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A Pirate's Tale: The Only Solution Is Retribution

Page 14

by Saxon Andrew

  “Yes, it is and the men here aren’t as reluctant to approach you.”

  “True but they are pretty self-absorbed.”

  Desiree chuckled, “I agree with Jack. They’d have to be pretty confident to make the effort.”

  “Where are we going now?” Victoria asked as she turned and looked at Gem.

  “Hey, I’m just along for the ride. This is your show.”

  “I heard in the last establishment that M’s Tavern at the end of the street is a great place to go. Let’s give it a try,” Desiree said. Victoria nodded as they walked along the busy sidewalk. Gem followed a few paces behind them and the two crewmen walking with him kept their eyes out for any trouble but the two women would see it long before they did. Gem just looked around and smiled at the amazed expressions on the locals faces as they passed. No one here had ever seen an Insectoid. The six members of the crew pacing them on the other side of the street were also keeping their eyes on the crowd around Victoria. They would remain outside the businesses she entered but be ready to move in if needed.

  Victoria entered the restaurant and the Greeter smiled, “Are you here for a meal, and my how beautiful you are!”

  Victoria smiled at the Arepian, “It’s nice of you to say so. Please give us a table and a waiter as quickly as possible.”

  The Greeter could see that Victoria’s party was dressed in expensive clothes and the jewelry around her neck had to be very expensive. He waved and a female Arepian came over and smiled, “Please follow me.” The Greeter saw Gem go with them and his head went back, “What in the hell is that?”

  They followed the waitress across the crowded dance floor and arrived at a table slightly elevated above the others. They took their seats and looked around the room. Both of them quickly saw the three humans sitting at the bar. They waited for their waiter to come and Gem said, “Do you see anything in the pattern?”

  Victoria nodded, “That man with the dark glasses sitting at the end of the bar is not here for entertainment. He’s got another motive.”

  Desiree nodded, “The couple sitting next to him are also working an agenda. She has her back to him but he’s the one she’s interested in.”

  Gem nodded, “The man is angry at one of the locals sitting at a table with two large bodyguards.”

  Desiree nodded, “I can see that. He’s also carrying a sword.” Victoria focused on the man and, after a moment nodded. Desiree thought for a moment and said, “You know, carrying a sword might not be a bad idea. Most places only scan for blasters.” She turned and looked at Gem, “What do you think about sword training?”

  “Finish the training before you start adding to it.”

  “But don’t you think it would be a good weapon to carry?”

  “I’ll look into it.”

  Their meal arrived and Victoria saw the woman sitting next to the man at the bar turn around and say something to him. She nudged Desiree, who turned to see them. The woman and the man with her quickly stood up and left the bar. The man was clearly frightened and he stood up immediately and headed toward the rear of the tavern. Victoria nodded toward the rear of the restaurant, “The local man that man has been glaring at has stood up and headed in the same direction with his two body guards.”

  “Should we get involved?” Desiree asked.

  “NO! You’re here for entertainment and not to involve yourself in any disagreements,” Gem emphatically stated.

  The women looked at each other and turned back to their meal. Once they finished, a man came up and asked Victoria to dance. “Why of course, Dahlin; I’ve been so wanting to dance.”

  Desiree watched them and smiled as Victoria didn’t wait to be pulled close but almost wrapped herself around the man whose smile was the biggest feature on his face. Two hours later, the entire room came to a stop. Desiree’s eyes narrowed and she shook her head as she said, “What in creation are those!?!”

  An alien sitting next to their table answered her, “Those are Venzel Dragons. They’re probably the most dangerous species in this galaxy and their bite will kill you before you can take three steps.”

  Gem leaned in close to Desiree, “They’re here looking for a human.” Desiree watched them scatter through the crowd and saw one of them turn a scanner toward her as a second Dragon scanned Victoria on the dance floor. The two crewmen activated their wrist projectors. Desiree shook her head, “They’re not here looking for us. Take it easy.”

  The Dragons quickly left and Victoria came back to the table. “Thank you ever so much but I’m getting a little tipsy.”

  “Do you mind if I join you,” he asked.

  Gem looked at him, “Yes, we do.” The man took one look at Gem and appeared to evaporate he disappeared so fast.

  Victoria looked at Desiree, “I think those creatures were looking for the man at the bar.”

  “Either him or the couple sitting beside him,” Desiree agreed.

  “It was the man.” The women turned to Gem, “Those creatures only scanned the male humans in the room. They were looking for the man with the dark glasses.”

  “The couple sitting beside the man with dark glasses had a human male.” Desiree pointed out.

  “Yes, but they weren’t as frightened as the man with the glasses and they must have told him those creatures were coming. I think the female and her companion were also here to take that man but backed off and left before those creatures showed up.”

  “He must have done something to really tick them off.”

  Gem shrugged, “They’ve probably collected him by now. It’s not our concern, Desiree.”

  Victoria looked at Desiree, “Are you ready to call it a night?”

  “I am.”

  “Then let’s head back to the ship.”

  • • •

  They arrived on board and Jack stepped out of the command chair, “We have two technologically advanced warships holding position in the filament above the planet and our scanners show more are on the way at full boost.”

