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Demigod Down

Page 13

by Kim Schubert

  I was tempted for a moment to call him, laying the guilt on thick, but that wasn’t who I wanted to be. He needed to find me after what happened.

  And if he didn’t? Sorrow filled my chest at that thought. If he didn’t, that was more of an answer than anything he could say.


  The green clock of the SUV informed me I was late by ten minutes, I couldn’t bring myself to care as I lumbered out of the vehicle taking in the small cabin nestled in the woods.

  Pulling my jacket over the blades at the small of my back I ignored the urge to double check the throwing knives hidden in my boots, stalking up to the cabin.

  Gabrielle’s voice called out as I raised my fist to pound on the door, “Enter,” he commanded and I did throwing the door wide, shock filtered down my spine as my mouth opened and closed no sound coming out.

  “Don’t be rude, Olivia. Come in and close the door.” Gabrielle chided.

  I did as he instructed, my blood having gone cold in my veins.

  Tommy sat at the plain wooden table staring down at his hands unable or unwilling to look at me as his fear coated my senses. My fists clenched until my short nails dug into my palms. Death was too good an ending for Gabrielle.

  “I must say I am curious to find out if succubus blood is as tasty as incubus blood,” Gabrielle said, toying with me from the shadows cast by the few flickering candles in the one room cabin.

  “You bit him?” I asked horrified.

  “You were late,” Gabrielle taunted me still not moving into the light.

  I hadn’t moved since entering the door. “Tommy,” I stated softly, “are you okay?” I asked.

  He nodded, looking up at me with tears in his dark brown eyes. I had taken him from a hell like this and promised him no one would ever harm him again. I was such a fucking liar. My own petty disagreements were drawing him into this mess. Nothing was worth Tommy’s life, not even Blake’s.

  “You done ditching school?” I asked him.

  He nodded adamantly, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly.

  I nodded smiling, so happy to see that, “At least until you are big enough to kill the vampires who kidnap you,” I amended.

  “I only got a few more years before I am going after your job,” he teased me softly, a tear slipping down his dark cheek.

  “That’s my boy,” I said, pride filling my chest at his strength.

  Gabrielle laughed, the sound echoing from the rafters. “Jest all you like neither of you will be leaving this cabin alive!” he yelled, dropping down from the ceiling.

  I was slightly disappointed when he dropped on top of me from the rafters and onto the blade I had pulled from my back. His face contorted in shock as he quickly launched away from me, blood seeping out the knife sticking from his chest.

  I heaved myself up, brushing the dust off my back disappointed at how easy this was. I wasn’t sure if it was being female or being an succubus that had others constantly underestimating me, but the result was always the same, their death. I slid a throwing knife in my hand watching Gabrielle’s shocked expression with dark glee, enjoying the blood seeping from the wound.

  “You bitch!” he screamed at me horrified at the reminder of his own morality. “What have you done?”

  “What I came here for,” I answered him calmly, launching my throwing knife into his second heart while he stared down in shock at my first blade protruding from his chest. This fight was pathetic. Gabrielle had far underestimated my abilities and it was over, leaving me annoyed and itchy to kill again.

  He tried to scream as his body combusted into ash, but he was too late. Covering my eyes I batted away the thick particles.

  I felt Tommy’s arms wrap around my waist and I held on to him tightly as I threw the door open, sucking in clean air.

  “I’m so sorry,” he whispered crying in earnest now. “I thought you and Grams were overreacting with all your security and rules.”

  I sighed sadly. “I wish we were kiddo.” Rubbing his back, I let him cry it out until he pulled away, drying his eyes with his sleeve. The sight of the two red fang wounds had me seeing red and I almost wished I had made Gabrielle suffer longer.

  “I need to get my knives,” I said before turning back into the cabin. The pile of ash moved as I pulled my blades out stowing them and I wished I could take his head back on a spike to display in the Centennial House as a warning to any others who would dare come after me and mine.

