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Vampire in Chaos

Page 2

by Dale Mayer

  Rhia gasped.

  Sian, her voice lowered to a hoarse whisper, added, “And apparently you’ve already arranged to have Seth taken away.”

  Rhia’s chin wobbled. “Oh no. I wouldn’t have done that.” She stared blindly ahead as multiple conversations rolled through her mind. Bits and pieces were all disjointed and jumbled up. Nothing made any sense. “Where’s my son, Sian?”

  “Honey, we don’t know.” Sian shook her head, a sad look on her face. “He was taken to the hospital for treatment after the blood farm.”

  “Right.” Rhia struggled to sit up. “He was getting treatment at the hospital.”

  “Except the hospital has been taken over by the bad guys. They are holding several of our people in the hospital. We have no idea who is involved.”

  “No. No. It can’t be.” Rhia shuddered. “He’s supposed to be safe. Getting proper care.”

  “Yes, and that’s what we thought, until you chained up Tessa and started talking all crazy like.”

  “I’d never hurt Tessa. Not willingly.” Rhia closed her eyes. “You know that, right?”

  “I know you wouldn’t.” Sian stroked her hand. “You were doing this so that Tessa would stay safe – at least in your mind. It was the drugs talking, twisting your thoughts, your actions. Making all of it sound very reasonable.”

  “I didn’t hurt her, did I?” Rhia couldn’t believe what she was hearing. But she knew she had to know the worst. She had to make amends and before she could do that, she had to know what she’d done.

  Sian winced again, her gaze straying down Rhia’s body.

  And for the first time, maybe because of the drugs wearing off, maybe because Sian had unintentionally brought it to her attention, Rhia could feel the agony rolling toward her head in greasy waves. Her leg was injured, and healing…slowly.

  “No, you didn’t hurt Tessa, but you fought and she was forced to hurt you to protect herself.”

  “Oh no.” Rhia collapsed onto her back, crying out in torment.


  David knew his family was behind him somewhere, but how long until they got here? He had to find Jewel. Who knew what they’d done to her while she’d been a prisoner in this damn hospital?

  He was still questioning his decision to go down the stairs. Stairs that seemed to go on forever only to end at a cement basement level showing a huge expanse of open space on the other side of the open door. He stopped to listen, but there was nothing, just an echo of his footsteps. Surely there had to be someone here.

  As far as he could see, the damn place was empty. Still, that was much better than being full of assholes. It made no sense that this massive space existed. And as he was lost in all this vast emptiness, Jewel was tucked away somewhere else. Why had he come down here again? Feeling like he’d wasted precious time, he headed back toward the staircase. He should have gone up. Jewel was above him somewhere.

  He had to find her.

  He stopped and turned to retrace his steps. And heard a voice. He spun around, looking to take cover. He was no longer alone.


  Jared stood in the middle of his bedroom and couldn’t decide what to do. He hadn’t eaten yet. He’d come straight to his room, had a shower, and now he dithered, uncertain of his next move.

  He didn’t want to be here. It wasn’t his room, but it was familiar. He needed food, a place to sleep. He’d spent some time here. Knew some of these kids. But after the last few crazy days, he felt he no longer knew anything. His aunt and uncle were both dead. He tried to feel sorry for them but couldn’t. Not after all they’d done to his father.

  But they’d been murdered. If it had only been one of them killed, then he’d have been able to toss it off as a random act. A burglary gone wrong. But to have targeted both, well…his mind couldn’t help but lock onto the fact that they’d both had regular dealings with the blood farm coalition and maybe with all the craziness there, the men behind that nightmare were cleaning up.

  Or the middlemen were cutting ties to save their asses.

  Or just as likely the humans busy selling their own people were trying to get the hell free of their own web of deceit.

  Either way, he hoped the investigation uncovered a shit ton more people involved. The only way to clean this up was to purge the whole lot from society. He didn’t know how far the disease had spread, but they needed to stop it before it spread any further. He hoped that none of his friends and their families were involved but as he stared out the window of his bedroom, he figured that the chances were good that some of them were. This was a relatively small community.

  He hoped Tessa was all right.

  Of course she was likely out doing something constructive. Something proactive to stop this nightmare. He was stuck here.

  “Hey, Jared.”

  He turned to see a new kid he didn’t recognize at his door. “Yeah, what’s up?”

  “The manager wants to speak with you. He said go down and grab some dinner then meet him in his office right after.”

  His stomach sinking at the thought, Jared kept his face schooled with disinterest and nodded. “Thanks. Will do.”

  The kid took off.

  And Jared headed down. He might not want to eat, but if he had to take off again tonight, he needed his strength. That meant food.

  Then he’d deal with the manager.


  Serus slipped behind the wall. His leg still ached from that crazy ass landing. He thought for sure he’d have ended up at the bottom of the stairwell with both legs broken once he realized how deep the stairs went. He’d lived for centuries – how had he not known about this place? Not that he was in this area all that often. Why would he be? It was a hospital – like he needed that. His body was damn good at doing what it was supposed to do – heal itself.

  Besides, who’d have thought this vast dungeon existed below?

