Transylvanian Dinosaurs

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Transylvanian Dinosaurs Page 33

by David B Weishampel

  Iguanodontoidea, 52

  Iharkut, 176, 177

  Iharkutosuchus makadi, 109

  Indonesia, 149

  insects, 104, 122

  invertebrates, 104

  Irish Massif, 98

  Isisaurus, 28

  island, evidence of, 105–11

  Island Rule, 143–45

  isolation: and clutch size, 191, 192

  and dwarfism, 86, 87, 143–45, 185–88

  effects of, 106

  and Europe, 185

  insular, 86, 87

  and sexual maturity, 144, 146, 186

  and speciation, 165–67

  and Telmatosaurus, 162

  and Transylva-nian region, 111, 162, 167, 168, 192

  Italy, 70, 106, 108, 172, 174, 182

  Jaekel, Otto, 10

  Janenschia, 124

  Jeyawati, 52, 157, 171

  Jibou, 15, 46, 73

  Jibou Formation, 46, 101

  Jinzhousaurus, 52

  Jiu River, 87

  Jurassic, 43, 114, 115, 124

  and Albaner-petontidae, 80

  and iguanodontians, 159

  and Kallokibotion, 180

  and Mammalia, 78

  and Neotethyan Ocean, 88

  and Paleotethyan Ocean, 93

  and pterosaurs, 60, 64

  and Struthiosaurus, 182

  and Testudinata, 76

  and Zalmoxes and Rhabdodon, 176, 182, 183

  Kadić, Ottokar, 67, 68

  Kallokibotion, 3, 11, 76, 179

  Kallokibotion bajazidi, 74, 75

  Kayentachelys, 76

  Kessler, Eugen, 33

  K life-history strategy, 190–92

  kogaionids, 179–81

  Kogaionon ungureanui, 77, 79, 81

  Komodo lizards, 119

  Kordos, László, 128

  Kutná Hora, 109

  Labirinta Cave, 109

  Laevidoolithidae, 55

  Lambeosaurinae, 50–52, 131

  Lambrecht, Kalman, 33

  Lancrăm, 15, 46, 73

  Late Cretaceous, 16, 82, 161–62

  and Carpathian Mountains, 98

  duckbills from, 49

  in Europe, 108–10

  fauna of, 36

  invertebrates from, 104

  and Kallokibotion, 180

  landscape of, 84

  migrations in, 171

  of Mongolia, Argentina, and the United States, 37

  and Neotethyan Ocean, 97

  of North America, 34

  and Sânpetru Formation, 2, 3

  and Telmatosaurus, 159

  theropods from, 30, 32, 38

  and ti-tanosaurs, 27

  of Transylvania, 32

  vertebrates of, 10

  Late Jurassic, 45, 117

  and Apulia and Rho-dope, 95, 96

  and multituberculates, 77

  and Struthiosaurus, 177

  and Telmato-saurus, 183

  and titanosaurs, 27

  Late Triassic, 28, 76, 93

  Latimeria, 154–56, 161, 162

  Latimeria chalumnae, 148–50

  Latimeria menadoensis, 149

  Laurasia, 38, 93, 170

  laurels (Lauraceae), 103, 104

  Leaellynasaura, 169

  Le Loeuff, Jean, 25, 175

  Lepisosteidae, 82

  Levnesovia, 52, 157, 171, 172

  Levnesovia/Bactrosaurus clade, 160

  Linnaeus, Carolus, 17

  Lirainosaurus, 28, 107, 178, 179, 181

  Lirainosaurus astibiae, 176, 180

  Lissamphibia, 80, 82

  living fossil, 150, 151, 154, 162

  lizards, 72, 108, 109

  Lower Quarry, 3

  Maastrichtian, 84, 88, 104, 108, 109, 159, 173, 174, 180

  Macronaria, 28

  Macropoma, 154

  Madagascar, 27

  madtsoiids, 73

  Magyarosaurus, 25, 26, 27, 29, 168, 183

  anatomy of, 30

  and body size, 187

  and dwarfing, 136, 184

  eggs of, 56

  and Europe, 178–79, 181, 182

  growth and development of, 126, 133–37, 141, 144, 146

  and Nopcsa, 11

  as predator, 37

  rarity of, 59

  rate of evolutionary change of, 161

  and Sauropoda, 28

  Magyarosaurus dacus, 16, 26, 27, 30, 110, 118, 125, 215n65

  Magyarosaurus hungaricus, 27

  Magyarosaurus transsylvanicus, 27

  Maiasaura, 50, 55, 129, 130, 190

  Malawisaurus, 28, 133, 169, 179, 182

  Mammalia, 77–81, 107, 141

  in Cretaceous, 77

  evolutionary relationships in, 78

  growth of, 184

  placental, 108

  Maniraptora, 31, 36, 62

  Maniraptoriformes, 31

  Mantell, Gideon, 115–16

  Mantellisaurus, 52

  marsupials, 77, 78

  Massif Central, 97

  Matheron, Philippe, 43, 46, 68–69

  Mayor, Adrienne, 113

  Mayr, Ernst, 165–66

