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Kinky BDSM Mega Bundle

Page 4

by Ella Ford

  Slipping out of the red blazer and skirt, she carefully folded them and laid them neatly on the floor. Next came the tight white blouse. She slipped this off her body and draped it on the skirt and blazer. Finally, she reached behind herself and unhooked the lacy bra, letting it fall over her arms and placing it on the ground with the rest of the SubAir uniform. She paused for a moment, wondering whether or not to remove the red neck scarf and tan stockings that completed the uniform. She decided to leave them on. In her experience, when a man told her to undress there was a degree of leeway from the literal command that allowed for erotic improvisation. Besides, she thought to herself as she caught a glimpse of her body in the full length mirror, my legs look so good in these stockings and heels!

  She entered the main body of the room to find Captain Blake lying on the bed. Frank Blake was the quintessential airline pilot. Ruggedly handsome, tall and well-built. His thick mane of dark hair was cropped short and a few days of fashionable stubble adorned his masculine jawline. He still wore his pilot’s uniform, but had loosened the tie and top button of the crisp white shirt. There was a fire in his eyes tonight, he was obviously not in a good mood. His gaze roamed over Jenny’s body, scanning her with animal intensity.

  Jenny thought back to the flight they’d just taken. A long hop on a SubAir private charter from a landing strip south of Denver out to an obscure Caribbean Island called St. Genevieve. The lush, tropical island was tiny and humid. It had a single settlement of any note, the capital Port Hope, which was dilapidated and reeked of poverty. The whole island was old and neglected, making Jenny wonder what interest her employer had in the place. Whatever the reason, their passenger they’d taken on this unorthodox flight likely had something to do with it.

  The middle-aged, bespectacled man had swept onboard at Denver, barely acknowledging Jenny and her colleague Paige as they greeted him with sensual smiles. He was short, balding and pale. His ill-fitting suit was several years out of date and he reeked of cheap aftershave. He seemed utterly uninterested in anything the flight crew had to offer him, other than a mineral water with no ice, which he requested shortly after takeoff. He spent the rest of the flight with his hawkish face buried in a stack of papers, muttering and cursing at some inscrutable detail or other.

  Jenny and Paige had lingered in the jet’s galley, unsure what to do. In the several months since Jenny had graduated from SubAir Academy, she’d crewed countless flights on SubAir’s private line. While her fellow students had been sent to work on SubAir’s commercial fleet, Jenny’s assignment had been requested by none other than Grayson Chambers himself, CEO of Chambers Industries and owner of SubAir. She flushed as she remembered the honour. That such a man would take an interest in her was baffling to Jenny, and a source of great pride. It made her extra determined to be the best SubAir hostess she could possibly be: willing, sensual and utterly obedient. Serving her passengers with a friendly smile and docile compliance.

  On those countless flights, Jenny had kneeled before some of the most powerful men and women in the world, offering her body to them to use as they wished. A plaything to relieve the interminable boredom of transcontinental flight. Her passengers had included a veritable who’s who from the worlds of politics and celebrity. All utterly insatiable, all inevitably hungry and eager to use every facility that SubAir provided. After all, they’d paid for it.

  So it was with some confusion that Jenny and Paige had regarded the bookish accountant type that flew with them today. He seemed immune to their advances, barely even responding when a breathless Paige had teasingly offered to do something to relax him. He hadn’t even looked up from his papers, muttering a terse “no thank you,” and shooed her away with his hand.

  “Guess it’s going to be a quiet flight for us today honey,” the older hostess had said to Jenny. Jenny had nodded, feeling a curious mix of relief and rejection. She’d never had a passenger spurn her services before. They normally needed little encouragement to use her young body.

  When the plane landed in Port Hope, the passenger had calmly packed his papers into his brown, leather briefcase and stood to leave. The cabin and flight crew gathered by the exit to wish him a safe journey. As he reached the cabin door, he turned back to the Captain and hostesses, pushed his horn-rimmed glasses up his nose and sniffed.

  “Captain, would you care to explain why the flight is late?” His tone was monotone and efficient, betrayed no hint of his mood.

