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Princess of Zamibia

Page 12

by Delaney Diamond

  The suckling pull of his mouth forced her eyes closed, and her head fell back against the pillows. Kofi’s hands and mouth continued to travel across her body, and he continued to press kisses all over—her palms, elbows, waist, and inner thighs.

  Dahlia stretched her arms above her head, giving herself up to the heat that coursed through her veins. Lovingly, he smoothed a slow-moving hand against the flat plane of her abdomen, gradually moving upward to her aching breasts, and she squirmed, finding it more and more difficult to breathe.


  “I’m here, olufeh mi.”

  Taking his erection in hand, Kofi guided it to the wet folds between her legs. She opened, allowing his powerful body to lead her down the familiar path to the heights of sensual bliss. He grunted when he sank into her, and she gripped his shoulders as his hands eased up her outer thighs, shifting her into the position he desired.

  He looped one leg over the arm that supported him on the mattress and twisted her other to curve around his waist like a belt. She lay open to him as he slowly slid in and out of her body over and over again, creating a sensory overload.

  Dahlia wound her arms around his neck to hold herself in place as he tightened his hold and plunged his hot shaft faster into her. A shudder of satisfaction and relief rolled under her skin and echoed in his masculine frame. At the same time, his mouth stroked over hers in an urgent kiss—hot, drugging, so intense she lost all sense of where she was. Their merged bodies slapped together in perfect harmony.

  As passion built between them, he gritted his teeth and pummeled her body harder, the intense pleasure forcing him to bury his face in her neck. In and out, as deep as he could go, he pumped his hips and forced her hoarse moans to fill the air while she kept pace.

  When they came, they came together, their bodies perfectly in tune with each other, welcoming the flash of heat that spiraled into unimaginable ecstasy. Her entire body shook with the strength of gale winds sweeping through the plains. His breath stuttered against her collarbone as he thrust with a savagery that forced her to sink her nails into his skin to hold on.

  When it was over, he let out a long exhale and his full weight collapsed on top of her before he rolled onto his side and pulled her with him. She turned her face into his shoulder, breathing in the unique scent of his skin combined with the bewitching smell of sweat and sex.

  Dahlia couldn’t deny the truth anymore. A dull ache filled her chest. Her intense feelings for Kofi had never died. She loved him just as much, more, than before. She didn’t know where their relationship was headed, but in a short time, he’d become a vital part of her life, and she didn’t want to lose this feeling with him.

  Kofi walked naked from the adjoining bathroom back to bed. He eased under the sheets, careful not to create too much movement and wake Dahlia, who lay on her side with her back to him.

  When he finally settled into a comfortable position, she pressed her bottom against his hip. He glanced at her. Was she asleep or awake?

  Moments later, she inched farther back and pressed her bottom more insistently against him.

  Definitely awake.

  Kofi turned and spooned her. “Dahlia?”


  “What are you doing?”

  He traced a line down the middle of her back and she moved with a snakelike shimmy. He dragged his finger all the way down along the crack of her ass, and she moaned, lifting into his hand.

  “Don’t tell me you need more,” he murmured. He was already getting hard at the thought of taking her again.

  “Maybe. It’s our wedding night, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, it is.” He couldn’t believe she’d come to him. “What did you have in mind next, binriya mi?” He whipped the sheet away from her body and trailed a hand up the curves of her dark brown skin, stopping right below her breast.

  “What does that mean?” She turned onto her back and faced him.

  Gorgeous. She looked like a goddess with the gold threads running through her hair and her lips swollen from his kisses.

  “My princess.”

  “How do you say my prince?” she asked.

  “Aremoh mi.”

  She said the words, but her pronunciation was off. He repeated them, slower this time.

  “Aremoh mi,” she said with more confidence.

  Two simple words, and he felt as if a new world opened up, an understanding between them.

  “I want you to touch me, aremoh mi,” Dahlia whispered.


