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Deceptive Changes: Kat LaMond Book 1

Page 28

by R A Baker

  “Katja,” Sven said as he walked up to me. I held out my hand but he just moved it aside. “You wouldn’t let me heal you earlier but now I can.” He bit his hand and ran it along my stomach. I sucked in a breath as his blood sizzled on my wound.

  I screamed when the pain flared to a white hot burning. Sven pulled me to him and bit my neck. I gurgled as bile rose into my throat. I pushed against him. He released me. I had a second to lean over and toss my cookies.

  Sven held me in his arms as I convulsed in pain. Todd and the others were standing around and yelling. “What’s wrong? Why is she in so much pain?” Sven shrugged.

  I clawed at his arms and back as the pain sizzled through me. Blackness welled inside my head. I struggled against it and then let it win.

  >< ><

  “Katja, can you hear me?” I blinked into dim lighting. “Katja?” It was Marishka.

  I groaned. My tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth. I sat up and fell back onto the bed when dizziness seized me. I unstuck my tongue and licked my lips. After a couple attempts to speak I finally got the words out, “Help me up. I need to use the bathroom.” Todd came into view and helped me up. He looked worried.

  He walked me into the bathroom and helped me stay standing as I brushed my teeth. My stomach was sizzling with low-grade pain. I finished brushing my teeth and asked, “What happened?”

  “You lost consciousness.” I looked at him and sighed. My teeth felt better but my stomach was rolling. “I called Marishka.” I nodded. He helped me back into the bedroom. I pulled away from him and sat on the window seat, curling my legs to my chest. It helped keep the pain at bay. Todd sat next to me.

  “I suppose I owe you a thank you, Marishka.”

  She bowed her head. “I serve my king and his queen.”

  I blushed and waved off the comment. “Uh, what happened to me?”

  “Cyril put a spell on your wound. He wanted you to try what you did. It was his way of fighting you and possibly killing you. If my king hadn’t called when he did, you’d be in the grave. I took the spell off. I have used up a great deal of energy for you, my queen. May I ask that I feed?”

  “Why are you asking me?” I frowned at her. She came to me and kneeled with her head bowed. I looked at Todd. He just shrugged. What help he was. “Stop that, Marishka. You’re older than I am. No offense. Feed if you need to.”

  “May I feed from one or more of your men?” She kept her head bowed.

  “That would be up to them, Marishka. Please stand up or something, this is…” Todd cut me off with a shake of his head. I stopped talking. “Please, stand up, Marishka. Go feed.”

  She stood up, all six feet of her, and walked up to Erick. “May I feed from you, Erick?”

  Erick looked at me; I shrugged. It was up to him. He nodded and slid off the bed to stand in front of her. She wrapped him in her long arms and bent her head. Erick’s hands fisted as her teeth slid into his skin.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist a moment later. I watched as he tightened his hold on her body. I could see color spreading along her arms, shoulders, and neck. Erick whimpered and arched his back. She bent with him and then pulled back, holding him against her.

  She pulled off Erick’s neck, turned to me, and said, “You have such strong men, my queen.” I frowned at the title again. Todd and I were going to have to talk about this. “May I feed further?” I wanted to ask her why she was asking me but didn’t, and, instead, nodded.

  She walked up to Trace and asked. He looked from me to Todd and then back to Marishka, nodding. He stayed sitting. She didn’t seem to have a problem with this.

  She climbed onto the bed behind Trace and wrapped her long arms around him, then bent her head. I watched as her fangs slid into his skin. Trace closed his eyes and I could see that he was fighting the pleasure that her bite caused.

  She released him a few minutes later and lay back on the bed. She laughed her tinkling laugh and wrapped her arms around herself. I raised an eyebrow. I must be feeling better.

  I uncurled my legs and stood up. The pain in my stomach was minimal now. Todd stood up beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “Marishka?” She sat up in bed and looked at us. Her eyes were slightly glazed over. “Thank you for your help.”

  Todd leaned into me and whispered, “I invited her to stay tonight.” I turned and looked at him. “She has helped a great deal and I owe her your life,” he explained quietly. I shrugged. Whatever.

