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Claiming Olivia II

Page 3

by Olson, Yolanda

  Another ten minutes and my almost falling asleep on the chair passed by when the phone ringing at the front desk startled me. The girl reemerged from the back office to answer it, before waving me over. She handed me the note back and nodded at the elevator.

  “I thought you were supposed to give me something?” I asked suspiciously.

  With a small smile she slightly shook her head and walked back into the office again. I rolled my eyes, sighed heavily, and made my way back up to the room. Alejandro had the door cracked slightly, so I just pushed it open and went over to where he was still sitting on the bed, only dressed fancier than he was when I left, watching television.

  “Here’s your stupid note. She didn’t give me shit and I almost fell asleep downstairs,” I said angrily.

  “She gave me what I needed,” he replied vaguely as he flipped to another channel. “Get dressed Livie, I have a surprise for you.”

  “What did she give you?” I asked stubbornly refusing to move.

  “Time,” he replied with a smile. “Now please get dressed or we’re going to be late.”

  I stood there and glared at him, but he wouldn’t meet my glance. Instead I watched the smile deepen on his handsome face, until it gave way to a boyish grin, which turned into lips twitching back laughter.

  “You’re such an ass,” I muttered as I walked past him.

  Alejo laughed good-naturedly and turned the television off. I went over to my bags and pulled out one of my white loose off the shoulder tops that had the PARENTAL ADVISORY slogan slapped across it. I slung it over my shoulder and went back to looking in my bag for my favorite pair of black leggings, which I found almost instantly. I grabbed a brand new black push up bra and laughed to myself. Thanks sis. I laughed again when I saw the brand new pair of black lace panties that matched the bra. Sofia was working overtime when I wasn’t looking and apparently she wanted me to do the same thing when she wouldn’t be looking.

  “You better thank my sister when we get back state-side,” I said to him as I walked past him and into the bathroom.

  I knew it was childish of me to get dressed in the bathroom, especially since he had sort of fucked me already, but I did it anyway. It was obvious that tonight would be a “show me what you’ve got” night, so the more time I could spend alone the better. After I had taken off my lounging clothes and underwear, I folded everything neatly rested them on the sink. I pulled the tags off of the new panties and bra and quickly got dressed, eyeing myself in the mirror when I was done.

  “You can do this Livie. It’s what you signed up for,” I said quietly to myself before grabbing my clothes and walking out of the bathroom.


  Alejo was standing in front of the window, hands in his pockets, looking at the Venetian skyline. I walked quietly to my bag and put the clothes next to it. Then I grabbed my wedged flip flops and slid them on.

  “Ready,” I said. Alejo turned to face me and a wistful smile crossed his face.

  “Qué bella,” he said softly.

  “You too,” I replied sticking my tongue out at him. He chuckled and came over to take my hand and lead me out of the room.

  I was pretty sure he had said I was beautiful but just the way his face looked when he said it was enough to turn me bright red.

  We walked out of the hotel like two shy teenagers on a first date holding hands. He was quiet and so was I. My hands were slightly shaking and so were his.

  “So, where are we going?” I asked as we walked down the street.

  “We are going on a gondola ride.”

  “At night time? Isn’t that a little dangerous?” I asked.

  “No,” he replied with a chuckle. “I want you to see Ponte dei Sospiri.”


  “It means the Bridge of Sighs, and it’s quite beautiful.”

  I nodded and let him lead me down the streets of Venice until we reached a place to board one of the gondolas. But it wasn’t just any random gondola, it was one that he had reserved especially for us.

  The gondola driver, or guider, or whatever he was called greeted us cheerfully and helped me step in. Alejo got in behind me and sat down, pulling me carefully down next to him and wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

  The gondola man asked Alejandro a question rapid Italian to which Alejo smiled and nodded enthusiastically. He gave me a squeeze and leaned back as the man opened his mouth and started to sing the most beautiful song that I never understood.

