Transitions (A Thousand Words Book 1)

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Transitions (A Thousand Words Book 1) Page 8

by Brooks, Tori

  “Setting that aside, it sounds like you’ve got a good read on Dev. I suspected before that he needed you, but for other reasons,” Flynn said after a moment.

  “I help him talk to girls and fans when they crowd him.”

  “You’ve definitely had a positive influence on him,” Flynn agreed. “You’re taking it slow because he needs you to, I appreciate that. Although it sounds like things aren’t going well and he doesn’t even know it.”

  Lindsay studied her nails.

  “Keeping in mind I have only a reverse-psychology level of influence with him, what do you need me to do?” Flynn asked.

  Lindsay looked up at him, surprised. She didn’t expect that. “Nothing. I mean the friction between Kenny and Jess and me is a big stress for him, but that’s kind of out of your hands.”

  “I mediate from time to time. Bryan’s influence doesn’t seem to be enough.”

  “I kind of guessed that. Otherwise, you know he’s avoiding you, right?” Lindsay asked. She probably shouldn’t have brought it up, but they were being honest.

  Flynn laughed. “Yeah, I picked up on that. He’s got Sophie running interference to help him avoid being alone with me.”

  “Actually, that was my idea,” Lindsay admitted. “Sophie and I had a little talk –”

  “You didn’t tell her about –?”

  “No! She’s a kid. But she wants to see you and Dev make up. It’s kind of what she lives for. Dev was reaping some serious stress because he doesn’t want to hurt her, but he doesn’t want . . . he’s not ready to see a big enough picture to include a different view of you. I told Sophie the best thing for Dev right now, and therefore the both of you in the long run, is to give Dev the time and space he needs. You know, let the hostility die down. She knows I’m working on getting him in an actual relationship. Until Dev has that experience, there’s no chance he’ll be able to understand enough to forgive you.”

  “So she’s helping Dev avoid me now so he’ll forgive me a year from now?” Flynn asked.

  “For Sophie, that’s the idea and it makes sense. We’re playing the long-game. Except no real end-dates. Dev moves pretty slowly, so it’ll probably take more than a year.”

  Flynn hesitated and Lindsay held her breath. Finally he nodded. “All right. I’ll let Dev avoid me and Sophie can help, at least for now. It’ll be a sort of bonding for them. Kenny and Jess are worried about him though, and now Bryan is too. He’s not talking about what happened last night, but his behavior clearly shows something did. You need to resolve that. Let them know why he’s distracted. If your relationship with his friends is a source of stress for him, leaving them in the dark like this isn’t good.”

  “It’s not their business if Dev and I kiss.” Lindsay frowned.

  “No, it’s not. Although it would shut up Jess for a bit to have that resolved. They don’t see this as a real relationship. It’s too far removed from what they know.”

  “I’ll come by tomorrow for their practice,” Lindsay said slowly. “They’ll see me. I bet I can even get Dev to kiss me. Will that help?” It was her plan all along, assuming Dev was willing to play along. It would be even better if Flynn thought it was his idea.

  “It’s probably too much to hope for that you’ll make up with Kenny and Jess, isn’t it?” he asked.

  Lindsay grinned and shrugged her shoulders. “Jess, I’m sure. Kenny . . . I’m not completely sure why he hates me, other than supporting Jess.”

  Flynn nodded to acknowledge her point. “They’re tight. Give him time. Women are still a little beyond his understanding.”

  “Tell him to read a book on the subject. There are plenty out there,” Lindsay huffed and folded her arms.

  Flynn gave Lindsay a comforting smile. “I’ll mention it to him.”

  ○ ○ ○

  Dev put up with Kenny and Jess hinting and prying about his ‘trouble with Lindsay’ all day yesterday because he didn’t have a choice. It was either suffer quietly, or bare all and suffer the third degree. Thankfully Bryan knew he didn’t want to talk about it and therefore didn’t ask. To reconfirm his place in Dev’s mind as his absolute best friend ever, Bryan brought Brenda with him bright and early the next morning. It made a lasting impact on Jess when Brenda kneed him in the groin nearly a year ago. Jess went out of his way to avoid interacting with her now, and according to Bryan, that didn’t change while Dev was away at school. Dev could have hugged her now though. Brenda put Jess in line right away. Dev had never seen anyone cross their legs with malice before, but Brenda did and the subject of Lindsay was dropped by unspoken agreement.

