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Kelly's Heroes [The Men of Treasure Cove 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Rebecca Joyce

  He did not like deceiving her, and he felt that was exactly what he was doing, but after her confession last night, he did not want to put her on the spot with his declaration of love. So, the new plan was to spend as much time with her as possible and pray that she realized they were what she needed.

  Smiling at the woman across from him, Micah asked, “What kind of fun are we talking about, honeybee? Because your definition of fun and ours might be two different things.”

  “Well, I want to go dancing,” she admitted.

  Cringing, Micah shifted in his seat.

  “Never mind, I knew this wouldn’t work. We have nothing in common.” She sighed.

  “Don’t say that, angel. It’s just that neither of us ever considered dancing fun.” Daniel grinned. “What kind of dancing?”

  “Ballroom dancing.”

  Micah did not have to look at Daniel to know that his eyes had widened just as much as his had. The thought of dressing up like a penguin and twirling around the floor like some dandified fruitcake was not what he considered fun.

  “What else would you like to do?” Daniel asked.

  “I like dirt bike riding and horseback riding. I haven’t been able to do those in a while.”

  “Anything else?” Micah asked, praying for something with an adrenaline rush to it.

  A smile appeared on her face as she said, “Well, there is one thing.”

  * * * *

  “Are you sure about this, Micah? I mean, Betsy is a powerful machine. I just tuned her the other day. I don’t want anything to happen to her, you know?”

  “Oh for fuck’s sake, Daniel, it a fucking car!”

  “Hey, Betsy ain’t just any car! She is finely tuned, 1974 Plymouth Duster with a 360 cubic inch LA-series V8 engine. Betsy produces a constant 245 horsepower. She is a classic muscle car,” Daniel said, caressing the hood of his baby. He was not so sure about this. The thought of anyone driving her made him nervous on any day, but to let a woman who admitted to only being comfortable in her little Prius… Well Daniel was not keen on having Kelly behind the wheel.

  Oh, he knew it was one of her dreams, driving a muscle car with a suped-up engine, flying down the road, but shit, Betsy was a priceless gem!

  “Get the fuck over it. Kelly wants to drive a fast car, and you have one. Now get your ass in the car and let’s go,” Micah said, rolling his eyes. Daniel just looked at the man and sighed. With one more gentle touch on Betsy’s hood, he slid behind the wheel and started her up.

  The rumble of the engine purred, and Daniel smiled. He could do this. It was only one drive. What could happen?

  * * * *

  Three hours later, Kelly and Micah stood on the side of the road as Peter from Cove’s Auto Body attached the chains to Betsy while Daniel shouted, “Dude! Be careful. She is a fucking classic.”

  “Dan, if you don’t stop yelling at me, I will leave your broken classic piece of shit on the side of the road. Damn it, man, what in the hell were you thinking? You know better than to drive something this fine down a dirt road. You’re lucky you just blew the transmission. What in the hell were you thinking, Daniel?” Peter asked, attaching another chain.

  Micah knew Kelly felt terrible, but when Daniel turned to look at her, she cringed when he said, “I was thinking that angel needed to have some fun.”

  Micah was going to kill him. It was just a fucking car. There was no need to rub salt into the wound. It was serious enough that Kelly felt like crying, but Daniel did not need to make her feel guilty that she broke the damn thing. She just wanted to go faster, and he was the one who told her to floor it. How was she supposed to know that there was a pothole up ahead? By the time she saw it, it was too late, and the car went airborne, landing hard, and when she went to down shift, they all heard something crunch and clank. Then the car just rolled to a complete stop.

  Looking at the car now, he was relieved that the engine had finally stopped smoking. At the time, he thought it was funny when Kelly thought the car was on fire, and doing what any girl he knew would do she jumped from the car, leaving the engine running. If it were not for Daniel’s quick thinking, the engine probably would have blown.

  “Don’t worry, Kelly. Daniel will get the car fixed up in no time,” Micah said, coming up behind her and wrapping her in his arms. Her trembling body worried him, but he tightened his arms around her anyway as she started to relax.