  Captain Blake blinked, startled by the directness of the question. “Um, well, we picked up some heavy weather coming over the gulf and had to divert around it. Lost about twenty minutes there, but made up some time on the approach into St. Genevieve,” the Captain had replied, a note of defensiveness in his voice.

  The passenger sniffed, wrinkling his nose like a rat sniffing cheese. “I’ll be sure to log this delay in my report to Mr Chambers. He’ll be very interested in why his guest was kept waiting,” and with that, he turned on his heel and disappeared down the steps into the humid air of Port Hope’s dilapidated airport.

  Captain Blake’s face was dark and thunderous, clearly not amused by the prospect of having to answer to Chambers. Jenny and Paige remained quiet, not wishing to add to his mood.

  Without saying anything else, the Captain turned to his hostesses and said, “Jenny, you’re with me tonight. Paige, you’ll go with First Officer Bennett.”

  The girls meekly replied, “Yes Captain,” in unison, but the Captain had already turned and disappeared into the cockpit to complete his post-landing checklist.

  Jenny’s thoughts returned to the hotel room. She’d taken up position at the end of the bed, dropping to her knees and folding her arms behind her back. It was the standard submissive position that she’d learned in SubAir Academy, a provocative pose that left her vulnerable and compliant, thrusting her breasts out before her, inviting attention.

  It wasn’t unusual for the flight crew to take a hostess or two for the night, it was considered a perk of the job. Jenny frequently found her services requested on layovers by lonely pilots, a long way from home and aching for a woman’s touch. She enjoyed it, feeling privileged to be able to do her bit for her colleagues in whatever way she could.

  That said, Captain Blake’s mood tonight unnerved her. He had barely spoken in the cab on the way to the hotel and was clearly angered by the officious passenger. Jenny wondered if he intended to work off some of his frustrations on her. She gulped, preparing herself for a rough night.

  The thought excited her, if she was honest. Her heartbeat quickened as she considered being manhandled by the rugged Captain Blake, surrendering herself to him for whatever purpose he desired.

  He shifted on the bed, pulling his body back and propping himself on the padded headboard. His gaze was still on her, eyes narrowed and face sullen as he studied her face and tits. She responded by arching her back slightly to emphasise her chest, offering herself to him as a sacrifice on the altar of his rage.

  “Get up on the bed,” he commanded, his deep voice laced with an irresistible authority.

  Jenny promptly hopped up onto the wide bed, repeating the same kneeling pose as she took up position by his feet. With doe eyes, she looked to him for her next order. He regarded her for a short time, then beckoned her forwards.

  She fell forward onto all fours and crawled up the bed towards him. As she neared his head, he reached up and hooked a thick finger under her red neck scarf, pulling her face towards his. She made eye contact with him, gazing deeply into his dark eyes that burned with his inner desire. She blanched under the weight of it, shocked by the intensity she saw in there and realising that she was powerless to resist him.

  He shifted his hand to grip her head, cradling her cheek in his massive palm and wrapping thick fingers around behind her ear and into her thick blonde hair. He pulled forward and roughly kissed her, his tongue forcing her mouth open and darting out to dance with hers. She succumbed, not bothering to resist him. She was intoxicated by his
scent as it filled her nose and throat, a heady mix of expensive aftershave and raw masculinity. She felt herself becoming aroused, a distant urge in the depths of her body. Remote, intangible at first, yet growing slowly as the Captain devoured her.

  He broke off the kiss, pushing her back into a kneeling position. “Take off my pants,” he barked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.”

  “Yes, Captain,” Jenny replied, keen to show complete obedience. She moved down his body, tracing a light caress down the material of his shirt. He was warm in the late afternoon heat, she could feel his skin through the shirt, sticky with sweat. She longed to taste him, to throw the shirt open and kiss his naked flesh. She calmed herself and continued down his body.

  She reached his legs, and gently unlaced his shoes, pulling them off and carefully placing them by the bed. One by one, she pulled off his socks, throwing them behind her, then moved to his waist. His breathing was heavy now, and she confirmed the extent of his excitement by the throbbing bulge that awaited her.

