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Demigod Down

Page 7

by Kim Schubert

  Grams cleared her throat. “Let us finish our meals,” she heaved a sigh, “than we can get back to business.”

  Chapter 6

  Food and dessert was quickly polished off. I sat next to Grams drawing a long breath as Logan dragged Lorraine back into the room. Bitch.

  “The next issue for us to discuss is the wedding between Logan and Lorraine,” Grams said with a forced smile. “Let us begin.”

  Lorraine scoffed and it took all my will power to keep from reaching across the table and slamming her head into it.

  The pen in my hand however suffered a brutal fate as I rubbed the ink on the clean paper in front of me.

  “Let’s start with a budget,” Ali suggested behind me, passing me a wad of napkins.

  Arms crossed and glaring at Logan, the she-monster answered. “I shouldn’t have a budget. I’ve seen the packs finances.”

  “Pack finances are not available for personal use,” Darren said from the end of the table.

  “It’s a pack wedding,” Lorraine said, glaring daggers at him.

  Turning, I looked at Grams tapping her pen against her unblemished paper. Feeling my eyes on her, she shrugged as if to say “What the fuck?” At least that’s what she said in my head.

  “A wedding is a personal event. If it was a pack event, than the pack would be responsible for paying for every wedding that had ever occurred within the entire U.S,” I replied, foolishly thinking the problem was her understanding.

  “I am the future alpha’s mate!” Lorraine demanded. “I am owed an impressive wedding for marrying him.”

  My mouth was hanging open. I knew it was, but my brain couldn’t wrap around that last sentence and so I repeated it. “You think that because you are marrying Logan, who granted is a pain in the ass, that the packs, who work hard for their living, owe you a lavish wedding?”

  “Yes,” She hissed at me.

  Nodding, I leaned back in my chair, shocked.

  “He sure can pick ‘em,” Grant muttered behind us.

  Running a hand over my face, I groaned. “Logan, what’s the budget?” I asked, having a terrible feeling.

  “Thirty thousand,” he responded flatly.

  I almost commented about how stupidly expensive that was, but I kept my peace. It was not my business. Wait - I guess actually it was now. Fuck.

  “I have a terrible idea. How about I am your wedding planner?” I finished, muttering under my breath, “Because obviously I don’t have enough to do or enough aggravation.”

  Ali coughed, covering up a laugh.

  “Are all parties in agreement to that decision?” Grams asked, looking pointedly at Lorraine.

  Logan crossed his thick arms over his chest, watching his fiancé with a raised eyebrow. Lorraine opened her mouth and I was certain it was to contest my idea, when another idea crossed her face and she smiled instead. “Of course.”

  I was so in trouble.

  “Wonderful,” Grams said, moving on, “Now for the final item of the border issue.”

  I sighed, leaning back, questioning my sanity.

  Jeff and Kent cleared their throats. “That would be us.”

  I rubbed my temples, so painfully over this arbitration and looking forward to going back to life as usual when I could just kill my problems away.

  “What appears to be the problem?” Grams said, still sporting a brilliant smile.

  Silence greeted her question and I groaned.

  “What did you do now Logan?” I asked, bashing my forehead against the table. How many more times do I have to clean up after him?

  “Ask Darren,” He said, spitting poison. “I wasn’t involved in this decision.”

  “Whoa, did Lorraine teach you that?” I asked, shocked at the hostility and anger coming from him.

  Logan adjusted his seat, red creeping up his neck.

  “We went to the pack looking for clarification on our borders, not because we are angry dogs pissing on each other’s trees, but because we have a bald eagle rescue group coming in and we need to figure out whose land is whose so we can keep an eye on them,” Kent explained, sharing a look with Jeff. In typical shifter fashion, they were both built like line backers with tanned golden skin. Kent had a mop of unruly curly dark blond hair, while Jeff had dark brown hair cut close to his scalp.

  “Simple enough,” I answered with a sigh.