  He was so relieved, Dev forgot that he complained to Lindsay about it the night before until Sophie bounced down the stairs grinning wildly. Dev was already fitting his guitar in its holder when a hush fell over the room. He couldn’t remember if Alec had ever met Lindsay. No doubt someone filled their manager in, so Dev would just assume the shock at seeing her was universal. Except for his little sister. Sophie didn’t seem surprised at all by Lindsay’s makeover. She just exuded excitement at seeing everyone else’s shock and awe. Yet more proof his girlfriend and sister were scheming, Dev decided before pushing the observation aside.

  Turning to the stairs, Dev met Lindsay just a few steps in. He took her waist, and she let her hands rest delicately on his shoulders. It was a position reminiscent of the night before last. Dev’s body shielded Lindsay from his friends as his lips briefly brushed hers. Lindsay let him off easy, but it looked like she had something to say. Dev bent down slightly to make it easier for her to whisper in his ear.

  “Honey, I’m here to be supportive, which I’m supposed to be as your girlfriend. Also, it’ll show those who need to see it that I can be the image of a girlfriend that you should be seen with. For your peace of mind, I’m still the girlfriend you need me to be. But that’s between us.” Lindsay kissed his cheek and backed away. She took Dev’s hand and pulled him toward the sofa where Brenda sat.

  Dev pulled her back and held her close, not quite willing to let her go. Should he answer the question on Jess and Kenny’s mind and kiss her? Would it create more complications? Probably. It was a bridge they’d have to cross eventually. Answering their questions was one thing, giving them a demonstration of what he felt for Lindsay was something else. Maybe it was time he took a stance.

  Lindsay’s blue eyes watched him patiently, waiting for him to make a decision and Dev knew she’d support him either way. He pulled her close and let his lips meet hers.

  It wasn’t a long kiss. Dev wished he could have held her a little closer and kissed her a little longer, but it wasn’t the time. He was still nearly breathless when they parted and the silence behind him pounded in his ears.

  Lindsay smiled at him, a ray of sunshine that burst through the storm brewing in the room. Reaching up, she ran a finger lightly over his lips. “This color doesn’t suit you,” she explained. Then, taking his hand, she led him over to the sofa. “Now, show me how fantastic you are.”

  “Of course,” Dev answered with a smile. He deposited her by Brenda with a wink, retrieved his guitar, and took his place as if nothing had happened. Sophie skipped over to sit on Lindsay’s other side. Dev watched Jess, waiting for either a cue or a comment, but neither seemed forthcoming.

  Kenny’s first notes brought him into focus. The chance for them to comment was gone. He’d hear about it later. Dev wasn’t sure what they’d say, but there would be something, he was certain of it.

  ○ ○ ○

  Dev fought to keep his eyes off Lindsay while he played. Her toes, painted a delicate shade of pink, tapped in time with the beat he laid down and repeatedly caught his attention. Against his will, Dev’s eyes followed the curve of her heel and slowly rose up the silky path of her calf and thigh. Lindsay’s skirt initially sat just partway up her thigh and Dev was grateful for the hard stop it provided, forcing his attention back to the song. Not that anyone seemed to notice his attention ever strayed. After a few songs, Lind
say shifted in her seat and her skirt rode up enough to keep Dev’s attention slightly longer.

  Jess’s arm draping around Dev’s shoulder made him want to swear. As if Lindsay’s legs weren’t enough of a distraction already! Dev shrugged Jess off and backed away from him. He didn’t have any pre-planned practical jokes ready. Yesterday he almost set Jess’s hair on fire and caught hell for it. After that shock, Dev forgot to prepare anything else from the list of ideas he’d complied.

  As Jess came in to try again, Dev darted in and stepped hard on his toes. It was a trick he’d used before, but it was effective and it was all he could think of. The girls laughed as Jess hastily backed away and even Alec gave them an approving nod. Of course anything was better than seeing Jess’s hair smoldering again. He’d have to remember to be careful with modified fireworks in the future.

