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The Turning Point

Page 16

by Marie Meyer

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t pleased with the reaction it got out of Lucas. I dropped my shorts, and now almost nothing was left to the imagination.

  I could hear Old Sophia ranting on the inside, but Sophia Italia cheered louder.

  I shimmied my hips. “Well?”

  “Fuck, Sophia,” he half whispered, half groaned. “Are you trying to kill me? How am I supposed to keep my hands off you when you’re sporting that?” He moved his hand up and down in reference to my body.

  “So you like it?”

  Stepping closer, he smoothed his hands over my hips and across my backside. With his body flush against mine, he rasped in my ear, “I’m so fucking hard right now, if I turn around, every person on this beach will know how much I like your suit.” To punctuate his statement, he thrust his lower half against me.

  Um…hello, sir!

  I looked around at all the people milling about. “What are you going to do?” I bit the corner of my lip.

  “I thought you might give me a hand.” He winked.

  “Here? With all these people? I never knew you were an exhibitionist.”

  The fun-loving Lucas I met in Pompeii had turned into a sex fiend in Sorrento. And we hadn’t even had sex yet.

  I enjoyed this sexy, playful side. His carefree, easygoing attitude toward the physical turn our relationship had taken made me more relaxed.

  Screw plans. I’ll take spontaneity for a thousand, Alex!

  I waggled my eyebrows. “Care for a swim?”

  “I’d love one,” he crooned.

  With Lucas at my back, we made a mad dash to the water, wading to a semi-secluded spot near one of the platforms that jutted into the bay. The water was tepid, bathlike and glorious; it lapped right at our chests, hiding us from prying eyes.

  Lucas put his hand at my shoulders and turned me around to face him, wrapping his arms around my waist. He was still rigid beneath his shorts.

  “I take it back,” he said, rubbing small circles on my back.


  “This beach. It’s growing on me. But I promise you, I’m going to show you what a real beach looks like one day. I’d love to get you up on a board.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Lucas regarded me as if I were the most precious, delicate flower he’d ever seen. Butterflies came alive in my stomach. Tilting his head, he kissed me tenderly, savoring the feel of our lips.

  As our mouths tangled together, I looped my arms around his neck and fixed my legs at his waist. The ebb and flow of the ocean rocked our bodies together.

  He was right there…pressed exactly where I wanted him, and my body trembled with need. I’d always felt connected to him, and I longed to make that connection real.

  We were a perfect fit.

  I ran my hand down his back, brushing over the elastic of his swim shorts. Working my fingers beneath the waistband, I smoothed my hand over his backside…his outer thigh…

  “Fuck, Sophia,” he groaned.

  My hand skimmed over the top of his leg…then…him.

  His mouth was demanding, urgent, kissing me like I was all he needed to live. He sucked in a breath as I wrapped my hand around his shaft. “Fuck…”

  I moved my hand over him in the rhythmic way I’d done this morning, in the shower. With each stroke, my confidence grew—as did he.

  Touching him, kissing him, the call of the ocean, the fact that we were doing something so private in a not-so-private place went to my head. I loved the sounds I coaxed from him with each stroke.

  “I’m going to come,” he rasped.

  I sucked his tongue in my mouth, kissed him harder, and let my hand have some fun.

  His arms trembled, struggling to keep a hold of me as he found his release. His head dropped to my shoulder and he ground out a long, gruff, “Jesus.”

  Withdrawing my hand from his shorts, I wrapped it back around his neck, clasping my hands together to hold myself to him. His shoulders heaved as he came down.

  Lifting his head, his eyes were hooded and he had a dreamy, far-off look on his face. “You are entirely too good at that.”

  I grinned widely, drunk on the power my inner sex kitten possessed. “Why thank you.” Unclasping my fingers, I slowly slid down his body, until my feet touched the gravelly bottom. “Now that I’ve helped you with your problem, it’s time to swim, San Diego. Race you to the other side!” I yelled, lifting my hands above my head. With my knees bent, I dove into the sterling blue water, leaving Lucas gaping in my wake.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Lucas brushed a hand across my shoulders. “You soaked up some rays today, baby.”

