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Kelly's Heroes [The Men of Treasure Cove 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Rebecca Joyce

  “I know that. But he’s been a little edgy lately, so just smile pretty and say thank you, will ya?”

  Laughing, she said, “All right. Oh, before I forget, we are having dinner tomorrow in town with my family.”

  “Gonna make us face the firing squad, are ya?”

  “Steven wants to meet you two, and besides, it won’t be that bad. I made sure Mom was going to be there. She will help corral Steven.”

  “All right, I guess I’ll leave the weapons at home then.”

  “Yes, I would be grateful if you did.”

  “Oh really, how grateful are we talkin’, honeybee?”

  “Very grateful,” she answered in a low, husky voice.

  “Ooo eee! I love when you start talkin’ dirty. Hurry home. I need me some honey for dessert.”

  “On my way, bye,” she said and hung up the phone. She turned off the lights, set the alarm, and walked outside, only stopping to lock the front door. Just as she turned, she saw one of the streetlights flicker. With the silence of the town, and the low bustle of wind blowing down from the mountains, the night almost had an eerie feel to it.

  By the time she left her family’s ranch that morning, The Double Deuce, she was running late and had had to park at the end of the street. Typically, that would not have worried her, but as she walked, the flickering streetlight went out, and the sidewalk darkened.

  Thrust into darkness, she hurried along the deserted street, making a beeline for her little Prius. Looking over her shoulder, she felt as if someone was watching her. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled as a wave of unease rushed her body. Something was wrong. Her safe home didn’t feel so safe anymore. Before she knew it, she was running, and as she approached her car, she hit the unlock button on her remote keypad, which turned on her cars lights, and immediately unlocked all her doors. As she reached her car, she stopped dead in her tracks.

  Yes, her car was there. Yes, the lights were on and the doors were unlocked, but the knife sticking out of the front tire let her know instantly that she was not alone in the town tonight. Just as she reached into her purse for her cell phone, a set of bright headlights moved toward her.

  Fear and uncertainty filled her body as she slowly stepped back against the brick building behind her. She did not know who it was, and after seeing her car and feeling uneasy a few minutes ago, she was not willing to take any chances.

  With bated breath, she watched as the headlights slowed and came to a stop right next to her car. When the lights did not go out, her heart about pounded right out of her chest, but it was the familiar voice that instantly calmed her. “Angel?”

  Running into Daniel’s arms as if the hounds of hell nipped at her feet, she threw herself into his embrace, burying her head against his chest, never so thankful for him than at this very moment.

  “Kelly, what’s wrong?” Daniel gently asked, stroking her back, her body wracked with shivers.

  “I’m just so happy to see you,” she replied.

  “Didn’t Micah tell you I was coming to get you?”


  “Angel, you look scared out of your wits. Something happen?”

  “It was just my imagination, or at least I thought it was until I saw my car.”

  The crisp night air was refreshing as the wind blew against her cheeks, calming her. The longer Daniel held her, the more at ease she became. When he gently released her and held her at arm’s length, she stared into his soft brown eyes and smiled. “It was nothing really.”

  “What happened to your car?” he gruffly asked.

  “It’s nothing. Just some kids messing around.”

  “Get in the truck, Kelly,” he ordered in a tone she had never heard him use before. Doing as he asked, he walked around the front of his truck and stopped. He stood rigidly. Though he was not moving, she knew he was scanning the area. Very slowly, he pulled out his cell and made a call. It was all over within seconds, but he still did not move.

  Kelly knew very little about Daniel Meyer. What she did know she learned from his military jacket that the VA sent over to her when he started therapy. Born and raised in Waco, Texas, he was the second child of Clark and Vivian Meyer. He joined the United States Marine Corps right after high school. He was an expert sharpshooter, and after boot camp, was immediately deployed to Iraq. He served two tours in Baghdad before joining a new platoon in the Helmond Providence in Afghanistan. It was there that insurgents attacked Daniel’s platoon. Several of his friends died, and those who survived were still seeking medical help. After the incident, which was deemed classified, Daniel was given several awards, given a pat on the back for his service, and sent home.