  I thought about setting the place on fire, but I didn’t see the use. Gabrielle was dead and Tommy was safe. That was all that mattered.

  I wasn’t expecting to see Blake drive up.

  He slowed exiting his vehicle, his eyes tracking over me before moving to Tommy. His jaw tightened in displeasure at Tommy’s presence. At least, I hoped that was the reason.

  “Did you kill him?” He asked as I led Tommy to the SUV opening the back pulling out my trusty baby wipes.

  “Yes,” I answered tiredly as I handed Tommy a few before taking one for myself.

  He was silent as he came to stand next to us. He could still feel all my emotions and right now they were cold and hurt.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered softly.

  I shrugged, unable to find the words to communicate my disappointment in him.

  Tommy looked between us before going to sit in the passenger’s seat. I turned, closing the doors giving us a small amount of privacy.

  “Will you come back to my place so we can talk?” he asked reaching out to touch my arm gently.

  “What is there to talk about?” I asked him, turning around leaning against the bumper, letting his hand move off my arm.

  He ran a hand through his dark locks, “I fucked up, Olivia,” he said meeting my gaze with sincerity.

  I shrugged, my heart still not thawing.

  Then he got down on his knees, taking my hand in his. “I am an idiot who doesn’t deserve you and the fact that you will save my ass at any and all costs. I am begging you to forgive me for being such an idiot to put you and Tommy in danger.”

  A smile tugged at my lips, my heart warming. Feeling the change, he smiled brilliantly at me and said, “Please come back.” He stood up and embraced me.

  I inhaled the scent of leather and cold folding into his arms as though I had always belonged here, the tension in my head easing as he tightened his grip on me. “I am so fucking sorry,” he whispered into my ear.

  “I have to take Tommy to the manor,” I whispered back.

  He nodded, pulling back putting me at arm’s length. “When you can,” he said before kissing me. I was wrapped in his strength once again.


  The first thing I did once we got into cell phone range was call Grams.

  “Everything went according to plan?” she stated tiredly.

  “Not exactly,” I said, casting a look at Tommy. “He kidnapped Tommy.”

  I heard the exact moment she shoved up from her chair, papers flying. “HE DID WHAT?”

  “I’m okay,” Tommy said, shifting in his seat nervously.

  “How the fuck did this happen?” she yelled, the sound of her palms slamming her desk loud over the phone.

  Tommy blew out a breath. “He got me when I ditched class,” he admitted, hanging his head.

  Grams stopped speaking. There were only noises of frustration and outrage across the speakers.

  “He’s not going to ditch anymore.” I offered. “Gabrielle is dead.”

  “He fucking better be!” Grams yelled again. “Bring him home I will deal with you both then.” She ended the call.

  “Nice. You got me in trouble too,” I said, gently to him.

  He shrugged, looking out the window into the night.

  I took the long way back to the manor to give Grams time to cool down and Tommy time to regain control of his emotions. He was leaking something terrible.

  Eventually he drifted off to sleep, huddled against the door. We made to the manor shortly after, putting t
he SUV into park I sat there staring at him for long moments. My heart just hurt. I hated myself for getting him involved in a situation that I had thrust myself foolishly into. Leaning my head against the steering wheel I sighed deeply, self-loathing a familiar friend.

  I had to do better for them. How had Gabrielle even found out about Tommy? I wondered. I had to stay away from them, even if it broke my heart. It would keep them safe and that was the only thing that mattered.

  Lifting my head from the steering wheel, I saw Grams outlined in the doorway in her thick white robe, arms crossed over her chest and I sighed getting out of the vehicle.

  Moving around to the passenger side, I slipped off Tommy’s seat belt without waking him hauling him into my arms. Grams remained silent, her gaze dripping with anger. Bypassing her, I made the trek up the stairs depositing Tommy into his bedroom.

  She was waiting for me when I closed his door. I sighed, certain nothing she could say would be worse than the hell I was putting myself through at putting him in danger.