  I leaned back against Alejo happily and looked up at him. He looked down at me and smiled before he kissed my forehead and turned his attention back to the gondola driver – err, steerer. Or whatever.

  “This is so perfect,” I said happily.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying it so far,” Alejo replied. “I believe things will only get better as the evening goes on.”

  I didn’t ask questions because I didn’t want to ruin anything. Instead I just snuggled into him as the man’s singing tapered slowly off to silence. I clapped because I couldn’t help it. Something as amazing as what he just did deserved a round of applause.

  “Look over there,” Alejo said sitting me up and pointing past our guide. “That’s it!”

  I followed his direction and squealed happily. I don’t what it was exactly about the bridge that got that reaction from me, but it was hands down one of the most amazing pieces of architecture I had ever seen.

  As we approached it on the lazy waters, Alejo turned my face to his and smiled, running a finger down my cheek.

  “Do you like it?” he asked softly.

  I nodded.

  “Would Mitchell be able to give you something like this experience in Venice?” he asked.

  My happiness faded.

  One fucking question from him ruined this entire thing. Even though I knew English was his second language and that probably didn’t come out the way he wanted to, it kind of pissed me off that he was flashing his money and Mitch’s lack thereof.

  “Excuse me, sir? Pull over. Find a landing or whatever and park the boat,” I said to the driver, pulling out of Alejandro’s arms.

  “Olivia? What’s wrong?” Alejo asked in confusion.

  I shimmied to the other end of the boat where the driver or whatever was rowing us to the nearest platform and glared at him.

  “That was a dick thing to say. Maybe Mitch doesn’t have as much money as you do and maybe he never will, but that doesn’t give you the right to flaunt it. I expected a lot more of you, Alejandro. I can see I was expecting too much. Maybe you should just find another girl to force yourself on,” I snapped, pulling myself up out of the gondola at the dock.

  “Olivia, I didn’t mean to offend!” he said desperately as he followed me onto the dock and down the street.

  I rolled my eyes and picked up my pace. I knew I could probably get to the hotel and lock him out, if I didn’t stop to listen to his bullshit. I was furious and hurt; not because of what he said about Mitch, but it was more that he thought that I would choose him because he was rich or whatever the hell he was.

  I turned the corner and went as fast as I could without actually breaking into a jog or a run.

  “Olivia!” he shouted in a stern voice as he came up behind me.

  With a sigh, I stopped and turned to face him. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked up at Alejandro. He was fighting his tears back with everything that he had within him and he looked so lost that I felt bad for yelling at him. I sighed and relented, dropping my arms to my sides.

  “Can we just go back to the room please? I want to sit down and try to relax,” I said softly.

  He nodded and led the way back to the Palazzo Sant'Angelo sul Canal Grande, which was a half mile away from where we got on the gondola.

  I looked up at the night sky and smiled when I saw a small smattering of stars starting to peek through the fog.

  Just like my memory.

  Alejandro walked next to me in silence. He would follow my gaze from time
to time and then turn his attention back to the almost empty streets of Venice. When we reached the hotel, he opened the doors and stepped back to let me in first.

  I smiled at him as we made our way to our room. After he unlocked the doors and we walked in, I looked around for my cigarettes and went out onto the balcony. I lit one and stepped out, glancing up at the night sky.

  “Hey, do you want to come out here with me?” I asked over my shoulder.

  Alejandro didn’t say anything, but he came out and stood next to me. He leaned on the balcony and looked down below us.

  “Help me remember your story again? Please?” I asked him.

  He took a deep breath and let it out in a deep sigh. I watched him stand to his full height and run his hands through his hair, while avoiding my eyes.

  “When I was a child—,” he started.

  “No. That’s not what I mean,” I said, waving a hand to cut him off.

  Alejo looked at me with confused eyes. I knew that this was going to sound weird because I had just reamed him for it, but something was going to have to give and I knew it would have to be me. No matter how stubborn I could be.