  Megaloolithidae, 56

  Megalosaurus, 16, 23, 31, 32, 115, 116

  Megalosaurus cf. superbus, 204n4

  Megalosaurus hungaricus, 32

  Meiolaniidae, 76

  Mesoeucrocodylia, 67–73

  Mesozoic, 30, 81, 117

  and Apatosaurus, 133

  and fossil record, 22, 153

  and multituberculates, 77

  and Neo-tethyan Ocean, 93

  and pterosaurs, 59

  and Romania, 105

  Mesozoic mammals, 77

  Mezholezy, 108, 109

  Middle Jurassic, 16

  and Albanerpeton-tidae, 82

  and Ornithopoda, 45

  migration, 169–84

  and Africa, 179, 182

  and Asia, 182, 183, 189, 192

  and body size, 143–45, 184–89

  and Cretaceous, 171, 183, 184

  and Europe, 177–78, 182, 185, 189, 198

  and historical contingency, 198

  and North America, 177–78, 182, 183, 189, 192

  and South America, 179

  and titanosaur sau-ropods, 30

  millipede, 122

  Minmi, 39, 169

  Miocene, 80, 82, 96, 98

  moas, 119

  Mochlodon, 43, 44

  Mochlodon suessi, 108

  Moesia, 95, 97

  Moesian microplate, platform, promontory, 94–96

  mollusks, 104

  monitors, 73

  monophyly, 17–18, 152

  Monotremata, 78

  morphological change, rates of, 151, 154–56. See also evolution

  mosasaurs, 98, 108, 210n36

  mouse, 77

  Multituberculata, 77, 78, 80–81, 180–81

  Mureş River, 101

  Muthmannsdorf, Austria, 60, 61, 108

  Muttaburrasaurus, 169

  Nălaţ Vad, 46

  natural selection, 120, 166, 188, 195, 197–99

  Naturphilosophie, 120

  nautilus, pearly, 117

  Nemegtosaurus, 28, 182

  neoceratopsians, 109

  neo-Lamarckian inheritance, 141, 150

  Neopterygii, 82

  Neosauropoda, 28

  Neosuchia, 71

  neoteny, 123

  Neotethyan Ocean, 84, 85, 88, 93, 97, 98, 105, 143

  Netherlands, 108

  Neuquensaurus, 28

  newts, 80

  Nodosauridae, 38–43, 107–10, 175, 176

  Nopcsa, Franz, 11, 25, 32, 38, 40, 68, 70, 84, 156, 168, 181

  and body size, 125, 128–29, 133, 141–42, 143, 150

  career of, 8–14

  and dwarfism and insular isolation, 85–88

  and global positions of the continents, 89

  and Haţeg area, 161

  and Haţeg as island, 105

  and pterosaurs, 62r />
  and Rhabdodon priscus, 43–44

  and source areas, 169, 171

  and Struthiosaurus, 42

  and Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus, 9–10, 49

  and turtles, 74, 77

  and Wegener, 90

  and Zalmoxes, 43

  Nopcsa, Ilona, 8

  Norell, Mark, 151

  Noripterus, 64

  Norman, David, 44

  North America, 110, 117, 167, 169–71

  and Hadrosauridae, 171, 174

  and migration, 177, 178, 182, 183, 189, 192

  and Transylvanian insularity, 112

  North Atlantic, 93, 97

  North Sea, 97

  Nyctosauridae, 64

  Oarda de Jos, 15, 40, 46, 73, 74, 77

  Ohaba Sibişel, 2

  Oligocene, 77, 78, 88, 98, 103

  ontogeny, 120, 122

  Opisthocoelicaudia, 28, 169

  opossums, 150

  Oradea, 33

  Ornithischia, 19, 23–25, 38

  Ornithocheiridae, 62

  Ornithocheiroidea, 64

  Ornithocheirus, 60–62, 64

  Ornithocheirus bunzeli, 61

  Ornithocheirus hlavatschi, 60, 61

  Ornithodesmus, 62

  Ornithodesmus cluniculus, 207n7

  Ornitholestes, 31

  Ornithomimosauria, 31, 37

  ornithomimosaurs, 110

  Ornithopoda, 2, 107–9, 169

  cladogram of, 172

  evolutionary relationships in, 45

  growth of, 124, 125

  iguanodon-tian, 137

  and Nopcsa, 10–11, 16

  and rate of evolutionary change, 160, 161

  and southern France, 175

  teeth of, 129, 130

  Transylvanian, 43–53

  and Transylvanian deposits, 25

  Orodromeus, 45, 137–39, 140

  Orodromeus makelai, 139

  Orthomerus dolloi, 108

  Orthomerus weberi, 108

  ostracodes, 104

  Ouranosaurus, 50, 52, 129–31, 169

  Oviraptorosauria, 31, 110

  Owen, Richard, 21–22, 116

  owls, 33, 36

  pachycephalosaurs, 25, 110, 111

  Pâclişa, 101

  paedomorphosis, 118, 120, 122, 123, 125, 139, 144, 146. See also body size; growth and development

