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Ascension (Book 4, The Watcher Chronicles)

Page 15

by West, S. J.

  JoJo’s fashion show takes place in the Terrace Room of the Plaza Hotel in New York City. Aiden and Malcolm phase me to the backstage area where all the models and a sundry of helpers are running around. I feel like I’ve just stepped inside a madhouse.


  I hear JoJo call to me and find her bouncing her way over to me, all giddy with excitement.

  “I’m so glad you could make it, mon cheri,” she says, giving me kisses on the cheeks and making me feel rather continental.

  “I told you I would come. Is everything all right?” I ask looking at the commotion around me.

  “Oh,” JoJo giggles, “oui, oui. It is always like this before a show. I love the energy!”

  It looks like complete chaos to me, but if it makes JoJo happy, it makes me happy for her.

  “Where am I supposed to sit?” I ask her.

  “I have seats reserved for you in the front row,” she tells me. “Come, come, mon ami. I will escort you to them myself.”

  As we walk out from behind the stage, I feel like I’ve just stepped into a room befitting the Palace of Versailles. The ceiling is decorated with figural paintings and a series of grand, two-tiered crystal chandeliers runs along its length. A long runway has been set up in the middle of the room for JoJo’s models to walk down and rows of chairs are already occupied by those who have come to view the showing of her latest collection.

  As JoJo walks us to our seats in the middle of the front row on the left side of the stage, a multitude of people in the audience wish her luck. The smile on JoJo’s face brightens with each well wish, and I can tell she is truly in her element.

  We finally come to three empty chairs and JoJo instructs us to sit in them.

  “I will come get you afterwards,” JoJo tells me, giving me one more kiss on the cheek before she leaves.

  I see her turn to Malcolm and touch something on the bare portion of his chest.

  “Be careful,” she murmurs to him.

  “Aren’t I always?” He asks her, his voice gentle.

  “Non,” JoJo says, shaking her head. “You are always reckless with yourself. So be careful for the ones who care about you.”

  Malcolm covers the hand JoJo still has on his chest. “I’ll be careful,” he tells her. “I promise.”

  I see him squeeze her hand gently before letting it go.

  JoJo lifts her hand from his chest and makes her way back to the chaos of her fashion show.

  I look over at Malcolm to see what JoJo was touching. I see a silver pendant in the shape of an angel wing hanging from a braided black leather necklace.

  “Did JoJo make that for you?” I ask Malcolm.


  “What does it do?”

  “I’m not sure it does anything yet,” Malcolm says, sitting back in his chair crossing his arms over his chest effectively blocking my view of the necklace. “We’ll just have to wait and see to find out if it works.”

  “Then what is it supposed to do?” I say, asking my question another way.

  Malcolm shrugs. “Like I said, we’ll have to wait and see.”

  The lights in the room dim and music with a thumping beat begins to play. I recognize the music as being one of Chandler’s songs but this version of it is more like something you would hear playing in a nightclub. Spotlights shine on the stage and JoJo’s models begin to make their way down the long runway in front of me.

  As I’m watching the show, I begin to feel like I’m being watched. I look across the runway and see Lucifer staring straight at me from his own front row seat.

  I feel Michael instantly take control, and I don’t mind it one bit.

  The two one time best friends stare at one another across the runway, neither of them wanting to be the first to show weakness by looking away. By the time JoJo is walking out on stage with her models, signaling the end of her show, I can feel Michael’s need to go talk to his friend.


  Michael breaks his eye contact with Lucifer as JoJo calls to me, urging me to join her on the runway. Not having much choice, Michael stands me up and walks over to JoJo.

  She loops and arm around one of mine and turns me back in the direction of the backstage area. Aiden and Malcolm phase to each corner at the front of the runway, keeping a watchful pair of eyes on me and JoJo.

  Once we’re safely backstage, JoJo is immediately surrounded by her adoring fans and my petite friend is soon swallowed up and separated from me. I look for Aiden and Malcolm and see they have been cornered by a group of supermodels which doesn’t seem to bother either of them a bit.