  I glanced down. Sure enough, my shoulders were burned. Not an angry red, but a pink that suggested I hadn’t been very smart about reapplying my sunscreen. Usually I didn’t burn, but I wasn’t ever outside long enough for the sun to do any damage. But today, Lucas and I had spent the whole day in the sun.

  As much as I’ve loved visiting museums, taking in the ancient architecture, and wandering fallen cities, today—the beach—had been my most favorite. I couldn’t remember a time when I’d laughed so much. Splashing, swimming, kissing, cuddling on the beach, today was a day I’d never forget.

  Holding my hand over my shoulder, I assessed the heat radiating off my skin, gauging the severity of the burn. “It isn’t too bad.” I shrugged. “I’ll be all right.”

  I finished the last swallow of my white wine and leaned back in my chair. The outdoor café was the perfect ending to our day at the beach. The food was excellent, and the sea breeze rolling in off the bay took my breath away. “I don’t know about you,” I sighed, “but this is my kind of paradise.” I closed my eyes and let the salt air, the warmth of my sun-kissed skin, hushed conversations, and distant music soak into my soul.

  Lucas laid his hand on mine. I opened my eyes, and they settled on his. “I’m looking at paradise.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You and your cheesy-ass lines. You’re such a dork.”

  “I live in an ocean town, sweetheart. The only thing that gets me amped about the beach anymore is my board and some killer waves. But paradise? I’m looking at it. I’ve experienced paradise at Pompeii, at a McDonald’s, in our hotel room, and here. When I get you to San Diego, then I’ll have paradise there, too.”

  My stomach fluttered, his voice setting the butterflies in motion. “You want me to come to San Diego?”

  “Hell yeah, I do. When I said you were different, Sophia, I meant it. I know it won’t be easy when we leave Italy. You have school starting and Dean and I have a lot to catch up on, but we’ll work something out. It doesn’t end here for me, Soph.”

  “Me neither.” I clutched his hand, a lifeline.

  What have you done, Sophia? You’re going to end up hurting him, the ugly voice in my head reprimanded. A gust of wind blew between us, flapping the sides of the umbrella over our table as an icy chill spread over my arms and down my back. Goose bumps prickled my skin, and my paradise suddenly turned cold.

  I didn’t want to hurt Lucas, but by allowing him to get involved with me, I already had.

  “Aiuto! Aiuto!” someone screamed.

  A few tables away, a lady stood up from her seat, knocking over her chair, hands raised above her head. “Ho bisogno di aiuto! Mia bambina!”

  “What’s going on over there?” Lucas said, pushing his chair back.

  I stood, trying to get a better look at what was happening. “I don’t know. What is she saying?”

  “I think she needs help.”

  I moved to the side to see around the table next to me. The frantic woman clutched a child in her hands. “I think something’s wrong with her kid.” I took off in their direction.

  When I came to the lady’s table, the little girl in her arms clutched at her throat and was turning very red in the face. She was choking.

  Instinct kicked in. My CPR and first-aid training had prepared me well to deal with a situation like this. I tapped the mother on her shoulder. “
I can help.” I prayed the language barrier wouldn’t be a problem.

  I patted my chest and said, “Help,” again.

  “Sí! Sí!” the lady cried.

  That was all the permission I needed. I took the little girl from her mother’s arms and stood her on the back of the chair, pressing her back against my stomach. “It’s okay, I’m going to help,” I said reassuringly to the girl.

  I made a fist, with my right hand, the lower knuckle of my thumb pressing right above her naval. Wrapping my left hand over my right, I delivered a quick upward thrust to the girl’s abdomen.

  Nothing happened.

  I pushed again. And again. And once more.

  Something small, round, and dark green fell from her mouth. An olive. She probably choked on the pit.

  The little girl drew in a huge gulp of air.

  Crying, her mother scooped her off the chair. The girl wrapped her arms around her mom and bawled. “Grazie! Grazie!” The mother bellowed, tears streaming down her face.

  As much as I hated to cry, I couldn’t help the tears that sprang to my eyes. “Prego. I’m glad she’s okay.”

