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Passions Pique (Passions Pique Satin's Passion)

Page 3

by Milan, Adrian

  “Get use to taking it up the ass, Natsu. I’m going to be fucking you for a very long time.”

  Roland suddenly felt giddy. The only thing that could possibly make his life any better is him finally making Satin submit to his will.

  “And I think I’ve put that off long enough. It’s time to put everything and everyone in their proper place.”

  Chapter 4:

  “Indecent Proposal”

  Satin arrived at her office with an agenda in mind. She would take care of all of her morning appointments and then clear the rest of her afternoon so that she and Derrick could spend the day on South Beach.

  “A late lunch, some light shopping, then go sit in the surf as we watch the sun go down.” Satin could feel herself getting excited at the idea.

  “Doesn’t really matter where we go or what we do, it’s still going to end in the same place.” She chuckled to herself.

  Derrick had truly brightened up her already considerable bright life. And she found herself genuinely looking forward to where ever this relationship was going to take them both.

  “Wow, so this is what love feels like.” She thought to herself.

  Satin’s secretary, Lila Simmons, buzzed her on the speaker phone, “Ms. Silverstone, Mr. Pique is on line one.”

  “Thank you Lila.”

  What did the founder and CEO of Pique Investments want with her? Satin took a deep breath and then answered line one.

  “Mr. Pique, this is Satin Silverstone. How may I be of assistance to you today?”


  Derrick had just finished clearing his calendar for the day. He wanted to get away early so that he could go pick up Satin’s surprise and have everything prepared in advance. There was no doubt in his mind that Satin was everything that he could ever want or need in a woman. He had admired her strength and determination, but more than that, her zest for life. They were so alike on so many levels. And now that she has finally allowed herself to open up to him emotionally and sexually, it seems like the possibilities were limitless. For the first time in a very long time, Derrick was truly happy. He felt contentment with where he was in his life and the direction that everything seemed to be going. Life was better than good. And nothing was more important to him than securing this love that he and Satin now shared.

  “God, how I love that woman.”

  Derrick picked up his cell phone and began to dial as he was heading out the door.

  “Good morning, Gregory, this is Derrick Billings. I purchased an engagement ring from your store yesterday that you are having sized for me. I was calling to see if it was ready for pick up.”

  When Gregory said that it was, Derrick felt his heart literally skip a beat.

  “Excellent. I am on my way to pick it up right now. Can you please have it boxed and waiting for me?”

  Was he really doing this? Was he stepping out on faith and spending twelve thousand dollars on a diamond engagement ring and wedding band based on nothing but the few nights of passion that were shared between him and Satin? Derrick stepped into the elevator. His office was on the 23rd floor. He pressed the Lobby button and as the mirrored doors shut, he stared silently at his own reflection. And in that instant Derricks mind flashed to the incredible moments that he and Satin had shared. The was a hunger she created in him that could only be sated by her. There was power in this woman. Power in her touch. Power in her kiss. Her caresses were surges of electricity that washed over his being in pulses that stimulated his senses, weakened his defenses, yet fueled him on to no end. As the elevator reached the lobby, just before the doors opened, he took one last look at himself and smiled.

  “Hell yeah, I’m doing this. Go hard or go home!”


  Roland watched Satin from his monitors as she left her desk to make her way to his office. He had to admire her confidence. She showed none of the signs of a submissive. There was no sense of rush or urgency in her movements. No sense of worry or anxiety. She hung up the phone from speaking with Roland, finished writing a note to herself, organized her desk, gave instructions to her secretary and then casually strolled towards the elevators. Roland nodded to himself as he took note of each nuance.

  “This one is willful and overconfident. She will not submit easily.” Roland was getting excited. “I do love a challenge.”

  Satin was escorted into Roland’s office by his secretary, Gwen. The two women exchanged pleasantries and then she was standing before the man himself. Roland stood up and came around from his desk extending his hand in a formal handshake to his employee.

  “Good morning Ms. Silverstone. Thank you for coming so promptly. I have a matter of great importance that needs to be handled by someone with your skills and capabilities. You have done excellent work here. And honestly, your record speaks for itself. This however, will be the biggest account that you, or quite frankly, anyone has ever handled in the history of investment banking.”

  Satin listened intently as she took a moment to really take in Roland Pique. Roland was a tall, physically fit and ruggedly handsome man. He had a slight tinge to his skin. She couldn’t tell if it was from the Miami sun or if it was from his ethnicity. Her guess was that he was Greek or from somewhere near the Mediterranean Sea. He had no accent, but he clearly had European features. 6 foot 4 with perfect posture. His eyes were a piercing crystal blue color that she found more than mildly attractive. And a calm demeanor that belied his position as founder and CEO of one of the world’s most powerful investment firms. His slim athletic build was always relaxed. And his every move was always refined and elegant, but without that hint of arrogance that is normally displayed by people of wealth and privilege. Roland was very likeable. Which made him very approachable and easy to do business with. A fact that had not escaped him at all. And one he used to his advantage on every occasion that he was able to.