  She took his hand and covered a breast. The dark nipple hardened under his palm, becoming a tight little berry. He squeezed the soft flesh and she arched into his hand.

  “You’re so sexy,” he muttered, plucking the berry into his mouth. His tongue traced the outer edge and sucked.

  Dahlia gasped and cupped the back of his head, smoothing a hand down his neck and across the markings that covered his upper back. He loved her hands on his body, the delicious things she did with barely any effort ignited his skin and made his stiff flesh harder.

  For so long he tried to forget her. Forget her laugh and the sweep of her hair across his chest. Forget the way she hid her giggles behind her hand. Her openness and optimism had all been relegated to the past. But in reality, he hadn’t forgotten a thing. Every nuance, every feeling, every sensation remained in his subconscious the entire time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to resurface.

  Now there was no more hiding, no more stifling his feelings to protect him from the living, breathing manifestation of all his love and desire. Yes, love. He’d accepted his feelings when the officiant tied their hands together to signify their union as husband and wife. He’d never experienced such heart-racing euphoria with any other woman.

  Her thighs fell apart as he settled between them and pressed his mouth against the curve of her throat, inhaling her rose-scented skin. He listened to her soft moans and desperate pleas and laughed softly, knowingly, as his hard flesh sliced between her legs. With each thrust of his hips, she tightened her grip, sinking her fingers into his shoulders as her body clamped around him like a vise.

  When he was almost at the end of his rope, he withdrew. Frustrated, she sucked air between her teeth in a huff.

  “Over,” Kofi muttered. She turned face down and lifted her bottom in the air. He almost couldn’t bear the sight of her in that position. “This is how I want you. I want to see this lovely behind.” He smoothed a hand from her lower back down over the soft globes of her bottom.

  When he pushed the head of his length to her entrance, she pushed back into him. His hard flesh drove into hers, sliding with ease into the snug fit. He reached around and played with one breast. Soft and lush, it filled his hand. Her back arched deeper, and each time his hips slapped against her ass, she cried out. Her head dipped lower and the twists tumbled forward in a display of black ropes and glinting gold. Gathering a fistful he tugged, taking control, until her fingers grappled for purchase in the pillows.

  Before too long, she came apart, screaming down the walls. She shook uncontrollably as he emptied inside her, gripping her hips as spasms of pleasure wrenched through him like a burst dam.

  When they returned to some semblance of normal breathing, he pulled her close and she pressed her face into his neck.

  He lay like that for a long time, holding her close, hand fisted in the cottony softness of her hair, quietly overwhelmed.


  Dahlia and Kofi arrived at Inhambane Airport in Mozambique at ten o’clock at night after a long, twelve-hour flight. From the airport, a caravan of hired cars, which included a full entourage of attendants, drove almost twenty miles to the lazy seaside town of Tofo. Though known around the world for its dive sites that offered glimpses of manta rays, dolphins, and whale sharks, the location still managed to maintain a sense of seclusion. Kofi had rented an entire guest house, which meant they had a large strip of the beach entirely to themselves.

  After eating a th
ree-course meal on the royal plane, Dahlia was far from hungry, but she pinched a bite of the coconut muffin she found in her room on a tray filled with other baked goods. She sauntered over to the huge sliding glass door and pulled it open. The sound of the ocean washed into her ears, and in the distance she saw the dark sea lapping against the white sands of the shore.

  Angela flew back to the States before Dahlia and Kofi left Zamibia. Their bittersweet goodbye consisted of an early breakfast before Dahlia instructed a driver to take her friend to the airport. She missed her already. In her gut, she felt a long time would pass before they saw each other again, and that filled her with sadness.

  Kofi came up behind her and looped an arm around her waist. “It’s late.”

  Dahlia nodded.

  “What’s wrong?” He made her face him and tilted her head up until he saw her eyes.

  “I’m being silly.”

  He frowned. “Tell me.”

  “I miss Angie.” She shrugged.

