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The Playbook

Page 4

by Kelly Elliott

  “Ms. Cain?” My head popped up as I grinned at the receptionist. “They’re ready for you?”

  A quick glance at the clock showed they waited until exactly ten to call for me, even though I knew Brett was already in the office since the receptionist informed me when I first got here both Pat and Brett were in a quick meeting.

  Standing, I grabbed my briefcase and purse and followed the older lady into the office.

  The moment Brett glanced over to me, my breath caught and my heart spiked to record beats per minute.

  He gave me a once-over quickly as I tried to drag mine off of him.

  “Ms. Cain, what a pleasure meeting you.” I quickly looked at Mr. Stevenson. He sat on the opposite side of the conference table that probably seated at least twenty-five people. He stood and Brett followed suit.

  I reached my hand out to him and shook it with a slightly firm handshake. Just like my father taught me. I turned and did the same to Brett, trying like hell not to look too hard at him. I failed.

  He was dressed in jeans, a University of Austin T-shirt, and a baseball cap that he wore backward.

  Backward! What in the hell was it about a man in a damn baseball cap… turned around?

  “Brett, it’s a pleasure seeing you again.”

  The reaction from him caused me to smile slightly. I was positive he wouldn’t have expected me to bring up our little encounter last night.

  Mr. Stevenson looked at Brett for an explanation. “I ran into Ms. Cain at Second Street Bar.”

  When his boss nodded like it was no big deal, my small victory was quickly smashed into the ground. Brett must have noticed it because he felt the need to say something.

  “I live across the street and go there for dinner a lot.”

  My heart dropped to my stomach.

  Oh. No.

  “You … you, um … live downtown?”

  He was enjoying me being thrown off guard… again. “I do. Second Street condominiums.”

  Fuck. My. Life.

  I flashed a wide grin. “Well this works out good then for me.”

  His smile faltered. “How so?”

  “I’m staying in a corporate condo in the same building. It will make following you around… I mean, researching you easier.” I turned to Mr. Stevenson and grinned. He gave me an awkward smile in return. “For the piece I’m doing on you.”

  Brett shook his head. Clearly he was not happy about this and neither was I. We were both going to have to suck it up and deal with it, though. We were dealt the same card, now we had to play it.

  I cleared my throat, getting their attention. Reaching into my brief case, I took out my notebook that I had already filled with research on Brett and the university college program.

  I flipped through the endless pages of notes until I found a blank page.

  “So, I’m assuming since it’s spring training, I’ll be granted full access to the stadium.” Peeking up at Brett, I added, “That includes the locker rooms.”

  His jaw muscles flexed and I couldn’t help but smile. “I’d like to really observe you, Mr. Owens, for the first week or two here at work. Really get an understanding of your work habits and ethics with the team and, of course, your habits away from the team as well.”

  His lips parted to say something, but Mr. Stevenson coughed and Brett shut his mouth.

  “This piece is going to be about getting to know Brett Owens. Three-time national championship winner. Youngest head football coach in college football, and rumored ladies’ man.”

  “What?” Brett gasped, nearly chocking on his own spit.

  I shrugged and flipped through my notes where I found a reference to picture in People magazine.

  “Yes, here it is. A picture of you with two women on your arms exiting a bar in downtown Austin. I believe it was on New Year’s Eve.” I held it up for him to see.

  His eyes narrowed and I swear they turned black. “What in the hell do you have written down in that book?”

  I pointed to my notebook, while keeping my focus fixed on him. “This notebook?”

  When his hand combed through his hair, I felt a tug in my lower stomach that I quickly pushed aside.

  “Yes, that notebook, Aubrey! I don’t see another notebook on the fucking table.”

  My head drew back with raised eyebrows. I quickly flipped back to the empty page and wrote a note.

  “Wh-what are you writing?”

  I couldn’t help but feel giddy knowing I was getting to him. “Just taking some notes, that’s all.”

  Brett leaned closer to me as I covered the note with my hand. “What did you say? I saw sailor written down!”

