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Monster Sex Stories

Page 2

by Lexi Lane

  More hooves sounded out and she looked up as the second centaur entered. He had not come from the forest the day of the summoning, he had been a youngling then, he had been birthed only hours before the summoning. His mother had died in the net, as had his father but he had escaped that terrible fate. Her husband had told her where to go and there she had healed them and fallen in love with them, with the untamed natures that had led to the blending of man and horse.

  But of all the centaurs that had once roamed the earth only these two precious creatures remained. Her heart ached at her inability to save them and her husband put a hand out, easing her anguish by touching the ball of his thumb to her cheek.

  “We will take them to the cave…”


  Lindsey awoke with a start that nearly sent her toppling off the edge. Her heart slammed into her chest as she stared down, small spouts of gravel poured from the ledge and landed with a loud rattling whisper below.

  Getting to her feet she wiped her sweaty hands on her long sleeved shirt and headed back to the trail. She meant to head back to her camp but, instead, she headed further up into the forest.

  The trees grew thicker, the birds stopped singing. There was an almost funeral hush around the forest. Her heart began to beat faster as she saw a dark opening in the high jumble of rocks ahead.

  A sense of déjà vu filled her even as she scrambled up the hillside. Her palms scraped the rock but she ignored the stinging pain, something was pulling her forward. She could feel that inexorable tug all the way down into her vitals.

  It was a cave, the entrance was dark and wide, and she walked easily under the high arch and into a large room. There was an indefinable smell there, of warmth and food, looking around she saw an astonishing sight—the cave was furnished.

  A table sat along one wall though only one chair sat at it. Tall sconces made of beautifully worked metal held tall and fragrant candles, books lined a shelf built into one wall and when she drew closer she was astonished to see works by classical masters as well as scrolls and ancient texts in languages she recognized only through their scholarly contexts.

  Two rude beds, both incredibly large, had been created out of sweet grasses and roughly woven blankets. Drawing closer she could tell that the material was wool and that the colors had come from natural sources: berries and nuts. The whole place bespoke of another time and place.

  A pot dangled over the small fire that burned softly in the dug in pit in the center of the cave. The entrance was close enough to ensure that the smoke went out even in the harshest of winters and she found herself marveling at the wheels of what looked like goat cheese and hard breads stacked neatly on high shelves where it would be safe from mice and other rodents.

  There was a stronger smell too, one that reminded her of the barns and liveries of the equestrian center she had once attempted to take lessons in. She hadn’t been very good and had given up after a short time but she had not forgotten that smell and it lingered here: warm animal-flesh and the faintest tang of wild clover.

  A second room lay at the end of the cave and she walked toward it, her heart beating so hard she was sure she was going to pass out. The cave was in use, there was no doubt of that. This was no abandoned place, it was a home. But whose?

  She gasped; her eyes going wide as she saw them, the missing statues of the legends. They were crowded into the room, some of them pressed into the walls others stood at attention. One statue was of a woman kneeling, her hand stretched out to a young boy at her feet. That broke Lindsey’s heart.

  “It is hard to bear.”

  She spun around and gasped. The woman standing there was beautiful—red-gold hair hung to the waist of her simple gown, her skin was smooth and pale, marred only by a small port wine birthmark on her cheek. Her eyes were a soft hazel and they glowed with intelligence.

  “What’s…who?” She tried to ease backward but tripped over one of the statues and landed hard on her ass. She closed her eyes, trying to snap things back into place but nothing worked.

  “I’m Keira. You’ve dreamed of me.”

  “No.” She had but damned if she would admit it.

  Keira shrugged, her slim shoulder raising and dropping in an elegant movement. “Denial won’t change it. We have waited so many centuries for you.”

  That statement didn’t seem any more far -fetched than anything else so Lindsey asked, “Why?”

  “Because you are the offspring of Nephele.”

  She whipped her head to the right and almost passed out from shock. The two men standing there weren’t men at all but, rather, creatures with the upper bodies of men and the lower bodies of a horse.

