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by Sloan Storm

  Slipperless Series

  (Book #1)

  By Sloan Storm

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.


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  The Next Release in the Serial

  July 1, 2015 - Slipperless Series: Book #2

  Future Releases in the Serial

  July 15, 2015 - Slipperless Series: Book #3

  July 29, 2015 - Slipperless Series: Book #4

  August 12, 2015 - Slipperless Series: Book #5 - Final Installment


  The bartender returned with the stranger’s beer, sliding it across the bar with a gentle nudge. He’d taken a seat next to me not five minutes earlier.

  “Thanks.” the man replied as he wrapped his fingers around the frost-covered mug.

  “You’re welcome, sir. Anything else?”

  The man raised the glass of amber-colored liquid to his lips, curling his tanned biceps into a hard ball of sinew as he did. I caught myself looking at him out of the corner of my eye, for a split second.

  Unfortunately, so did he.

  After taking a sip, he placed the mug back down on the bar as the bartender lingered nearby awaiting further instructions.

  The man turned towards me and with a smirk asked, “So, what are you drinking?”

  Mortified I’d been caught, I shrugged and mumbled a reply, “Oh um, it’s just a soda.”

  He nodded and swiveled his head back towards the bartender. “Another soda for the lady.”

  “No!” I yelped without thinking.

  Several people at the bar stopped their conversation and looked at me as if I had third eye. Sliding into embarrassment, I cleared my throat and with a polite smile I continued, “Thank you but I’m fine. Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude.”

  The man chuckled as he raised the glass to his mouth again. “Coulda fooled me.”

  Smooth Fiona.

  I thinned my lips a bit and looked away from him, returning my attention to my daily planner. Distractions aside, tomorrow was a huge day for me and I couldn’t afford to let anything take my mind off of it. Not even for someone like him.

  Especially not someone like him. Or his biceps.

  “What is that?” he asked, snapping me out of my self-imposed trance.

  My eyes darted towards his index finger as it pointed in the direction of my wrist.

  “Hmm?” I muttered, not making eye contact and hoping he’d lose interest.

  “What…” he said, as he raised the volume of his voice. “Is. That?”

  Placing a finer point on it, he moved his finger to my charm bracelet, which had slipped out from beneath the sleeve of my sweater. He nearly touched it, and put his digit in my line of sight so there would be no mistaking what he meant.

  “Oh.” I shrugged as I tucked it beneath the sleeve. “It’s just a bracelet.”

  “Yeah,” he replied. “I know that. It’s really unique. I've never seen anything like it. Does it symbolize something?”

  I swallowed hard as I stole a peek at him through wisps of my blond hair. Even in the somewhat dim light of the bar, it was hard to get past his looks. Of course, I’ve already mentioned his arms… Otherwise, wavy, long brown hair sat atop a square-jawed face with eyes sparkling a brilliant shade of blue. An ever-present smirk signaled his easy grace around women. I’d been around it enough times to know.

  But this time it was directed at me and not my friends.

  Hypnotized by his motion, I felt my pulse quicken as his finger moved away. I leaned in close to the bar, tucked my elbows into my sides and reached for my day planner. After I’d closed myself off from him, I shook my head and muttered a reply as I tried to focus on my to-do list.

  “No. It doesn’t signify anything. It’s just a piece of jewelry.”

  “Hmm,” he grumbled after a few seconds of silence. “Well, that’s a lie.”

  With my hands hooked around the sides of my planner, I turned my head towards him. I felt a sudden swell of indignation at his insinuation.

  “Excuse me?” I said in a rising tone.

  He gulped his beer for a leisurely moment or two before placing the mug back down the bar. Rivulets of water trickled down the sides of it as condensation formed on the surface of the glass.

  “What?” he said as he looked back at me. “What did I say?”

  “You called me a liar. That’s what.”

