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Passions Pique (Passions Pique Satin's Passion)

Page 9

by Milan, Adrian

  “Good evening, Mr. Yakamura.”

  “Good evening, Ms. Silverstone. I have heard very good things about you. I trust that your flight wasn’t too uncomfortable.”

  “No Sir, it was long, but they made it extremely comfortable for us all.”

  Satin eyed the lawyers and advisors on both sides of Natsu and decided that if she didn’t nip this in the bud now, that they would waste a tremendous amount of time with a lot of unnecessary back and forth. So she cut to the chase for both of their sakes.

  “Mr. Yakamura, may I have a private audience with you please, Sir?”

  “There is no need for that here Satin. These men are my advisors in all things. I will need them all here for any decisions that need to be made concerning our negotiations.”

  “I can appreciate that Sir, but I get the sense that Roland may not have been as forth coming as I would have liked in the delicacies of what we are negotiating here. And I just want to be sure that YOU understand what is being requested, before allowing others to have knowledge of our exploits.”

  Natsu smiled. She was a cunning one, this Satin Silverstone. She definitely had a way with words. But Natsu was not about to be outdone. These women were in his country now. Here, he was the king. And he was eager to demonstrate the full extent of the power and loyalty that he commanded.

  “Actually Ms. Silverstone, he did indeed disclose to me exactly what it was that he wanted me to do. He explained it in complete detail. He also explained to me the substantial amount of money that I would make for my participation. At the end of his explanation, my answer to him was a resounding “NO.”

  He asked for the opportunity to send a negotiator who could and would “SWEETEN THE POT” as he put it. I explained to him that there was no amount of “SWEETENING” that could sway me. I am a legitimate businessman, Ms. Silverstone. And I am already a billionaire. There is very little that I could imagine that you or anyone else could offer me that I couldn’t offer to myself. But out of courtesy to Roland, and out of pure curiosity and the sheer entertainment of it all, I’ve decided to hear you out. So if you really want to just skip all of the usual pleasantries and right down to business, then that’s fine with me. But I’m can say with all confidence that my answer will still be the same. Again,... that answer, is “NO.”

  Satin took a moment to let Natsu feel like she was actually considering all of the information that he just gave her. Then she took a deep breath, almost as if she was ready to concede defeat,... and then she set him for the slam dunk.

  “Mr. Yakamura, I do believe that I do indeed have something that would entice you enough to reconsider your decision if you would simply do me the honor of hearing out my request, but again I ask that we have this negotiation in privacy because of its delicate and intimate nature.”

  And the sound of the word “INTIMATE,” Natsu’s eyes widened.

  “Very well, Ms. Silverstone. Since you did indeed fly all the way from Miami to Okinawa, I will make an exception for you, this one time only. I would advise you to not waste this opportunity. If I decide that this was a waste of my time, you never again receive an audience from me. Do I make myself clear, Ms Silverstone?”

  Satin looked at Natsu directly in the eyes, maintaining her cold, sterile, professional demeanor.

  “Crystal clear, Mr. Yakamura.”

  “Very well then.” Natsu looked to his left and right and gave the order.

  “Leave us. I will summon you after these so called negotiations are over.”

  Natsu waved his hand and silently all of his men walked out of a side door. Once they were alone. Satin’s entire demeanor changed.

  “Mr. Yakamura, there is little point in debating the benefits of the deal that’s being offered you. And rather than wasting either of our time, I’m not going to go back and forth with the bartering. I will do you the courtesy of giving you my best offer up front. One shot, one kill, either you are pleased or I have wasted the both of our time and I’m on the first flight back to Miami.”

  Natsu nodded.

  “Sounds simple enough. What’s your offer?”

  “May I speak frankly, Sir?”

  “Please do, Ms. Silverstone.”

  “On your last visit to the States, you made a stop to our business offices, but it wasn’t for any official business that pertains to the wonderful world of finance or investing.”

  Natsu showed no emotion. He should have seen this coming. This little American tart was going to try and blackmail him.

  “Ms. Silverstone, it was very foolish of you to come all the way here to my home country to insult me with the threat of black mail.”

  Satin stepped back and over exaggerated a gasp as though she were in complete shock at what Natsu was accusing her of.

  “No, no, no,... you are completely misunderstanding me, Sir. I am not here to black mail you or to threaten you in any way. I am here to offer you a final boon in an attempt to win your favor. No more, no less.”

  Natsu calmed down.

  “Ok, so it wasn’t blackmail.” He thought to himself.

  Natsu just continued to stared at Satin. After nearly 2 minutes of her not speaking he determined that she was not here in any form of disrespect. She was patiently waiting for his permission to continue. This pleased Natsu. He began to relax once he decided that this young woman was of no threat to him.

  “Very well, Ms. Silverstone; What is your offer?”

  “The experience that you had with the 5 lovely ladies back in Miami,...”

  Natsu’s turned his head to the side, almost as a silent warning to let Satin know that she was stepping on very sensitive, very dangerous and fragile ground.