  With expert hands, she unbuckled his belt and pulled the fly. Without pause, she pulled his trousers and underpants down his legs and over his feet. His erect cock fell free, rigid and straight, laying across his lower belly and twitching provocatively as she touched his exposed flesh. She looked down at his body, admiring the tone of his muscular legs. They were thick and powerful, a thin covering of dark hair over tanned skin. She thought about bending to kiss there, but instead returned to the kneeling position between his parted knees. She waited the next order, hoping that it would be what she expected.

  Captain Blake sat up before her, never taking his gaze off her naked body. He was breathing heavily through his nose, the animalistic rhythm of his inhales and exhales quickening as his eyes crawled across Jenny’s heaving chest. With deft fingers, he worked down the buttons of his shirt, eventually giving up and pulling it over his head to toss onto the floor. He fell back to the bed, raising his left arm to place his hand behind his head.

  “Take it in your mouth,” he finally said.

  Jenny bent forwards, lowering her head to his waist and pushing her ass upwards. She took hold of his hard length and playfully squeezed the base of the shaft. He moaned as her warm hands touched him. With her tongue, she lightly flicked the glistening helmet, teasing him with brief touches. She felt his cock stiffen further. She bent down and took one of his balls in her mouth, sucking the wrinkled flesh of his sack and rolling her tongue around the fleshy mass. He inhaled deeply, responding to her as a puppet responds to a marionette.

  She let the ball fall from her mouth and kissed her way up length of his pole, then plunged her mouth onto it, wrapping her lips around its width to grip it lightly at first. Her tongue swirled around the tip, greedily devouring any of the wetness she found there. She felt him writhe under her, his hands fell to the soft material of the bed, gripping tightly as her mouth moved up and down his cock.

  Her left hand remained on the shaft, squeezing lightly. With her other hand, she reached between her own legs finding a familiar warm wetness and plunging her fingers into her waiting lips. With subconscious skill, she found her clit and squeezed it between her fingers, teasing and massaging it with the same rhythm that she took Captain Blake’s cock in her mouth. She felt her arousal build, the faint warmth in her stomach spreading to her body, entering her legs and arms and blinkering her mind to focus only on pleasure.

  Suddenly, Blake pushed her backwards. His cock flopped out of her mouth and she fell backwards on the bed. In an instant, the Captain was beside her, kneeling over her naked body with his throbbing cock in his large hand. It still glistened with Jenny’s saliva. She eyed it, desperate to feel it in her mouth again.

  Blake reached down and gripped her hair in his free hand. With effortless strength, he dragged her by her ponytail off the bed and onto the floor. She yelped at the shock of it, utterly unable to resist as this man threw her body around the room. She allowed herself to relax, to go where he desired. He pushed her to her knees again and spun her round, placing an enormous hand flat on her back and pushing her forwards to lie facedown on the bed. He pinned her there with a hand on the back of her neck. Her face pressed into the cool material of the bedsheet, knees on the floor and pussy exposed.

  Captain Blake moved between her feet, impatiently kicking at her calves, indicating that she should spread her legs wider. She obliged, unable to do anything else and desperate to feel him inside her. She felt him tease his cock around her wet hole, dragging it back and forwards through her damp lips and up to her asshole. “Please, Captain,” she begged, straining her head to see him above her but unable to move thanks to the hand on her neck.

  Finally, he thrust forwards into her. It was powerful, unconcerned for her comfort or readiness. He simply pushed forwards, filling her completely in the blink of an eye and then reversing the thrust to begin his pounding assault. Jenny gasped, gripping the bedsheet with clawed hands until her knuckles turned white. Her pussy sang with pleasure as he drove into her. Waves of pleasure rippled throughout her body, firing her passions and enflaming her mind. Her focus collapsed to the constant rhythm between her legs, it became her world, all else evaporating into irrelevance. Her breath came in short bursts, her eyes were pressed together, not wanting to distract with her useless senses.

