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We Are Called to Rise

Page 11

by Laura McBride

  Buddy fucker. How am I supposed to live with that?


  most important thing you can do is take care of your buddy. Because you have to know that your buddy is going to be there for you. Everything is built around that. Starting in basic training. Esprit de corps. Or whatever bullshit French word they want to use for it. And in basic, there are days when you think you will never care a damn what happens to your commanding officer, and then you get to Afghanistan or Iraq, and you care. Man, you care. Sam and I probably never would have even spoken to each other stateside. He really did hate spics. But there, man, that is the closest relationship I have ever had in my life.

  And gringos are right about one thing: Mexicans do care about kids. When you’re Mexican, children are really important. That’s not just for the women. That’s for everybody. My parents aren’t the best example of that, but my abuela is, and that is how Mexicans are.

  So I’m the Mexican who killed an innocent kid, and I’m the soldier who got his buddy fucked. I wish I had killed myself. I wish I hadn’t used a .22. I wish I hadn’t jerked, or missed, or whatever the hell I did. I wish I felt like I could pop again. Because I don’t think I have what it takes to try that again. But I don’t know how I am going to live with what I did. I don’t see how Dr. Ghosh can make that any better.

  And I don’t deserve to have it be better.

  But how am I supposed to live?

  How do I go back to my abuela and Las Vegas now?

  And if I do pop again, if I do find a way to get out of this, how is my abuela supposed to live?


  * * *


  LAUREN SAYS NATE READ the note I left, but he never called me, and he didn’t answer when I called him. Lauren and I have spoken each day, and from her I know that Nate is back home, that they are “doing better,” that Lauren has not yet talked to him about seeing a counselor but “is going to do it.” I am uneasy. Nate and Lauren are twenty-seven years old. They’re married. What really is my role here?

  Is Lauren in danger?

  I don’t get to Rodney’s house until almost ten. I’ve been wondering if Nate will show up, but as soon as I arrive, I see that the two of them are hard at work already. Boxes litter the square patch of dirt that serves as Rodney’s front yard, and Nate’s arms are piled high with pieces of Santa’s sleigh. Rodney sits at the front door, patiently testing a big mound of light strings in the outdoor socket.

  “Nato, what do you think of putting a rocket launcher in Santa’s hands this year? Think I’d make the six o’clock if I did that?”

  Nate laughs. Rodney has been trying to get featured on the six o’clock news for years. He says he’s sick of the uptight folks on Hondo Court getting all that free press each year. What’s wrong with the lights down on West Adams?

  And Rodney has big plans for this Christmas. Nate wasn’t around to help him with the lights much over the last few years, but now that Nate is back at home permanently, working at the police department no less—which Rodney figures is going to save him a lot of money in driving tickets—my brother is going all out.

  There hasn’t been any room in the garage for his van in years, and as far as I can tell, he’s spent most of this fall’s Social Security checks ordering more decorations off the Internet. Rodney won’t throw anything out, so the plastic sheet of Disney characters will still cover his garage door, the hundreds of mothy old stuffed animals will still be perched along the edge of the lawn, Nate will still hang the three white-light angels over his front window, the slightly crooked fat snowman will still welcome children coming from the elementary school down the street, and, of course, Santa, his sleigh, and all eight reindeer will still take center stage across the lawn. Most people might think that there really isn’t any place to put more decorations, but most people aren’t Rodney, and I can tell from the stack of boxes that have never been opened that there is going to be a lot more to look at this year.


  decorate this house since he was four years old. That’s the year Rodney and Sharlene moved in, and the year they decided that the tasteful display of white lights at our house was “just too pansy ass” for their boy. Jim stayed out of all that. He helped them get the mortgage on the house, and ten years later, when things were going well, he paid off what was left and gave the deed to Sharlene. Jim did this sort of thing quietly; he didn’t, for example, wrap up the deed and present it as a gift. He just mailed it to Sharlene in an envelope, with a note that said she should probably get someone to look at the air-conditioning unit. I found the note when I was helping Rodney go through our mother’s things after she died. I wonder what Sharlene thought of that note, much less the gift. She never mentioned it to me. I only found out because I asked Jim why our tax returns looked different that year.

  “You didn’t have to do that, Jim. Sharlene and Rodney can take care of themselves.”

  “It was twenty-two thousand dollars, Avis. It doesn’t make sense for them to be paying interest on a mortgage.”

  “Well, thank you,” I said awkwardly.

  “Avis, don’t thank me. It feels weird for you to thank me.”