  I flashed him an evil smile which only irritated him more, causing him to curse more under his breath.

  Mr. Stevenson sighed heavily next to me. “Oh, for the love of God. The two of you are going to have to learn to play nice. Your boss, Ms. Cain, and the president of the university, want this thing to happen. Now I hope you will shine a more positive light on Mr. Owens and not focus on his… on his um—”

  Brett and I both looked at him, anxiously waiting for him to finish his sentence.

  “On my what?” Brett questioned.

  With a roll of his eyes, Mr. Stevenson answered, “On the colorful lifestyle you lead outside of work.”

  “That was gently put,” I mumbled.

  “Ms. Cain,” Mr. Stevenson started.

  “Please, call me Aubrey.”

  He nodded. “Aubrey, you will have full access so getting in places will not be an issue. I advise you to stick close to Brett until you learn your way around.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Stevenson.”

  “Pat will be fine.”

  “Pat, it is.”

  “Now, I believe, Brett, you have a staff meeting at noon.”

  I swear it looked like Brett was sitting over there pouting. It probably killed him he had no safe-zone to hide in. I was going to be stuck to him like glue. Oh, this made me all kinds of happy right now.

  “Yeah. It’s at noon.”

  Pat stood. “Good, show Aubrey around and to the office she’ll be using.”

  My heart skipped a beat in my chest. “Thank you, Pat. That means a lot to me to have a place to work while I’m here. That’s very thoughtful of you.”

  He looked at Brett and then me. “Don’t thank me, thank Brett. It was his idea.”

  My head snapped to the side as I looked at him. That was totally unexpected, and I couldn’t hide the fact that it made my chest tighten some.

  “Now, if you’ll both excuse me, I’ve got my next meeting in a few minutes I need to prepare for.”

  Brett reached over and tried to grab my notebook, but I was too quick. “Ha!” I whispered as I shoved it in my briefcase and headed to the door.

  “Thank you again, Mr. Steve—Pat.”

  He lifted his hand and grinned as he dropped into his seat and picked up his phone.

  Making my way to the elevator, I heard Brett behind me. He said something to the receptionist, causing her to laugh. I groaned internally and hit the down arrow.

  My body heated when Brett reached around me and hit the up button. “We’re going up.”

  I simply nodded.

  When the doors opened, I quickly walked in. The moment the elevator closed, Brett was next to me, his mouth near my ear. I totally lost my concentration when he began to speak. “I know another thing that is coming up—my cock. You look sexy as fuck. Dinner tonight? By the way, I love the ponytail. Gives me something to hold on to when I take you from behind.”

  My mouth fell open in shock.

  I was in dress pants. And a button-down shirt that I practically had buttoned up to my neck. How in the hell could I possibly look sexy? I also made a note to myself to never wear a ponytail around him again.

  Did he ask me out or did he ask for sex?

  Reaching over, I hit the stop button, causing the elevator to come to a halt.

  It was time to set Mr. Cocky Pants str
aight. Glancing down quickly, I had to keep my eyes from bugging out. Mr. Cocky Pants indeed.

  Pointing my finger at him, I jabbed him in the chest, causing him to jerk back.

  “All right, you listen here. There is no way in hell I would ever go out with you. Let along let you take me from behind.”

  He lifted a single brow and gave me a panty-melting smile that caused my stomach to flip. “What about after your whole article piece bullshit is down? Then?”

  I shook my head. “No! Not even then.”

  “How about a quick fuck then? Get it out of our system.”

  “Oh. My. God. Do you hear yourself speak? How have you not gotten fired?”

  Tossing his head back, he laughed. “I don’t talk like this to co-workers.”

  Anger zipped through my veins. “Newsflash asshole, we are working together for the next month and longer after that. I’ll be covering your stupid games on Saturdays. That means interviewing you, your staff, and yes, your players in the damn locker room. I could slap you with a sexual harassment charge so fast your head would spin.”