  “Centaurs…” she breathed. “Oh holy shit. You have got to be kidding me. Is this a joke, are there cameras hidden somewhere? Is this one of those reality television shock specials?”

  None of them seemed to understand. The black haired centaur moved to Keira and said, in a voice as slow and rich as the darkest honey, “I am Lathius and this is Silenus.”

  Lindsey stared at Silenus. He was gorgeous—long brown hair that gleamed with chestnut highlights and his dark brown eyes were flecked with tiny golden points. His upper body was incredibly well muscled. He looked like the brawny hero on the cover of a bad romance novel in fact.

  Except for the horse attached to him.

  The words that Lathius had spoken sat in. “Nephele? That was the only female centaur.”

  “Yes,” Silenus said. “While it was once possible for centaurs to mate with humans or nymphs it isn’t anymore. The woods are quiet, the magic has gone away. The nymphs were killed by modern civilization and the human women could no longer bear the children of gods. Humans forgot the old ways. You are the future of our race and it is your destiny to be here.”

  “Come again?”

  Lindsey tried not to be too obvious as she scanned the area, looking for a way out. She was still sure this was all a joke someone was playing on her, maybe the villagers found this sort of thing funny, perhaps it was how they kept the ‘missing’ statues hidden right here in the cave.

  “You’re my mate.”

  Lindsey laughed: an incredulous little chuckle that died as quickly as it started. Her throat was dry and her heart beat so fast she was terribly certain she was going to pass out. “No offense dude, I’m not a horse,. In fact I don’t even like fucking horses. I can’t ride one and I sure as hell…”

  She broke off, blinking dazedly. How would one mate with a centaur? With that thought came a new possibility and her traitorous eyes slid down the gleaming length of his body. His front legs and hindquarters were covered in the same silky looking brown/chestnut hair that was on his head.

  Below his tight waist his abs vanished into that hair, there was no seam between the two halves of his body. His long tail swished back and forth and his back was broad and straight. His hindquarters looked powerful and even as she stared at him his cock slid plump and rigid from its protective sheath.

  It was longer and thicker than anything she had ever seen, its head was a mottled red and a large purple vein pulsed along it. The prick tipped upward at the end, curling into the air and a strange and unbidden desire curled into her and she shook her head, trying to dispel it. Keira and Lathius quietly stood aside as Lindsey began to back away toward the front room of the cave. Silenius eased toward her, his hooves tapping the floor in an almost hypnotic rhythm.

  She made it into the front room. She felt her feet gear up to run but hard and strong hands seized her shoulders and she was tossed over his shoulder so that she was literally dangling on one side of his powerful body.

  That scent was stronger, that scent of hot flesh and animal. The desire that had begun in her ignited and she fought it, her every rational thought railing against such a thing. “Let me down you filthy pig!” She screamed as her fists beat against his upper back.

  “I’m not a pig, I’m a horse.” There was laughter in his voice and she yelled out a dozen swear words a
s he trotted in a circle, deliberately making her dizzy before he deposited her on the cool stone floor.

  Lindsey scrambled to her feet but he snatched her up again and she found her back pressed into some oddly shaped contraption set against the wall opposite the bookshelf-lined wall. She couldn’t comprehend what it was for and her thoughts were lost as his hands came out and tore away the t-shirt she wore.

  Her breasts rose in creamy half-moons over the pretty black bra she wore. Silenus stared down at them with real admiration, then his fingers tweaked at the fabric, tugged at the nipples below. They hardened and she shuddered even as a flood of wetness stained her panties.

  “Get off me, you freak!”

  “I’m not a freak, you know me.”

  She fought but to avail. His mouth came down on her nipples, teasing them through her bra and goose flesh broke out all across her body at that touch. Her belly quivered and passion ignited, sweeping away all of her thoughts and fears.