  I feel a hand land on my shoulder and soon find myself standing on a rooftop. The sun is beating down on me but at this elevation and time of year I feel like I’m going to freeze. I feel the warmth of a jacket cover my shoulders. Michael holds the front of the jacket closed to keep in the heat. He turns us around and we’re face to face with Lucifer.

  “Hello, old friend,” Michael says. I feel his heart ache with sadness at the sight of his best friend and the one word he keeps thinking is ‘lost’.

  Lucifer stares at us, looking my body up and down. “It’s strange to talk to you while you’re in Jess’ form, Michael, but I must admit she’s better to look at than you ever were.”

  “I would have to agree with you on that.”

  “Too bad I’ll have to kill her,” Lucifer says matter-of-factly, like it’s a forgone conclusion.

  “You don’t have to do anything, Lucifer, and I don’t truly believe you desire to kill Jess.”

  Lucifer scoffs. “And what would make you think that? I’m pretty sure I made myself crystal clear on that point the last time she and I spoke.”

  “I don’t think you will because she’s your friend, just like I am your friend. There were times during the war when you could have killed me, but you didn’t. Even if the opportunity presents itself, I don’t believe you will kill Jess. Even you have a code of honor about some things.”

  “Don’t mistake me for a monkey, Michael. Just because I wear the suit of one doesn’t make me one. I don’t allow my emotions to rule my actions like they do.”

  “Have you learned nothing from living among them all these years?” Michael asks in disappointment. “Their emotions are what make them strong. If you could set aside your hate, maybe you would finally learn the lesson our father sent you here to learn.”

  Lucifer stares hard at us for a long time, not saying a word. Finally he asks, “Have you figured out what I intend to do yet?”

  “Yes,” Michael admits. “We know.”

  “I figured Gabriel would show you at some point. And what exactly do you think of my plan?”

  “I think you will fail.”

  “Have you seen me fail?”

  “I don’t need to.”

  Lucifer stares at us then busts out in laughter. “The old bastard won’t let you see who wins, will he? Imagine that. He won’t tell his precious archangels what will happen. How does that make you feel, Michael? Abandoned? Hopeless?”

  “I always have hope,” Michael says. “I have no doubt that we will win. He won’t let us fail. There’s too much at stake. I still have hope for you, Lucifer. I have hope you will find your way back home one day so we can be together again.”

  “Why?” Lucifer asks, his eyes narrow on us. “Why would you want to be my friend after everything I’ve done, after everything you’ve seen me do?”

  “Because deep down I know you wanted to take your crown back,” Michael tells him. “You were so close to ending this, old friend. Why didn’t you? Why didn’t you accept his forgiveness and end your own pain?”

  “I’ve done nothing to be ashamed of,” Lucifer says scathingly. “You may think you know me, but you don’t Michael, not anymore. I’m not the same person you befriended in Heaven. I’m stronger now. I don’t need you. I don’t need our father. I don’t need Heaven. I’m perfectly fine with the way things are.”

  “Who are you tryin
g to convince, Lucifer, me or yourself?”

  “Don’t test my patience, Michael,” Lucifer warns. “I don’t need your patronizing attitude bestowed upon me thank you very much.”

  “Then why did you want to meet with me?”

  Lucifer looks uncertain. I begin to wonder if he even knows why he wanted to speak with Michael.

  “I want you to give Jess a message for me,” Lucifer says.

  “She’s listening.”

  “Physical pain is fleeting. Emotional pain lasts forever.”

  Michael cocks our head at Lucifer. “Are you taking up our father’s bad habit of speaking in riddles?”

  Lucifer smiles. “She’ll understand the meaning soon enough.”

  “I should have known those models were sent by you.”

  Michael looks behind Lucifer as Malcolm says these words.

  Lucifer turns to face Malcolm.

  “It’s never been very hard to distract you with a well endowed display of human flesh, Malcolm,” Lucifer says.