  “Per pack protocol, I informed them they were to fight to the death to claim the others property,” Lorraine said, sitting up adding her two cents.

  I made a choking noise as I pointed at her. “So just to clarify, you have issues with us eliminating an unbalanced shifter, but you wanted to send two packs into war over bald eagle mating grounds?” I asked, my voice pitching up in disbelief.

  “You have got to stop engaging her,” Grams whispered to me.

  “Please continue Kent, Jeff,” Grams continued, smiling kindly.

  Jeff leaned forward. He said, “Neither of us wanted a war, so we called Darren.”

  “We discussed where their clans are living, roaming and divided up the land in question so that both parties would bear the responsibility of the eagles.” Darren answered succinctly.

  Tapping my fingers against the table, I waited for them to continue. “Sounds like a far better plan than war,” I said blandly.

  “I didn’t agree to it.” Logan stated. “Darren is not able to make those decisions under clan law.”

  “There has been some confusion regarding pack leadership since the incident with Steven,” Kass supplied. Steven, also known as the puppet master had a high ranking position within the Shifter Nation before he decided to begin eliminating humans.

  “Not my problem,” I answered quickly.

  “Unfortunately it is,” Grams said softly. “What we rule here will be seen as our support of leadership.”

  I groaned, rubbing my temples. “Fucking hell.”

  “But I have a solution,” Kass said softly.

  “Yes?” I said quickly. Anything to get done with this shit.

  “The clans have been asking if Olivia would hold an honoree place next to Logan,” Kass finished.

  You have got to be fucking kidding me.

  “We would have to talk about that.” Grams replied quickly, looking intently at me and warning me into silence. “In the interim, we find Darren’s solution agreeable if all parties involved do, but we do ask that the clans have an exhibition of skill, so that Logan’s need for the packs physical prowess is also addressed. “

  Grams was good. Her ability to not put us in the middle of the decision of who should rule, while assuaging both parties and helping Logan not look like a total ass was impressive. I was certain I couldn’t have done it.

  Kent and Jeff nodded. “Lovely, that will conclude our day,” Grams said, eager to get out of there.

  I sat there, shell-shocked and looking at Logan, Kass, and Grams. Me hold a place at the head of the USA shifters? Were they out of their fucking minds? Did they not see my track record of dead bodies? Why would anyone want me leading their organization?

  Rubbing my temples, I hoisted myself out of the chair and followed the rest as they left the conference room.

  Kass was waiting for me just outside the doors.

  I groaned at her, crossing my arms over my chest. She looked properly ashamed of springing that on me in front of them.

  “Darren asked me to,” she said softly before falling in step beside me.

  “I don’t want to rule the Shifters,” I sighed. “I have enough of my own problems.”

  Kass was silent before adding, “True, but don’t you handle many of the shifter’s own issues?”

  “I handle many contracts with many different supernaturals to keep us safe and eliminate threats. That is my job and what pays the bills. Sitting next to Logan doesn’t offer a pay check, only a headache,” I said headed towards the parking lot. “Grams is right we have to talk about this. We have to figure this out as a unit.” I turned to look at her

  She nodded as Darren and Logan caught up with us.

  “Are you both available to do a tasting tomorrow?” Darren asked Logan and I.

  “Yes,” I answered, “just let me know when and where.”

  Darren turned to Logan. “What she said.” Logan growled before going to catch up with Lorraine.

  I was about to jump in my car when I thought better of it and hugged Kass. “I’ll figure it out,” I said to her, “I just need time.”

  She nodded, almost about to cry. “Damn hormones! See you tomorrow,” she said, hustling away.


  I went back to Blake’s, having nowhere else to go and nothing better to do.

  “What’s for dinner, Alfie?” I called out, closing the door behind me, hearing noise in the kitchen.

  Blake stuck his head in the hallway. “You and Alfie get close since I’ve been gone?” he asked teasing.

  I ran to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I have missed you,” I whispered into his neck.

