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Page 12

by Allison Hobbs

  “Okay, that’s what I’ll have for breakfast. For lunch…Hmm, I think I’ll skip what’s on the menu. I’d rather spend that time tasting you,” she said with an innocent expression while knowing full well the shock value of her words.

  When Reece, startled by her shameless proposal, choked and bent over in a coughing bout, Kai knew she had him. Men! Their dicks would be the death of them.

  “I’ll have the omelet and orange juice,” Kai said to the server.

  “You okay?” she asked, turning her attention back to Reece.

  He nodded, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

  “So…are we on for lunch?” Kai wanted to know.

  “Sure…why not?” he said casually.

  But his nonchalant expression and tone didn’t fool Kai. Reece was excited and nervous at once. And his discomfort emboldened her.

  “What time is your lunch break?”

  “Noon. But I can’t…uh…just walk into your room, you know. Um…maybe we could meet somewhere private?”

  “Certainly. Where do you suggest?”

  As Reece wrinkled his brow in thought, the server handed Kai the omelet on a large plate along with a glass of orange juice. She moved down the roped-in aisle, and Reece hurried behind her as she picked up a plastic fork and knife and a few napkins. She carefully arranged the items on her tray.

  “I’m going to eat in my room. Is that okay with you?”

  “Not a problem. But if anyone asks, you didn’t get permission from me.” He winked flirtatiously.

  She was glad his confidence had returned for he was surely going to need every bit of it.

  “I’ll see you upstairs. Maybe I’ll even attend your little therapy session,” she said teasingly. Then Kai turned and walked toward the door.

  “Wait a minute,” Reece called out.

  Kai stopped; she smiled inside. The promise of pussy had Reece completely unglued. And his eagerness to participate was all the therapy she needed. She’d be checking out of Spring Haven tomorrow if Reece turned out to be as good a fuck as she hoped he’d be.

  “Yes?” she asked, tilting her head to one side.

  “I have an idea.”

  “I’m all ears.”

  “My group ends at eleven-thirty. There’s uh, a closet…I mean the utility room at the end of the hall on your floor—near the windows. You can pretend like you’re looking out the window, then…”

  “You want to fuck me in a closet?”

  Reece look troubled. “No, it’s not a closet…it’s like a storage room. I can get the key from the cleaning guy.”

  “I’m glad you know people in high places,” she said with a deadpan expression.

  “I’m sorry. But off the top of my head, I just can’t think of…”

  “I’m kidding,” she said with a convincing smile. “A closet is fine. Kinky, actually. I’ll be there!” She swirled and left the cafeteria.

  She could see Reece’s reflection in the window; she could hear him whistling as he approached. He looked around, then stealthily slipped inside the closet. Kai waited a full five minutes before making her move, then she too eased open the closet door.

  The room was dark and smelled of cleaning agents. Kai immediately heard Reece locking the door behind her and before her eyes could adjust to the darkness, he was all over her. He kissed her passionately, sliding his tongue into her mouth, biting her neck—licking and moaning into her ear while dry humping her like a sex-starved adolescent.

  “Are we in a rush?” she whispered.

  “Yeah…I mean no,” Reece said, breathing hard.

  “Then slow down.”

  “Sorry,” he murmured as he began to unbutton her robe. His fingers trembled and she found herself losing respect for him.

  Annoyed, Kai pushed his fingers away and calmly unbuttoned the robe. Beneath it, she wore a black lacy thong. No bra. She came out of the robe and flung it into the darkness, unaware and uncaring that it had landed inside an uncovered trash container.

  Looking momentarily confused and not knowing where to begin, Reece groped her bare tits, kissed them sloppily, then his hungry hands darted to the elastic band of her thong, pulling—trying to rip the delicate material away from her body.

  Kai frowned. She wasn’t having fun. Reece was not arousing her; he was not the skillful lover she’d anticipated.

  “Lick my pussy,” she demanded in a breathy voice. Cunnilingus was a surefire way to get her juices flowing.