  His stare dropped to my lips. In one brief moment, I wanted him to kiss me. Brief! Very brief.

  I wonder how he tastes. Would he draw my lower lip in when he kisses? God, that is hot as hell.

  His hands landed on my hips, plucking me from my daydream.

  “So tell me, what were you thinking because your face is flush?”

  My heart pounded in my chest as I frantically searched for an answer. “My boyfriend, and how much I’m going to miss him being stuck here with you.”

  His hands dropped from my waist, causing me to instantly miss the heat from his touch.

  “You have a boyfriend?”

  Oh my gosh. I found my golden ticket. Mr. Cocky Pants has a conscience. He won’t touch me if he thinks I’m with someone.

  Could I lie? The way he was looking at me and making my panties wet, I had no choice.

  “Yes. His name is Cliff. We’ve been dating for over five years now.”

  Narrowing his brows, he slowly nodded. He reached around me, his body brushing up next to mine. I was positive he saw my reaction as my betraying body shivered.

  “Let’s get you to your office so you can settle in before the staff meeting.”

  And like that, it was as if someone had thrown cold water on Brett Owens. Bringing him to a screeching halt.

  Nodding my head, I moved and stood next to him. The air in the elevator changed. The playfulness, excitement, whatever it was we shared between us was gone.

  I should have been happy. I found a way to tame the bad boy. Instead, I felt sick to my stomach. Like I just pushed the one thing away from me I’ve wanted my entire life.

  Peeking up at Brett, I noticed his jaw was clenched tight. My eyes dropped to his fists that were squeezed shut. I turned and faced the doors as they opened. Brett quickly stepped out first and walked down a long hall.

  I couldn’t help but notice how when he passed by women they all tried in some way to get his attention. He never faltered and stayed the course. Stopping outside an office, he pointed in through the open door. “This is your office. You’re right next to mine. Patty is my assistant and she’ll be more than happy to help you with anything you need. I handpicked her myself.”

  Ugh. Patty. She was probably twenty something with a rocking body and breasts that spilled out of her shirt. I bet he’s already had sex with her.

  “I go to lunch every day at twelve forty-five. If you’re truly going to be following me around, take that into consideration. I also run every morning here at the stadium, three miles. I doubt you’ll want to partake in that, though.”

  And like that, he turned and walked away. I slowly shook my head. “Asshole,” I whispered.

  “That he is, but he’s a lovable asshole.”

  I jumped when the female voice behind me spoke.

  Turning, I looked at a sweet older lady smiling at me. She had to be about sixty-five, maybe older. With a wink, she glanced into the office. “I tried to make sure you had everything in here you might need. Scanner, and printer on the desk over in the corner. If you need anything else, let me know. The name is Patty.”

  I let out a small laugh. “You’re… I mean… you’re Patty?”

  She grinned and answered, “Last time I looked in the mirror. Why? What did you hear about me? I’ll kick their ass if they said anything negative.”

  My hand came up to my mouth as I shook my head in disbelief. “You’re Brett’s assistant?”

  Standing a little taller, she grinned. “I am indeed. Use to work for his daddy years ago before I moved to Austin with my husband. Once he passed, God rest his soul, I was bored out of my mind. Brett called me out of the blue one day after he got this job. Said he needed a kick-ass assistant and if I wanted it, the job was mine.”

  Damn it. Just when I have it set in my mind that he is an asshole, he does something to change my mind.

  “Well, he spoke very highly of you.”

  She lifted her chin and stared me down. “You were thinking I was some blonde twenty-year old who had probably slept her way to the position.”

  I dropped my head in embarrassment. “Now that you mention it.”

  With a chuckle, she waved it off. “Don’t even think twice about it. I keep that boy in check. You let me know if he does anything to upset you. I’ll kick him in the ass.”

  Oh my. Patty has spunk.

  “Yes ma’am. I’ll remember that.”