  He nuzzled me gently, “I know.” Pulling back, he looked at me, “I also know about the biker gang.”

  I shrugged, kissing him and asked, “What biker gang?”

  He laughed, shaking his head as I sat at the kitchen island watching him make dinner. “Mal told me you stopped by,” he said seriously.

  “Yeah, I thought their wallets and cell phones would give a lead on who had hired them.” I shrugged. “Did it?”

  He turned to me and his smile warmed my heart. “Yes, that is the only reason I was able to get off the next two nights.”

  “I should take out biker gangs more often.” I watched him cooking not worried for the first time since I had been back.

  Shaking his head, he grinned at me, his blue eyes dancing.

  We spent that night and into the hours of the morning slowly relearning each other’s bodies and it was delectable torture. Sometime after the sun rose, we were sated and slept.


  The nightmare didn't wake me, replaying my memories from days I wish I could forget, but it was Blake’s gentle pressure on my shoulder, calling out to me that did.

  Jerking upright, I swiftly came into full consciousness, rapidly blinking away the sterling surgery room of my nightmares as my breathing wracked in my chest.

  Gently he touched my shoulder as I jumped again, turning to see his concern. He pulled his hand back waiting and watching me closely. “Hey,” he whispered.

  Stuffing down a scream, I nodded, holding my head.

  “Another nightmare?” he asked softly, reaching out to touch my back again.

  I nodded, fighting back tears and not trusting my voice.

  “Do you want to tell me about this one?” he asked gently.

  I never realized the impact that my nightmares would have on him. I could find plenty of faults with myself and not once had his inability to sleep due to my own memories cross my mind.

  Turning towards him and his cobalt gaze, I let my shoulders soften in the darkness of his room. He had asked me this before and I always refused him. While I was comfortable with the intimacy between our bodies, I was uncertain about my ability to confide in him. Did I trust him with the damaged parts of my psyche?

  He had never judged me, not for my quick temper nor my volatile mood swings.

  Sucking down a breath, I forced the terror back along with that nagging voice screaming that I couldn't trust anyone. I was destined to walk this world alone with the pieces of my soul still trained by Selena’s wrath. I didn’t want to be that person anymore, I wanted to be more. I wanted companionship.

  “I can't have children,” I whispered softly.

  He raised a well-formed brow. “Neither can I,” he responded, knowing there was more.

  “I- I” I said, my voice faltering. “I had the ability once.” Where do I begin?

  “Do you know anything of my past before the council?” he shook his head, watching me closely and giving me time to show him my fears.

  “Have you heard of Selena the vampire?” I asked, turning to watch him.

  He nodded, worry clouding his gaze.

  “Some say she was a legend, others a monster.”

  “She was.” I wiped away my tear.

  “But I owe her life. She always liked succubus as pets.” I blew out a shaky breath. “So when she came into enough money and power, she began experimenting to create a pure blood line for her pleasure. What she didn't plan on was our ability to fight and kill. In us, she found the perfect solider.”

  Blake’s hand stopped moving reassuringly and rested on my back instead, as he waited for me to continue.

  “I was 14 when I was pregnant.” I whispered “By my Lord Master, he was my handler.” I explained, unable to look at Blake as I pulled another breath.

  “That’s too young to have a child,” Blake said softly.

  “It wasn’t my choice.” I choked out, shaking my head pulling myself back to what I needed to say.

  “Selena saw it, she knew I would die to protect the life inside of me, even if it was forced upon me.” I didn’t brush the tears away as the plopped softly into the sheets wrapped around me. “She took my child and my ability to ever have children again.” I finished. I could see the sterile room as if it was yesterday and feel every cut and stitch again as they tore my child from my body.

  “That is why you save the all the children,” he whispered, hugging me into his chest.

  I nodded, unable to use my voice as sobs began wracking my body. I held my breath trying to push it back down. “It’s okay baby. Let it out,” Blake coaxed me, stoking my back.