  He hesitated, then dropped to his knees. The thong was hanging by a thread; she pulled it to the side, smoothing his hair as she guided his head to her crotch. And with a tenderness he’d not demonstrated earlier, he parted her labial lips; his tongue slowly snaked its way inside her.

  Kai’s body went limp. Reece was good—too good. She had to steady herself by gripping the sink behind her. Feeling her passion building, but not wanting to cum just yet, she pushed his forehead, stopping him suddenly.

  Reece looked up, confused.

  “Put me on the sink.” She yanked the torn thong and tossed it on the floor.

  Without a question, he lifted her easily onto the edge of the sink.

  “Now fuck me,” she commanded as her legs spread wide.

  Reece stood up. “I don’t have a condom,” he said mournfully.

  “The hell with a condom,” she hissed.

  In an instant, he unzipped his fly.

  Kai scooted forward holding onto his shoulders. “Hurry up,” she moaned. “Put it in.”

  Reece was panting as he pushed his stiffness into her dripping wetness, thrusting deeply. Oh shit, she thought to herself, I can’t believe this fucking bastard is hitting my G-spot!” Involuntarily, she tightened her vaginal muscles around his dick and at that moment Reece exploded. Body spasms, guttural groaning, facial contortions…the whole nine.

  “No, you didn’t!” Kai spat in disgust. “I can’t believe you came already.”

  Reece wore a helpless puppy-dog expression as he clung to her, his body still convulsing as he deposited the last drop of semen.

  “How could you?” She poked him in the shoulder, angrily. “I wasn’t ready, you asshole. Do you think I fucking came into this godforsaken closet just so you could get your shit off? Huh?” She poked him again—harder. When she opened her mouth to chastise him further, she was startled into silence by the sound of movement outside the closet door. Someone fitted a key into the lock and turned it. The door creaked open, filling the room with light.

  Kai screeched.

  Panicked, Reece swiftly pulled out. Losing his footing, he stumbled into Kai and knocked her off the sink.

  Using the palm of her hand, Kai instinctively tried to break her fall. She could feel and hear the sickening crunch of breaking bones as her outstretched hand crashed into the concrete floor. Before she could even feel the searing pain, her face hit the floor; she was plummeted into instant unconsciousness.

  The electrician had come to check the wiring in the room. He clicked on the light and stared in disbelief at the scene before him: Kai was face down on the floor, butt naked. Her expensive robe was in the trash; her thong ripped and discarded lay inches from her body.

  And Reece, caught with his pants down, started yelling, “It was consensual! I swear to God, it’s not what it looks like!”

  Pandemonium followed. The electrician called for help as Reece, protesting loudly and hysterically, pulled up his pants.

  A stampede of pounding footsteps could be heard. Stunned staff members as well as patients rushed into the utility room.

  The electrician pointed to Kai. There were gasps and gaping mouths as they all gawked at a naked and seemingly badly beaten Kai.

  Heads now turned toward the culprit—Reece! He was crying and denying everything despite the damning evidence.

  The charge nurse turned Kai over. Blood covered her face. “Call 911,” she shouted to no one in particular. “And call security.” A cleaning lady ran to make the calls.

  “Get a blanket, hurry!” the nurse barked at a befuddled intern.

  Kai awakened to the bedlam, but lay very still beneath the blanket, pretending she was still knocked out. In her confused state, she had no idea what was going on. Stabbing pain jolted her into awareness, and she was able to establish what the commotion was all about as the confusion of panicking voices finally began to make sense.

  According to the buzz that swirled around her, an employee had brutally raped and beat a patient in a mental hospital—her! Now that was some damn good fucking luck. The hell with waiting for her inheritance; Reece and Spring Haven were going to pay dearly for her pain and suffering.

  “Help…somebody please help me,” she whimpered.

  “Kai! Can you hear me, Kai?” asked the charge nurse.

  Kai responded with a groan. The pain in her wrist was severe.

  “What happened, Miss Montgomery?” The nurse leaned close to Kai’s mouth.

  “He raped me,” she said, her voice barely audible.

  “Who did?”

  “Reece raped me. I…I think he broke my wrist.”