  His fingers tore the bra, she realized, dimly that he was unfamiliar with the buttons and hooks and slid her hands down to her jeans buttons’ hoping to save them at least. The denim got tangled up in her boots and he grunted as he yanked those off her feet roughly before snatching the rest of her garments away.

  Barefooted and naked she stood before him. Air caressed her nipples and wet mound, her ass cheeks quivered and she waited eagerly for his next touch. Silenus slanted his mouth over hers, his tongue pressed into her mouth and she met it with hers.

  The kiss was fiery, demanding and she gasped, her body reacting in a way she had never expected and wasn’t sure how to handle. His scent came to her again, stronger, as she ran her teeth and tongue across his neck and nibbled at his ears.

  His front forelegs bent and she screamed in sharp and nearly unbearable ecstasy as his tongue and fingers delved deeply into the center of her pussy. His tongue found her clit while his fingers stroked her labia, coaxing them open and then he was inside her, two fingers thrusting hard and fast into her, stretching her open.

  Soon he had more fingers inside her. Sensation bloomed and spread. Liquids spilled form her, soaking his face and hand as she ground her body against him, desperate to come. Friction and heat mingled with his clever tongue to create the longing that culminated in a orgasm so intense it left her gasping for air and sliding down the contraption that she was against but she didn’t fall far because Silenius grabbed her, turned her around and bound her hands to the wooden frame.

  It hit her all at once what she was against. It was a machine intended to ease sex between human and centaur. His front hooves came up and rested on the contraption, his hands gripped her shoulders so tightly she yelped in pain and his cock probed insistently between her open thighs.

  He entered her in one long and smooth pump. She felt her swollen channel stretch to an almost unbearable width to take him in. She screamed but that cry was born of desire as much as pain.

  Silenius fucked her, his body arching and thrusting, his heavy hindquarters quivering with effort. Her slippery walls stroked the length of his organ, her oils smoothing its passage into her. He rode her faster, enjoying her heat and the way she bucked her hips back at him.

  Lindsey was lost in a haze of lustful wanting. Her ass jerked up and down as she tried to keep up with his furious thrusts. Her toes dug into the floor and her fingers curled into fists. The smell of their sex grew stronger, sweat mixing in with it. She could smell her own arousal and she groaned, his huge and pulsing prick demanding more of her.

  Her legs ached and she could feel the soreness starting far too soon in her slit. She wanted more and she gasped as a second orgasm tore through her.

  Silenius gave off his own cry and his cock jerked and twitched inside her as long gushes of steaming white seed filled her. There was so much come shooting form him that it ran down her legs, dripped onto the floor below their feet and splashed her bare toes.

  Hysterical laughter poured out of her throat as he began to grow flaccid and withdrew. Her pussy ached and felt oddly hollow as he left her, she turned around slowly, her vision doubling and then righting itself.

  She dropped to her knees and found herself face to face with his cock. Unable to stop herself she reached out and touched it. Slick fluids still covered it and she squeezed it gently, experimentally. More drops of come leaked from the tiny hole in the tip and she leaned forward, drawn by a compulsion she couldn’t explain, and licked that head.

  Silenius groaned and his back legs trembled. Taking that as a good sign she swiped her tongue across it again, enjoying the combined taste of their fluids. His organ began to grow again but he said, “Enough woman, there is plenty of time and I don’t want to wear you out the first moment we meet.”

  Abashed she let go of his cock and he chuckled as he extricated himself carefully from the contraption. Silenius picked her up and clasped her to his chest as he took her to the second of the beds on the floor. He laid her down and stroked her hair in a comforting motion that eased her fears and sent her spiraling toward sleep.


  When she woke up the sun had gone down and the cave was lit with candles, she could smell bayberry and lilacs, roasted chicken and some other savory things. Getting to her feet slowly she winced at the soreness ion her body.

  “Here,”Keira stood there, a long flowing gown in one hand.