  I felt something crack inside of me and a wash of painful emotions burst forth from my chest and trickled down my face.

  “I got you baby, I got you.” Blake soothed me.


  My phone had been beeping at me for awhile when Blake rolled over me to answer it.

  “Hello?” he said gruffly.

  I faked sleep, not ready to get out of bed yet.

  “A tasting in 20 minutes?” he asked as I cracked an eye. Crap! I had forgotten about that.

  “She isn’t at the manor. She’s at my place,” he said, beginning to get irritated.

  “Fine,” he finished, hanging up.

  “Logan is picking you up in 20 minutes,” he grunted, throwing the covers off.

  “Wonderful,” I muttered, throwing clothes on.


  Logan was early and I made him wait as I brushed my teeth. Besides Alfie was downstairs and I was certain he was having fun poking the lion. Or maybe that was a pastime only I enjoyed?

  Blake had left earlier, claiming he needed to run errands, but we had scheduled a date for later tonight that made my heart sing. Well, pending I had a heart, that was still open to debate.

  Pounding down the stairs, I grabbed the toast Alfie handed me and pushed Logan out the door. “Hurry up, we are late.” I told him, getting into the passenger seat.

  “I’m aware. Why are you eating? We are going to a tasting,” He commented, annoyed.

  “Because I am a sex goddess who needs her calories,” I informed him, enjoying his shocked expression. “Now drive.”

  That shut him up, but not for long.

  “Have you given any thought to the proposal of the packs?” he asked, hands gripping the steering wheel unnecessarily tight.

  “Nope.” Yes, Blake and I had discussed it in length, but I wasn’t sharing that with him until I had talked it over with Grams as well.

  He grunted a reply.

  “Have you heard anything more on Oklahoma?” I asked, still curious how they managed to amass so many bodies without raising any flags.

  He sighed and said, “I talked with Dean this morning, he is going to check his local law enforcement contacts once they get settled.”

  “How is Jay?” I asked softly.

  “Doing as well as can be expected,” Logan answered sadly.

  I nodded, turning to stare out th
e window, saddened by the pain that Jay was feeling, even if I couldn’t relate.


  The tasting went well. We were seated in a formal dining room where the servers smiled as they delivered sample meals to us, careful to keep our wine or water glasses full.

  “I really like the lasagna,” Kass said, eating another bite.

  “The bread is amazing,” I added, shoving another piece in my face.

  “Save some for the rest of us,” Logan reprimanded as I kicked him under the table. “I think I got bit by something.”

  Kass rolled her eyes as Darren slung an arm over her chair.

  “Your favorite meal is next,” he teased.

  “Are you calling me fat?” Kass asked, tears brimming in her eyes.

  “Shit, no baby, not at all,” he said, stroking her back.

  “Kass, you are still hot as shit,” I told her, squeezing her arm.

  She nodded as the servers delivered cheese cake slices, brownies, and several other desserts I couldn’t name.

  “Wow!” I said, clearly impressed as we dug in.

  Finished with the meal and with Kass toting a massive amount of paperwork, we walked outside into the full darkness. My stomach was blissfully full.

  “Based on dessert alone, I like them and I eat a lot of dessert,” I told Kass smiling.

  “You don’t think going with the first one is too soon?” She asked, opening her passenger car door.

  “Not if you like them,” I answered as she nodded, engrossed in scanning the contract and other paperwork.

  Reaching over, I hugged her goodbye, “Let me know if there are others.” I said smiling.

  She nodded before slipping into the car.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked Darren and Logan who had their eyes glued to the dark alley behind us.

  “Shifters,” Logan growled lowly.

  “Trouble,” Darren said, closing the car door and locking it.

  Kass tried to open her door but I shut it with a hip leaning against it in warning. She wasn’t dumb and picked up on my unspoken command.

  Slowly they emerged from the shadows with their clothing stretching at the seams as their inner beasts pushed to the surface ready and eager to fight.


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