  “He hates me,” she whispered as he watched Daniel and Peter load the car on the back of the tow truck.

  “He doesn’t hate you, honeybee.”

  “He’ll never let me near that Betsy again.”

  “Yes he will. Just wait and let him calm down a bit.”

  “I feel so bad, Micah. Will you please talk to him and let me pay for the repairs? I broke it. I should fix it,” she said, turning to look up at him. God she was beautiful. He could not help himself as he caressed her cheek. “Don’t worry about it. Daniel does all the work on that car. He won’t let anyone touch her.”

  “But the parts are going to cost a fortune. I can pay for those. He shouldn’t have to!”

  “Honeybee, it’s all right,” Micah said then shouted over to Daniel, “Dan, Kelly wants to pay for the damages. You okay with that?”

  “Fuck no!” he shouted back. By the time she turned to look, Daniel was standing before her. “Look, angel, I know you’re upset. I will admit I am, too, but it wasn’t your fault. I could have been driving her and hit that pothole. Yes, I probably would not have been driving as fast, but shit happens. Okay?”

  Fuck stupid, why don’t you just blame her for the whole damn thing! Micah thought as he looked at the idiot before him. And, as if on cue, the tears he knew she was trying to hold began slowly running down her face.

  “Oh no! No tears, I don’t do tears!” Daniel said, grabbing her. Micah wanted to punch him for being ignorant. She was sobbing openly now. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Daniel,” Micah growled.

  “All right,” he responded. Daniel pulled Kelly into his arms and said, “Angel, you’re gonna have to stop crying. It wasn’t your fault. Hey, I know what will make you feel better. You know that dancing thing you wanted to do. Well, Micah told me last night that if you still wanted to do it, he would be more than happy to be your partner.”

  You fucker! Micah mentally cursed Daniel, knowing damn well he said he would rather walk through a live minefield than take dancing lessons.

  Sniffling, she looked up at him. “Really?”

  “Yep. He can’t wait,” Daniel said as Kelly turned to smile at him. “Really? You’ll go dancing with me?” she asked, and just like all the times before, he could only nod his head yes.

  God, he was so far gone with this woman, he could barely form a coherent thought. They had been pretending to see each other now for close to three days, and every day she was opening up more. Of course, the more she opened up, the more he wanted to rip her clothing off and immerse himself in her essence.

  Instead, he pulled her back into his arms and lowered his lips to hers. Gently kissing her, she moaned and melted into him as she gave into him. He loved when she did that. Just like everything else she did in life, she gave it everything.

  “Hey, you guys ready to head back? I can drop you off at your place,” Peter shouted, breaking the moment.

  * * * *

  Nobody said a word on the trip back to Micah’s house. After jumping in his truck, Kelly was too exhausted to argue with Daniel about the repairs anymore and sat in silence. She just wanted to go home and take a long hot shower. When they arrived, they both got out and walked her to her front door.

  “Are you sure you’re all right, angel?” Daniel asked as she handed him the key to her apartment.

  “Yeah,” she replied, “I’m fine. It’s just been an exceedingly long day is all.”

  “Oh. Well, tell you what. It’s pretty late, so why don’t we call it a night and you can relax and try to forget about everything, okay?” he offered, k
issing her forehead.

  As much as she wanted to spend more time with them, Daniel was right. Today started out good, but after what she did to his car, all she wanted to do was jump in the shower and crawl into bed. She still did not understand why he wasn’t more upset with her. It was a classic car. She may not know much about them, but she knew when someone used the word “classic” to describe something, it meant it was expensive.

  Giving them both a kiss good night, she entered her lonely apartment and headed for the bathroom, exhausted. Turning on the shower, she began to disrobe.

  Grabbing the bottom of her T-shirt, she pulled it up and over her head. Throwing it in the hamper right outside the doorway, she started to unbutton her jeans. Hooking her thumbs into the waistband, she slid them off. After taking off her bra and panties, she stepped into the shower and closed her eyes, trying to forget everything that happened today.

  It did not take long to shampoo and condition her hair, and after lathering her body with soap, she quickly rinsed, grabbed a towel and wrapping it around her.