  “No, I said you told me a lie,” he said, with that annoying smirk again. “Everyone lies. It doesn’t mean you’re a liar. Why are you so uptight anyway? Pretty girl like you…”

  As soon as he said those words, I felt my neck flush. Shit. I hated when that happened. There was nothing I could do about it. Just another one of the reasons I chose to keep myself covered up most of the time. My emotions betrayed me often, so I’d learned to hide them. I turned away from him and reached for my soda.

  “Nothing to say, huh?” he chided, as I snatched my beverage.

  I swallowed a sip of the ice cold liquid. As the lemony-sweet sparkle tickled its way down my throat, I glanced back at him. I didn’t reply but instead looked straight ahead and placed my drink down on the bar. As I did, I noticed him shake his head in my peripheral vision before he picked up his mug.

  “Not very good at taking compliments, I see.”

  “I’m sorry,” I replied, as I continued to avoid his gaze. “I'm just waiting for my friends. I’d like to be left alone, please.”

  He scoffed just before he took a sip. “Another lie.”

  Not wishing to be toyed with any longer, I thinned my lips and snapped my head in his direction. “There’s plenty of other women here for you to charm. Now, I’ve asked you politely. Please don’t disturb me.”

  “Oh,” he replied. “So you find me charming?”

  “What?” I said, with a shake of my head. Still looking in his direction, I continued, “No. That’s not what I said.”

  “Sure it is. It’s okay, I…”

  “No,” I said, correcting him. I felt a frown crease my brow. “I don’t find you charming at all. If you must know, I find you… annoying.”

  The man turned his upper body towards me. A smile spread tight across his face, barely restraining his teeth while forming two perfect dimples on either side of his mouth.

  “Well, now we’re getting somewhere,” he said with a chuckle. “Pleasure to meet you. My name’s Gabe. And you are…”

  I grimaced at his persistence. Short of getting up and walking off, it looked as if this conversation wasn’t ending anytime soon. And until my friends arrived to meet me for dinner, I really had no choice but to hold him at bay.

  “Fiona,” I muttered.

  “Fiona,” he parroted. His tone had a lyrical pitch to it, almost as if he sung it. When he finished, he slid his hand across the bar in a gesture of greeting until it drew within a few inches of my sweater-covered fingers.

  After a subtle nod of his chin, more charm sputtered from his lips.

  “Can I see your whole hand, or is that moving too fast?”

  I fought like mad against a smile which threatened to betray me. Instead, I bit the inside of my lip and moved my palm toward his. As Gabe took my fingers in his hand he squeezed them a bit for emphasis, causing me to look in his direction. His digits were warm, soothing and masculine. He held me there for a moment until at last, he released his grip. I swallowed and looked away as his gaze lingered on me.

  God, where the hell are my

  After another second or two he spoke and gestured towards my planner.

  “So whatcha got there, Fiona? Looks really… official.”

  Official was hardly the word I’d use to describe my planner. My entire life revolved around it and had for at least the last five years of my existence, especially now. Not that someone like him would understand. Everything about Gabe seemed casual, carefree. Just by the look of him, he was the type who glided through life without a worry in the world. Well, not all of us were so lucky. Or free from worry. Anyway, Gabe was about as opposite from me as he could possibly be.

  “It’s nothing,” I said with a dismissive tone. “I just use it to stay organized.”

  “I see,” he said with a nod. “Impressive. Well done, looks like a lot of organization.”

  I shook my head.

  Nearly finished with his beer now, Gabe took another pull of the golden fluid. Putting his glass down, he continued, “So what brings you here tonight? Pretty lady like yourself…?”

  That’s the second time he’d called me pretty.

  I didn’t answer. Rather, I pretended to be looking around the restaurant for my hopelessly late, so-called friends.

  “You’re not used to much attention from men are you, Fiona?” he said, leaning in towards me. “All covered up, nose in your planner… a little hostile.”

  “I am not hostile!” I snapped. As before, a number of people seated nearby took notice of my outburst. I closed my eyes in a blink of frustration before opening them towards him once more.