  Trace and Erick came to stand beside Todd and me. Sven stayed near the door. He was watching Marishka. Maybe he found someone strong enough for him. His eyes slid from her to me. He grimaced when he looked back at her. I wanted to ask him what was wrong but I didn’t.

  “Marishka, are you through?” Todd asked. She nodded. “Charles will show you to your room then.” A moment later Charles entered the room. How he knew to come in, I’ll probably never know.

  Charles flicked his eyes to me and smirked. “Please follow me, shaman.” She stood up and followed Charles out of the room. I started to speak but Todd kissed me, cutting off whatever I was going to say.

  “Let’s go out to dinner, Kat.” He looked at me until I got his meaning. I nodded.

  “Will Sven be going with us?” Todd nodded. Good.

  “Where are we going? Fast food? A restaurant?”

  “I’ve made reservations at a nice restaurant.” He smacked my butt and left the room. I watched him leave the room in mild shock. Did he just smack my ass? I shook my head and went to the closet. I grabbed a skirt suit and shoes. Trace, Erick, and Sven were still in the room so I went into the bathroom to change.

  I walked out and found the guys were changed. They were wearing slacks, dress shirts, evening jackets, and dress shoes. I smiled as I took them in. They were so yummy looking. I couldn’t imagine life without them. I didn’t want to, I realized. I wanted this, however it came.

  I walked up to Erick and kissed him. I pulled back and he smiled at me. Trace was next and then Sven. Todd wasn’t in the room. I went to find him. He was in the kitchen talking with Charles. He was in a suit as well. I walked up to him and kissed him. He smiled at me and went back to talking to Charles.

  “Make sure the guests are taken care of, Charles. I don’t want her against us. She saved our lives twice already.” Charles bowed gracefully and walked out of the room.

  Todd turned to me and asked, “Are you ready, babe?” I nodded. He held out his arm for me. I slid my hand onto his arm and we walked out of the kitchen. My men were standing by the door waiting. Todd escorted me to his truck and guided me into the front passenger seat. He shut the door and got in on the other side. He leaned over as he started the truck and gave me a big kiss.

  We rode in silence until we were far enough from the house. “How did Marishka’s attitude change, Todd?”

  “When she saw you injured. She saw something that made her scared and she doesn’t scare easily, Kat.” He held out his hand. I grabbed it and he squeezed.


  “Let’s not talk about her.” I wanted to know more things but I let it go.

  >< ><

  We arrived at the restaurant. Sven had my door open before the valet could get to me. He held out his arm. I took it and slid out of the vehicle. We met up with my men. I was surprised when the valet drove off since I had been wrapped up with Sven escorting me over to my men. Todd took my other arm and wound it through his. Trace and Erick walked behind us.

  We walked in and Todd gave our name, which didn’t actually seem necessary. The hostess had our menus in hand and asked us to follow her. She led us to the back by the fireplace and laid out the menus. Sven pulled out my chair and I sat down. The guys sat down after me. Sven was on my right, Todd on the left; Trace beside Todd and Erick beside Sven.

  “A waiter will be with you momentarily,” she said and walked off.

  We looked at the menu. I found a light meal that sounded good to me and shut my menu. A couple minutes later, we
knew what we wanted. The waiter, a young man dressed in black slacks, a white shirt, and a black vest appeared. “Are you ready to order?”

  Everyone looked at me. I guess I was to order first. I cleared my throat, tried not to shift in embarrassment, and opened my menu. I told him what I wanted. The guys ordered, even Sven. The waiter nodded and left.

  Sven had to keep up appearances that he was mortal, I guess. He didn’t really look mortal. His pale skin gleamed in the light of the fireplace. His full lips were slightly pale and his dark blue eyes had a shine like an animal’s. He blinked at me and the shine was gone. I sucked in a breath. “How do you do that?”

  “What?” He tilted his head at me.

  “The way you blinked and the animal shine was gone.”

  “Oh, that. I just think ‘human’ and it goes away,” he chuckled.

  “Really?” I asked.