  “Go on, Ms. Silverstone.”

  “Well Sir, that was an experience that is especially unique to V.I.P.’s of Passions Pique. It’s not something that you would be able to duplicate anywhere else in the world no matter where you went or how much you had to spend.”

  Natsu found himself unconsciously nodding his agreement because he had already discovered this fact out for himself first hand. He had spent somewhere in the ball park of $80,000 and had failed at every attempt to duplicate his experience. He was convinced at this point that it had to have been a fluke. A once in a life time stroke of luck, for whatever reason, the stars were just aligned right for him on that day at that particular moment. And that it was now a physical impossibility to duplicate that experience ever again.

  “And are you suggesting that if I were to go there that I could have that same experience again? That somehow Roland Pique and the mythical Passions Pique have formulated a systematic way to insure the consistency and intensity of my pleasure? – Since we are speaking “plainly,” Ms. Silverstone.”

  “No Sir, what I am suggesting is even better than that.”

  “Do tell, Ms. Silverstone.”

  “Very well. My instincts tell me that a man of your stature is use to getting what he wants, when he wants, how he wants.”


  “And for all of the years that you have ruled over the dynasty of your organization you have been content with all that you possess because there is nothing that your immense wealth could not buy if you decided that you wanted it.”


  “That was until you came to Passions Pique.”


  “For the first time in many decades you had experienced something that you had never encountered before. Something that you can’t quite put your finger on. Something no doubt, you’ve tried to duplicate since returning from your trip in Miami, and have failed miserably time and time again with no understanding as to why.”

  “Wait. How did you know,...”

  “You came to discover that no matter how much money you spend on these other women from all over the world, that you cannot recreate the sensations, the emotions, the passion, the excitement, the release, that sense of freedom and foreboding regardless of how experienced those other women are. And my guess is that b
y now it has you quite frustrated.”

  “I’m not frustrated at all, Ms Silverstone. Your deducing skills are quite impressive, but I have already concluded that what happened in Miami was single isolated anomaly. A fluke. I must’ve had an extra rush of adrenaline or something to that effect, because you are correct, I have indeed tried to recreate it. And I have wasted enough time and money to know that it cannot be replicated.”

  “You are wrong Sir.”

  “Excuse me?!”

  “I said, that you are wrong, Sir.”

  “There is a very specific reason why you could not replicate that experience, Sir. And it had nothing to do with you. And it was no fault of the women that you paid good money for.”

  “Go on, Ms. Silverstone. I’m listening.”

  She had him. This was of enough interest to Natsu, that he was finally engaging her in a real conversation and not trying to talk down to her. Now she knew she was in a position to plant her seeds.

  “Here in Asia, your people in China and Japan have many disciplines. Specifically, in the martial arts. There is kung fu, Karate, the art of the Ninja, and the Samurai. And countless others. And though they share some common movements and understandings, they are in fact all very different disciplines. So as to the untrained eye, it may all look the same, but to the warrior who practices the disciplines, it takes him years on top of years to learn each individual discipline. Because they are in fact, not the same at all. Am I correct in my assessment so far, Mr. Yakamura?”

  Natsu sat blank faced for a moment before answering, knowing that there was only one answer to give.

  “Well, uh,... actually, yes. Yes you are.”

  The same can be said about the western worlds art in the realm of sex. It’s not all just naked bodies and sweat. There is a discipline that can be learned and taught for those with the patience and discipline to learn the skills. To endure the pains as well as the pleasures. For those who are willing to serve. And just like in your martial arts, to the untrained eye, it looks like just another wild form of sex. But to those who train and practice in these arts, there is a divine and sublime meaning to it all.”

  Natsu found himself holding his breath as he listened to Satins narrative. How is it that she is hitting so keenly on all of the points that he himself, at 65 years of age has just now only discovered himself?

  “Very astute Ms. Silverstone. So if I am understanding you correctly, what you are telling me is that the reason I failed at replicating my experience for Passions Pique is because the women whom I’ve had selected were all untrained in the particular discipline that is practiced at Passions Pique?”

  Satin purposely gave him an over exaggerated affirmation.

  “EXACTLY! And the women whom Mr. Pique had assigned to you that evening were the very best there is in their particular disciplines. They would be what you would consider true masters. Their skills cannot be matched. They have no equal.”

  Satin could see the lights of realization coming on behind Natsu’s eyes. Her carefully worded narrative gave quality and substance to the value of her words.

  “So you are saying that the only way for me to re-live the power of that experience,...”

  Satin finished it for him.

  “Is to have those same five women, those masters of their discipline, to do to you, what only they can do.”

  Satin could see Natsu wrestling with the concept inside of his head, but by carefully walking Natsu through her narrative, she had effectively removed his ability to argue any point. He was already in full agreement with everything she had said. Furthermore his many failed attempts at trying to replicate his experience with some of the most experienced and expensive experts in their field, only supported her argument that no one else possessed the knowledge nor the skills that these women have.