  “You lying bitch.” Reece rushed toward Kai but was tackled and held down by the beefy security guard who’d arrived at that precise moment.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  “I hope you don’t think I’m gonna be making deliveries every time you decide to make something fancy for your man,” Saleema said playfully as she tossed the Acme bag containing a pound of Italian sausage.

  “My fiancé,” Terelle corrected and flashed her ring.

  “My bad.” Saleema lifted the lid of the biggest pot on the stove. “Mmm, it smells delicious. What’s it called again?”

  “Shrimp Jambalaya.”

  “So why do you need the sausages?”

  “Hell if I know. The recipe called for it and I didn’t want to leave anything out.”

  “Can I taste it?”

  “It’s spicy, but go ahead…help yourself.”

  Saleema scooped up a heaping tablespoon of jambalaya. “Damn, girl. You ain’t playin’; this grub is bangin’! I see you’re seriously tryin’ to speed up the wedding date. They say food is the way to a man’s heart.”

  “I already have Marquise’s heart. I’m just trying to show my baby some love because this is his first day on a real job. Ever.”

  “Uh-huh.” Saleema studied her French manicured nails. “Marquise needs to be showin’ me some love since I’m the one who fucked the brains outta his new boss.”

  Terelle looked around apprehensively, as if the walls had ears. “Please don’t ever let Marquise hear you say that; he’d be so hurt if he found out how he got hired so fast.”

  “I know whassup; you ain’t gotta tell me.” Saleema looked offended.

  “I know you do. I just don’t wanna take any chances because I let Quise believe Mr. Hicks was really impressed…”

  “Drop it, Terelle. I said I know whassup.”

  “So why you complainin’—Mr. Hicks paid you, didn’t he?”

  “I ain’t complainin’, just reminding you that I’m not pressed for customers and I damn sure didn’t need that little bit of dough Mr. Hicks paid me. That cheap bastard only wanted to give me a bean.” Saleema snorted. “Now, what’s a hundred dollars gonna do for me? I told ’em two hundred is my lowest rate. Had to threaten to leave his naked ass in the hotel room before he gave up the rest of my cheddar.” Saleema paused, shaking her head at the memory of the event. “And I put myself through all that aggravation just for you. I fucked Mr. Hicks so you could stop worrying about Marquise going back to jail—now tell me if I ain’t the best fuckin’ friend in the whole wide world?”

  “You da bomb and you know it,” Terelle said teasingly while feeling like a hypocrite for asking Saleema to turn a trick on her behalf. “I wouldn’t have even asked you to do that if I wasn’t desperate,” she explained. “Mr. Hicks promised to give Marquise the job, but the paperwork for the ex-inmate-training program was takin’ too long.”

  “I know! You told me a thousand times. I just want to set the record straight because I could have been out with one of my white clients makin’ ten times what that cheap dickhead paid me.”

  Saleema was exaggerating the amount she earned from her other clients, but Terelle let it slide. No point in debating the amount Saleema could have made. The fact that her friend had done her a major favor was the only important matter.

  “I owe you big time,” Terelle stated, bending over to hug her friend.

  “So start paying up. Hurry up and do something with those sausages. Fix me a real plate—I’m starving.”

  Terelle began slicing the sausage and placing the bite-sized pieces in a pan of sizzling oil. She stood at the stove, her back to Saleema. “There’s something I have to tell you.”


  Terelle turned to face Saleema. “My mom popped over here and started a bunch of shit right after Quise got out of jail.”

  “Get out! You never told me that.”

  “I know. It was a mess. I couldn’t talk about it.”

  “What happened?”

  “Long story short…she left that rehab place and wanted to stay here…”

  “That’s messed up. Miss Cassy oughtta know that ain’t cool.”

  “But that ain’t the worse part of the story.”

  Saleema cocked her head and stared at Terelle with great interest.

  “When she couldn’t get her way, when I refused to let her stay here…” Terelle smiled sadly. “My mother accused Quise of something so rank; I can’t even get the words out.”