  “And it’s never been very hard to defeat you,” Malcolm taunts. “What is this, the third time you’ve tried to misbehave? When will you learn that our father will never let you win? You might think yourself his equal, but you’ll always be the dirt beneath his feet, Lucifer. You’re nothing. It’s about time you stopped trying to act like you’re a god.”

  “What the hell is Malcolm doing?” I ask Michael through our mental connection. “He’s going to get himself killed.”

  “I’m not sure,” Michael says. “Let’s see where he takes this. I can step in if I need to.”

  “I would shut your mouth before you get yourself into trouble,” Lucifer warns. “Or have you forgotten I can crush you like a bug on the ground?”

  Malcolm crosses his arms over his chest. “Well, I guess you would know all about slithering on the ground. You always threaten us with your power, but I have rarely seen you use it. What’s wrong? Can’t quite make yourself dirty your own hands? Have to get your henchmen like Levi and Baal to do the work for you?”

  “I’m warning you, Malcolm,” Lucifer says through clenched teeth. “I don’t want to kill you yet. You’re usually worth a good laugh with your endless desire to make Lilly happy. How is she anyway? Keeping Brand’s bed all nice and warm while you’re made to stay at arms length? How does it feel to be used to protect her while Brand reaps all the benefits you desire for yourself?”

  “You would think you could come up with some new material by now,” Malcolm says, looking completely unaffected my Lucifer’s words. “I choose the way I live my life for my own reasons. No one forced me, least of all Lilly and Brand. They’re my friends, my family. How many people can you call your friend, Lucifer? Oh, that’s right. You just make death threats to people who even try to be your friend. Isn’t it about time you grew up and became a man who can admit when he’s made a mistake?”

  “I’ve made no mistakes.”

  Malcolm chuckles. “You can continue to delude yourself on that point, but we’ve all been witness to the stupid things you’ve done. You act like a spoiled child who’s trying to get your father’s attention. All you need to do now is roll around on the floor and kick your arms and legs while you scream. You’re nothing, Lucifer. You never were and you never will be.”

  Lucifer’s hands burst into blue flames and before I know it he has them wrapped around Malcolm’s neck.

  Chapter 14

  I watch in horror as Lucifer’s hands squeeze Malcolm’s throat so tightly I’m not sure Malcolm can take in a breath.

  “Do you want to die, little angel?” Lucifer taunts.

  “Do it,” Malcolm says, gasping for air. “Let’s see if you have the balls.”

  Lucifer squeezes even harder.

  Michael causes our hands to burst into the same bright blue flames, and I know he’s getting ready to attack Lucifer when we hear Malcolm begin to laugh. We watch as Malcolm rears back his right arm, hand fisted and slams Lucifer right across the jaw causing him to fly across the expanse of the roof.

  “I’ve been waiting to do that for eons,” Malcolm tells us, grabbing my arm and phasing me to a nondescript street in a city I don’t recognize.

  Aiden is waiting there for us.

  “Take Jess to Mason,” Malcolm tells Aiden.

  I feel Michael give me back control of my body.

  “Then it works?” Aiden asks in amazement.

  “Obviously,” Malcolm says with a roll of his eyes, “or I’d be dead. Now go. I’ll deal with him. Get her out of here.”

  Before I can say a word, Aiden phases us directly to the new headquarters.

  I see Mason standing in front of the holographic display with a hologram of our earth floating beside him. Leah is sitting in a chair in front of him taking notes on a tablet.

  When Mason sees me, he points to me, and he and Leah walk over to us.

  “How did the meeting go?” Mason asks.

  I completely ignore Mason’s question and turn to Aiden. “What the hell happened back there? How did Malcolm not get bar-b-qued by Lucifer?”

  Aiden looks from me to Mason, and I’m not sure he’s going to answer the question.

  “It was a test,” he finally says.

  “A test?” Mason asks. “Tell me exactly what happened.”

  “Malcolm baited Lucifer into using his archangel powers on him,” I tell him. “But Lucifer couldn’t kill him. At least that’s the way it looked to me.”