  Somewhere a hundred years back, there’d been an outcry about needing medical facilities. He couldn’t remember the arguments for and against. He’d thought it had been a complete waste, but whatever, if the Council wanted to emulate the humans, so what? He knew Rhia had held the same belief. After Tessa was born, not quite normal but not quite abnormal, Rhia had consulted a few of the older vampires instead of the doctors. Deanna, the oldest of them all, had been one of them. She’d retreated from society soon after.

  And always in the background, the hospital had functioned, but more as a developmental place. Or so they thought.

  He frowned thinking about that. Developmental? As in researching developments in the vampire genetics? He had to see this for what it was. Likely what it had always been. Was this the original headquarters for the blood farm? Could it be?

  It galled him to think that this could have been – no, he had to be honest – had been operating under his nose. Because he hadn’t wanted to see, he hadn’t seen. And now look.

  His beloved Rhia was under the influence of drugs. She’d helped ship his oldest son somewhere ‘safe’ where he couldn’t be found, and he was searching this damn mausoleum for his other son. When would this ever end? He should be tucked up in bed, his wife at his side, with all his kids safe and sound.

  It was well past time for this shit to be over.

  Chapter 2

  Tessa slipped into the room, close behind Cody. They skulked in as far as they could away from the footsteps to try and come around from behind and catch the person by surprise.

  Where did they go? she asked.

  No idea.

  They can’t have gone far.

  No. Or they haven’t gone anywhere – they are just waiting for us to show our hand.

  She froze. Oh no. That makes way too much sense.

  Shh. He peered around the doorway. I think I heard them.

  Them? Do you really think it’s more than one person? Tessa thought about it then replied. Let me take a look. I should be able to tell if there is more than one person. Hopefully it would be her father and brother.
/>   Cody stepped back but stayed close, his warm breath sliding down her neck and under her shirt. And despite the worries, despite the circumstances, her missing brother, her father…she was so very grateful to be here with him. Well, maybe not here…but at least with him. They’d been through so much…and had come out so wonderfully well that she found it hard to regret this.

  She made a quick movement and peeked around the corner. Cody squeezed her shoulder in warning. She pulled back, her mind processing what she’d seen. She turned to stare into Cody’s questioning gaze. There are four sets of energy. Dad. David. And two others – I don’t know who.

  What? Really?

  At her nod and wide grin, he reached out and hugged her.

  She laughed silently and stepped back. The only thing, she said, I can’t tell if they were all together or if one is following the other. I need to take another look.

  We don’t know where they are, and that’s a problem.

  She nodded and studied the energy around the pair of them. She hadn’t seen any odd energy here. So the other two people had arrived from a different direction. Now what do we do?

  There’s really nothing else to do but follow. He stepped out behind the wall, Tessa’s hand in his.

  He turned left.

  Tessa tugged him to a halt. We need to go this way.

  He looked at her. She nodded to the right. He rolled his eyes and turned right. It’s a little irritating, you know?

  What? But she knew. She tried but couldn’t hold the giggle back. Her voice, light as a feather, whispered ‘Sorry’ into his mind.

  Cody squeezed her hand gently. Don’t be. It is part of the joy of being with you.

  You sure it doesn’t make you feel…I don’t know… maybe insecure?

  No. He shot her a disgusted look. My self–confidence is not affected by your abilities. I am not that shallow.

  That his voice had some gruffness to it made her glance over. Surely he wasn’t really put out by her, was he? She tried to keep her thoughts to herself, but he heard her.

  He stopped and turned to face her, a rueful look on his face. He snagged her chin and looked deep into her eyes. Never hold back that wonderful light inside you because you think it would upset me. I’m a bigger man than that. And even if I would have problem with it, I’d want to be that better man.

  Ah Lord, he was killing her with his goodness. She was proud to know him. Honored to be with him.

  No, you are something. He shook his head, something special shining in his gaze. You make me so much more when I am with you.

  She smiled. She reached up and kissed him, her lips brushing his with the lightest of touches. Good. Remember that when you get pissed off at me.

  Cody tried to deepen the kiss, but she pulled back with a smirk. So not the time. But hold that thought. Let’s go after Dad and David.

  Right. He turned her in the right direction. Lead off.


  “Where the hell are they?” Ian muttered to Motre. “Surely David and Serus’s group should be here by now?”

  “They most likely are.” Motre pulled his phone out and checked for any texts for what had to be the tenth time in the last ten minutes. “They said David was on his way up here, but look at where we are. We haven’t stopped moving. I’ve given David some rough directions, but it’s not like we have a map of this damn place or kept them in the loop of what level we were operating on.”

  Ian nodded, pulling out his cell phone from the pocket of his stolen pants. Map? That he might be able to help with. The phone buzzed in his hand. He read the text out loud. “Hey, this is Tessa. She and Serus have become separated in the basement.”

  Motre spun back to face him. “What? Did you say they got separated?” He smacked his hand on the side of his head. “Like what the hell. How do they always end up like that?”

  “Easy.” With a grin, Ian answered, “It seems to come naturally to them.”

  With a snort, Motre turned and approached the next door. “Come on, then. Let’s get on with it. Before we have to go and rescue the others.”