  “Ok, sounds good so far Mr. Pique, but I’m going to need specifics. What’s the job? How much are we investing? Or are we utilizing a clients money? What is the commission going to be? Will I have an expected quota to fill? What’s my time table going to look like? Will I need a team? Can I pick my own people? I need all of the info if you want me to do this the right way.”

  “Straight to business then, Ms. Silverstone, or may I call you Satin?”

  “Satin is fine, Sir.” She smiled.

  Roland pulled out one of the chairs in front of his desk to offer her a seat. She was pleasantly surprised to see such a gentlemanly gesture coming from him. She sat and Roland returned to his chair behind the desk. Satin sat quietly as Roland seemed to be collecting his thoughts. He was staring at a thick binder in the center of his desk. Satin assumed that would be all of the information she would be utilizing to make whatever this deal is come to life. Roland raised an eyebrow and slowly clasped his hands on top of the file and then very seriously turned his gaze back to Satin.

  “Satin, I called you because for me to make this happen the way that I need it to happen, I need someone with your skills and abilities who fully understands how the money works in our financial system. If you choose to accept this job, it will do more than make your career. You will more than likely no longer be under my employ.”

  Satin was a little startled. What was Roland suggesting?

  “I don’t understand, sir. Why would I no longer be under your employ?”

  Roland raised his left eyebrow.

  “Because if you are able to do as I ask successfully, your commission for this job will be somewhere in the ballpark of ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS.”

  Roland paused for a second. He wanted to give her a chance to fully digest the dollar amount.

  “My guess is that once you’re paid that handsome figure, I won’t be seeing much of you anymore. You’ll either quit, meaning retire, or you will start your own investment firm. That’s what a smart person would do. And you, my dear Satin, are one of the smartest and brightest that I have.”

  Satins mind began to spin with the
possibilities of what having access to one hundred million dollars of her own money would mean. The things that she would be able to do. To pursue. To establish. All of her dreams. The welfare of her entire family. Her relationship with Derrick. Satin smiled and turned her attention back to Roland.

  “Mr. Pique, I honestly don’t know what to say,... thank you.”

  “No need to thank me Satin. I am not giving you anything. You will have to earn it. I know that you are capable of doing what needs to be done. We just need to discuss some of the particulars. If you can get passed these minor obstacles, we will both have what we both deserve.”

  Satin smiled.

  “I’m ready Sir. Whatever it takes.”

  Now it was Roland’s turn to smile.

  “I’m glad to hear you say that. Now, I must warn you. The reason I chose you is not only because of your expertise and track record as an investment broker, you will need more personable skills as well. Your commission on this is only 10%. For it to be one hundred million, you would have to broker a one billion dollar contract. I want you to consider what’s at stake here. For me to ensure that events fall the way we need them to fall and that money is where it needs to be, well, as I’m sure you can imagine, it will take some extraordinary efforts on my part. But I can guarantee what needs to be done on my end. What I need from my broker is that same guarantee on their end. I need to know before you are entered into this Satin, can I really count on you to actually do “WHATEVER” it takes?”

  The full weight of what Roland was communicating to her was beginning to come to light. Satin was no fool. If Roland is talking about “guarantees” of any kind, he is talking about manipulating the market. He is talking about controlling factions in a way that would ensure him a one billion dollar windfall. No matter how minor a role she would try to play, there would be no denying that if she willingly spear heads this for him, that she will be aiding and abetting him in breaking the law. Could she do that? Could she willingly risk everything that she’s worked for her entire life? Roland saw the conflict in Satins eyes.

  “Take your time with your decision Satin. This is no small thing. But understand, this is how the game is played in the big leagues. You have hit the glass ceiling in your career here. On the level you currently play in, the best you can hope to do is to simply maintain. But if you walk with me in this undertaking, you become master of your own destiny with more than enough money to catapult yourself into anything you desire in your life. And isn’t that the real point of money? The freedom? Isn’t that what you really want? You can choose to stay where you are. An employee of your talents can always be useful for me somewhere here within my organization. Or you can take a chance with me and step out of the limitations and constraints of your current lifestyle and free yourself from every inhibition that you have. I am a winner Satin. You have worked for me for over 10 years. You know this to be true. This is no different from anything that I’ve already done a thousand times over. The only thing different this time is you. You can choose to join me and reap the benefits of the deal that I am arranging, or you can bow out gracefully now, and I can replace you with someone else qualified to get the job done. Either way, I make my money. And I think you know me well enough to know that I don’t allow anything to interfere with the flow of my money. So, if you need some time, you have until lunch. If you are still undecided, I will send for your successor.”

  Satin felt her heart throbbing in her chest. She was at a cross roads and she knew it. She had always taken great pride in the fact that she had achieved all of her success by her own hard work and business savvy. But how many people get the opportunity to work a “billion dollar coup” with the great Roland Pique? And he was right, once she earned her commission check, one hundred million dollars to Satin, equates to freedom. She took a deep breath and then looked Roland square in the eye.