  The mother collapsed into her seat, holding on to the little girl so tightly. I took a few steps backward, letting them have their moment, now that the danger had passed.

  As I took in the scene, every diner was up from his or her seat, gawking at what had just happened. Then one by one, the café filled with applause.

  An overwhelming sense of satisfaction washed over me. Not because of the gracious crowd, but because of what I’d done for that little girl. She was why I wanted to go into medicine. I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives. I wanted to save lives. Save families from being torn apart.

  I wanted to make a difference in the world, and holy shit, I just had.

  “You. Are. Incredible,” Lucas whispered in my ear. His hand swept around my waist, and I relaxed against him.

  “You saved that girl’s life.”

  “I’m just glad I was able to help.” I let out a long breath, my heartbeat thumping loudly in my ears. Ah, the effects of an adrenaline rush, truly a magnificent hormone.

  “Excuse me, sir,” Lucas said as a waiter passed by. “Will you please put their check with mine?”

  I turned around. Lucas was pointing at the woman and child.

  “Sí, signore. I will tell your server,” the waiter said.


  As the waiter left and the commotion at the other tables died down, Lucas and I returned to our table. “You’re pretty incredible, too. You know that, right?”

  My heart swelled. It took a special man, a kind, considerate, and loving man, to help a person in need.

  Lucas shrugged, like it was no big deal. “It’s the right thing to do. She’s had enough to worry about tonight. It was nothing compared to what you did.” He took my hand in his and kissed the center of my palm.

  I smiled sweetly. “It was the right thing to do.”

  * * *

  “Mint chocolate chip, per favore.” I watched the vendor scoop the gelato from the tub, his technique identical to the one Nonna taught me so many years ago.

  With the gelato spatula in hand, the vendor scraped along the top of the tub, careful not to dig into the tub—that’s a no-no. Then, sliding the spatula downward against the side of the cup, my pale green (not bright green, that’s bad too) mint chocolate chip gelato was piled high and ready for consumption.

  “Mint chocolate chip,” the man said, passing it over the counter.

  “Grazie.” I lifted the cup from his hand.

  “And for you, signore?” The man turned his attention to Lucas.

  “Vanilla, per favore.”

  As I dug through my purse to pay for the gelato, Lucas put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently. “What are you doing?”

  “Uh, paying?”

  “No, you’re not.” He shook his head.

  Giving him a sidelong glance, I replied, “Yes, I am. I don’t usually pitch a fit when you offer to pay for something, but tonight’s dessert is my treat.” Especially after he’d just paid for our meal and the other family’s meal, the least I could do was buy a couple dishes of gelato. Besides, this trip was on Daddy’s dime; with Lucas around, he was getting off cheap.

  “Vanilla, signore.” Again, he passed the dish over the counter.

  Lucas thanked him, took the dish, and wrinkled his nose at me. “You’re a pain in the ass, you know that, right?”

  “Uh-uh.” I shook my head. “I’m a royal pain in the ass.”

  Pulling a handful of euros from my purse, I settled the tab, and Lucas and I headed for the door, gelatos in hand.

  Lucas knocked his elbow against my arm. “I didn’t know I was in the presence of royalty.”

  “Oh, yes,” I sang. “Wait until you meet my nonna. She refers to me as Principessa. My mom usually adds the ‘pain in the ass’ part.”

  “Then I offer my deepest apologies. I did not mean to offend, Principessa Pain in the Ass.”

  With a mouthful of gelato, I waved my spoon to object. “Principessa Patatina,” I mumbled.

  “Okay, my Italian isn’t that good, but did you just say ‘Princess Potato’?”

  I crinkled my nose and plastered on a closed mouth grin. “My mom calls me Patatina.”

  “Why on earth would you mother call you Potato?”

  “It’s actually a pretty common nickname given to Italian little girls. My mom, with her warped sense of humor, thought it was hysterical, so she stuck me with it.”

  “So you are ‘Her Royal Highness, Princess Potato, Pain in the Ass.’”

  “Wrong again.” I shook my head and took another bite. “It’s ‘Her Royal Highness, Princess Potato Linebacker, Pain in the Ass.’”