  “Ha,” Ian laughed. “I wouldn’t mind that happening for a change. Usually it’s the other way around and Tessa’s the one riding to the rescue.”

  “Too true.” With a shake of his head, Motre reached out to turn the knob on the door.


  Serus stopped in place. There was a sound off to his left. Damn it. He felt like he’d been playing hide and go seek with someone. A game. Not for the first time, he had to wonder if it wasn’t his son David. He pulled out his cell phone and sent him a text.

  I’m hiding in the basement of the hospital, looking for you. Are you okay?

  He stayed in place waiting for an answer, an ear straining to locate the other person. He shifted positions, waiting for his phone to light up. Waiting for something. He heard a noise to his right. He caught his breath and closed his eyes, using all his energy to pick up the stealthy movement.

  His phone lit up. David. Then his heart plummeted at David’s message. I’m being stalked. I’m almost at the stairs again.

  Serus spun around. The stairs were on the right.

  He grinned.

  And stepped out into the open.


  There was a startled silence, then a hard gasp. “Dad?”

  And David stepped out of the shadows.

  Serus grinned, stepping forward to slap David on the shoulder. “Glad to see you, son.”

  “You too. Where’s Tessa?”

  Serus snorted. “She’s supposed to be behind me. I took the fast way down, but I’m sure they are still coming. It’s a long way down.”

  “It is.” David frowned and looked around. “But honestly, it doesn’t take that long. She should be here.”

  “She’s with Cody. And yeah, it shouldn’t take that long.” And the fact they weren’t here was worrisome. But as he’d been walking forward all the time, it wasn’t likely that they’d have caught up to him yet.

  David had his cell phone out. “I’m texting her now.”

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The voice came from the shadows. “In fact, you need to hand that phone to me.”

  And out of the shadows came two old vamps all dressed in black – including black gloves. Serus instinctively shoved his own gloved hand into his pocket, reassured by the feel of the spike he’d refused to hand over at the Council Hall. There were too many assholes roaming around to give that up.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  “None of your business. You’re trespassing, and we don’t think much of strangers.”

  The second vamp stepped forward just as David’s finger hit send on the message.

  “Too late,” he said in a loud voice, pocketing his phone. “The message is gone.”

  “Good. We don’t have all that much to do lately. Now we can have a bit of sport with whoever you’re expecting to join you.”

  Serus’s insides cramped. God damn it. What the hell had just happened?


  Wendy curled up in the chair in the corner of the Council common room. She’d only been here a couple of times, but never alone. The place was huge, full of official vamps doing important things. There was an aura of secret doings, secret plans. Big things afoot. People rushed from room to room, and still others arrived in a panic. Throughout it all, she sat in the corner, out of the way, and watched.

  She understood that David had taken off after Jewel. That Tessa, her father, and Cody had left soon after. She’d wanted to go, but she was tired, scared, and not fully healed from the car accident. And she’d only hold them back. She hated that. She’d gone into the mine after Ian but now that damn hospital…it was freaking scary. Besides, as David had said to her when they were alone, she couldn’t go. She’d been seen, and the security staff would be on alert for her. She was better off staying and helping here.

  But how? She barely knew anyone. And had no idea how to make herself useful.

  Her eye caught sight of one woman walking toward her. Sian. Now that was a scary woman. Anyone who could walk with one foot in the human and vamp worlds was very good at that whole balancing act.

  She could teach Tessa a thing or two. She was also Rhia’s friend. Wendy stood up as Sian reached her. “Hi”

  Sian’s gaze was assessing and concerned. “Hi, Wendy. How are you holding up?”

  Wendy’s bottom lip wobbled. “I really wanted to go to the hospital to help rescue Ian, but…”

  Sian immediately shook her head. “Not until your head heals, and not likely even then. Not if the hospital staff saw you as a threat. They will have your face plastered all over the security screens.”

  Wendy winced. “Yeah, I figured.”

  “But there is something you can do for me, if you wouldn’t mind?”

  “Sure.” Wendy was happy to have something, anything to do to take her mind off what might be happening. She kept looking toward the front door, expecting Ian to walk in at any moment. That he hadn’t just scared her all the more.

  “Rhia shouldn’t be alone right now, but I have things to do. Could you sit with her?” Sian made a small motion with her hand. “She’s not likely to wake up, but I don’t want to leave her alone. Just in case.”

  “I’d be happy to watch over her.”

  “Good.” Sian led her to one of the private rooms in the back. Wendy tried to keep track of where they were going but quickly became lost. She opened a door on her right, and sure enough, Rhia was asleep in an odd daybed–looking thing. “If she wakes up, please come and find me.”

  Wendy jolted at that. “Umm, how? I got lost just coming here.”

  Sian laughed. “Do you have a cell phone?”

  “I check it constantly,” she confessed, pulling it out. “Just in case Ian contacts me. Stupid, since I know he doesn’t have his phone.”

  “I do understand. In situations like this, logic doesn’t matter.” Sian read off her own number slow enough for Wendy to add it to her contact list.

  “Good. Text me if she wakes up. I’ll be back in an hour or so.”

  And with that, Sian took off and left Wendy alone.



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