  Walking into her bedroom, she saw her favorite pair of daisy pajamas and put them on. Sitting on her bed, she could not stop thinking about ruining Daniel’s car. The thought of him paying for the repairs was driving her crazy. However, no matter how much she insisted, he would not hear of it. In the end, she relented and promised to never mention it again.

  She needed something to take her mind off everything. She was wound tight and ready to snap. Too much was happening all at once. She could not get her emotions in check. She just needed to catch her breath. Lying back on her bed, one of her hands moved slowly up her stomach and began massaging her breast while her other hand crept down toward her pussy.

  Kelly continued touching herself as she grabbed one of her pillows. Putting the pillow in the middle of her bed, she lay facedown on top of it with the pillow right between her legs. Slowly, she started moving her hips as she rubbed her clit.

  She started slow at first, but then immediately she started rubbing and humping the pillow faster. After less than a minute, she was riding it so forcefully that her ass began to shake as she grinded herself up and down the length of the pillow.

  Moaning, the pleasure she sought felt good, but it was not enough to relieve the tension.

  “Fuck this,” she said before she stood up beside her bed, taking her pajamas off. She was utterly naked again, and the crisp air felt fabulous on her overheated body.

  Getting on her knees, she reached for the box she kept hidden underneath her bed.

  Putting the box on her bed, she lifted the lid.

  Rummaging through it, Kelly grinned when she found what she was looking for. There in her hands was a giant, cream-colored rubber dildo, her favorite toy. Smiling she placed the box back on the floor. She held the cock in her hand, and it was mighty. Nine inches long and uncommonly thick, her monster cock was an impulse buy that she never regretted, but her favorite part of her cock was the large suction cup at the bottom to secure it to things.

  Lifting it to her lips, she began sucking on the plastic cock. She licked it up and down and shoved as much of it as she could into her mouth. She knew the damn thing barely fit between her lips, but she did not care as she closed her eyes and imagined it was one of their cocks.

  Getting into the moment, she could feel her body heating as she started rubbing her clit again, moaning as she filled her mouth with her massive toy. Her body was starting to buzz, and she could not wait any longer. Licking the suction cup at the base, she quickly removed all of her pillows and attached the cock to the wall at the head of her bed.

  Kelly reached into the nightstand she grabbed a large bottle of lube. Squirting out a large amount into the palm of her hand, she began coating her cock with the lube. Finished, she turned around and backed up to her cock. Reaching underneath herself, she fingered her pussy a little with the leftover lube.

  Making sure she coated it well, she grabbed the cock and lined it up. The head, pressed against her pussy, Kelly clenched her teeth together as she pushed back against the giant dildo.

  “Oh yes!” she grunted as the dildo slid into her slick channel. Smiling to herself, she pushed back some more, backing herself onto the massive fuck stick, and just as she reached the base, her phone started ringing.

  Leaning over, she grabbed her phone, hitting the talk button, but as she did so, her body shifted the cock inside of her and a low moan escaped.


  “Yeah,” she whimpered as her hips started a slow grind.

  “You sound funny. Are you okay?” Micah asked.

  “Yeah,” she moaned again.

  “I just called to check on you. Are you feeling better?”

  “Oh gawd yes,” she cried, then clamped her mouth shut.

  “Kelly, are you alone?” Micah asked roughly.

  “Yeah, I’m alone,” she panted as her body took over and was moving on its own accord. She could not stop. She needed to finish. She could feel her release building quickly. It was almost within reach.

  Lost within the sea of ecstasy, she pumped faster on her fake cock. Before she could stop herself, she dropped the phone and screamed, “Oh fuck yeah! Just like that. Fuck my pussy harder, Micah!” as she exploded all over the cock in her pussy. Swimming in a sea of pleasure, she felt as if she might drown. Her eyes rolled back, and her arms began to shake then finally gave out. She collapsed face-first onto her bed.

  She did not know how long she lay there, but after what seemed like a few minutes, the knocking at her front door brought her out of her sexual haze. Slowly getting up, she grabbed for her robe and gently walked to the door.

