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Deceptive Changes: Kat LaMond Book 1

Page 44

by R A Baker

  I walked out of the kitchen and into the bedroom. I grabbed dark jeans and a t-shirt, socks and comfortable tennis shoes. I turned around and into Haven. I didn’t gasp, scream, or let out a shocked breath. I hit his shoulder, not hard but enough to let him know that I wasn’t happy about the shock thing he liked to do. He laughed and stepped back.

  “Grab some jeans and a shirt from Todd’s side and nice dress shoes.” He nodded and went about gathering clothes for himself.

  I walked into the bathroom and stripped. Haven walked into the bathroom without knocking. I grabbed my t-shirt and put it in front of me. He rolled his eyes and said, “It’s not like I haven’t seen you naked before, Katja.” He was right, but still, it was disconcerting to be naked in front of him.

  I yanked on my clothes as quickly as possible. He stripped off the suit but left the shirt. A moan slipped from my lips as I looked at him. I backed up and bumped into the door. I turned slightly to look at the door and Haven was against me. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me roughly. I ran my hands down to his groin and stroked him through his underwear. He moaned softly and pressed into my hand.

  I pulled back as much as I could and wiggled out of his arms. I slid down his body and kneeled in front of him. I pulled his underwear down, freeing him. I wrapped my hand around him and he whispered my name as he braced himself with his hands against the door.

  I slid my mouth over him, feeling the velvety smoothness of his skin. I used teeth, tongue, and mouth to bring him. He arched his back and cried out softly. I let him go with one last flick of the tongue and stood up. He smiled and pulled me into his arms. Before I even knew what he was doing, his fangs slipped into my skin. I inhaled sharply as the pleasure became overwhelming in the few seconds since his fangs had entered my skin. I screamed my pleasure and clawed at his back as I orgasmed several times. He pulled back and grinned. I smiled a lazy smile back. If he hadn’t had me in his arms I would have slid to the floor.

  The door opened and Sven and Thorn poked their heads in. “That isn’t even fair, Katja,” Thorn said.

  They walked in and took me from Haven, and wrapped their arms around my waist, holding me tight. I leaned my head back and watched Haven pop in the shower and clean up.

  I kissed Sven and Thorn and stepped from their arms, and walked out of the bathroom, leaving the three vampires alone. I was never going to leave the house if I had stayed.

  I found Trace, Todd, and Erick in the living room. They chuckled when I walked in. I ran my hands through my hair and sat between Todd and Trace. “You guys ready?” They nodded.

  A few minutes later the vampires walked into the room. Haven looked delicious in dark jeans that hugged his body perfectly. Thorn and Sven were in jeans and dress shirts that were left loose, the top few unbuttoned, with dark t-shirts underneath.

  I sighed and got off the couch. The others stood up and we walked out of the house. We piled into the Durango and headed to the shopping district.

  >< ><

  The shopping district had ritzy shops in between less expensive shops. Todd complained for about a minute when we walked into a dress shop. He liked me shopping but hated to shop himself.

  The clerk came over and held out her hand, “Ms. LaMond, welcome back.” I shook her hand and she pulled me to the podium where you get your clothes altered. She held up three different suits and sighed. She put them back. I groaned and looked at my guys. She hadn’t even batted an eye at them.

  She came out of the back room with two different suits and smiled. She laid one down and handed me the other. “This one will look stunning on you.”

  I went into the fitting room. The suit wasn’t all that different in color from some of the others that I had but it did have a slight lavender tinge to it.

  I stepped out of the fitting room and twirled around. Gasps came from my men. “What?”

  “Holy shit, Kat, your eyes.” What about my eyes?

  I walked up to the mirror. My sea-green eyes were now light lavender with a circle of green on the outside. I stared in shock at the change in color. Thorn came over to me and said, “You have to get this, Katja.” He kissed my cheek and stepped away. I nodded. Hell yeah, I was getting the suit.

  I changed back into my regular clothes and the clerk took the suit and bagged it. I declined any other suits and she rang it up. I handed her my card and signed the receipt. We left the dress shop.

  I made them go into most of the suit stores and buy several apiece. Shoes were next and then we went to find undergarments. They were particular about underwear, just as much as I was. We even stopped to get me a couple bras. Todd was the most vocal about which bras he wanted to see on me.

