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The Mating Intent-mobi

Page 18

by Bonnie Vanak

  Alarm filled the king’s expression.

  “But if she remains here, with me as her mate, attending to the Everglades, she won’t be a threat to you,” Gabriel added.

  Sienna hoped Cael would finally see reason.

  He seemed to struggle with this. Then finally the glowing red aura around him faded. Cael sighed. “Very well. You were never happy among us, Sienna. Your heart is too restless. But perhaps now, you will have peace here.”

  As she pulled the power back inside herself, the Fae king looked cagey. “But you must never return to us, even to visit.”

  A hollow ache settled in her chest. She had expected this. Even so, it hurt to know she could never go back. And then she looked up at Gabriel, saw the love in his eyes.

  It was time to cut the ties to the Elven for good.

  “Fine with me. My place is here now, with Gabriel.”

  Cael waved his staff. “I release you from your duties, Ninianne.” The king looked solemnly at her. “You are no longer known among us as Nianianne, your true Elven name, but all shall call you Sienna.”

  “That’s all?” Gabriel frowned. “Shouldn’t there be rainbow sparks, a chorus of Fairies singing, a marching band?”

  The king gave her lover a wry look. “You always did have a sarcastic mouth, Gabriel. I enjoyed your company when you visited us.”

  “Funny. You didn’t seem thrilled when I asked to live among you,” he said darkly.

  “Because your place is here, among the Everglades. You have kept the environment safe and your people and other shifters protected. What good would you accomplish among the Elven?” Cael shook his head.

  Peace filled Sienna as she squeezed Gabriel’s hand, feeling his work-roughened hands. Hands that toiled in the earth and were not soft and smooth like Elven. Hands that fought fiercely to protect all under his care. “I do love you, cat. And I love this land you guard.”

  Cael gazed at the marsh and the water birds hunting among the plants. In the distance, the Silver Wizard knelt by the water, staring into its depths, as if divining the future. Then the wizard stuck a finger into the marsh.

  “I asked Gideon to partner with Tristan and plead with the goddess to eradicate her sacred spring. He agreed with me that it serves no purpose, other than to tether you here, Gabriel. Tristan and I will deal with any Other who needs to be cleansed of evil. Once the spring is dry, your duty as its guardian is over. You will be free.”

  “Thank you,” Gabriel said, blinking. “That’s mighty generous of you.”

  “Consider it a mating gift.” The king looked at her. “Good-bye Sienna. I thank you for your services, and I wish you well in your future life.”

  Cael struck his staff into the ground and vanished.

  “Wow, that was quick. Typical king. Make a grand proclamation and then heads off for the forest and a glass of elderberry wine.” He looked at her, his brows drawing together. “No regrets, pixie? You sure about this?”

  “Never been more certain in my whole life. I want us to be together, Gabriel. Your mate forever.”

  He pulled her into his arms, his gaze glittering. “I can’t wait to get inside you so deep you’ll never want me to leave.”

  She smiled up at him, this panther who had captured her heart. Always unconventional, never predictable.

  “I will never want to leave you, Gabriel. We have a lifetime together.”

  “More than my parents had. I’ll always stay by your side, pixie. I’ll never leave you as my mother abandoned me when I was born.”

  In the distance, Tristan wiped off his hands and stood. He approached them and nodded at the nearby bushes.

  “You think your parents conceived you out of purpose, but they did love each other, Gabriel. Even now, years later, they still desire each other.”

  They turned and watched nearby bushes rustle to the sound of high, excited female cries and heavy male grunts.

  “Parental sex. Blech.” Gabriel shook his head.

  They started for the parking lot. Tristan accompanied them.

  She felt afraid of this powerful being, but sensed he meant no harm. “What were you doing to the water?”

  “Testing it to see if it remains pure. And reinforce the warding I placed here years ago to encourage Others to make love on this land. Perhaps other panther shifters will be conceived here.”

  Gabriel stopped and turned on his heel. “You sly devil, Tristan. You accused my mother of manipulating events to conceive me when you were the one who set the stage for it?”

  The wizard shrugged. “I do not force these things, only aid them if the couple seems right for each other.” Tristan tilted his head, appearing to listen. “Speaking of couples, I sense a great disturbance in the force.”

  They stared blankly at him.

  “I’ve been indulging in Star Wars too much.” The wizard shook his head, waved a hand and vanished.

  “We need to do a disappearing act of our own,” Gabriel told her. “Let’s go home.”

  When they finally arrived back at his house, he herded her upstairs to his bedroom. “From now on, you’re not sleeping below stairs.”

  She gave him an arch smile. “I presume we won’t be sleeping much over the next week, anyway.”