  Mason narrows his eyes on Aiden. “Explain.”

  Aiden looks uneasy, like he doesn’t want to tell Mason what he knows.

  Mason raises an eyebrow at Aiden silently telling him he’s patiently waiting for an explanation.

  “Malcolm was testing something,” Aiden finally says, although reluctantly.

  Mason folds his arms over his chest. “Testing what exactly?”

  “A protective charm JoJo made.”

  I instantly remember the angel wing pendant and necklace Malcolm was wearing.

  “His necklace protected him?” I ask.

  Aiden nods slowly. “That’s the way it looks.”

  “So JoJo figured out how to make something that can protect the Watchers from Lucifer and his men?” I have to ask for confirmation because it just sounds too good to be true.

  “She wasn’t sure it would work,” Aiden says. “So Malcolm volunteered to be the guinea pig.”

  “Why?” I ask.

  “I think he knew you needed a way to keep Mason protected. He felt like it was worth the risk to make sure Lucifer couldn’t use Mason’s safety as a threat against you.”

  “So he risked his life for us?”

  “For all of us,” Aiden says, “now JoJo can make us all something to protect us against the princes. Although he mostly did it for you, I think, so you don’t have to worry about Mason’s safety anymore.”

  I feel myself tear up as I realize the risk Malcolm took to lift my largest worry from my shoulders.

  “I might have to kiss him the next time I see him,” I say.

  “Only after I hit him for risking so much,” Mason grumbles.

  “Would you have done any less for one of your men?” I ask Mason. “Isn’t risking everything for the ones you care about the most important characteristic of a good leader?”

  Mason understands my subtle reminder about his plan to groom Malcolm to take over his position as leader of the Watchers.

  Mason nods his head.

  “Yes,” he agrees. “A calculated risk that can save lives is always worth pursuing. A good leader knows that. A great leader follows through with it himself.”

  The elevator doors to the room open, and I see Nick step into the room. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him but he pretty much looks the same. He’s wearing his usual sharply tailored blue suit, white shirt and slim matching tie.

  “Glad to see the two of you here,” Nick says to Mason and me with, amazingly enough, a smile. “I just got a call. The President’s wife
wanted to know if you could join them for supper tonight.”

  “The President’s wife?” I ask. “How does she even know I exist?”

  “I told her,” I hear Mason say beside me.

  When I look over at him, the expression on his face surprises me. He’s blushing.

  “Why did you tell her about me?” I ask.

  “The last time I was there she asked me why I seemed so much happier, and I ended up telling her about you.”

  “Can you do that?”

  “She’s one of the few people with clearance who can know what’s really going on. So yes, I was able to share with her the news of our soon to be married life.”

  “And now she wants to meet me?”

  “Yeah,” Nick says. like this should come as no surprise. “I don’t think you understand what a bear he was to work with before he met you. She probably wants to meet the miracle worker who changed him.”

  “Thanks,” Mason says, not thankful at all.

  “Well, it’s true,” Nick says. “Am I not right, Aiden?”

  Aiden looks like he’s not quite sure how diplomatic he should be about his answer and finally says, “Well, you’ll know if I’m lying anyway so I might as well say the truth. I have to agree with Nick. You were pretty awful to work for, Mason. I always dreaded your calls.”

  “You guys have to be over exaggerating,” Leah says, confident in her words. “He’s always been really nice to me.”

  “You can thank your lucky stars you met him after he hooked up with Jess,” Nick says. “Otherwise, you’d be on our side on this one.”

  “When does the First Lady want us there?” Mason asks, choosing to effectively end the conversation.

  “Uh like now.”

  “Ok.” Mason looks to Aiden. “Would you mind taking Leah home after her math lesson with Nick?”

  “Sure,” Aiden says. “I can do that.”

  Mason takes my hand, and I find us standing in a dining room. It’s a pale yellow room with a cream colored carpet that is detailed with a criss-cross pattern of green with fleurs-de-lis in the center of the resulting diamond shapes. I do seem to vaguely remember the President being from Louisiana.


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