  He shook his head and laughed softly. “No, Katja. I can mask being a vampire when I’m around humans. It’s a skill, something we learn to blend in.” He leaned into me and to outward appearances he was kissing my cheek but in reality his fangs had slid into my neck.

  I hissed as pleasure filled me. “Not now,” I whispered.

  He licked my neck when he pulled his fangs out and chuckled. “Does that embarrass you?” I couldn’t speak so I nodded. He laughed quietly.

  “That’s not funny, Sven.” I couldn’t hold a straight face. “I could have made a big scene and probably jumped you in front of a whole lot of people, if you had kept it up.” He licked his lips. Oh, boy. I saw the challenge in his eyes.

  Todd spoke up, breaking into our staring contest. “Sven, this isn’t the time, dude.” Sven’s eyes flicked to Todd’s and then he nodded.

  We talked about whatever flowed into our heads, except sex and Marishka. The waiter brought our dinner. Sven even tasted his meal. He grimaced and discretely spit it out in his napkin. “Maybe you shouldn’t pretend, Sven.” I grimaced at just the thought of him doing that again.

  We ate our meal with light banter and easy conversational subjects.

  >< ><

  We finished and the waiter came up a few minutes later and took our plates. He offered dessert and we took the offer.

  Todd had a slice of cheesecake with strawberries on it. Erick had a chocolate torte. Trace had a fruit torte. Sven ordered what I ordered, a hazelnut torte. We ate our dessert. Sven pretended to eat but mainly just pushed small pieces around the plate. I sighed. “Stop doing that. It’s so good. You’re ruining it.” He stopped moving pieces around.

  He leaned into me again and kissed my earlobe. I shivered as his breath went into my ear. I jerked my head back and chuckled. “I have nothing to occupy my time, Katja.”

  I looked at him from inches away. His blue eyes were even darker, like dark sapphire. “We’ll be done in a few minutes. Can’t you wait a minute or two?” He sighed and went back to pushing pieces of torte around his plate.

  The waiter came over when we were finished and asked if we wanted anything else. I shook my head. Todd had other plans, however. He ordered a bottle of expensive champagne.

  A few minutes later, the champagne arrived with crystal flutes. The waiter poured our drinks and left. I sipped the champagne and let out a pleased sigh. It was delicious.

  “What’s the occasion, Todd?”

  “There isn’t one, Kat. I just felt like having champagne. Also, I didn’t want to go home just yet.”

  I smiled. A ridiculous thought went through me. “We could always just rent a room.” The restaurant was tied to a hotel.

  “We could,” he said, though he didn’t sound all that convinced. He seemed to think on that while we sipped champagne.

  We finished the bottle and paid the bill, and left the restaurant.

  Instead of walking to the truck, Todd guided us to the elevators. “I already reserved a room for us, Kat,” he whispered in my ear.

  I flushed. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “It’s so hard to surprise you. You have all this money and you don’t even think about it. Well, I have some money now and I decided to surprise you for a change.” He kissed me hard and passionately while we waited for the elevator.

  The lift binged and we loaded in, even though I was loath to break the kiss with Todd. Todd swiped a key card across the reader and the elevator took off. It opened on the penthouse floor. I was surprised. I didn’t even think Todd thought about these things.

  “How long have you had reservations?”

  He winked at me. “For a little while. I’m just glad you didn’t die. I would’ve been pissed if I had to come here alone.”

  “Good thing I’m alive then. I wouldn’t want you to have to come here all by your lonesome.” I looked around the penthouse. It was beautiful. The walls were in a faded gold fabric with electric candle lights in a chandelier. We were standing in the foyer and looking into the living room. The living room shared space with the dining area but was split up by the use of throw rugs.

  “Yes, it’s a good thing you’re alive.” Todd wrapped his arms around me and lifted me. He kissed me lightly at first. I ran my hands through his hair. Gosh, I didn’t want the kiss to end.

  He set me down and ran his hands along my back. He let me go and pulled my hand and me to the couch. “We should talk.”

  My heart squished in my chest. “Talk?” I squeaked out.