  She knew from talking to him that he only stayed in Texas for one week before hopping in his truck and wandering the country, ending up in Treasure Cove. When Daniel started to attend the counseling meetings, he never talked, only introducing himself as name and rank. It took Micah showing up for him to open up, and even that was not much. When Micah arrived unexpectedly, Daniel remembered him instantly from a previous tour in Iraq, and they became friends once again. She found out that they pooled their resources and decided to live together, instead of being alone. Kelly knew something horrible happened, and she wanted to desperately to help Daniel, but until he was ready to talk, all she could do was be there for him in any capacity.

  * * * *

  Daniel’s mind raced as he scanned the area for hostiles. Thrust back into a world he could not escape, his mission this time was a simple one, protect his angel. She needed him, and he desperately needed her. He waited rooted in the very spot, never flinching. He could feel someone out there. He knew it as he knew the hair on his angel’s head was golden.

  Gone was the easy carefree feeling of spending some quiet time with her. Now it was secure, apprehend, and get home safely before all hell broke loose. His mind swirled as his surroundings shifted, and before he could stop himself, he was back in that hot hell pit of sweet-smelling poppies and dry sand.

  He could not wait for this mission to be over. His R & R paperwork was signed. He was packed and ready to go. It was one last mission, and then he was flying home for two weeks, to barbeques and sex. He could not wait.

  His platoon had headed out like always, early in the morning.

  Daniel rolled the Hummer to a stop before a farmhouse, north of Helmond Providence. Payton Walters raised his infrared goggles and surveyed the scene.

  Chris Polk smiled and imitated his hand jerking off his cock as he rolled his eyes. Daniel knew Chris did not think much of Payton’s talents. Chris just preferred the direct approach of point and shoot. Smiling, Daniel rolled his eyes and turned to listen.

  “Gunny,” Payton said clearly to the man seated beside him. “Three signatures, two engaged.” Gunnery Sergeant Franklin Williams slowly chewed his lit cigar. He was a tough African-American and a hard-core Marine since graduating high school, also hard to impress. Daniel hadn’t let him down since he’d arrived in theatre with the best fucking IR analyst the gunny had ever seen. The gunny bit the end of his cigar and spat a wad of tobacco.

  “Three?” he asked.

  Walters looked into his goggles again to view the balls of light that illuminated. “Affirmative, single male in northwest corner of compound. Two males in the southeast corner.”

  “You sure?” the gunny asked. “That’s all? Fuck, where are the rest of them?”

  Daniel wanted to trust Walters implicitly, but the intel they received told them that there were more than three.

  “You are a fucking geek. Are you sure you know how to use those fucking goggles?” Chris cursed the man behind him.

  “IR don’t lie, and yes I know what I am doing, asshole,” Walters replied grudgingly. “I can see their fuckin’ nose hairs.”

  Chris Polk reached over and killed the ignition. “That’s all I needed to know,” he said, swinging out of his seat, his M-16 slung in his arm. “Let’s do it,” he said, spitting out the butt of his cigar

  Polk and Walters took up position before the farmhouse door while Daniel high-tailed up to the nearest ridge to give them cover. On the count of three, Gunny burst through the farmhouse, weapon raised, as all hell broke loose.

  “Come back to me, Daniel.” Her soft, gentle voice floated into his mind as the graphic images of his platoon’s demise slowly evaporated. Lost between the past and the present, his eyes tried focusing on the bright light slowly moving toward him.

  “Daniel, you’re in Treasure Cove, with me.”

  He knew her voice. It caressed him as he tried to shake the blood from his mind. He did not want her near the death. He needed to get her to safety. Channeling all his energy, he tried desperately to get to the light. It was moving closer. The warmth of it engulfed him. He flinched when her touch broke the spell, and before he could stop himself, he forcefully hauled her against his truck.

  She did not fight him, her body going lax as he cocooned himself around her protectively.