  paleobiology, 9, 10

  paleoclimatology, 93

  Paleotethyan Ocean, 93

  Paleozoic, 92, 93

  palm (Arecaceae), 103, 104

  Paludititan nalatzensis, 27

  Pangea, 92–93

  Panoplosaurus, 39, 40

  Paralatonia transylvanica, 81

  Paranthropus robustus, 19

  parapatry, 165

  paraphyly, 18

  Pararhabdodon, 107, 108, 175

  Pararhabdodon isonensis, 110, 173, 174

  Parasaurolophus, 53

  Paraves, 31

  Paris Basin, 97

  Parksosaurus, 45, 160

  Paronychodon, 36, 37

  parrots, 31

  parsimony, 21

  Patagonia, 133

  Pawpawsaurus, 39, 169

  pelican, 33

  Pelorosaurus, 169

  peramorphosis, 117, 118, 120, 122, 123, 131, 139. See also body size; growth and development

  Pereda-Suberbiola, Xabier, 25, 40

  Peri-Tethyan realm, 106

  Petroşani Basin, 98

  phylogeny, 169

  and evolutionary rates, 156, 160, 161

  and geographic data, 170

  hierarchy of, 17

  and homology, 19

  and homoplasies, 19

  and ontogeny, 120, 122

  single origin in, 17

  size increases through, 142

  Pinacosaurus, 39

  Pincemaille, Marie, 46

  placentals, 77, 78

  Plateosaurus, 24, 124

  plate tectonics, 89–98, 176, 183, 197

  and Transylvania, 105–6, 111–12, 154, 167

  Pleistocene, 113, 143, 145

  plesiosaurs, 108

  Pleurodira, 76, 77

  Pliocene, 98

  Plot, Robert, 114

  Poiana-Ruscă Mountains, 87, 88, 98, 99

  Polish Trough, 97

  Polypteridae, 82

  Portugal, 107

  predators, 30, 43, 145, 167, 185–87, 189

  Probactrosaurus, 52, 169

  proboscideans, 143

  Proganochelys, 76

  progenesis, 122, 123

  prosauropods, 124

  Protohadros, 52

  Protohadros byrdi, 171

  pseudoacromion, 40

  Psittacosaurus, 124

  Pteranodon, 63, 64

  Pteranodontidae, 66, 67

  Pteranodontoidea, 64

  Pterodactyloidea, 60, 64

  Pterodactylus, 64

  Pterosauria, 19, 59–67, 107–9, 141

  bones of, 65–66

  crest of, 67

  evolutionary relationships in, 64

  feeding by, 67

  femur of, 63

  gait of, 66, 67

  growth of, 184

  notarium of, 62, 63

  as predator, 72

  social behavior of, 67

  warm-bloodedness of, 67

  wings of, 65

  Pui, 27, 77, 87, 100

  Quaesitosaurus, 28

  Quetzalcoatlus, 64

  Quetzalcoatlus northropii, 66

  Rapetosaurus, 28, 133, 179, 182

  Rapetosaurus krausei, 27

  Râul Băárbat, 100

  Râul Mare, 100

  red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio), 197

  Red Queen hypothesis, 169, 196–99

  Retezat Mountains, 1, 87, 88, 98, 99, 101, 168

  Rhabdodon, 10–11, 45, 107, 108, 175–77

  ghost lineage of, 158, 159

  growth and development of, 137–40

  migration of, 182

  source area for, 178

  Rhabdodon priscus, 43, 44, 46, 139, 160, 176

  Rhabdodontidae, 45, 46, 108, 109, 159, 176, 177

  and migration, 182

  and rate of evolutionary change, 160

  rhamphorhynchoids, 64

  Rhaptochelydia, 76

  Rhenish Massif, 98

  Rhodope, 95–97

  Rhodope microplate, 96, 98

  Rhodopian Mountains, 94

  Riabinin, A. N., 108

  Richardoestesia, 36, 37

  Rocasaurus, 28, 136, 179

  Romania, 1, 105, 110

  Roth, V. Louise, 143, 144, 145, 146, 186

  Roth model, 186

  r selection, 186, 192

  r strategy, 190, 191

  Rusca Montană Basin, 98, 103

  Russia, 108, 109, 174

  Saichania, 39

  salamander, 80

  salamander (Ambystoma mexicanum), 119

  Saltasauridae, 28

  Saltasaurus, 28, 133, 169, 179

  Saltasaurus loricatus, 27