  “I don’t need any time to think about it Mr. Pique. I know what I want. And yes, I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”

  Roland stood up and walked around his desk and extended his hand to her. “Excellent. Then welcome, Satin. Welcome to the beginning of the rest of your life.”

  Satin gripped his hand firmly and shook it to seal the deal. Roland smiled and drew her in close to him.

  “What I am about to show you has only been seen by 2 other people in the world. And the only reason that I am showing you now is because it is the only way to properly educate you in preparation for what is to come. I need you to sign this contract in addition to a new PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY clause that will replace your former agreement. You have just ascended to a new level of business. The security doesn’t get any higher. And the secrets are bigger, deeper, than anything you could have ever imagined.”

  Roland released her hand and returned to his chair at his desk. He then pulled a folder from his desk drawer marked with her name; “Satin Silverstone.” He spun it around to present to her and asked her to sign her new contract. It was a single page. Not the 84 page standard. She read it carefully. It was very straight forward. Satin took another deep breath and then signed the document. Roland again rose from his desk and then walked over and fully embraced Satin.

  “Welcome, Satin, to the hierarchy.”

  Roland then turned to face the wall behind his desk and touched the face of his watch. The wall behind his desk began to open up like elevator doors. It was a false wall. And behind it a control room 3 times larger than Roland’s office, filled with what looked to be about 50 different computer monitor screens. And each one had a room on it with different people engaged in all manner of sexual acts. Satin was taken aback.

  “What in God’s name?”

  Roland interjected before fear could take full grip of her.

  “Have a seat Satin.”

  Roland gestured to the only chair in the room. The chair that sat at the center of his controls.

  “What you are looking at now are some of the most powerful men and women in Investment Banking participating in their most secret sexual vices. It is the one Achilles heel that they all share. Their weakness for women and forbidden fantasies of the flesh. Here, they are free to play out all of their fantasies, no matter how extreme, old and new.”

  Satin found herself squinting trying to focus on the multiple screens, suddenly recognizing the faces of the heads of billion dollar organizations. And then suddenly realizing where Roland was going with all of this.

  “You’re blackmailing all of these people, aren’t you?”

  Roland gave a bit of a chuckle.

  “Well, I suppose that is one way of looking at it. But I would hardly call it that anymore now.”

  Satin looked back at Roland with an over exaggerated look of exasperation.

  “Really? Then what do you call all of this?”

  Roland stepped up to the screens and smiled.

  “When I first approached each of these men and women with the taped recording of what they had done, it was indeed blackmail. They were angry and embarrassed and terrified all at the same time. I made it clear that all I needed was for a minor change to be made at their company on the release of a stock so that I could manipulate the market and cash in on the outcome. No one on their end would suffer at all. And money was made by everyone. That first initial time was the biggest risk, because you never truly know how someone is going to respond to such a threat. Imagine my surprise when each of these individuals continued to come back to Pique Towers for a repeat performance.”

  Roland paused for effect. He could see the shock in Satins eyes. “Yes, Satin. They ALL came back, again and again. Is it still blackmail then AFTER they know they are being recorded and that if it suits me that at any moment I could step in to repeat the same offer as I did originally?”

  Satin turned back to the monitors. She was trying to maintain her position of opposition to what she was seeing, but instead found herself becoming mildly aroused. It was then that she recognized Natsu Yakamura. His face was contorted in sweet ecstasy
as some beautiful petite black woman wearing a strap on was plunging in and out of his ass. Roland stepped up behind Satins chair and placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “Yes, Satin. They more than enjoyed it. They began to yearn for it. This freedom. The opportunity to be free of their every sexual inhibition in a place where their dirtiest little secrets were kept safer than a vault in Fort Knox. And of course there is the added bonus of making a few billion additional dollars on the side. No one loses here. Everyone gets exactly what they want.”

  Roland glanced back over to the screen with Natsu on it.

  “Some more than others.”

  Satin felt Roland’s hand slide down to her left breast. She was about to protest, but Roland anticipated her. She was reaching up to move his hand away when his words, stopped her cold.

  “Don’t, Satin.”

  The palm of his hand grazed across the surface of her breast sending what felt like pure electricity through her nipples.

  “To master this part of the business, you need to truly understand it. And the only way to truly understand it is to make yourself a living part of it. I can teach you how to read the meaning of every nuance a person makes. Everything means something. The signs are all very subtle, but they are there. And once you understand them completely, you can control them. Bend and twist them to suit whatever your desire may be. I need you to be a functioning agent NOW, so I’m going to have to give you the crash course, but I know that you are a fast learner. And my gut tells me that you are already very in touch with your own sexuality. That will have to be enough for us to hurry this along before our time runs out. We are racing against the clock on this Satin. So I don’t have the time to be patient or delicate with you. I need you to embrace all that I have to teach. Do you understand?”


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