  “It’s all right Daniel. It’s just me.” Her whispered voice swirled around him, his heart beating rapidly. He felt her soft, billowy lips touch his as his past began to fade. It was just him and her once again. No more screams, no more blood, just her in his arms, kissing him.

  Her lips tasted sweeter than wine, more delicate than the softest silk, and caused his head to swirl. When she pulled away, she caressed his face.

  Neither spoke.

  The present slowly swirled forward as he looked deeply into her eyes. Daniel was aware of the message his body radiated, but he’d never been in this circumstance before and he didn’t know for sure how to act or respond to what had just happened. All he knew, for sure, was that he cared more for Kelly than anyone he had ever known.

  Beads of sweat popped out on his forehead as he walked her around the car to the driver’s side, for he truly did not know what to do. Too much had happened in such a short time. His guard was down, and she saw too much. Then he had blown it for being too aggressive with her. She was quiet, too quiet as he started his truck and pulled out onto the main road, and he feared he had just lost any chance of ever being with her again.

  “Please tell me what you’re thinking.”

  Graphic images were racing through his mind, and right now, he didn’t know what to say or how to answer. He fell back on the counseling she administered and decided to be open with Kelly, to say exactly what was on his mind, to confess his confusion, lack of experience, and his feelings.

  “Kelly, I’ve never met anyone like you before. Each day I spend with you is an adventure, a treasure. It’s a new experience for me. You are the sweetest person I’ve ever known, and I’ve had feelings for you for a long time. However, I don’t know how to talk about what happened. I still have these horrible nightmares. Anything sets them off, and it doesn’t matter if I’m sleeping or awake. Mainly, I’m afraid of screwing up with you. I am afraid I’m going to hurt you and scare you away.”

  He let silence linger for long time as his words sank in. As the quiet lingered, Daniel’s fears of screwing up magnified, overwhelming him, but then she put them to rest. Without word, she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, a slow and loving kiss that warmed his heart. Her hand rested on his as her fingers intertwined with his, seeking an embrace from him.

  Daniel’s head filled with every imaginable thought and fantasy during the drive home. Not wanting to mess things up, he decided to just take it slow and follow Kelly’s lead.

  When he parked the truck, he came around to open her door and then walked her quietly into the house. As she passed him, she kissed him in the most brazen way as she purposefully brushed her hand across his crotch, taking aim at his mounting cock. With his head already fuzzy from her passionate kisses, his cock jumped against her hand, and Daniel thought he would come right there on the spot.

  As her tongue danced the tango with his, he felt her hardened nipples press against his chest. Her breasts were firm, even for their size, and the pressure against his chest was exciting him past his limit. Daniel was in a sexual haze as she took over his body, and he willingly let her. Her pelvis ground against his as his cock strained to get free.

  Pressing harder, she put her mound directly against his cock and humped against him. His breath quickened, and he seemed to be in another world, his tongue dueling with hers. His hips humped back, beads of sweat were over his face. His hands had taken a firm grasp of her ass and were pulling her closer and more firmly against him as he lost touch with the kiss. His breath came in gasps, he began to moan from down deep within, his body became rigid, and then the unthinkable happened.

  Lowering his head onto her shoulder, his body relaxed as he whispered, “I’m sorry, angel. Please forgive me.”

  * * * *

  Kelly smiled at him but said nothing. She knew the moment he started ejaculating in his pants because she could feel his pulsating cock against her hand. Instead, she just took a hold of his hand and walked him up the stairs. The house was quiet, and while Daniel walked into his room, she took a few moments to check on Molly.

  She found the little girl sleeping peacefully in the arms of Micah. Not wanting to wake them, she closed the door and walked back down the hall toward Daniel’s room. She found he had already removed his boots. After he peeled off his T-shirt, he reached for a towel and began cleaning himself up.

  Shutting the door behind her, she stepped forward, slowly unbuttoning her blouse, sliding it from her shoulders, and tossing it onto the chair in the corner. Even in the dim light, his eyes looked innocent, both frightened and ashamed, but sexy in their soft-blue sparkle. “I hope I always have this effect on you,” she whispered, taking the towel from him, dropping it to the floor. Leading him to his bed, she helped him remove his pants, and soon, he stood before her bared and unmasked.