  Saleema lifted a brow. Terelle studied the floor, grimacing as she relived the horrible experience.

  “Girl, what happened? What did your mother say?”

  Terelle took a deep breath. “My mother said Quise made her go down on him in exchange for a hit when he was hustlin’.”

  Saleema was silent.

  “Say something!” Terelle demanded.

  “What the hell do you want me to say?”

  “Something—anything. What’s your opinion?”

  “You don’t want my opinion,” Saleema snapped. “Now whassup with the grub?”

  Terelle’s eyes pooled with tears. “Quise wouldn’t do no shit like that,” she said sobbing. “Not with my mother. I can’t understand why my own mother would try to hurt me like that?”

  Saleema stood up and embraced Terelle. “I want to say something to make you feel better. But I honestly don’t know what to say. When it comes to sex, I don’t put nothin’ past men. I think they’re all perverted sleaze bags.”

  “Okay,” Terelle said, pulling away from Saleema and wiping her eyes. “I know Marquise hasn’t always been faithful. And with that lifestyle he was into…the temptation was always there. But he wouldn’t…Not with my mother!” Terelle shook her head emphatically. “No way.”

  “You’re probably right. Is your mom smokin’ again?”

  “I don’t know. I couldn’t tell because she was looking really bad. She’d had a fight with some dude she was stayin’ with. He punched her in the face—gave her a black eye.”

  Saleema shook her head.

  Terelle shook her head, too. “Marquise thinks she’s getting high again. And she probably is because I haven’t heard from her since that night.”

  “Well…there’s your explanation.”

  Terelle looked hopeful.

  “You know how them crack addicts act when they start schitzin’…they’ll say and do anything. Miss Cassy is famous for causing a commotion when she’s tryin’ to get high.”

  “That’s so true,” Terelle sadly agreed. “I don’t know why I even let her in here.”

  “You let her in because she’s your mother.”

  “Yeah, but she brings too much drama. I can’t deal with her bullshit anymore.” Terelle prepared Saleema’s plate and placed it on the table.

  “Damn, girl. Where’s the camera? This looks pretty enough to be in a gourmet magazine.�

  Terelle beamed proudly and watched Saleema dig in. “How’s it taste?”

  “Mmm, it’s bangin’. You get high chef points for this meal.”

  Terelle checked the clock. Marquise would be home with Markeeta in another hour. She had scented candles, a congratulatory card, and some new lingerie to celebrate his first day on the job.

  After Saleema finished eating, Terelle hustled her to the door. “Hate to rush you, girl. But I gotta jump in the shower and get myself together before Quise gets home.”

  “Ain’t no thing…it’s all gravy…I was leaving anyway,” Saleema said. She sounded slightly hurt and that bothered Terelle.

  Oh well, she’d figure out a way to make it up to her friend later.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Curled lazily on the big cushy sofa in her spacious sunlit living room of her new waterfront condo, Kai gazed happily at the million-dollar cast that covered her hand, wrist and part of her arm. Well…not quite a million. But, thanks to her escapade with Reece, she was no longer at the mercy of her miserly, controlling parents; she was now an independently wealthy woman.

  Reece had been slapped with a five-year sentence for assault and rape. Kai snickered, naughtily amused by the thought of that pretty boy getting reamed in prison. Sure, she’d lied on Reece, but it served him right for being such an abominably bad fuck!

  In a few days, the cast would be removed, then she’d be able to easily reach inside her purse to start spending some of the money she’d been awarded in her negligence lawsuit against Spring Haven.

  According to the attorney who’d represented her, Spring Haven had made a promise upon admission that Kai would receive professional care and respite. Instead, he declared, she’d been left in care of a brutal, sex-crazed rapist. Out for blood, Kai’s attorney demanded and was certain he could get five million dollars—perhaps more. He cautioned that the litigation could drag on for years, but advised Kai to allow the case to go to trial.

  Wanting to settle quickly and quietly, Spring Haven offered close to a million dollars and against the advice of her attorney, Kai eagerly accepted. The hell with waiting to go to trial; she needed the money NOW!


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