  “So what then is your proposal Satin? That I can frequent Passions Pique as often as I wish for as long as I like?”

  Satin watched Natsu’s face as he spoke, he was getting anxious. He lost his poker face. Which means he has just folded his hand. Satin smiled as pleasantly as she could, without making herself seem too smug, in her victory.

  “No Sir, Mr. Yakamura. What I am proposing is that if you are willing to do what is asked of you by Mr. Pique so that he can do what he does to make you both untold hundreds of millions of dollars, that along with the financial windfall that you will surely be a benefactor from, and the ability to get in on similar deals that Mr. Pique has going on with other clients who are already established in his network, I am authorized to give you the one thing that your money cannot buy you. For one full year, I will have those 5 great masters of their discipline assigned to you here in Okinawa. They must have first class accommodations of course, and we will check in with them once a week to monitor their welfare. But essentially, they will become your Concubines. An elite harem, if you will. And at the end of one year from today, they will be released back into our custody.”

  Natsu’s jaw had become slack and fell open. Nothing short of pure shock was upon his face.

  “And they are willing to do this? To live as my sex slaves of their own free will for one full year?”

  Satin didn’t even blink.

  “Absolutely. See for yourself.”

  Satin walked over to open the door to the foyer.

  “Ladies, you may come in now.”

  Natsu had completely forgotten that Satin had travelled to him with and entourage. It never even occurred to him that the entourage would be his Angels.

  “I don’t believe that you were ever formally introduced Mr. Yakamura. This lovely young lady is from Italy. And her name is Angelique. This beautiful little sprite is from Prague and her name is Mina. This gorgeous Latina woman is from Mexico and her name is Maria. This spicy red head is from Ireland and her name is Patricia. And this sensual African American woman is from Miami. She is the leader of their team. Her name is Tracey. Together they comprise the very best that Passions Pique has ever turned out. And if you are willing to agree to our terms, these woman are ready to agree to be your physical sexual property for one full year. Isn’t that right ladies?”

  The ladies all sang together in concert as rehearsed countless times on the plane ride over here to Okinawa.

  “Yes, Ms. Silverstone.”

  Natsu allowed himself to smile. It seemed pointless at this stage to try and uphold any pretense of disagreeing with Satin’s offer. She was right, she did indeed have the one thing that he did not have access to and forced him to place a very high value on the expertise of these wonderfully beautiful women.

  “Very well, Ms. Silverstone. You said that you would not use any stall tactics and you have given me your first, best and final offer. And I accept, on the grounds that these women can indeed replicate the experience that I had back in Miami. If they can do that, then that will consummate the deal between us.”

  “That sounds perfectly reasonable to me, Mr. Yakamura. The ladies are at your disposal. Do with them as you see fit.”

  Natsu rose from his seat and asked the women to follow him. Tracey alone paused for a second to look back at Satin for the final time and gave her a knowing smile.

  “Don’t worry Satin, we got this.”

  Satin smiled back and gave her a wink.

  “I know you do Tracey. Keep me updated every week. And at the first sign of ANYTHING that you don’t like, just let me know. I’ll be back here faster than you can sneeze.”

  Tracey winked back, turned and then she was gone. Two minutes later one of the house keepers came to show Satin to her room. She was exhausted. But she knew that she could not lay down to sleep until she got the deal fully sealed. So she unpacked and set up her little make shift office. Pulled out her laptop and checked her emails. Still no messages from Derrick. Satin was doing her best to try and not think about him at all until after her business in Okinawa was completed, the fact that he hadn’t sent her even one message really got under her skin.

really no rational way to deal with this.” She thought to herself. I’m the one pulling these disappearing acts. I’m the one having wild and crazy sex with multiple partners. I’m the one sleeping with the boss and just jet-napped myself to the other side of the world without even so much as a good bye. So why do I feel like he has somehow wronged me for not sending me a message yet? How crazy is that?”

  Satin knew that she was just looking for a way to project her anger onto him because she was disappointed in herself. Disappointed in the choice that she made to pimp herself to Roland Pique. But then she would think about that one hundred million dollar commission and all of that nonsense just washed away like it was never there in the first place.


  Natsu Yakamura wanted things to be exactly like they were the last time. But apparently these ladies had their own plan already worked out. Tracey was gently pushing against his chest coaxing him to lay down.

  “Lay back Natsu. Let us do all of the work.”

  They were all completely naked and surrounding Natsu who was lying in the center of his huge bed. Tracey parted his legs and moved her body up between his thighs and hovered right above Natsu’s already erect cock. He hadn’t been this excited since he’d left Miami. Tracey looked down into his dark eyes.

  “You were looking for to replicate your experience from your visit in Miami.”

  Natsu simply nodded his head yes.

  “Sorry Natsu, we don’t go backwards.”

  Natsu was confused, but before he could speak, Tracey wrapped the fingers of her right hand around Natsu’s cock while placing the index finger of her left hand against Natsu’s lips, signaling for him to stay quiet.


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