  Lucas nodded. “Yes, how could I forget.” Taking a quick bit of gelato, he added, “Your mom and nonna sound awesome. I can’t wait to meet them.”

  “Oh, goodness!” I laughed, nearly choking on the spoonful of ice cream in my mouth. “Be prepared. Knowing my mom, she’ll hand you a box of condoms and pat you on the back. And she’s a devout Catholic.”

  “The protective type, huh?” He smirked.

  “Yeah. Or thrilled by the prospect that I would be doing something other than schoolwork.”

  “Sounds like my kind of lady.”

  “Mmm-hmm. I’m sure.” I licked a heap of gelato off my spoon as goose bumps prickled across my skin. The temperature had cooled off, leaving the night air a little chilly. I shivered when a stiff breeze flapped the bottom of my gauzy sundress. My sunburned skin didn’t help matters either.

  “What about your dad? Are you close?”

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “My dad’s the most stand-up guy I’ve ever met. I can only hope to be as honorable as him.”

  I could see the reverence on Lucas’s face as he thought about his father. “I can’t wait to meet him.”

  Lucas looked over at me, pointing with his spoon. “He will love you.”

  My first thought was to ask if his dad had loved Julia, too, but then I didn’t want to taint our perfect day by bringing up her name.

  Nearing our hotel, Lucas and I walked in silence for a minute, savoring the last few bites of our dessert.

  “Thank you for today,” I said.

  Lucas turned and looked at me, a heart-stopping smile blooming across his face. “Hold up,” he said, coming to a halt in the middle of the sidewalk.


  With a soft touch, Lucas ran a hand through my seawater-tangled, frizzy hair. “I want to record this moment. Store this memory for later.”

  “A day befitting a romance novel. I understand why.”

  “No, that’s not why.” He smiled wider. How was that possible? “Because you’ve got gelato running down your chin, and it’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “What?” I slapped a hand over my mouth. Sure enough, sticky ice cream smeared from my chin to my palm. I elbowed Lucas. “Why
didn’t you tell me?”

  “I just did,” he laughed, throwing his hands up as a shield from my pointy elbows.

  I flapped my fingers impatiently. “Give me a napkin.”

  “I don’t have any.”

  “Ugh! You’re no help.” I wiped the mess from my chin the best I could. Lucas continued to chuckle beside me. “You think this is funny?” Oh, I’ll give you funny, San Diego.

  I dipped my finger into his dish, wrapping it in a nice coating of melted vanilla gelato, then wiped it down the side of his face.

  His eyes went wide. “Look out, Princess Potato, I’m the one who’s doing the tackling now.” A sinful, panty-dropping smile turned up the left side of his mouth.

  “Only if you can catch me!” I yelled, and took off running toward the hotel.

  “Game on, sweetheart!” he growled.

  Chapter Twenty

  Fuck, Julia, not this time,” Lucas shouted.

  I was startled awake at the sound of Lucas’s angry expletive. Beside me, he was turned the other direction. Had he been snuggled up next to me, he would have shouted in my ear.

  The last few nights, his dreams had become shouting matches between him and Julia. I wished I knew what they were fighting about, but the arguments were always one-sided.

  I rolled onto my side and faced Lucas’s back. He had a marvelous back. I fought the urge to run my fingers over his smooth, tan skin. Anatomy had always been one of my favorite classes in college. I loved memorizing all the bones and muscles of the body and how they moved and worked in conjunction with each other. Lucas’s muscle definition was impeccable. Had he lived during the time of the ancient Romans or Greeks, artists would have paid him to be a model for one of their priceless marble statues.

  My eyes traced the line of his trapezius, from the top of his shoulder to the middle of his back, where it met the curved teres major, stretching out and arching into his armpit. And then his lower back, the latissimus dorsi. Every part of him was a mesmerizing study of the human body.

  Lucas let out a sleepy moan, then muttered, “Sophia.”

  My ears perked up. This was new. He’d never said my name before.

  Hmm, I wondered if Julia and I finally met. Oh, to be privy to his subconscious.


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