  “Hey,” Gabe said as he leaned away a bit. “Take it easy. What’s with the attitude?”

  “I’m sorry.” I moaned as I crossed my hands together over the top of my planner. “Listen, I’m just here to have dinner with my friends. That’s all. I don’t understand why you won’t leave me alone.”

  Gabe ignored me. I might as well have said nothing.

  “What’s the occasion?” he asked.

  “Um, well I’ve just landed a big interview. They wanted to take me out and celebrate. It’s not something I would normally do, but they insisted.”

  “What do you mean? Not something you would normally do?”

  “Oh,” I said with a hard swallow. “What I meant to say is I don’t like being the center of attention.”



  Well, let’s see… Um, it’s because I’m the mom of the group? The one everyone comes to for help with their problems. They talk to me about everything that’s wrong, with men most of all. It’s not that I minded so much. I liked helping my friends. But sometimes it would be nice if someone did the same for me.

  Just once.

  Of course I could say all of those things to him. But what would be the point? It’s not as if I would ever see him again, or if I did, he would remember my name, or hell, even talking to me.

  So instead, I did the sensible thing.

  I lied.

  “Well, when I was a child, I won a lot of beauty pageants,” I began. “The attention I received in those early years scarred me for life. So nowadays, I much prefer to keep to myself. I’ll leave the attention-getting to the other girls.”

  I raised my arms, clutching my sweater-clad fingers for emphasis. For an instant, Gabe tented his eyebrows at me in confusion before a smile came to his face.

  “Good one, Fiona,” he said, with a wink and a bit of a chuckle. “That was clever. Well, in any case, congratulations on beauty contest victories and the interview.”

  “Thank you.”

  I nodded and prepared to speak, but before I could, Gabe gestured across the room to a group of men as they entered the bar.

  “My buddies are here,” he said, just before he polished off the last of his beer.

  With that, he stood from his barstool and after reaching in his pocket, he tossed some money on the bar for his drink. He walked by me and pressed his palm into the small of my back. He leaned in towards me, stopping only six inches or so short of my ear. He lingered there for a moment and his scent caught my attention—and my breath.

  “Good luck at your interview, Fiona. Congratulations again.”


  As I walked away from her, I dragged my fingertips across Fiona’s lower back for a fraction of a second. My gesture didn’t go unnoticed. I felt her twitch into an upright position but true to the shy behavior she'd shown me so far, she didn’t turn to look at me.

  Fiona wasn’t ordinarily the type of woman I found myself attracted to, of course. I was all but sure the guys wouldn’t let my interaction with her go unnoticed. I wouldn’t have, if the situation was reversed.

  But in this case, I didn’t care.

  She had an angelic face, with absolutely perfect lips, the most spectacular ones I’d ever seen on a woman. And believe me, I’d seen my share. Beyond that, she had flawless, creamy skin, bright powder blue eyes and silky blond hair.

  I’d never seen anything like her, in spite of her covered up appearance. If I was a betting man, I’d say maybe she’d lost some weight and hadn’t quite adjusted to her new look. And anyway, she was young. I guessed early twenties at the most, so that would explain her awkwardness to a degree.

  But all that was okay by me. I liked her feisty attitude. It was so much different than the other women in my life. Yet, that’s the advantage of meeting someone like her in a place like this, anonymity. No pretense. I get to just be myself and not the person everyone imagines me to be.

  So yeah, it was pretty obvious she didn’t get hit on much. But I didn’t see things staying that way for long. Once you got past her gruffness, it was pretty obvious there was someone worth getting to know beneath all that clothing and standoffishness.

  I made my way across the restaurant, dodging waiters and waitresses as I went.

  “What’s up?” I nodded as I approached my friends.

  “Man, I should be asking you the same question,” my friend Brad replied, as I stepped towards him.

  “What are you talking about?”