  After clothes shopping, we went food shopping. That was even more fun, since most of the women in the store had two or three kids with runny noses and were yelling at them to behave. Those with kids stopped yelling at them and turned to watch my men walk by, letting their gazes travel the lengths of their bodies. The kids took full advantage of the distraction and started throwing stuff off shelves and running their hands in the mess.

  I grimaced as I saw the kids run messy hands along food products. I turned to my guys. “Maybe, you shouldn’t be in here.” They chuckled and edged closer to me. I wanted to complain more but didn’t, so instead, I filled the grocery basket with food. All kinds that didn’t involve little kid handprints. Todd tossed a few things in that I hadn’t thought to grab and we were finished.

  I pushed the cart to the checkout line and started piling the food on the conveyer belt. The cashier was staring at my guys and wasn’t looking at me. “Are you going to ring my stuff up or not?” She turned her eyes to me and glared. My mouth fell open. “Excuse me?” She ignored me and went back to drooling. I heaved a sigh and walked away. My guys followed. Screw food.

  The clerk came running up to Todd and said, “Didn’t you want the food?”

  He turned to her with an unfriendly expression and said, “No. You’re behavior toward my…” I waited to hear what he would call me. “My wife was uncalled for.” Wife? I groaned. She turned to me and apologized. I nodded once and started for the register. I held out my hand to keep my guys away from me. She was polite and efficient with me and not once did her eyes travel to my men. Thank goodness that the bagger was a man. I paid for the groceries when she was finished ringing them up.

  We each took several bags apiece and walked out of the store. The three vampires could have taken all of the groceries if they had wanted to. We piled the groceries in the cargo area that was now extremely full of clothes and groceries.

  I snagged the front passenger seat from Trace, who smiled and sat in back with Haven. “Wife, huh?” I asked as we drove off. Todd flashed me a smile.

  >< ><

  When we got home we off loaded everything. I put the groceries away and set my suit aside to be dry-cleaned.

  I walked into the bedroom and told them that we were going out to dinner. I wasn’t going to make them cook after a day like this. I wanted to relax after a day like today.

  When we were ready, finally, I looked at my men. They were handsome and stunning. They were in dark jeans, loose dress shirts, and tennis shoes. My heart tugged as I looked into their eyes. How I needed to protect them.

  Before I left I grabbed my knife sheaths from the bedroom and strapped them on before I put the little black leather corset jacket on. The doorbell rang as we started to walk. We froze. Sven smiled and mouthed, ‘It’s okay.’

  I walked to the door and looked through the peephole. Sal. He was smiling. I groaned and opened the door. “So you do live here, Katja.” I shrugged. “I just wanted to thank you for introducing me to Starla. She’s wonderful.” I nodded and plastered a smile on my face. “Here,” he held out a bouquet of long stemmed white roses. “These are for you. Thank you again.”

  This time a genuine smile slid across my face. “I’m glad you found that person, Sal.” He bobbed his head and looked past me. A small kernel of desire flashed
through his eyes before he thanked me again and left.

  I shut the door and leaned against it. All six men smiled at me, as if I had just done something wonderful.

  Sven walked up to me and pulled me away from the door, kissing me, and then escorted me out and into the truck. He slid in next to me and Haven got in on the other side after Erick and Thorn had climbed into the rear.

  Todd drove us to the Olive Garden. We waited a half hour for them to find enough room for all of us and when they did we were escorted to the very back of the room. A few times I heard silverware drop to plates as we walked past people. What was wrong with these people? It’s like they’ve never seen handsome men before. I groaned inwardly. I was one of those people. If I hadn’t been involved with them I’d probably have dropped my silverware too.

  Sven pulled out my chair and guided me onto it, pushing it under my butt with the proper amount of room from the table. He sat next to me with Thorn on his side.

  The two were behaving or so I thought until I heard gasps from across the room. I turned to see Thorn and Sven kissing. I cleared my throat and they stopped, though they did flash happy grins at me before they turned slightly away from each other. Haven sat beside Thorn. Todd sat across from me with Trace to his side and Erick beside Trace.

