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Demigod Down

Page 20

by Kim Schubert

  “Are you still drunk?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Probably,” he slurred point at me, “But you need to hear what I found out last night.”

  “All ears,” Logan muttered, clearly unimpressed.

  Jerry turned his red eye glare to Logan, his head lolling on his shoulders. He began, “The strip club is funneling humans, shifters, and vampires into whatever fucked up, brutal situations that you have been hunting down.”

  I pushed the plate of food over to him and he woofed down the delicious bagels that would help absorb the alcohol in his stomach.

  Thoughtfully, I chewed on my thumbnail. A strip club as a front for slavery, clever, but not unoriginal.

  “Oh, apparently someone put a wrench in their plans by killing their pet snakes,” Jerry said, turning to stare at me.

  I smiled, “I clearly should have returned those fanged bastards to their rightful owners. Do you know who is running things on the inside?”

  Jerry shook his head, shoveling more food in his mouth. “No, but I think bringing the police in and a stakeout are definitely in order.”

  I nodded, not looking forward to meeting up with the local police again, but they would know their territory better than me. Or at least they should.

  Chapter 16

  We left Jerry at the hotel as we piled into my SUV to drive over to the precinct.

  “I don’t suppose anyone here is actually going to be excited about seeing us again,” I muttered pulling into the parking lot and shutting down my vehicle.

  Logan growled in the passenger seat before replying, “Doubtful, but given their current situation they need us just as much as we need them.”

  I sighed, taking in the drab building before unbuckling my seat belt. I really wished I had time to wait for Tommy to check out their systems. Every person in here was a suspect that could possibly be giving information to the very people we needed to spy on.

  “Let’s go, we are going to be late for our meeting with the police chief,” Logan said, closing the door.

  I sighed, following him.


  The same sites greeted us at the front desk as the receptionist looked our group over warily. Logan pushed ahead, “We have an appointment with Hector Rodriguez.”

  Her eyes widened at Logan’s presence as she dialed.

  “It’ll just be a minute,” She stated nervously, peering up at the large man.

  Logan continued to stare at her. I sat down. If he wanted to play games this early, let him. Darren sat next to me as we both watched his brother stare holes into the receptionist.

  “Talked to Kass?” I asked, making conversation.

  “Every day,” he answered a smile on his lips.

  “Blake?” Darren asked.

  I shrugged, not sharing his smile, “He has family problems currently,” I answered with a sigh, rubbing the back of my neck.

  “Yeah, Kass mentioned something about that,” Darren stated quietly. “Also mentioned you killed a vampire and saved Tommy.”

  I shrugged and said, “All in a day’s work,” After I saved Blake’s ass, I thought to myself, feeling disgruntled.

  Hector Rodriguez pushed out of the swinging glass door with a file in his hands and asked, “Logan and Darren?” He looked at the brothers.

  Logan turned his glare from the receptionist to Hector. The older man was considerably short than Logan, but he kept the shifter’s gaze with his own. I took a moment to look at him, while the boys played their pissing games to take in the police chief. He was dressed in olive slacks and a long sleeve black button down shirt.

  Darren stood up to shake hands with Hector. He met each of the stronger, taller men with a firm confidence and fierce backbone. I had high hopes that he was going to help us as I stood up from my chair reaching my hand out smiling as I shook his. “Olivia,” I stated.

  “You are also part of the Shifter Nation?” he asked leading the way to his office.

  “Olivia is the head executioner of the Supernatural Council,” Logan stated, following Hector.

  Hector turned, giving me a quick once over as we followed him, his eyes darkening regarding me as a threat. Really? He didn’t have that reaction with the boys, oh right I forgot I am a demon. So much for liking the fucker.

  Hector’s office was decorated slightly better than rest of the precinct. Instead of dull gray paint on the walls, they were chestnut brown with dark blue accents. His desk was cluttered with files and reports, spread out open were the pictures of the snakes I had killed with O’Conner.

  I smiled, looking at my handy work upside down. “I should have posed with those overgrown reptiles,” I muttered.

  Hector looked at the file and then back at me before sitting down. He said, “You probably should have, the report is almost impossible to believe.”

  I shrugged taking one of the two seats available as Darren slid into the other one leaving Logan standing. “Honestly, cleanup has been so much easier now that I don’t have to hide, burn, or destroy everything I kill,” I informed him.

  Hector’s movement stopped, his eyes widening as he regarding me again. “How often do you kill things like this?’ he asked, indicating the file.

  I puffed, “At least three times a week, occasionally more, hardly ever less.”

  He nodded, watching me carefully. Logan pushed into my line of vision, propping his large frame on the arm of my chair and pushing his wide thigh and ass into my shoulder.

  “Anyways, we are here because we have a lead,” Logan said as I pushed around him, sending him a dirty glare, which he ignored.

  “A lead?” Hector asked, clearly having a difficult time following the rapid changes.

  “Yes, on the missing person’s cases that have disappeared from your database,” Darren said, watching Hector closely.

  Hector shifted in his chair, “We have our tech team looking into it.”