  That’s kind of how Jim was with my family. He had this idea about what a man should do, how he should use his money, and he did that. He didn’t even think much about it. On the other hand, he didn’t really pay attention to what Sharlene or Rodney were doing or how they lived. He didn’t seem to worry about their influence on Nate, like I did. He didn’t worry about whether they were drinking around Nate or what they talked about with him. If they wanted to put up some really tacky Christmas display for Nate, and if Nate liked it, that was fine with Jim. When Nate was little, Jim would go down to the house on West Adams and examine the lights, the sleigh, the stuffed animals, with him. Once Nate got older, I doubt that Jim even knew whether they were still putting up the lights or not.


  in the last two decades, but he is a professional when it comes to Christmas lights. It takes him and whoever is helping him three days to take the display down in January. Every light set is meticulously returned to its original box and organized in the garage according to the order in which it will be rehung the next year. If I know Rodney, he already has calculated to the last inch where the new decorations will fit in and has a detailed plan for rewiring the whole affair. It’s the big event of his year, the thing that everyone knows him for, and as much as I hate the idea of Santa holding a rocket launcher, I have always been glad that Rodney has this.


  the street, where it won’t block the garage door, and make my way to the front entrance. I kiss Rodney on the cheek and walk into the yard to give Nate a hug. We embrace awkwardly, given what happened, and I say, “Nate, we have to talk about what happened. I’ve invited your dad over next weekend, so the four of us can talk.”

  “Okay. Okay. Mom, I know. I’ll call.”

  “What’s the secret?” Rodney yells out. “You making big plans for my Christmas present?”

  Rodney is feeling fine. He doesn’t look too good—his skin is a pale sort of gray-yellow, and there are deep pouches below his eyes—but he’s feeling fine. No doubt there’s a flask tucked in the side pocket of his chair.

  Rodney switched to a motorized wheelchair about three years ago, and he’s aged a lot since. He has a long list of medical problems, partly because he’s been in the chair since he was nineteen years old, and partly because he drinks, but also just because he’s never really done much. He was a good athlete as a little kid, like I was, but things went downhill quickly for him.

  Sharlene let Rodney come home to live after his accident because they were friends. Not just mother and son, but friends. When he was twelve years old, Rodney would sit at the kitchen table with Sharlene, smoking and sharing her whiskey and talking about the sh
it at the Four Queens just like one of Mom’s bar hostess friends. I was sixteen and pretending to be tough and starting to see how life was different for other people—starting to imagine that even I might live another way. I used to yell and tell her that Rodney shouldn’t smoke, that he shouldn’t drink, that he was just a kid, a skinny kid, who needed his brain cells, but they both laughed at me, and if I kept it up too long, Sharlene got mean. She would ask me if sleeping around was better than drinking and smoking. She knew I had made a mistake, and she knew how much I regretted it. Sharlene could always take care of herself; if it meant cutting her daughter to the quick, she didn’t think twice about it.


  worked out that Sharlene and Rodney lived together. She gave up the boyfriends; he made a life for himself on this street, in this house. It wasn’t what I wanted for him. If I let myself remember Rodney as he was—a little boy, so sweet, so much sweeter than I was—and then think about how his life turned out, I feel ill, but if I let all those images go, if I forget about all those times that I promised him things would get better, that I would take care of him, that I would not let anyone hurt him, then I think that he is happy enough with his life—as happy as anyone else I know.

  Nate has begun to set the largest displays where they will be anchored, and I go in search of the box with the plastic garage door panorama. When Nate was a small boy, the panorama featured Donald Duck stringing Christmas lights around Pluto instead of a Christmas tree. Nate loved that. He laughed every time he looked at it, and he would chatter on about it at dinner. Do you think Pluto wagged his tail when Donald Duck wrapped the string around it, Mommy? Do you think Pluto eats the lights? Just thinking about the image would make him laugh.

  Rodney let the colors get really faded on that one, since Nate loved it so much, but for quite a few years now, the panorama has featured Mickey and Minnie and Goofy opening a big pile of presents. I find the box, and as is true every year, realize that it is a lot heavier than I am expecting. I tug it toward the garage door and then stop to check that the hooks that hold it are still in place.

  Just then, there is the loud sound of lights exploding. Nate yells, and before I even know he has moved, he is throwing me to the ground and pushing his arm against my back.

  “Stay down. Stay down,” he hisses. Then he gets up, running in a half crouch toward Rodney, who is holding a hissing string of exploded lights in his hand.

  “You going to shoot me, Nato?” Rodney asks, in a long, slow drawl. “You think I’m one of those Taliban guys?”

  Rodney is grinning, but my heart is pounding. What will Nate do? Rodney is delicate. Nate can’t just throw him to the ground. I struggle to get up quickly, thinking that somehow I can stop what is about to happen.

  But it doesn’t happen.

  Nate stops. Looks around. At me, trying to get up, and at Rodney, sitting cool as a cucumber with his lights.

  I freeze.

  But then Nate starts to laugh. He laughs so hard, I think he might also be crying. And Rodney laughs too. Rodney laughs, and he says to Nate, “Man, them Ahabs really got you going. You just as bad as some of those winos on Fremont Street. You just plain old nuts, Nato.”

