and, 172

  median overlap with college graduates, 48-49

  parenting and

  cognitive outcomes, 232

  developmental problems, 229

  home environment for child development, 225, 571

  poverty throughout childhood, 220

  poverty and, 136-137, 220

  probability of college enrollment by, 32-35

  unemployment among, 164-165

  welfare dependency and, 196-197, 198-199

  Hindelang, Michael, 242

  Hiring decisions: see Affirmative action;Job productivity

  Hirsch, Jerry, 9-10

  Hirschi, Travis, 242

  Hobbes, Thomas, 528-529

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 5

  Home environment for child development, 220-225

  adoption and, 410-413, 415-416

  cognitive outcomes and, 232

  educational attainment and, 225

  ethnic differences in, 334, 336

  low-cognitive-ability prevalence and, 381-381

  poverty and, 223-224

  socioeconomic status and, 222-223

  welfare and, 223-224

  Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) index, 220-225, 232, 381-382, 571

  Homogamy, 111-113

  Humphrey, Hubert, 500, 683

  Hunt, Earl B., 16

  Hunter, John, 71-73, 85

  Hunter, Ronda, 85

  Idiot savants, 22

  Illegitimacy, 177-190

  broken homes and, 184-186

  developmental problems and, 229-230

  educational attainment and, 184

  ethnic differences in, 330-331

  family structure and, 184-186, 571-572

  IQ and, 179, 181, 200-201, 567

  low IQ prevalence and, 386-389, 568

  poverty and, 186-190

  as precursor of child maltreatment, 210

  socioeconomic status and, 182-183, 186, 188-189

  trends in, 178-179

  welfare and, 186-190

  Illiteracy, 420, 436

  Immigration, 5, 6, 342, 343, 356-364

  ethnicity and IQ as they apply to, 359-360

  policy and, 549

  self-selection and, 361-364

  trend in, 356-358

  Immigration Restriction Act of 1924, 6, 343

  Income, 93-101

  black, affirmative action and, 485-486

  educational attainment and, 94-98

  elite college attendance and, 41

  ethnic differences in, 322-327

  growth of affluent class and, 515-517

  high school achievement and, 438

  IQ and, 93-94, 98-100, 567, 571

  occupational stratfication and, 97, 98, 100-101

  redistribution issues, 547-548

  residual characteristics of workers and, 96-98

  Independent variable, 122


  illegitimate: see Illegitimacy

  low-birth-weight: see Low-Birth-weight infants maternal IQ and well-being of, 213-218

  mortality, 217-218

  motor and social development in, 226, 383

  temperament in, 226, 383

  Intelligence: See also IQ

  brain size and, 564

  concept of, 1

  definitions of, 4, 557-558

  general factor (g) of: see General factor (g) of intelligence

  as information processing, 15-17

  structures of, 14-15

  theory of multiple, 17-21

  triarchic theory of, 17

  Iowa Test of Educational Development (ITED), 423, 424

  IQ; See also Intelligence

  affirmative action and: see Affirmative action, 98-100

  behaviorists and, 8-9

  classical tradition, 23

  controversies over, 4-13, 572, 573

  development of concept, 4

  dysgenesis and: see Dysgenesis

  education and, 568, 571

  environmental factors in, 8-9, 106, 108, 298-299, 303-307, 309-315, 342, 410, 554, 572

  ethnic differences in: see Ethnic differences

  heritability of: see Genetic factors in IQ

  importance of, 21-22, 572

  low: see Low cognitive ability

  raising, 388-416, 572, 573, 574

  adoption and, 410-413, 415-416

  education and, 393-402, 414

  nutrition and, 391-393, 414

  policy agenda for, 413-416, 572

  pre-school programs, 403-410, 414-415, 572, 573, 574

  stability over life span of, 129

  stratification by: see Cognitive classes and social behavior; Cognitive elite

  Jefferson, Thomas, 530-531

  Jencks, Christopher, 53, 555

  Jensen, Arthur, 9-10, 13, 15, 283-284, 302-304, 308, 561

  Jewish and gentile differences in IQ, 275

  Job productivity, 63-89

  affirmative action and, 492-498

  contemporary evidence on test scores as predictors of, 70-71

  economic costs of not testing and, 85-87

  economic value of IQ and, 65, 82-86, 88, 560

  experience vs. IQ and, 79-80

  high school performance and, 439

  measurement of, 72

  meta-analysis and, 71-73

  specific skills vs. general factor g and, 75-79

  test scores compared with other predictors of, 81-82, 562

  test validity and, 72-75, 81, 84, 85, 682, 684, 685

  Joynson, Robert, 12

  Jungeblut, Ann, 401

  Kael, Pauline, 513

  Kamin, Leon, 11, 304, 311, 555, 564, 565, 566, 568, 571

  Katz, Lawrence, 94

  Kaufman Assessment Battery of Children (K-ABC), 290

  Kaus, Mickey, 512

  Kinsey Report, 553

  Klitgaard, Robert, 459

  Kohn, Melvin, 205-206

  Labor force participation, 157-162

  by cognitive class, 158

  defined, 157

  educational attainment and, 160, 161

  ethnic differences in, 327-328

  low-IQ prevalence and, 373-374

  socioeconomic status and, 158, 158-160

  Lane, Charles, 564, 565, 566


  affirmative action and, 451-458, 472, 503

  AFQT scores, 667-668

  cognitive outcomes for children, 337-338

  crime and, 338, 339

  developmental outcomes for children, 336

  differences in IQ with non-Latino whites, 275, 643-644

  educational attainment of, 319-320

  fertility in, 353-354

  foreign-born, 668

  home environment for children, 334, 336

  illegitimacy and, 330-331

  immigrants, 358-360, 362

  income of, 322, 323

  IQ scores, 668

  language, 667-668

  low-birth-weight infants of, 326, 332-333, 334

  marriage rates of, 329, 330

  in Middle-Class Values Index, 339-340

  NLSY, 668

  occupational status of, 320-322

  poverty of children, 333-334

  unemployment of, 327, 328


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