  Gem smiled, “It appears they didn’t capture the human they were chasing.” Desiree raised an eyebrow and Gem continued, “It they captured him they wouldn’t be coming here at full boost. I wonder what is so important that they would go to this degree of effort to take him.”

  “We’re not going to find out. I don’t like being near this many warships; we’re leaving and going to another galaxy,” Desiree lifted the communicator and announced. “We’re headed toward the filament. All hands to Battlestations and be prepared if we’re approached by one of those warships.”

  Gem put his right hand on Desiree’s arm, “Don’t boost out of here. You don’t want to give the appearance you’re running.” Desiree nodded and took her hand away from the booster controls. The trip out to the intersection took longer than normal because more warships were coming out of the intersection headed toward the planet. Gem stared at them on the monitor as they passed and wondered what that human had done to cause this magnitude of response. But that would remain a mystery; this galaxy was history. He did notice that the warships boosting toward the planet were highly advanced and moving as fast as the newest Insectoid Warship; these Dragons could be dangerous.

  Chapter Ten

  Victoria and Desiree were working in the training room trying to score number Twos and both were frustrated but knew that only repetition and time would teach them what they needed to know. The wall speaker suddenly announced, “Captain, you’re needed on the bridge.”

  Desiree looked at the speaker, “What’s going on, Jack?”

  “Two ships followed us on the filament at the last intersection. They’re matching our speed and holding position behind us.”

  “On my way!” Desiree grabbed a towel and looked at Victoria, “Brush you hair and meet me on the bridge.” Desiree rushed to the bridge and Jack moved out of the command chair to the pilot’s console. She looked at the tactical monitor on the wall and saw two blips pacing them on the edge of their scanning range. She looke
d at Jack, “They must think they’re outside the range of our scanners.”

  Jack nodded, “Most commercial ships don’t have military grade scanners. I think they’re hanging back and allowing us to put some distance from the intersection. There aren’t any other ships around us at the moment and they see it as a good opportunity to intercept us.”

  “You think they’re pirates?”

  “Yes, Captain, I do.”

  Victoria rushed into the bridge and Desiree nodded toward her chair, “Get ready to talk to some pirates.”


  “It appears two ships are pursuing us and I expect them to order us to stop shortly. You need to be ready to try and talk some sense into them.” Victoria nodded and Desiree turned back to the tactical monitor, “Jack, I don’t want them inside blaster range. Maintain a safe distance.”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  Gem entered the bridge and Desiree nodded to him as he went to his chair behind theirs. “Jack, what can you tell me about those ships?”

  “They’re medium sized and have the hulls of a warship. I can’t see them well enough to determine how many blasters they have but that size usually carries four; two on the top of the hull and two on the bottom. They’re picking up speed, Captain.”

  A man’s image suddenly appeared on the main monitor and said, “You will stop and prepare to be boarded!”

  Desiree felt the Play Toy’s boosters increase in power and she nodded to Victoria. Victoria saw her and pressed the communicate button on her control panel, “Oh my! Is my crew right? Are you a pirate?”

  The Pirate Captain saw Victoria appear on his display and his head went back slightly. What was this? A woman? “Stop your vessel immediately!”

  Victoria batted her eyes and said, “I’ve always wanted to meet a pirate but my crew insists I should do that on a planet and not out in space. What do you intend to do if I don’t stop, Dahling?”

  “I’m going to shoot out your engines; now stop your vessel!”

  Desiree looked at Jack and started to order full speed but Gem said, “You might want to use this as an opportunity to give the crew some combat experience.” Desiree turned around and looked at Gem then turned and said to Jack, “Maintain our distance.”

  “Going to one third power.”

  The Pirate Captain saw the ship suddenly accelerate and maintain its distance from his two ships. His eyes narrowed and the woman appeared on his display again, “I’m so sorry, but my crew insists that I must keep my distance from you. I think you’d make a great dancing partner but my crew disagrees with my finding out.”

  The two pirate ships chased the luxury yacht for three hours and moved no closer. The Captain grew more frustrated with each passing minute and he hit the communicator button, “I WILL CHASE YOU TO THE END OF THE UNIVERSE IF I HAVE TO; YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE!!”

  Desiree looked at Victoria, “Try one more time to talk some sense into him. If that fails, tell him we’ll stop and wait for his arrival.”

  “Are you sure about that, Desiree?”

  “I am. This is on him.”

  Victoria pressed the communicator and smiled, “Dahling, why don’t you just turn around and go your way. I love your persistence but you could get your little ole ship damaged if you aren’t careful.”

  The Captain yelled into the monitor, “I’M GOING TO TAKE YOU MY SELF AND TEACH YOU WHAT DAMAGE MEANS!!!”

  Victoria’s expression changed to a pout, “I’m sorry I’ve upset you so. I’m going to stop and await your arrival. Please hurry.”

  • • •

  The Pirate Captain’s monitor went dark and the commander of the second ship appeared, “Captain, I don’t like this!”

  “What do you mean? We’ve scanned that ship and it doesn’t have anything on it that could harm us! She’s bluffing!”