  “We know where they all went missing from,” I informed him, pushing around Logan. “The Last Lap.” That name was painful to get out, talk about poor marketing. If not for the half naked girl flashing in neon the whole concept would be lost.

  Hector looked at each of us as I gave Logan another useless shrug, “Where did this lead come from?”

  “We have our resources,” Logan stated vaguely.

  Hector leaned forward and asked, “So what can we do to help?”

  “We need to utilize one of your vehicles for undercover work and perhaps a few of your most trusted agents,” Darren stated, beginning to sound like Logan.

  Hector leaned back in his chair, his dark eyes tracking all of us, clearly not enjoying the barb at the mole in his police department.

  Heaving a sigh, he ran a hand over his face, “Fine. I’ll have a team for you tonight.”

  “We will be in touch,” Logan said adjusting his suit jacket as he stood walking out. Darren followed him with a nod.

  I stayed sitting as Hector watched me closely. “Whoever is eliminating information has now crossed into my territory,” I informed him as he looked down at the pictures of the snakes.

  “Meaning what you shoot first asks questions later?” Hector asked leaning forward.

  “No, I always make sure of guilt before I kill,” I answered, meeting his eyes before I stood up. He stood up with me watching me leave. Whoever had betrayed the missing people by hiding their disappearance was going to pay, hopefully at my hand.


  The drive back to the hotel was silent as we each mulled over our own thoughts.

  “What do you plan on doing to the mole?” Darren asked me from the front seat, having traded Logan for the backseat as I pulled into the hotel parking lot.

  “Death,” I answered easily.

  “But he could be human,” Darren pointed out.

  “Then he or she should have stayed away from the supernaturals,” I muttered putting the car into park.

  Jerry was still passed out when we got back and I still had time to kill before
I would hear anything from Tommy. Disgruntled I flopped on the freshly made hotel bed to kill time with TV.


  I was in the middle of watching some terrible day time drama with my weapons spread out on the comforter when my laptop began beeping at me. Using the now greasy hotel washcloth, I cleaned my hands before hitting answer.

  Tommy’s side profile illuminated the screen deep in thought. I waited until he turned to me.

  “Ready for this?” he asked, all business.

  “I hope so,” I answered, pulling the laptop closer.

  Tommy looked over the bedspread, before returning his gaze to me. “Expecting another fight?” he asked.

  I smiled. “I’m always ready for one,” I answered, “Now please tell me you have something. We are meeting a few of the trusted police officers tonight and I want to be sure I am not in a stuffed van with someone trying to kill me.”

  Tommy nodded, before pulling his attention back to the other monitor off screen, “Okay so do you want the long version or the short one?”

  “I pick the one I understand,” I told him with a smile.

  He laughed, “Okay you need to track down Lonnie Moore, not only does he have a sizeable bank account under a shell company, but his cell phone records have the same number calling him right before the missing persons case was deleted from the file. Not to mention the most glaring, and obvious mistake on his part, all the deleted cases were done from his computer. Novice.”

  “You are brilliant, Tommy!” I informed him happily watching him blush.

  “Hey does this mean I can get the new video game?” he asked hopefully.

  “Yes, it most certainly does,” I told him as someone knocked on my door.

  “Gotta go kid, stay out of trouble,” I told him, getting off the bed.

  “Be careful, Olie!” Tommy yelled at me before hanging up.

  “Always am,” I muttered, pulling open the door as Jerry walked with in Logan and Darren.

  “We heard your conversation,” Logan said, pulling a wide stance as I went to sit back on the bed to reassemble my guns.

  “Yep,” I answered, sliding my clips into my freshly cleaned guns.

  “Geez Olie, think you need any more weapons?” Darren asked, going to sit at the small table Jerry was already sitting on.

  I shrugged. “I have had my eye on a 1911 engraved pearl grip handle,” I informed him, sliding my machete into its leather case.

  “I don’t know what to say to that,” Darren said.

  I smiled. “Maybe for your birthday,” Jerry teased.

  I shrugged, my smile failing. “When is your birthday?” Jerry asked curious.

  I sighed before I looked up at him, dreading the next question. “I don’t know,” I answered.

  Jerry wanted to push the issue further, but Logan interrupted and for once I was grateful for the overgrown kitten.

  “Lonnie Moore has been assigned to us this evening, Hector just called,” Logan stated watching me closely.

  I smiled and said, “That is perfect,”

  “We asked for a trusted agent,” Darren said, frustrated.

  “I know and Hector delivered us the mole,” I stated, packing my weapons back into my bag.

  “You don’t seriously think he delivered the mole into the hands of the executioner with the intent of you eliminating him,” Jerry asked, watching me closely.

  “I do or at least I hope so,” I answered, still smiling.


  We parked at the back of the precinct per the instructions from Hector and he was waiting for us with another officer.

  Piling out of the car I watched Hector track our movements as we approached.

  The officer with him moved in front of our procession, “Looks like I am assigned to you, pretty lady,” He said, running his eyes over my body.

  I smirked, my eyes not leaving his own light brown ones. “You are Lonnie Moore?” I asked, taking in his slicked back black hair and hallow chest.

  “So you have heard of me,” He stated, pulling my hand up before trying to press a kiss to my knuckles.