  “That’s not silly. It’s understandable. You’ve known each other since college, and I’m sure she was there for you when Noel was born.”

  Dahlia nodded, emotion clogging her throat. No friend was as reliable as Angela. She’d thrown her a baby shower and held her hand in the delivery room when Dahlia had no one else.

  “I should go check on Noel,” she said.

  “He’s asleep, and Aofa is with him. We’ll get him in the morning.”

  He closed the sliding glass door and led the way to the bed, where Mariama had scattered red rose petals on the sheets. They undressed and slid beneath the cool linens, wrapping their arms around each other. Kofi rubbed her back with gentle up and down strokes. He knew what she needed and gave it to her. There’d be no sex tonight. Tonight she’d only be held.

  The faint light of dawn cast a dim glow through the mosquito netting around the bed, allowing Kofi to get a good look at his wife lying curled against him, fast asleep. One arm was thrown across his chest, her steady breathing ticking his collarbone while her soft cheek used his shoulder as a pillow.

  Kofi lifted one of her twists and carefully wound the hair around his forefinger. He stilled as she moved in her sleep, rubbing her soft body against his and settling more comfortably. He wanted to spend the rest of his life the same way—waking up with her pressed to him, her sweet smell clinging to his skin and the sheets. He hadn’t brought her to the continent in the best way, he admitted with a rueful smile, but they were together now. They could make their marriage work.

  Kofi folded an arm behind his head and contemplated the days ahead, balancing his new family and palace affairs.

  Sensing Dahlia’s gaze on him, he turned and saw her eyes opened.

  “You’re awake. Good morning.” He squeezed her closer in greeting. Shifting his hand beneath her mass of hair, he stroked her upper back.

  “Good morning.” She smiled and stretched like a satisfied cat, letting out a low moan. She lifted onto one elbow and looked down at him, her hair falling to the side. She bit her lip in an almost shy manner. It was adorable. “Is something wrong? You seemed deep in thought for a moment.”

  “Thinking about palace business and all the work I left behind.”

  “You shouldn’t be thinking of palace business right now. Turn off that part of your brain and tell me what’s on the agenda today.”

  Kofi held up a crushed rose petal. “First, finding out where all of these went. I think I have one in my ass.”

  Covering her mouth, Dahlia let out a pure, unfiltered laugh that filled the room and vibrated throughout his entire body. “I thought the roses were a nice touch. Mariama brought them all the way from Zamibia.”

  “They were a nice touch,” he conceded.

  “But seriously, Your Highness, what do you have planned after breakfast? A walk on beach and swim, maybe? Or spend the day relaxing in the hammock?”

  “Relaxing? No, no. We’re going to do something much more fun.”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “These waters are renowned for their marine life. We’re going snorkeling.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You mean you’re going snorkeling?’

  “I said we’re going snorkeling.”

  “I’ve never been snorkeling in my life.”

  “Can you swim?” They had so much to learn about each other.


  “Then between me and one of the instructors from the dive center, you’ll be fine. There’s plenty of marine life around here—manta rays, whale sharks—”

  “Whoa.” Holding the sheet to her chest, Dahlia sat all the way up and her eyes widened. “Did you say sharks?”

  He chuckled. She was such an expressive woman. Noel definitely inherited his outgoing personality from her. “I said whale sharks.”

  “What’s the difference?”

  Kofi sat up, too and spoke calmly to ease her fears. “They’re not interested in humans. They’re filter feeders. Their throats are the size of U.S. quarters, and because of that, they eat small organisms called plankton.”

  She frowned, looking askance at him. “We’re not taking Noel with us.” Neither of them had wanted to leave him behind, so they brought him on the trip, and Aofa as well to help care for him.

  “No, he’s too little. Only you and I are going.”

  Dahlia gnawed on her lip.

  “Do you really think I would endanger your life?”

  She shifted her mouth into a thoughtful moue that made him want to kiss her lips.

  “I’ve just never gone snorkeling before.”