  “Captain, you only bluff when your life is on the line if there are no other avenues to survive. That woman has other ways to escape. She can simply stay ahead of us and go to the nearest Traffic Controlled Planet and we would be forced to back off. There’s more here than we see.”

  “I am going to take that ship, Robert and you will follow me in!”

  Robert looked around his bridge and then turned back to the Captain, “I’m sorry, Captain but I’m not willing to take that risk.”

  The Captain’s face showed his rage, “I’M GOING TO BLAST YOUR HEAD OFF YOUR SHOULDERS!!”

  Robert smiled, “I welcome you to try, Captain. Care to stop and do it now?”

  The Captain knew he was going too far; he was no match for the other ship’s commander. “You and your crew will not share in the takings!”

  “That’s fair.” Robert looked over his shoulder, “Shut down the boosters.” He stared at the monitor as the Captain’s ship accelerated away at high speed.

  The scanner operator said, “Do you honestly think that ship is dangerous?”

  Robert turned and looked at him, “At any point has that woman look the least bit frightened?”

  “No, she didn’t.”

  “That tells me more than any scanner could reveal.” He turned to the monitor as the other ship flew at high speed away from them and said, “I really do hope I’m wrong about this.”

  • • •

  “Captain, one of the ships has shut down its boosters; the other is moving in at high speed.”

  Desiree focused on the situation and made a decision. She pressed the ship’s intercom and said, “Missile Team One, target a missile on that incoming ship and fire as it approaches maximum range.”

  “Yes, Captain. Targeting now.” Larry activated his panel and saw the approaching ship’s coordinates being sent from the scanners to the first missile in the launch tube. He waited and then saw the green lock-on indicator illuminate. He pressed the fire button and the missile shot out of its launch tube. It immediately activated its small drive field inside the Play Toy’s field as its small engine ignited and it shot away at an incredible speed.

  The closing speed between the missile and the pirate ship was impossible to track accurately. The pirate’s scanners never saw the small missile coming and it hit the ship in the dead center of the ship’s bow. It blew through the bridge and penetrated all the way to the landing bay before it exploded. The entire ship went up in a gigantic blast blowing debris out in all directions. Arnold and Joe high fived Larry, who stood up and took a bow. They would be watching that recording for months to come.

  • • •

  Robert sat on his ship and suddenly saw the Captain’s ship go up in a massive explosion. He jumped out of his chair and then whipped around toward the scanner operator, “What happened?”

  “I have no idea, Robert! The Captain’s ship was between my scanners and whatever hit it. I know it wasn’t a blaster that did it.”

  Robert sat down in his chair and stared at the shockwave moving out from the destroyed ship. Suddenly, the image was replaced by the woman’s face, “Oh, I do hate that I had to do that. Would you like to come and see me?”

  Robert shook his head as the ship they were chasing turned around and started toward them. “No, we don’t want to do that.” He looked over his shoulder, “Reverse course immediately.”

  He turned back to the monitor and the woman smiled, “You’re so much smarter and handsomer than the other pirate. I do have a tiny request.”

  “What is that?” Robert asked in a shaky voice as the large gold colored ship began gaining on him.

  “Let’s keep this little incident just between the two of us, shall we. If it gets out that my little ole ship is dangerous, why men might avoid me and that would be just awful.” Robert stared at the woman and knew he was looking at a demon in the form of a beautiful woman. The woman lowered her eyes, “I would hate to have to come looking for you if I hear someone ask if it was my ship that killed a pirate. Will you do that for me, Dahling?” Victoria asked as she batted her eyes.

  “Not a problem.”

  “Are you sure yo
u don’t want to come see me? You are so smart.”

  “No, that’s quite alright.” He ended the communication and looked at the pilot, “Go to maximum speed and get us out of here!” He looked around the bridge, “The Captain had his ship shot out from under him attacking a freighter that was a disguised warship. If any of you mention that gold colored ship, I will have you flogged and thrown out of the airlock without a suit!!”

  “Do you honestly think she could find us?” the Weapons Operator asked.

  Robert glared at him, “Do you want to find out?!”

  The Operator stared at him and said, “No, I do not.”

  “Make sure everyone knows the story!”

  “Yes, Captain. Thank you for keeping us alive.”

  “Never mentioning that ship again is part of doing that. Pilot!”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  “That ship is still gaining on us.”

  “We’ll arrive at the filament before it can catch us.”

  The Scanner Operator looked up from his panel, “They must realize they can’t catch us and are stopping the chase. They’re slowing and changing course.” Robert fell back in his chair and breathed a sigh of relief.

  • • •

  Desiree turned and looked at Gem, “Why didn’t that ship turn to avoid the missile?”

  “They were out running their scanner coverage. It also appears my mother ordered the newest missiles installed on the ships.”


  “I thought the engineers were going to put the former generation on board but somehow that order was changed. It appears you have the latest model.”

  “What’s the difference between the two?” Victoria asked.

  “The older model was twice as large and about half as fast. The new model is hard to see on a scanner when it’s moving directly at a target. Its frontal cross-section is incredibly small and the nose has sharp angles cut into it to reflect any scanner beams away.”

  “So you ordered the old model installed?”


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