  He nodded, lifting his chin in Fiona’s direction. “Not really your type.”

  “Mmm, yeah,” I began as I glanced towards her. Without turning back to face Brad, I continued, “You’re right, she doesn’t look anything like your mom does she?”

  “Fuck off, Gabe.”

  I chuckled when Brad gave me a small shove to go along with his insult. As I did, the rest of the fellas laughed right along. A few seconds later, the hostess approached and led us towards our table. Walking across the room, I glanced at Fiona and caught her doing the same at me. Her eyes widened as my gaze locked on hers and almost as soon, she turned her attention back towards that ridiculous planner.

  I bet she slept with the damn thing.

  We’d been seated for about ten minutes or so when I noticed Fiona headed in my direction, surrounded by what I guessed were her friends. I glanced up over the top of my menu and got my first good look at her body. She was a bit bigger than her friends, who were more like the type of woman I typically preferred.

  Even so, I was familiar with women like Fiona.

  Ten times out of ten, she was usually the woman I had to get close to so I’d have a chance to seduce her attractive friends without having to worry about her cockblocking me at two o’clock in the morning. In my experience, it was always worth the time investment to get women like Fiona on your side.

  Yet, as I watched her draw near, I realized that wasn’t the case with her. She glanced at me once more as she passed by the table and held my gaze with the first show of confidence I’d seen from her. It sent a charge through my body, straight to my crotch. My head swiveled as she continued by and I watched her ass snap while her hips swayed back and forth.

  “What are you getting, Gabe?” Brad asked. “Didn’t you say the steak tartare was good here?”

  Barely listening, I kept my eyes glued on her as she slid into the booth, surrounded on all sides by her friends. One by one, they each looked at
me, only to turn back to Fiona a moment or so later. Teasing her, from the looks of it.

  “Gabe…” Brad said, as he spoke up.

  “Hmm?” I replied. I turned back towards him. “Yeah?”

  Brad scowled in my direction and looked past me towards the booth where Fiona sat.

  “You’re way out of her league, man,” he said as he shook his head. Turning his attention back towards his menu, he continued, “What’s gotten into you?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I asked.

  Without lifting his head, Brad arched an eyebrow in my direction. “Really?”

  “Yeah,” I said, as I crossed my arms at my chest. Leaning back in my chair, I nodded in Fiona’s direction. “Tell me what’s wrong with her.”

  Brad closed his menu and after a hard swallow, decided to take me up on my challenge.

  “Well, I mean, look at her. Yeah, she’s pretty enough but she’s…” his voice trailed off.

  I tented my eyebrows at him, daring him to continue. All the other guys at the table watched as tension between us grew with each second that passed.

  “She’s what, man?”

  “Gabe look, just forget it. If you want to hook up with a big girl, be my guest.”

  I thinned my lips and glared at him. “Take it back, shithead.”

  Exasperated, Brad looked back at me. “Man, I don’t care. Go talk to her.”

  “Take it back or we take it outside.”

  “What?” he scoffed. “Come on man, chill. I’m not trying to start anything with you.”

  A couple of ‘take it easy’s’ and ‘calm down’s’ filled the silence between us as the rest of the guys tried to soothe my burgeoning anger.

  “Take it back!” I said, pointing at him across the table.

  “Dude, fuck. Fine!” Brad said as he leaned away from me. “Forget I said anything.”

  After I glared at him for a moment, I reached for a glass of ice water. Tilting it up to my lips, I hammered it back until the cubes collected around my mouth. After a final hard swallow, I placed it back down on the bright white of the tablecloth.

  “We good?” he asked.

  “Don’t talk to me right now, man.” I muttered as I waved him off.

  An uneasy peace returned to the table as everyone raised their menus back to eye level. Instead of looking at mine, I glanced back towards her, and once again I caught Fiona looking. Her gaze fell away from me with an unhurried pace as she rejoined the conversation with her friends.


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