  She only had one question. “How did he know about him?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know, but I need to stay away from now on.”

  Shock registered in her eyes before understanding dawning on her, the anger seeping from her shoulders as we walked back downstairs.

  “Olie, you love being here.”

  “I do, but I won’t put any of them in danger.” I turned to face her at the oversized cream doors.

  Grams was rendered speechless at that, turning to look back up the stairs. I reached out to squeeze her upper arm in understanding. “It’s better they don’t get too attached me.” I said giving her a small smile before leaving. I have an expiration date and a volatile temperament, they didn’t need either.

  My heart broke, hearing the door shut and lock behind me, tears filling my eyes. I let them leak down my cheeks. I loved the kids. I loved being around them. They were my break from killing and hunting that I enjoyed immensely.

  Exhaling a shaky breath, I pulled my shit together as I left for Blake’s.

  I didn’t remember much of the drive as I pulled into his driveway, feeling drained and cold inside. Turning to look up at the light shining behind the curtains, I wondered if he could feel this and if he did what he thought.

  I threw the door open, exiting the vehicle. I needed some questions answered. Clearing the steps quickly, I hesitated before I knocked. It no longer felt right just walking in or using my key.

  Blake answered, a pair of pajama pants slung low on his hips. I tried not to notice the deep muscular groves on each hip that disappeared into the soft blue cotton.

  “Did you lose your key?” he asked, moving back to let me in.

  “No,” I answered turning to him as he shut the door. “I need to know how Gabrielle knew about Tommy.” I dreaded the answer.

  He sighed, moving deeper into the opulent den. “Will you sit?” he asked gently.

  I did, my sea green eyes not leaving his brilliant blue orbs as I sat on the edge of the sofa waiting for what I was certain would crush my heart.

  “I told him,” Blake whispered softly, clutching his hands together sitting on the coffee table.

  Closing my eyes, I bowed my head. “I told him as a friend when I was telling him about you.” He moved off the coffee table hands braced on either side of my face. “Please believe me I had no idea he would take him. I had no idea any of what happened would.” He whispered, leaning his forehead against my own.

  “What exactly happened?” I asked, using all my self-control to keep my voice level.

  Blake pulled back, sitting back down taking my cold hands in his own. “I thought he was a friend, an ally in my attempt to –“ He hesitated.

  “Fix your family problems?” I asked softly.

  He smiled, grateful for my understanding. “Yes, he asked me about you and manor. I thought he was just curious about us.” He shook his head. “I was wrong. While you were gone he and Angelina made me an offer.” He blew out a breath releasing my hands, unable to look at me.

  “The offer was to mate Angelina, to bring unity between the European and American vampire houses,” Blake stated.

  “In exchange - they would fix your family problems?” I clarified.

  He nodded and sighed. “Clever fuckers.” I groaned leaning back, tipping my head up.

  Blake was silent.

  “I can’t believe Tate did fucking nothing.” I hissed, my anger at him renewing.

  Blake moved to sit next to me, wrapping a strong naked arm around my shoulders. Perhaps too easily, I fell into his embrace.

  “He risked losing control of the House if he interfered, hence why he called you,” Blake stated. “Not that I needed any help.”

  I smiled looking up at him, “Tate didn’t call me.”

  “He didn’t?”

  “No, some woman did.”

  “I’m sure Tate had her call.”

  “It doesn’t matter, the important thing is you are okay, I am okay, and Tommy is alive.” I felt guilty about Tommy getting him mixed up in this.

  “I won’t make that mistake again,” he whispered softly, pressing a kiss against my check.

  I smiled, not looking at him. “I know,” I answered before I turned finding his lips temptingly close. He leaned forward clearing the distance his lips soft and gentle as they caressed my own.

  “Thank you for telling me the truth,” I whispered into lips.

  He pulled back, searching my eyes, “I never meant to put Tommy or you in danger,” he said earnestly.

  “I know,” I said softly, leaning forward to kiss him again.