  Alec eventually called an end to the day’s work, satisfied with their performance. Dev grabbed Lindsay, shot off an excuse about taking her to dinner, and bolted before anyone had a chance to corner them with questions. He’d probably pay for it in triplicate later, but for now he only wanted to be alone with her.

  He closed the car door after getting Lindsay seated and was surprised to find her laughing when he slid behind the wheel.

  “What’s so funny?” Dev asked.

  “You. I’m pretty sure we’re not being chased.”

  Dev nodded in acknowledgment, but chose not to comment. Instead he just pulled out of the driveway. He wasn’t even sure where to go, he just had the pressing need to be elsewhere. And with Lindsay.

  “How bad is it going to be later?” Lindsay asked after a minute.

  “I’m not sure. It was pretty quiet in there.”

  “I noticed. I kept expecting Jess to say something stupid, but I couldn’t imagine what. I guess Bren’s presence kept him in line.”

  “That’s why Bryan brought her over early. Yesterday was hell.”

  “You mentioned that. I guess it’s a good idea to clear out and let him talk some sense into them then.”

  “I thought so.”

  “Now, tell me the truth, are you hungry?” Lindsay asked.

  Dev wasn’t, but this was their time alone together. Given it was evening, that meant he fed her.

  “No. It’s close to the dinner hour, so I’m resorting to pre-established patterns of behavior. I’m open to suggestions.”

  “Good,” Lindsay said brightly. “Turn around then, head back toward the junior high.”

  Dev didn’t question her, he turned around and headed back the way they’d come. Lindsay wouldn’t tell him their destination, she gave Dev occasional directions such as ‘turn left’ or ‘you should have turned right back there.’ Eventually, she led Dev to a small overgrown area where a house had been torn down long ago and the yard and foundation were left to be reclaimed by nature.

  Lindsay didn’t wait for Dev to get her door, she hopped out of the car as soon as Dev parked. He hurried to join her behind the car, wondering what she was thinking.

  Carefully placing her hands on the trunk, Lindsay pushed herself up and sat facing Dev. She motioned for him to come stand in front of her.

  “Closer,” Lindsay whispered.

  Dev moved closer and Lindsay wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer still. His hands immediately found their place at her waist and his lips found hers.

  Lindsay’s fingers threaded through Dev’s hair, making every strand feel alive at her touch. Her knees fell to the sides, and she wrapped her legs around Dev’s hips, pulling his body against hers. He leaned into the tighter embrace, relishing the feel of her pressed against him. All of her pressed against him.

  Dev felt sensual heat creep up his neck and grow between his legs. His hands pulled her waist against him firmly, and he wrapped one arm around her lower back to hold her there.

  It was a casual day for Dev, so he wore a dress shirt but no tie. The starched and pressed material still could stop the feel of Lindsay’s breasts pushed against his chest. He briefly wanted to relieve them both of their shirts so he could experience the sensation without the clothing barriers in the way.

  Pushing the thought away, Dev let his hands run, not up to those tantalizing breasts, but down to Lindsay’s hips, then down her thighs. Her skirt slid up when she wrapped her legs around him, and Dev ran out of cloth as his hands made their way down her body. Instead, he felt warm, bare flesh in his palm.

  He froze, unintentionally breaking the kiss in his shock. Lindsay’s lips brushed against his invitingly, but Dev was still trying to take in everything that was happening. Her rapid breathing pressed her breasts against his chest in a tempting way. She held his hips locked against her and the realization made Dev uncomfortably aware of his own growing arousal.

  “Don’t overthink this,” Lindsay whispered. “I know where you stand.”

  “Why are we here?” Dev asked, his voice hoarse with pent-up emotion. He was suddenly aware of how alone and secluded they were. Lindsay was smart and Dev knew she chose this location for that reason.

  “To bask in the glory of young love. In theory, we feel things more intensely because we have fewer significant experiences to dilute our perception.”