  She felt like a ragdoll, a plaything, a limp toy in the hands of her owner. Her body was no longer her own, it existed purely for his pleasure. She released herself into the feeling, the absence of agency, the power of submission. A familiar feeling grew inside her, a typhoon on the horizon, distant and vague, yet inevitable and looming. She felt his strokes come quicker and deeper, felt his skin slapping against the skin of her ass and legs. She felt him release her neck and move his two hands to firmly grip her hips, pulling her body back as her thrust into her, his own desperate quest to reach deeper into her.

  She arched her back, still clawing at the crumpled sheet beneath her. Her head thrashed from side to side as the typhoon approached, urging it on yet afraid for its arrival.

  Captain Blake suddenly panted heavily, his own climax inevitable now. His grip strengthened, the urgency of his thrusts peaked and he thrust forward one final time, releasing his payload into her waiting pussy. He grunted repeatedly as he filled her with his cum. She felt it inside her, moist and warm, and she finally allowed herself to succumb to the storm that built within body. It swept over her, blinding her senses and ending her thoughts. She threw her head back, her muscles became tense and her legs kicked out behind her. She froze in place, the intolerable grip of the orgasm raged within her body, rendering her incapable and incapacitated. The white noise of her pleasure filled her mind and set her body afire. She thought that it might never end, but it finally did, releasing her body and letting her collapse to the bed below, still impaled on the Captain’s cock.

  He withdrew and fell forwards to lie beside her on the bed. She remained where she was, afraid to trust her quivering legs to hold her weight. She gazed at him as he drifted into a light doze, the beast within that had fuelled his passion was satisfied. For now.


  Jenny lay awake in the humid closeness of the topical night. She was naked beside the Captain who snored lightly through his open mouth. They’d pleasured each other throughout the evening, the previous savage intensity replaced by a hungry need to taste and touch the other. Jenny was impressed by the Captain’s stamina, he seemed insatiable, lasting into the early hours and always ensuring that she was satisfied.

  She thought about the bookish passenger that had caused the Captain’s bad mood. They were due to fly him back to the States tomorrow. She wondered what his business might be on this remote island, whether he would be equally obnoxious on the flight home. She sighed, realising that it was not her concern. Her only concern should be that of submission to her passengers, the pursuit of their pleasure and comfort. With this thought, she herself drifted off into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 2

  The following morning, the Captain and Jenny met up with Paige and the First Officer in the lobby of the hotel and took a car to the airport. The day was sultry and humid, a cloying wetness in the air that clung to the skin and made clothes damp. Jenny looked out at the streets of the city, dusty and cracked pavements fronting neglected looking businesses and shops. A number of locals walked the streets, or sat on plastic chairs by the side of the road. They reeked of poverty and deprivation, staring back at the large car with distant resentment.

  Jenny wondered once again what possible business a man like Grayson Chambers would have in an unfortunate place like this. It was likely something beyond her understanding, a complex deal that stood to generate some advantage to the billionaire and bolster his asset book. She sighed, feeling sorry for the people of this remote island.

  They reached the airport and hurried through the tiny ramshackle facility. The disinterested security staff barely glanced at their paperwork, waving them through with a dismissive gesture that suggested it was too hot to be worrying about such trivial matters.

  They boarded the plane, a private jet decked out in the livery of SubAir. It was small compared to the commercial jets that Jenny had worked on before. A small, closed off galley area at the back contained a basic kitchen as well as a surprisingly comfortable sofa for the hostesses to relax on when off duty. The rest of the cabin was taken up with four, large passenger seats, arranged on either side of the aisle. The front pair could spin around to face the rear pair, to allow conversation between the passengers. Jenny thought that the jet was the very image of decadent opulence, a world away from the run down streets of Port Hope. She sighed and wished the Captain and First Officer a pleasant flight, then turned to follow Paige to the galley to prepare the jet for take off.


  In the final half an hour before departure, the Captain contacted them on the intercom. They were required to assemble at the front of the plane to receive their passengers for the flight. The two girls hurriedly checked each other, ensuring that their hair was tidy and their neck scarves straight. Satisfied, they set off forwards.


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