  “Just now, when I yelled at you ... I’m sorry. I honestly am. I wasn’t just thinking of what you said about Mitch. I was thinking of what you did to me too. I can’t remember your story and I was only thinking of myself because of what you did to me, but I don’t think that I would have let you do anything to me that I didn’t secretly want. I’m sorry to think and say that you forced me. I’m sorry about what I said. Most of all, I’m sorry that I’m what you want in your life,” I said quietly.

  He took my face in his hands and looked at me for a moment before he spoke, “You’re scared; I understand that. I am too. Livie, I’ll never ask you to do something you don’t want to do and maybe I did force you to finish what we started, but ... I needed it. I needed you in that moment and I know I always will. I’ll never regret being with you or wanting you and I’ll never regret saying that I had the chance to fall in love with the most beautiful woman in the world; even if I don’t get to keep you. Even if you choose him, I’ll never stop loving or wanting you. I won’t be angry and I won’t hate you. I won’t be far away if you need someone to just listen, but what I will not do is give you up without a fight. I did that once already and I almost lost you permanently. Not this time Livie. Not ever again.”

  That was all I needed. I flicked my cigarette into my makeshift ashtray of water and a disposable cup and I pushed him back against the balcony. Alejandro looked at me with a raised eyebrow when I pulled his hands away from my face.

  I moved forward and pressed myself against him as I reached up and pulled his face down to me and kissed his full, beautiful lips with a fiery passion that took us both by surprise. I felt him reach forward to put his arms around me so I moved back.

  “Don’t touch,” I instructed, with a seductive smile. “Not until I tell you that you can. I have something for you. Follow me.”

  I saw his entire demeanor change. Something about the look in his eyes made me shiver slightly. I led us back into the bedroom and looked around for my duffel bag.

  “Hm,” I said, glancing around the room.

  I thought I left it by the bed.

  Alejo walked over to the large armoire in the beautiful Victorian styled room he had booked for us and pulled the double doors open.

  I let out my breath and sat down on the bed. Apparently he was way ahead of me. Inside the doors there were a number of chains, handcuffs, whips, crops, straps, beads, silver balls; everything and anything that you could use to sexually please or torture someone with was either hanging on the inside of the doors or neatly placed on the shelves. I had every intention of having sex with him, and I had every intention of jogging my memory tonight, but what I had in my duffel bag was the picture I had taken of him sleeping. I had framed it and I wanted to place it by the bed so that he knew that I was trying to remember what it was like to be with him for those few short days in Spain, but I didn’t expect this.

  I wasn’t ready for it.

  I looked up at Alejo who was leaning against the armoire looking at me with pure desire in his eyes.


  It was more of a command rather than a request. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I knew what he wanted to do; I could almost feel it already.

  I didn’t want to hurt him any further by telling him no, but I just wasn’t ready for it.

  “I ... can’t,” I said. “Not yet.”

  He came over and got on his knees in front me, gently placing his hands on my arms.

  “Mi amore, I won’t hurt you this time. I swear it. I need this right now with you. Please. Permit me,” he all but begged.

  I sat there as Alejo moved his hands from my arms to my face. I closed my eyes at his touch and I suddenly got a flash of being underneath him. The feeling of him moving gently inside of me, while kissing my neck and putting his large hand around it. Alejo was a gentle lover when he wanted to be and he felt absolutely amazing when he was inside me.

  I opened my eyes and looked into his. Maybe I could do this. Maybe I was ready for him. He promised that he wouldn’t hurt me and I found myself trusting him for some reason.

  “Can we go slowly?” I asked quietly.

  “Yes,” he whispered.

  “Then get rid of it please. I don’t think I can deal with that tonight. Wait, is that why you sent me to the front desk earlier?” I asked

  He nodded and leaned over, closing the doors with a swift movement. I couldn’t help but smile at that. Alejo was such a tall, big man that he didn’t need to move away from me; all he needed to do was lean and stretch a little.

  Alejo smiled too. I stood up and he sat down on the floor, looking up at me. I looked at the open window and wrapped my arms around myself when the cool, Italian breeze came in and brushed up against us.