  Lindsey took it and put it on, it was soft and full and swished against the floor as she followed the other woman to the table. Of the centaurs there was no sign. When she asked where they were Keira pointed to the door of the cave and replied, “They like to run in the moonlight.”

  They ate slowly. The food was plain but perfect and when she had eaten Lindsey felt much better. While they were putting the dishes away the two males returned and Lindsey blushed as she looked at Silenius.

  His hands stroked her hair again and she looked up at him, wondering why she had ever thought that such a magnificent creature could not exist. He picked her up and said, “Would you like a ride?”

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly and he laughed as he slung her across his back end.

  She struggled to find a better position and when she did she was instantly shocked by how natural and good he felt between her thighs. He set off, his muscles rippling as they ran under the silvery disc of the moon.

  In a field blackened by the trees he sat her down and she stared in delight at the ring of bluebells. “It’s beautiful!” she exclaimed.

  “Not as beautiful as you.”

  His mouth came down on hers in a kiss that took her breath away and she closed her eyes, surrendering herself totally.

  In a cave on the hill people who had slept for thousands of years opened their eyes, smiled and vanished one by one as their souls were granted the peace promised by a centaur king, peace that could only come from his son’s finding of his mate.

  The Minotaur’s Virgin: Monster Sex Stories

  © 2013, Lexi Lane, Lovers Lane Publishing

  The ship rocked on the gentle waves of the glittering sea. From her vantage point near the bow Maya could see all the way to the horizon. Other than the oddly shaped island that loomed off the port nothing else disturbed the great shining sheet that was the sea. A footstep sounded behind her and she turned her head to see Professor Higgins stepping up to where she stood.

  If she could have turned and left she would have but politeness pinned her in place. She pasted a pleasant smile on her face as he lit a long thin cigar and waved a hand at the island, “Damn strange, don’t ya think?”

  “Yes, I do. That is why we are all here though, isn’t it? An island somehow magically appearing in the middle of the ocean is very strange.”

  If he noticed the acerbic tone he ignored it. Maya tried to pretend he wasn’t surveying every inch of her body with his piggish little eyes and that he was not blowing the noxious smelling fumes of his cigar into her face.

  She was not unaware that she was attractive. Her shoulder length blonde hair
was pinned up on her narrow head and she wore a broad brimmed hat to protect her pale skin from the sun but it could not disguise her wide set brown eyes and very pink Cupid’s bow mouth. Her jeans and tee shirt could not hide her curves either. Her breasts were large and softly drooping, they strained against the cotton of the shirt, the waistband of her jeans showed very clearly the sudden tuck inward and her hips belled out widely, creating an hourglass figure that was made even more attractive by her plumped out ass cheeks and trim thighs and calves. She knew every inch of her own body and that men found her attractive but when faced with oglers like Higgins she often wished she wasn’t.

  She was a young undergrad student taking a double major in both history and botany. She was hoping to become a landscape archeologist and Higgins was one of her professors. He had decided to bring her along on the expedition and while he had been the perfectly polite teacher at the college as soon as the plane had taken off he had transformed into a leering old lecher. She was well aware of what he was hoping to get in return for bringing her along but she had no intention of having sex with him, or anyone for that matter. On her finger twinkled the band of the promise ring she wore, a reminder that she had promised to remain a virgin until she married. It was still the only ring she wore.

  Higgins took the stinking stick from his mouth and asked, “So what does our little botanist think about our island eh?”

  Her mouth opened but the unspoken reply was cut off by the appearance of another of their party, Gabriel Lewiston, whose specialty was cartography. “I found something!” he exclaimed, “Do you recall me telling you that this island doesn’t appear anywhere in modern maps? It does appear though, in some ancient ones. “

  “So what’s it called?” Higgins asked, blowing more of the gray smoke from his pursed lips.

  Others from the expedition gathered near as Gabriel said, slowly, “I’m not certain. There are several names attached to it but it seems that most of them are in forgotten languages. The only name that I can make out is a rough form of early Greek that looks a lot like Minoa.”


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