  He chuckled. “Not that kind of talk, Kat. I mean. Talk.” I didn’t understand. What was he driving at?

  “What do you mean, talk? What kind of talk? You say not that kind of talk. Well, what kind then?”

  “About us.”

  My heart fled into my stomach. “Us? What about us? I thought we were fine. Right?” He nodded. “Then what, Todd? Stop with the cryptic.”

  “It’s rather difficult to put into words without sounding weird.” I frowned at him. I was frowning a lot lately. I hoped I didn’t get too many wrinkles from it.

  I shook my head at him. “I don’t understand.” He blew out a sigh and looked at Sven.

  Sven came up and sat beside me. “Katja, Todd’s trying to…” He paused. This was weird. They were all speechless.

  “Does this have to do with sex?” I figured blatant questions should help roll things along.

  “It does.”

  I thought a moment. “Are you trying to ask me something about sex?” One way or the other we would find the words. I suppose I was just going to have to keep asking questions until the right answer appeared.

  “Yes and no. We are asking you about sex, yes, but what we’re really getting at has to do with us, mainly,” Todd explained.

  “Us. As in not me?” He nodded. Okay, we were getting somewhere. “Did you want to try something that might not involve me?”

  “It would involve you…” He stopped. “This is getting rather ridiculous,” he muttered. I think he was talking to himself but I couldn’t be sure.

  “Well, twenty questions isn’t too bad. At least it isn’t a hundred or something.” I chuckled, they didn’t. Okay. “You guys want to do something that involves me, sort of, but is mainly about you guys?” They nodded.

  Hmm, I wonder. “You aren’t talking about, oh, I don’t know…” I stopped for a moment. “Something where all five of us are together, are you?” They nodded. Okay, I figured out what they wanted, now I think I’ll pass out.

  “Are you okay, Kat? You seem a bit pale.”

  I looked at Todd. “Hmm? I’m fine.” My head was reeling from the images that flashed through my head but outside of that I was pretty good, I hoped.

  I looked at each of them. They seemed like this wasn’t a huge deal. “Why would you suggest this?” I truly wanted to know. We barely scratched the surface earlier.

  Todd spoke up. “I’ve been around vampires who don’t have a preference either way. It’s loosened me up a bit to alternative thinking.”

  “Okay. But why would this particular subject come up?” I wanted to know why, if ther
e even was a reason, for them to suggest something that was a bit out there.

  Todd sighed. “I’ve spoken with Sven about this. He’s brought in his own opinions and suggestions on…uh, sex.”

  I looked at Sven. He smiled, showing his fangs. I couldn’t help but smile back. “And you all want to try something like that?”

  They nodded. I frowned. “You do know that not everyone can fit inside me, right?”

  Todd rolled his eyes. “Of course, Kat.”

  “Just so we’re clear, that’s all. You also know that at least two of you will be…um…” There was no way to put it nicely so I didn’t. “You know that at least two of you will be fucked also, right?” They nodded. Hmm. “And you’re okay with this?”

  Trace spoke up. “I’m not. I’ve already voiced my opinions on the way my body is going to be used.”

  I frowned at his terminology. “You aren’t being used, Trace. If you don’t want to do this, you don’t have to. I’m not pushing the issue at all. I’m actually just trying to understand this change.” He merely nodded.

  Todd looked at my quizzically. “What don’t you understand, Kat?”

  “I know you guys aren’t into men, as in other than those in this room. I know this. What I’m most concerned with is…are you doing this for me or for yourselves?”

  “We’re doing this for you and for us, Katja,” Erick whispered.

  I looked at him. “What do you think of all this? Is this something that you’ve desired or even considered?”

  “I don’t know what I desire anymore. I used to think it was a monogamous relationship that I desired but now I see it’s more…fulfilling to be with the four of you.”

  “How so?” I was curious as to what Erick truly thought. It was rare that he shared.

  “I find that even when I’ve spent myself in your lovely body I can still bring you enjoyment while others fill you.” I blushed. I should be used to Erick’s unique phrasing but I wasn’t. The one thing I didn’t understand was what he was willing to do.


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