  The waitress came over, a blush coloring her young face, and asked if we’d like something to drink. We ordered a bottle of wine and a round of sodas.

  I heard a gasp from behind me. I turned and saw an older couple staring. I blinked and turned, ready to bawl Thorn and Sven out, but it wasn’t them. I didn’t see anything that would make them gasp until I looked into Haven’s eyes. They had bled to silver. His eyes turned back to ice blue as he looked at me, he chuckled softly and looked at the menu.

  I didn’t need to look at the menu. I knew it by heart since the Olive Garden was one of my favorite restaurants. The waitress brought out the bottle wine with glasses and sodas.

  We ordered and she left quickly. I turned to see that Sven was leaning against Thorn, running his hand on Thorn’s leg in plain view of anyone walking by.

  I leaned into them and whispered, “I know you like touching each other but uh…could you guys not…” I stopped when I looked into their eyes. “Screw it. Fondle each other all you want.” They grinned at me and went back to what they were doing, which was Sven’s hand on Thorn’s leg and Thorn’s hand around Sven’s waist.

  I turned back and sipped my soda. The waitress brought breadsticks and salad, plopping plates on the table, looking thoroughly embarrassed, and fled. I groaned softly and turned to see what had caught her attention. Grr, vampires. Haven had pulled his chair closer to Thorn and was running his hand along Thorn’s neck.

  I flicked my eyes to Todd. He shrugged and turned his eyes back to Haven, Sven, and Thorn. I shrugged too and dished out some salad. We were so going to get thrown out of here if they decided to do more than touching.

  We, humans, ate the salad and drank our sodas. The vampires continued to cause gasps and little exclamations of shock. I decided that it would be best to either: ignore it, yell at them, or enjoy the show. I decided on the latter. I turned my chair slightly so I could eat and watch. They weren’t doing anything that would be considered rude or voyeuristic so I didn’t understand the gasps that were coming from new customers.

  Sven leaned into me and whispered, “We didn’t even get to bring you five hundred times.” I choked on my soda. He chuckled and finished his thought, “These people are whispering and gasping like they’ve never seen people touch in public and we aren’t even touching indecently.”

  “Maybe they aren’t gasping because you’re touching so much as you’re three handsome, yummy, and delicious men and you’re touching each other.” He smiled and leaned back against Thorn, running his hand on Thorn’s thigh. Sven went higher and brushed across Thorn’s groin right as the waitress came to deliver our meals. I flashed my eyes at Sven and he ran his hand back down just as the waitress turned to set my plate in front of me. She placed meals in front of Todd, Trace, and Erick. The vampires didn’t order anything. She turned quickly and left the area.

  I started eating and stopped when Sven’s hand ran over Thorn’s groin again. Thorn leaned a little back and into Haven, sighing softly. Haven ran his hand over Thorn’s chest and then down to Sven’s hand. Together they rubbed Thorn. I was awestruck at their courage, or stupidity, however you wanted to look at it.

  I glanced behind me and found that no one seemed to notice. Thorn moved minutely against their hands and bit his lip to keep from crying out too loudly. I flicked my eyes past them to see if anyone had heard. Nope.

  I heard Todd mutter under his breath, it sounded like ‘holy shit’ but I couldn’t be sure. I turned and found him staring at the three vampires. I turned back just in time to see Sven grabbed Thorn’s hand and kissed it gently. His fangs slid into the meaty part of the palm and Thorn pressed against Haven as he sighed and moved his hips.

  When Sven pulled his fangs out of Thorn’s palm I leaned into him and asked, “What are you guys doing?”

  “We’re playing a game.” I frowned. He explained, “We’re seeing how many times I can bring Thorn without him drawing attention to us. If he can keep from drawing attention throughout the meal, he gets to bring both Haven and I to our knees with as many orgasms as he wants.” My heart stuttered at the thought of the game and the reward. A grin slid along my lips and I used my teeth to stop it. Sven flashed a grin and turned his attention back to Thorn.

  Haven was using his hair as a shield to bite Thorn’s neck and send him shuddering. Thorn’s hand spasmed and Sven caught it. Thorn’s eyes were closed and he was gripping Sven’s hand so tightly that blood started to fall in droplets to the floor. Haven pulled back and smiled at me.