  After Patty went to her desk, I got myself organized. Then it was off to the staff meeting and then lunch. Which was with the coaches. I took a ton of notes and really got to see a completely different side to Brett Owens. There was a reason this guy was good at what he did. He may have been a lot younger than some of his secondary coaches, but they all respected him. That was easy to see.

  The only time he talked to me or about me is when he introduced me. Other than that, it was if I didn’t even exist. I don’t even think he looked my way all day. I was bothered by that more than I wanted to admit. All the talk about football coming from his soft delicious looking lips had me moving about all day in my seat. The ache between my thighs only grew when he would glance up at me then quickly look away.

  By the time I got to my condo, I dropped onto the couch and kicked off my heels. I dropped my head back and went over the day in my mind.

  It was a productive day. I got a good amount of information on Brett and how he coached. Smiling, I thought back to how much the players really seemed to look up to him. I could tell he honestly cared for those guys. Writing the working piece of this article wouldn’t be that hard. It was the personal side that I was dreading.

  Sitting up, I sucked in a breath of air. My chest felt as if it was squeezing down on my lungs as I remembered Brett’s face when I told him I had a boyfriend. Why did that depress me?

  I know why. Brett Owens was no longer interested in me. That one word hung between us and I had no idea how I was going to take it back.

  Closing my eyes, I thought back to the look on his face.

  “You have a boyfriend?”

  Reaching for the decorative pillow, I pushed it onto my face and screamed into it.

  “What is wrong with me? First I don’t want him to pay attention to me. And then when he doesn’t, I want him to. What is this? What is this man doing to me?”

  I paced back and forth. I needed advice.

  Reaching into my purse, I brought up my sister Marie’s number and hit call.

  If anyone could help me sort this mess out, it was her.

  PULLING INTO MY parking spot, I stared out at the track. I had to drag my ass out of bed this morning after only getting about four hours of sleep.

  Every time I closed my eyes, all I could picture was Aubrey and those brown eyes of hers. The golden specks floating in her irises lit up when she was excited and that was all I noticed yesterday. Every time someone started talking statistics or strategy, her eyes sparke
d with delight. She was in her comfort zone, there was no doubt. She knew football too. And not just college. I wanted to rip Bernie Hansen’s goddamn head off when he started to talk to her about players in the NFL. I knew he was testing her and I’ll be a son-of-bitch if she didn’t get every single thing right. Even her prediction on who she thought would make it to the Super Bowl was the same exact team I was going for.

  Aubrey Cain was smart as hell … and taken. The second she mentioned her boyfriend, I knew I had to back off. That was one thing I would never do is cheat. I’d been on the receiving end of it, and it was not something I would wish even on my worst enemy.

  Scrubbing my hands over my face, I grunted. My head dropped back and I let out a “Fuck!”

  “Aubrey Cain. You’re going to be the damn death of me.”

  My phone rang and I knew who it was. Troy Rogers. He was the quarterback coach and was also a teammate of mine when I played college football at the University of Austin. When I got the head coaching job, I knew immediately I needed Troy on my staff. He was good. Really good. The only reason he didn’t go to the NFL was because he got his college girlfriend pregnant. He wanted to be a hands-on dad. Their marriage only lasted two years.

  “I’m on my way.”

  “Where in the hell are you?”

  “Parking lot.” The silence on the phone caused me to sigh. “I had a rough night.”

  “Aww dude, you know the rules. Girls on the weekend only. It’s Tuesday!”

  I shook my head. There was no way I was going to tell him I jacked off twice last night, once in bed and once in the shower. I tried like hell to get Aubrey out of my head. Problem was I couldn’t stop thinking about her and that's what led to the damn lack of sleep. And a sore cock from the punishment I put it through.

  “I wasn’t with a girl, asshole.”

  Getting out of my Hell Cat, I slammed the door shut.

  Right before I walked up to the gate, I heard another car driving up. Ignoring it, I pushed the gate open and made my way to the track. Troy was already jogging in place. I shook my head and dropped my gym bag next to his.


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