  “Stop sounding like your mother. It’s a turn off.” Dev kissed her simply to shut her up. Sure, Lindsay answered his question, but listening to Sabrina’s words coming out of her mouth was just wrong. As much as Dev knew he was in dangerous water, he discovered he wasn’t ready to head for shore yet.

  Chapter Seven

  Dev pulled up in front of Bryan’s house after taking Lindsay home. It was just past midnight and the lights were off in the house. Dev sighed wistfully. He needed to talk about Lindsay. Of course as soon as he went home, no doubt Kenny and Jess would be waiting to do just that. Dev considered his options. Waiting to talk to Bryan tomorrow was fine, if he could avoid Kenny and Jess until then. If. The odds of being struck by lightning were probably better.

  His phone was in his hand and he was typing a message to Bryan before Dev even made the decision to at least check if Bryan was still awake.

  Bryan’s front door opened moments after he sent the message, the square of light catching Dev’s eye. His friend walked quietly down the path to Dev’s car and got in the passenger side.

  “You missed a lot of fun by running out after practice like you did,” Bryan said. Dev forgot he left him to deal with the fallout of his little scene with Lindsay. Of course he and Lindsay had a lot of fun, and Dev knew who he’d rather spend all that time with.

  Bryan leaned forward in his seat to try to see Dev’s face.

  “Never mind,” Bryan said, a smile crossing his face. “I’m guessing you had a different kind of fun on your own.”

  “What? I didn’t!” Dev protested. “We’re taking it slow.”

  “Sure. So Jess’s ongoing question about whether you’d kissed her yet has been answered. A simple ‘yes’ would have sufficed, you know. As for taking it slow, there’s nothing wrong with making up for lost time.”

  Dev nodded, not sure how to bring up his concern now that he had Bryan’s ear.

  “Hopefully you won’t get the third degree when you get home,” Bryan continued. “We talked about it. Jess is worried.”

  “Worried? His ‘she’s leading me like a horse to water’ theory?” Dev asked.

  Bryan nodded. “I think he’s more worried that he doesn’t know what her end game is. Kenny’s worried that he does.”

  “End game?”

  “That Lin has aspirations to keep you.”

  “Why is that a source of worry? Isn’t that kind of the point to dating? Find someone you’re compatible with and build a life together?”

  Bryan smiled. “Yes and no. You’re eighteen. The point to dating for you is to gain experience so when you’re older you’ll recognize the traits you want in a partner.”

  “Interesting lecture coming from you,” Dev said. Bryan and Brenda eloped at eighteen.

��Granted. Bren and I were friends before it ever turned romantic. We had a solid foundation, and it felt natural when hormones started kicking in and we realized we were attracted to each other. Most people aren’t lucky enough to have it happen like that. And it wasn’t all easy, don’t get me wrong. You and Lin have an easygoing friendship and some things in common that you had to look beyond the band to find. Kenny’s wrong to come down on her for not being as into the music as you are. Now there’s attraction too and I think you’re starting to see some bumps in the road ahead.”

  “How’d you guess?”

  “I know you. Lin’s pretty hot. Bren and I had suspicions before, so she did some digging and got a picture of her before her goth phase started.”

  “What?” Dev looked at his friend, shocked that Bryan would check out his girlfriend without telling him.

  “I would have mentioned it, but she was cute. Bren suspected you were more at ease around her because she wasn’t cute. I thought she might have a point. Also, Lin indicated she had more experience dating that you did, even at fifteen. That would fit with her being a cute little blond, not as a moody goth. And face it, she didn’t do the goth look particularly well considering how smart she is. Her act had to be just an act. By the time Bren showed me the picture, you were already attached to Lin anyway. Given all of that, I decided to let it play.

  “The thing is, Dev, cute or hot, Lin could dress it a couple of ways and she’s choosing to show you ‘hot’ girlfriend, not ‘cute, sweet sixteen’ girlfriend. You better believe Jess called out the difference.”

  “Why should he care if my girlfriend is hot versus cute? And why the hell is he checking her out?” Dev demanded.

  Bryan was silent a moment. “He’s not, it’s just an observation. I told him to chill, if you got in over your head you’d come to me.”

  Dev nodded.


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