  I made my way to the window and out onto the balcony. I looked up at the moonlight for a moment and thought of how beautiful Italy was. I thought of how lucky I was to be here and when I felt Alejo’s hands slide around my waist, I couldn’t help but feel like I was with the person that I wanted the most.

  I turned around to face him and looked up into his eyes. I loved his eyes; that much I knew for sure. But did I love him? Did I ever?

  “Let’s go laydown,” I suggested.

  He held my gaze for a moment before he nodded and led me to the king sized bed that was in our room. I climbed into it and stretched out on my side so that I could still look out the window. Alejo got into the bed and gently pressed himself against me, sliding his arm around my waist again. I closed my eyes and took a deep, shuddery breath. Being in a bed with him was intoxicating, even if we were just lying there doing nothing.

  A few moments before this I was ready to just hold him down and have my way with him, but now we were just happily laying with each other.

  I felt his lips graze my neck gently and I placed my hand on top of his. He nuzzled the side of my head gently and I could feel him rising in his pants. I turned my head slightly and he reached around and kissed me gently on the lips. My body started to shake in anticipation of what was going to happen. I turned myself to face him and slid my arms around his torso. Alejo’s eyes were closed and I reached up and kissed him softly on his neck. He sighed happily and ran his hands through my hair, while I moved my lips down to his chest.

  “Mi bella amor,” he whispered.

  “Look at me,” I whispered to him.

  Alejo half opened his eyes. He looked like he was stuck in a world of euphoria and he refused to fight it. I ran my hand down his chest slowly and he took a deep breath. I began to rub him gently over his pants and he let out his breath in a shuddery sigh before he grabbed me by the back of the head and looked into my eyes like he wanted to devour me. Instead, he held my gaze before leaning forward and kissing me roughly.

  I pulled away from him and sat up quickly.

/>   “I’m sorry,” I whispered, “I don’t know what went wrong.”

  I felt his fingers as he lightly ran them down my back. Alejandro didn’t say anything; he just lie there and let his fingers drift up and down my spine.

  I could feel my panties becoming wet at his soft, gentle touch and I glanced back at him. His eyes were closed, and it looked like he was almost asleep. I took a deep breath and climbed on top of him, settling myself on top of his restrained erection. Alejo smiled softly and opened his eyes to look at me.

  “You’re driving me crazy, you know. I don’t know what to do right now. I mean I know what I want to do, but I don’t want to do anything you’re not ready for,” he said, pushing himself up onto his elbows.

  “Can I be honest with you?” I asked, tilting my head. He nodded. “I want to do this Alejandro. I want to be with you. I want to know what it feels like to have you inside of me again, but I feel like a whore,” I said softly.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Because I know I’ll be with Mitchell soon and I won’t deny him either. I shouldn’t be doing this. I should know whom I’m supposed to be with and this shouldn’t be part of me figuring it out, but my desire for you is undeniable. I’m sure you know that by now. I have thoughts of what it’s like to be with you and I see things. I think what I see is us being together before. I ... want to be with you Alejandro. My desire for you is raging deep inside of me and it’s pooled to my opening. The only thing that will quench my want for you right now is to have you deep inside of me, loving me like you did before.”

  “Livie, I understand what you want from me right now, but is it what you need?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I breathed softly.

  “Trust me, then.”

  Alejo leaned up and took my face in his hands, pulling me down slowly toward him. He pressed his lips softly against mine, his arms holding me tightly.

  I honestly didn’t know what felt better in that moment. His gentle kiss, his amazing hug, or what I was still straddled on.

  When he finally let me go, I reached down for the bottom of my top and pulled it off. Alejo leaned back against the pillows and looked at me. This time his eyes weren’t hungry and they weren’t pleading. They were calm and full of memories. I put my hands on his chest and smiled at him. With a chuckle, he reached one hand behind me, flicked the back of my bra, undoing it.


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