  And for some reason, this makes Nate laugh even harder. He is laughing so hard, he has to sit down on the grass. And I am laughing too, because I can’t remember when I last saw Nate laugh, because I am so grateful to Rodney, grateful because Nate loves him so much, and I am also crying, because something is not right with Nate; something is really wrong.


  was always a risk taker. There was a period of time—after the car accident his junior year of high school, after basic training, after that first incredible growing up that happens to a boy who joins the Army—there was a period of time when Nate seemed to have wrestled his demons, when it seemed that Nate was becoming the best man he could be.

  Jim and I were close then. I still remember talking with Jim that first year or so that Nate was in the Army.

  “Jim, the military has been good for him. He made the right choice. We were so worried, and yet he made the right choice.”

  “It’s amazing, really, how much he has changed. He was telling me last night that he set up a savings account with an automatic paycheck deduction.”

  “Yeah, I know. When I walked in yesterday, he was polishing the wood floors, on his knees, and he said, ‘Mom, I just wanted to do something for you.’ I had to walk away, because it hit me so hard. His being nice. It’s like we have our old Nate back.”

  “A lot of boys have trouble in high school, Avis.”

  “I know. But I was so afraid. So afraid that he would be angry forever, that it was my fault, that we had let him get away with too much.”

  “Yeah. I never felt like we were too easy on him, Avis. He was a tough teenager. We could have done it differently, but I’ve never been sure there was a better way.”


  before 9/11. He got out of basic training three weeks after. That was scary. Because, of course, we had told ourselves that the Army would toughen him up, that it was a good time to join the military, that the world was relatively at peace. Do you remember that? How just before 9/11, it seemed like the world was more peaceful?

  And then it changed. And we knew it would just be a matter of time before Nate was deployed somewhere awful. Boys were joining the military in record numbers then, but Nate got in just ahead of them. Just in time to be first out of the gate.

  And still it took a while. More than a year before he went to Iraq. Back and forth. Three tours.

  And in between, when he was home on leave, he made plans. Each time, he seemed older and surer. He started talking about coming back home when he was done. Joining the police force. Coming home was because of Lauren, of course. Somehow, Nate had gotten back in touch with his middle school sweetheart, and they were in love.

  When Nate told us that he was dating Lauren, that they had gotten back in touch, that he was planning on getting out of the military and coming back home, I thought, for a while, that everything was working out. Working out better than I had dared hope.

  Jim and I were doing well, Nate was doing well, everything seemed right. I thought it meant that we had done it right after all.

  And then Jim and I started to run out of things to talk about. He worked a lot. I couldn’t seem to figure out what I wanted, what I was supposed to be doing with my life. Last January, just weeks after Nate got out for good, he totaled his car in an accident that didn’t quite add up. He wasn’t hurt. Wasn’t drinking. (That’s what I thought, of course, that he had been drinking.) But his blood alcohol test was fine. He said he had just looked down at the radio, had somehow veered, looked up too late to miss the wall altogether. Just got slowed down enough not to get hurt.

  It could have happened that way. Jim believed him.

  “Jim, do you think that is all that happened? That he looked at the radio?”

  “Avis, stop it. I can’t go there with you. I can’t do this with you anymore. Of course he just looked down.”

  But I was right. Whatever happened with the car, I was right about Nate.

  His bachelor party was so out of control that he arrived at the rehearsal dinner with fresh red bruises all over his face. They were blackish at the wedding, yellow in the honeymoon pictures.

  He got suspended from his job at the Luxor for a day. Never told us why. We would never have known except that I stopped by to give them a table from Nate’s old room. Lauren blurted out that Nate had been suspended. The suspension was one thing, but it was the way that Nate looked at Lauren when she told me that surprised me.


  course. I know about post-traumatic stress, and the possibility of minuscule brain bleeds from powerful explosions. I’ve read the scenarios about hundreds of thousands of soldiers with “s
haken” brains from IEDs.

  My question is, what am I supposed to do about that? What is Nate supposed to do? My son came back from a war alive. But who came back? Who’s the man who just pushed me to the ground, who nearly attacked his disabled uncle?


  of us sit down to talk about what happened between Nate and Lauren the day I dropped by. They come to my house. Our house.

  I make a meal, and Nate and Jim and Lauren and I sit there for the first time in months. It is only the second time Jim has been home since he left. We sit down awkwardly, in the same chairs we have always sat in, feeling oddly formal.

  But by the time we are done with dinner—by the time Jim has told a story about an eighty-six-year-old man who has been eating twice a day at the buffet since 1993, and whose Keno numbers finally came up; by the time Lauren has told us about the new program she is trying out with her seventh-grade special ed students; by the time Nate has given up refilling his plate and is just standing at the stove, eating the last of the curry out of the pot—we are a family again. I have to pinch myself to remember that this is not real, that Jim doesn’t live here anymore, that we are not going to have many meals like this one.

  And all of that mutes the shock of what I saw Nate do to Lauren and the fear I felt in Rodney’s yard. It seems simple, really. Nate is having a hard time adjusting to civilian life. He’s having anger issues. Well, of course. You can’t pick up a newspaper or turn on the news without reading about this.


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