  He groaned into my mouth as my tongue swept over his delicately before pulling back. Blake growled, sliding his hands under my hips before throwing me back down onto the couch on my back.

  I yipped from surprise as my legs wrapping around his naked torso. He made quick work of our clothing until he was pressed between my legs again without any hindrances. Greedily he kissed me, demanding and nipping at the tender pink flesh.

  Running my hands over his chest, I reveled in the firmness of his well-defined body before reaching around to squeeze his ass. He growled and propped himself up on one hand as the other descended between my legs.

  Shifting my hips, I made more room for him as he slowly teased my clit causing me to cry out. “Again.” He whispered, repeating the motion with more force, I bit down on my bottom lip a smile threatening. Pulling back, he tilted his head, accepting my challenge before sliding two fingers into my heated body with force.

  My body bucked, but not a sound left my hips as I smile grew. Blake leaned next to my ear, his fingers painfully slowly hitting every sensitive spot inside of me. “You are going to regret this,” he threatened.

  “Make me,” I whispered.

  He replaced his fingers with his throbbing cock in record speed, arms on either side of my head as he rotated those glorious hips. Digging my nails in his ass, I arched my back enjoying every small movement he made.

  Growling his frustration, Blake picked me up easily before placing me back down on the hard coffee table. The cold material against my skin had me shrinking away, but he kept me down, my legs dangling off the side as he began his assault on my body anew, holding my hips to keep my body from moving away from his powerful thrusts.

  Pleasure was building inside of me, as every skillful stroke he pushed me closer. My eyes closed and my back arched as I wrapped my ankles around his lower back pulling him closer.

  My climax was imminent and a small whimper escaped my lips. “Finally,” Blake said, smiling as he picked up his impossible speed.

  I thrashed against him, as the pressure built into pleasure feeling his teeth at my neck, I tilted my head to give him more room. A shiver of anticipation at his bite causing me to whimper.

  He bit down hard, contracting my stomach muscles as I held onto him my world shattering apart as I screamed. I felt his own release as he grunted pulling in my powerful bl
ood causing tingles down to my toes at each suck.

  Shifting my shoulders I looked up at him as he pulled back, stroking his face gently while the words I had spoken to Grant replaying in my mind. I cared about him enough to unpack his ‘family problems.’ Hell - the fact I could forgive him after Tommy was taken - solidified that I either loved him or had gone completely mental.

  Feeling my raw emotions, surprise flashed across Blake’s face before he smiled widely, revealing his fangs.

  Kissing me gently, he whispered, “I love you too.”

  Chapter 11

  My phone was ringing as I pawed around on the dresser, my eyes not cooperating until I finally smacked it into silence.

  The ring tone began its annoying music again. That is the last time I let Tommy program my ring tones I told myself as I answered the phone dropping it into the pillow before getting it to my ear.

  “What?” I growled.

  “Get up and get downstairs NOW!” Grams ordered me.

  I groaned. “What happened?” I asked throwing myself out of bed, stumbling around for my duffle bag I had brought into Blake’s room after our make up sex.

  “That fucking bitch Lorraine scheduled the arbitration meeting without checking with us first. Thank all the Gods that Kass found out,” Grams stated, more irritated than I could remember.

  “I should kill her.” I huffed, throwing jeans and a white shirt on under my leather jacket.

  “I’ll be down in 2.” I told her, hanging up turning to Blake who was awake watching me.

  “I gotta go, Lorraine, shifters, bullshit.” I said to his sleepy nod.

  Heading out, I was pulling on my boot in the hallway when he called out, “I love you.”

  Instant heat warmed my body waking me up more than a cold shower as I rushed back in leaping on top of him in bed. Unprepared for my affections, he huffed a breath out as I kissed him hurriedly and said, “I love you too.” Grinning like the fool I was. “See you tonight.” I promised, kissing him again before I ran down the stairs and out the door.

  Thank goodness Jerry was waiting.


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