  “What better time to learn? I’ll be with you the entire time.” He slid a hand under her hair and cradled the back of her neck and give her a soft kiss.

  “If I die, I’m coming back as a ghost to haunt you.”

  “Trust me. I would never let anything happen to you.”

  They ate breakfast on the private balcony outside the room, overlooking the ocean. A feast covered the table and was much too much for only two people. Dahlia had never tasted mangoes so sweet, though Kofi swore the ones in Zamibia were more delicious.

  “You have to try this,” she said, picking up a piece of pineapple with her fingertips and feeding it to him across the table.

  He licked her finger and a tingle of pleasure shot up her arm. She giggled, shaking her head at him.

  “Good, but not as good as the ones—”

  “Yeah, yeah. Not as good as Zamibian pineapples.”

  He grinned and speared a poached egg with his fork.

  The old Kofi was back—almost. She sensed a reservation in him, as if he were holding something in. A quiet thought she wished he’d share. Perhaps he continued to hold doubts about her, about them. She’d have to do her best to eliminate whatever distrust remained because she liked this unspoken truce between them, where they were allowed to relax and enjoy each other’s company.

  He quirked a brow at her.

  “What?” she said.

  “I was about to ask you the same question. You’re staring at me.”

  “Am I?”

  “Mhmm.” Then his mouth lifted into a sexy smile, and her private parts went berserk.

  Her breasts especially had grown accustomed to the suck of his mouth. She regretted not taking the time to make love this morning. She wished she knew what the stubble on his face felt like on her skin. The thought left her breasts wanting and achy.

  “I was not staring.” She slathered sweet potato jam on her toast and pretended to ignore him.

  Kofi folded his arms across his bare chest. “You know what I think? I think—”

  “Excuse me, Your Highnesses. Prince Noel was asking for you.” Aofa approached with Noel walking beside her with his hand in hers.

  “Mommy!” he squealed, and making a mad dash, pulled Aofa along with him.

  “Good morning, precious.” Dahlia swooped him up onto her lap and showered him with kisses. “Did you sleep okay?”

  “Yes. Did you sl
eep okay, too, Mommy?” Noel asked.

  “Yes, I did.”

  “I will leave you alone,” Aofa said.

  As she turned away, Kofi called her back. “We’re going snorkeling later today. We’ll need you to watch Noel while we’re gone. Come back in about forty-five minutes.”

  Dahlia watched her son steal a piece of mango off her plate.

  “I would love to spend more time with him. He reminds me of my youngest grandson.” Aofa’s expression widened into a happy grin. She talked about her grandchildren a lot. Working in the palace was an honor, but Dahlia could tell she hated being away from them.

  Noel shoved the fruit in his mouth. “Mmm,” he murmured, chomping away.

  “Isn’t that the best mango you’ve ever tasted?” Dahlia asked.

  Noel nodded, licking at the juice running down his chin.

  “See, I told you,” Dahlia said to Kofi.

  “You coached him,” he accused.

  Dahlia laughed and pulled her son in close.

  Kofi leaned across the table. “Son, we’re going to have to work on your loyalty.”

  Noel stared at him for a minute and then burst into giggles.

  Dahlia kissed the back of his head and looked across the table at Kofi.

  Today was going to be a good day.


  After her initial bout of nervousness subsided, Dahlia adhered to the snorkeling instructions, relaxed and enjoyed the grandness of nature out in the vast ocean. She, Kofi, the instructor, and a helper saw not only whale sharks and manta rays, but encountered dolphins, too. As instructed, they stayed the appropriate distance away from the whale sharks to keep from accidentally getting bumped. The giant creatures lazily swam by, mostly uninterested in her and Kofi as they swam around them.

  The manta ray circled with the same lazy elegance, their winglike fins gently carrying them smoothly through the water. In the end, she and Kofi fed fish to the dolphins and were treated to their acrobatics as they slipped in and out of the waves, performing for food.


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