  She did not check to see who it was. When she opened the door, she gasped, surprised to see Micah and Daniel standing there. From the looks in their eyes, she knew they were about to step over that imaginary line they agreed to and damn the consequences.

  * * * *

  Micah had waited for this moment forever. When he called to check up on Kelly, he never expected in his wildest dreams that she would be in the throes of ecstasy screaming his name as she came. It was without a doubt the most erotic thing he had ever heard. The moment she screamed his name, Micah turned his truck around and sped back to her place.

  Neither he nor Daniel said a single word, even when he put the truck in park and walked up to the door. Though it killed him to wait patiently for her to answer when all he wanted was to break the damn thing down and jump on her.

  His body, wound tight, was ready to spring into action. Adrenaline pumped furiously through his veins, and his cock strained tightly against his jeans. It took everything in him not to come in his pants when he heard her scream out his name, and now, all he wanted to do was to drill into her sweetness and never leave.

  They waited for what seemed like an eternity to Micah before he heard the locks and Kelly opened the door. In that instant, everything between all three of them changed. There was no pretending, only possession.

  She belonged to them and no other.

  Not waiting for an invitation, Micah pushed the door open and claimed her lips hard and fast. The anticipation built as his cock throbbed, begging to be free. Her soft moans filled his ears as her body melted into his. This is what he had been waiting for.

  Lifting her, he wrapped her legs around his waist, slamming her against the living room wall. Her hands gripped his hair like an iron fist as he plunged his tongue deep into her mouth. She was an addiction like no other, and he wanted to consume her. Grinding his jean-clad cock against her bald pussy, he felt like singing the hallelujah chorus when she began ripping his shirt from him.

  Coming up for air, he smiled. “Oh, honeybee, I am going to feast on you tonight.”

  “No talking. Fuck now!” she said, grabbing his face and kissing him deeply.

  Laughter built in his chest as he gave her exactly what she wanted.

  Placing her on her feet, he stepped back to remove his pants. Daniel, who was already na
ked, swept in and said, “Come to papa, angel.”

  Micah felt like laughing as Kelly jumped into Daniel’s arms. Her nipples peaked with excitement. Her eatable ass bounced as Daniel sat on the couch, straddling her over him. Her long, wavy, blonde hair fell like a curtain down her back.

  She was a goddess, a sex goddess, and she was theirs.

  With his jeans removed, Micah walked over, placing a hand on her back. “Honeybee, has this nice ass been fucked?”

  “Yes! Fuck me!” she cried as Daniel pinched and sucked on her breast.

  “This time will be fast. Next time will be slower. I promise.” Then without further warning, Micah lifted her hips, allowing Daniel to penetrate her pussy in one swift motion. Her cries resonated throughout the room as Daniel seated himself fully within her. Micah then pushed her forward and lined up his cock.

  Having no lube, Micah spit on her tight hole, rubbing the saliva around, wetting her. Clasping her hips, he surged forward, sinking into her fiery heat.

  “Oh fuck!” he growled as her tight ass gripped him hard.

  “Damn, she is fucking tight!” Daniel grunted as Micah felt him begin to move.

  Micah pulled back and buried his cock to the hilt again. Her muscles tightened around him like a suction. Picking up his pace, his hands tightened on her hips, holding her in place. The sounds of flesh slapping flesh filled the air as the scent of sex surrounded them. Panting and gasping for air, Micah found himself lost within her core.

  “Fuck me harder!” she screamed as he and Daniel pounded into her.

  His hands moved from her hips, grabbing her ass cheeks, spreading her wide open. His cock moved deeper and harder with each stroke.

  Micah could not form words, his body on fire as his hips bucked back to take all that she gave. He had never felt this kind of all-consuming need. He was mad with it. Hurtling closer to the edge, he felt the tingling in the base of his spine. His heavy balls drew up.

  “Come, honeybee!” he shouted as her body convulsed. Her ass and pussy tightened just as he tensed, spraying his cum deep inside of her, filling her with his hotness. Within seconds, he heard Daniel shout his release as he, too, stopped and buried himself deep within her.


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