  I jerked my hand away, disgust playing over my features, “Do not touch me,” I warned him.

  “Just trying to be friendly, darling,” Lonnie said, leaning closer to me.

  “You are certain you wish to send him with us?” Logan asked coming from behind me, regarding Hector closely.

  Hector nodded before asking, “Why?”

  I smiled, “Lonnie here is the one removing the missing person’s cases from your systems, not to mention the hidden account with his bribe money.”

  Hector turned to Lonnie’s pale face and asked, “Is that true?”

  Lonnie backed up away from us slowly. He said, “No, not true at all. They are liars, hell they aren’t even human.”

  “Valid,” Darren said from behind him, pushing him back forward. “But our information is solid.”

  Hector fidgeted, anger and uncertainty raging in his eyes. “Where is your proof?” he asked me finally.

  Lonnie’s shoulder relaxed slightly, I said, “Check his work station and his cell phone records. The time stamps on the phone calls will directly correlate with the deletions.”

  Hector nodded once and turned to Lonnie, “If you confess now, I can help you, but if you don’t I will turn you over to them if their information is true.”

  Lonnie’s eyes widened in fear and he cried, “You wouldn’t.”

  I couldn’t resist kicking out a little extra venom, resting my hand on my holster guns. Lonnie swallowed, his breathing increasing as he turned back to Hector.

  “I did it. Everything she said,” Lonnie whispered weakly.

  I sighed. “I had really hoped you wouldn’t do that,” I stated grumpily.

  Hector tossed Logan the keys not taking his eyes off of Lonnie, his upper lip lifting in a snarl, before stating, “Take the van, I’ll find someone else to accompany you,” before he escorted Lonnie inside.

  I sighed, setting down on the stairs waiting.

  I hate waiting.


  The van stunk, literally and after three days and nights of camping out with alternating shifts of Darren, Logan, and a police officer I had no use for. I was officially out of my small and limited patience.

  I needed to see what was going on inside of the decrepit building. Jerry had gained all the intel that he could and I had sent him back to St Ann to help Kass with the wedding since both Darren and I were here.

  Sitting out in the beat up white van doing a piss poor job at surveillance, I chewed on my finger nail in the passenger seat. A strip club was not a place I could go sit and drink, although that sounded heavenly, while waiting for clues to drop into my lap.

  Sighing, I scrubbed a hand over my face, how did I get in there, into the back and private rooms?

  Like a freight train, it hit me, jolting me upright and causing Darren to bump his head in the tight spot between the listening devices and hidden cameras in the back.

  “I’m getting a job,” I said proudly.

  “Uh, I think you already have one,” Darren commented, adjusting his seat.

  “No, I am getting a job in there at that nasty strip club.” I informed him, tapping the aging glass of the passenger door.

  With a raised eyebrow, Darren shrugged his mind working over the merit of the idea. “We do need an inside person.”

  “We do,” I agreed.

  “How do you plan on getting hired?” he asked, turning back to the screens.

  I smiled, “I need to go shopping.”


  It didn’t take long to find what I needed, although I hated to put the clothing on, I needed to portray myself as a sex symbol and not the death omen I preferred and not to mention the bad memories I’d prefer to keep burring in death.

  Pulling my mind back to the present, I strutted into the club, chomping on my gum and swaying my hips in the ridiculous jean shorts I had found along with the gold glitter tank top

  The waitress at the bar gave me a once over, “You looking for trouble, kid?” she asked me cleaning a glass.

  “Actually,” I answered leaning heavily against the bar so my ample bosom pushed up “I was hoping for a job.”

  She gave me another once over with a knowing smirk before jutting her chin in the direction of the office.

  “Thanks,” I replied too perky. This job may be the fucking death of me.

  The man in charge was an idiot, an overgrown and overpaid, small dick and compensating idiot. But I got the job. Woohoo.

  I started immediately.

  I wasn’t a stranger to dancing on a pole, half-dressed and pretending the praise of the drunken men throwing dollar bills at me was welcome. It took the majority of my considerable self-control not to kill them on sight. If I had thought the Boss, who had requested I call him that, had any additional information on where the missing human beings, vamps and shifters were being taken I would have much preferred to cut the truth out of his hide, but I doubted he had the intelligence to be a major player in such a well-organized ring.

  I finished my first shift and learned nothing as I headed back to the hotel. I stood in the shower, letting the miserable day wash away from my body.

  That’s when I heard Logan and Darren fighting.

  “What I don’t understand is why you insist on following me around, we are no longer children,” Logan yelled at Darren in the room next to mine.

  I stilled washing my hair and listened.

  “Because you almost got yourself killed you idiot!” Darren screamed back. “Do you actually think I enjoy following you around having to monitor your ability to make decisions?”

  “I don’t need anyone to monitor me!” Logan bellowed back. “You chose her over your own family!”

  “Your poor judgment has caused lunatics to have high ranking positions in our ranks, not to mention the support of peaceful clans going to war!” Darren informed him. “The only reason you haven’t been challenged is because of Olivia.”

  I didn’t want to get brought into their fight, leaning my head against the tile shower stall.


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