  They stopped a moment and it took me a second to realize that the waitress was back. “Is your meal okay?” We nodded. I hadn’t taste more than a bite and I wasn’t going to be eating it either. I looked at my guys across from me, they weren’t eating either.

  The waitress left and Sven took hold of Haven’s hand and brought it to his mouth. Sven’s fangs slid into Haven’s palm. I realized what they planned on doing seconds before Thorn sighed and closed his eyes. Thorn bit his lip so hard to keep from screaming that a thin stream of blood ran down his chin. He wiped it quickly away before someone noticed and fell back against Haven, which happened to make the orgasm more intense. He grunted softly and trembled. Sven pulled out of Haven’s palm and licked his lips. Thorn was breathing hard but quietly. I couldn’t believe Thorn’s control. If it had been me, I’d be screaming and writhing in pleasure and I wouldn’t give a crap who saw me.

  “Sven?” I whispered. He turned to me. “Do you do this often?”

  He grinned and shook his head. “We’ve only done this once before. Unfortunately for Thorn, he made a little too much noise and we got kicked out of the restaurant. He’s gained more control.”

  “When did you try this?”

  He turned to Thorn and then back to me. “When he was about a decade old. He’s much better now. If you don’t mind, I’d rather he didn’t have a chance to get his breath.” He chuckled softly and turned back to Thorn.

  I pushed the food around on my plate to mimic eating and turned back to watch them torture—In a good way—Thorn. Haven brushed Thorn’s hair from his neck and ran his hand along the exposed skin. Thorn moaned oh-so-softly and moved his hips against Sven’s leg as Haven, just by touch, brought Thorn.

  Sven grabbed my wrist and pulled it to his mouth. I felt his fangs slide in and whispered, “Don’t play that game with me because I will get us thrown out of the restaurant.” He nodded against me and took blood but didn’t turn his bite.

  Thorn grabbed Sven’s wrist and bit into him. Sven moaned softly against my wrist as Thorn turned his bite. I started to pull my wrist back but Sven held tight. A few more sips later and he placed my hand on the table. Thorn pulled his mouth from Sven’s and smiled at me. H
is brown eyes had turned gold.

  The waitress came over and asked if everything was all right. We nodded and asked for doggy bags. We ordered a dessert when the waitress offered and after Sven ordered a coffee. He wanted to draw it out apparently. The waitress took our dessert order and left.

  Sven pulled Thorn’s shirt up a bit and ran his hands along Thorn’s smooth stomach. Haven’s pale hand appeared beside Sven’s and together they massaged Thorn’s stomach.

  The waitress came back and their hands disappeared from Thorn’s stomach and the shirt was in place before she could really even see what had happened. She placed our dessert in front of us and gave Sven his coffee. We thanked her and she left.

  Sven’s hand appeared and ran along Thorn’s groin slowly, deliberately. Thorn arched against Haven minutely. Haven’s hand ran along his side and down but didn’t touch Sven’s. Thorn bit his lip as Sven rubbed harder on his groin. After a moment, Thorn let out a shaky breath. Sven took his hand away and Haven rubbed a finger across Thorn’s groin causing Thorn to shudder and groan softly as he arched his back and fisted his hands. He unclenched his hands and I saw blood pooled in his palms. He licked the blood from his hands and sighed. His gold eyes were blurry and unfocused.

  I called for the bill and Sven leaned in and whispered, “You’re no fun. We were just getting started.” He pretended to be heartbroken but I could tell he wasn’t. He was happy and proud of Thorn for keeping control for so long.

  The waitress came over. I handed her my credit card and had her box the desserts. Sven used the time to bite Thorn’s hand and bring him again. After Sven pulled his fangs from Thorn’s hand, Haven ran his fingers over the bite wound before it healed and caused Thorn to buck a little and murmur something under his breath.

  The waitress came back. I signed the slip and stood up. I wanted to get home so they could have even more fun. I grabbed the doggy bags and handed them to Thorn. His jeans were nearly soaked in front from all the orgasms. He smiled lazily at me, apparently sated from all the orgasms and play they had done throughout dinner.


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