  She was humbled and in awe of this beautiful man. Strong and muscular, Daniel had an air of sincerity about him, a caring need, which made him stand out from Micah. Where Micah was commanding, Daniel was giving.

  She knew Daniel would have no difficulty making out her dark areolas under the lace of the black bra. Bending slightly, she removed her high-heeled shoes and tossed them over near the chair. The zipper on her skirt went down as she kept her eyes locked with his. He never took his eyes from hers as her skirt fell to the floor.

  Kelly kept her eyes on Daniel’s and began to lower herself to a kneeling position, her hands sliding down his ribs, across his hips, and grasping the waistband of his underwear on their way down. She slid his boxers off, his cock springing upward and outward as she freed it from the constraints, pushing the boxers down below his knees. Her hand came up to cradle his cock from beneath, softly holding it then beginning a slow stroke up and down the full length.

  She was surprised at the stiff firmness yet the softness and tenderness of the skin. She looked away from his eyes, directly at the mushroom head of his fully erect cock, and touched her lips to the tip of his cock. It was warm and slightly salty tasting. She parted her lips further and slid the whole tip into her mouth, enjoying the taste and the sensation.

  Her head slowly bobbed up and down on his shaft as her hand moved in countermotion to her mouth. His pleasured moans soon filled her ears, letting her know that he was enjoying her ministrations. His glorified encouragement kept her going, taking more and more of his cock into her mouth. Twirling her tongue around his shaft, she swallowed, taking him deep into the back of her throat.

  Musky and salty, she loved the taste of him. Moaning she took him deeper into her mouth, she felt his balls tightening up as a wave of satisfaction overcame her. She knew he was close when he grabbed her head. “Angel, you have to stop. I’m going to come again.”

  Rising to her feet, she pushed slightly on his chest and he fell back onto his bed. Removing her bra and panties, she grinned, slipping a finger into her wet pussy. Daniel’s eyes grew bigger as he sucked in a deep breath. With one finger in her pussy, she slowly moved her other hand up her stomach
and began massaging her breast, twisting and pulling on her nipple. She loved the desirable look on his face as she fingered her clit.

  His eyes were intently affixed to her crotch as she played and teased with what he hungered for. He had seen her pussy before, but never under these circumstances, as she continued to taunt him. He looked hot, flushed. A burning filled her body, a desire to reach out and touch him, to let her be a part of this most beautiful man, swept over her like a tidal wave. Every inch of his body looked desirable. Sweat started beading on his forehead. If she listened closely, she bet she could hear the hard pounding of his chest. His breathing became labored, and through all of this, she continued to tease and torment him. She loved every minute of it. She stepped close to the bed, Daniel pulled her into his arms, his lips finding a hard nipple, sucking hard.

  Kelly let out a low moan from her swollen lips as the warmth and electricity spread from her sensitive nipples down to her groin. She could feel herself getting hot between her legs, a stirring and sensation that was not foreign but never brought on like this or as intense as this.

  She felt warmth oozing from her pussy and dampening her legs. She wanted Daniel to lick her pussy, suck on her clit, and she was flushed with passion. She could stand it no longer. Putting her hands against his shoulders and nudging him back onto the bed, she leaned over his head and allowed him to continue his oral assault on her breasts.

  His hands were under her breasts, moving them toward his mouth and keeping them stimulated as he moved from one to the other. Kelly moved to straddle his hips on the bed, reaching down to grasp his rigid cock and directing it to the slick folds of her pussy. As she lowered herself down onto his cock, the tightness brought both pain and extreme pleasure. Kelly had never known her pussy to be this wet before, and was amazed at how well, how stimulating his cock felt as it was engulfed fully within her.

  She was in another world. She had lost all awareness of anything in the world except the man with her and the feelings of touch, of smell, and of taste that were flooding her mind. It was a fog of passion that she’d never imagined, a feeling and place she never wanted to end.


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