  Sânpetru, 1, 2, 60, 63, 77, 159

  Sânpetru Formation, 2, 3, 6, 40, 99–102

  Sântămărie Orlea, 100

  Santonian, 32, 109

  Şard Formation, 46, 101, 102

  Saurischia, 19, 23

  Saurolophus, 53

  Sauropelta, 39

  Sauropoda, 3, 11, 16, 28, 37, 110, 161

  braincase of, 27, 29

  embryonic remains of, 57

  growth and development of, 117, 124, 133–37

  and Saurischia, 23

  in Spain, 176

  Sauropodomorphs, 19

  Saurornithoides, 36

  Saurornitholestes langstoni, 34

  Schindewolf, Otto H., 142

  Scincomorpha, 72, 73

  Scleroglossa, 73

  screw pines (Pandanaceae), 104

  Sebecosuchia, 71

  Sebeş, 15, 46, 47, 73, 101

  Sebeş Formation, 37

p; Sebeş Mountains, 87

  Seeley, Harry Govier, 22–23, 39–40, 43, 60–61

  Seismosaurus, 117

  Selmacryptodira, 76

  Serpentes, 73

  Severin Ocean, 95

  sexual maturity, 123, 125, 144, 146, 186, 191, 192

  Shamosaurus, 39

  Sibişel River, 1–3, 15, 33, 43, 87, 100

  Sichuan (China), 133

  Silvisaurus, 39

  Simpson, G. G., 150

  skinks, 73

  Slovenia, 108

  Smith, J. L. B., 148

  snakes, 72, 73, 108

  South America, 110, 133, 169, 170, 179

  South Atlantic, 93

  Southern Carpathian Mountains, 1, 94, 96, 97, 98

  Spain, 107–9, 110, 137, 173–76, 181

  speciation, 164–66

  sphenophytes, 103

  Spinosauroidea, 31

  Squamata, 73

  Stegosauria, 25, 38, 161

  Steno, Nicholas, 16

  Struthiosaurus, 11, 107, 108, 110, 141, 161, 168, 183

  and digestion, 42

  discovery of, 39, 40

  growth of, 184, 187

  and locomotion, 42, 43

  and migration, 182

  and North America, 177

  rarity of, 59

  Struthiosaurus austriacus, 40, 43, 110

  Struthiosaurus languedocensis, 110

  Struthiosaurus transylvanicus, 16, 38–43, 110

  sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus), 83

  Suess, Eduard, 8, 9, 87, 89

  Sulawesi Island, 149, 162

  Sum of Minimum Implied Gaps (SMIG), 152

  Şureanu Mountains, 98

  Sweden, 211n57

  sycamore (Platanaceae), 103, 104

  sympatry, 165

  Tapejara, 64

  Tapejaridae, 64

  Tapejaroidea, 64

  Tarascosaurus, 107

  Tarbosaurus, 110

  taxonomic rates, 150, 151

  Teleosteii, 82, 83, 98, 154

  Telmatosaurus, 33, 52, 59, 109, 132, 168, 169, 172, 192

  and body size, 128–32, 187, 189

  and dentition, 129, 146, 190

  and diet, 189

  eggs of, 56

  and Europe, 171

  and Fontllonga hadrosaurid, 174

  ghost lineage of, 157, 159

  growth and development of, 126, 135, 137, 141, 144, 146, 184

  migration of, 182, 183

  and Pararhabdodon, 174

  and rate of evolutionary change, 159–62

  scapulocoracoid of, 3

  Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus, 9–10, 9, 16, 49–53, 58, 110

  ghost lineage of, 156–57

  growth of, 124, 125

  source area of, 171

  Tendaguru (Tanzania), 133

  Tenontosaurus, 44–46, 137, 160, 169, 187

  ghost lineage of, 158

  growth and development of, 138–40

  lower teeth of, 129

  and rate of evolutionary change, 160, 161

  Tenontosaurus tilletti, 139

  Tertiary, 77, 96, 97, 122

  Testudinata, 76, 180

  Testudines, 76, 77

  Tetanurae, 31

  Tethyan Ocean, 92, 93

  Tethyan region, 93–98

  Tethyshadros, 52, 132, 157, 160, 171, 172, 174

  Tethyshadros insularis, 108, 172, 173

  tetra, blue neon (Paracheirodon simulans), 83

  tetrapods, 111, 149

  Theria, 78


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