  He grinned. “That’s my Elf.”

  Gabriel gave her a gentle push onto the bed, removed clothing and then told her to turn over. Intrigued, wondering what he had in mind, she did.

  A drawer opened. A pen snapped. Then she felt the smooth slide of something across her left cheek. Sienna tried to twist her head.

  “Don’t look.”

  A cell phone camera clicked. He flopped onto his stomach beside her and showed her the photo.

  Written in bold blue across her ass cheeks was GABRIEL and his phone number.

  Sienna sputtered as he tapped her nose with the pen and grinned. “I marked you. Your ass is mine.”

  “Better not be permanent marker, cat. And why?”

  “In case you get lost, people will know who you belong to and can return you to me.” Flinging the pen aside, he drew her into his arms. “I don’t want you ever leaving me again, pixie. I need you by my side, always.”

  She kissed him, knowing she would never leave Gabriel, her panther and her mate. All her life she’d struggled with finding acceptance and love. She’d searched for years among her people for her heart’s desire, but never found it.

  Because he’d been waiting here for her all along.


  The Silver Wizard materialized at the Mitchell Ranch. Inside a corral, two Lupines quarreled with each other.

  Aiden and Nikita were at it again.

  Tristan climbed up to sit on the railing besides Kyle, a member of the pack. Bare-chested, the male leaned his chin on a fist, watching the arguing duo. He glanced at Tristan.

  “Hey there.”

  “What are they bickering about?”

  Kyle sighed. “The mating challenge.”

  “Ah, this should be good entertainment.” He waved a hand and a tub of popcorn appeared in his hands. He offered some to Kyle.

  They munched as they continued to observe the furious couple shouting.

  “And what is your part in this?” he asked Kyle.

  “I was training with Aiden for the challenge when Nikita drove up, pretty as you please, and told him she’s postponing it for another month. Aiden wants it done this week. She’s already asked for two extensions.”

  “Your alpha has no patience.”

  “He wants his female.” Kyle glanced at him. “Can’t blame him for being antsy. Waiting a whole month longer?”

  Tristan raised his dark brows. A month is but a blink of time when you watched hundreds of years pass. What would you have done in my place, Aiden Mitchell, if you had to wait 1700 years for your love to be reborn, as mine was?

  The pair saw him and stopped talking. The female Lupine paled upon seeing him. She tipped her hat low on her forehead and raced out of the corral, heading for
her truck.

  Red-faced, Aiden strode toward him. The Mitchell pack alpha looked angry enough to tear him apart with his bare hands. Aiden was strong enough to do it, too.

  “Whoa, time to leave.” Kyle jumped down and headed off.

  Tristan waved a hand and the tub of popcorn vanished. He climbed down from the fence.

  “You son of a bitch, are you back here to stake your claim on Nikita? Nikita is mine, mine! I’ll win her at the mating challenge and you’ll never get your hands on her.” Aiden growled at him.

  But that one is not Nikita, Tristan thought, watching the female Lupine drive away in her truck, dust kicking up beneath the tires. She is the imposter.

  He calmly faced the pack alpha. “You may win the leader of the Blakemore pack’s hand. But are you winning the one who claims your heart? The female you truly desire?”

  Dropping his hands, Aiden blinked and looked confused. “You said Nikita belonged to you and would surrender her virginity to you. You told me, you fucking silver-tongued bastard, that it was her destiny.”

  “I did. But is it Nikita you truly desire?”

  Now Aiden looked angry. “Stop talking in riddles. She is the leader of the Blakemore pack.”

  Tristan gave a mysterious smile. “Is she the true leader? Think what you wish. Return to your training, Aiden. You will need your strength.”

  Aiden grabbed his arm. “Not so fast. You’re not leaving here until you level with me. If I win the mating challenge, are you claiming her or will she be mine?”

  “Do Not Touch.” Tristan glanced down and sent a current of power shooting into Aiden’s hand. The Lupine winced and shook his arm.

  The Silver Wizard regarded Aiden. “If you win the mating challenge, the female you desire will surrender her virginity to you. She will be your mate, to rule at your side.”

  Relief smoothed the big alpha’s face. He rubbed his black beard. “Now you talk sense.”

  “But she will not be Nikita.”

  “Godsdammit!” Aiden fisted his hands. “Talking with you is like trying to assemble a bike with instructions in Chinese!”

  He took pity on the male and put a hand on his shoulder. Aiden instantly calmed. “I cannot tell you now, but know that things will work out as they are meant to be. You will have your heart’s desire.”

  And I will claim mine, and she will give her innocence to me. I have waited long enough. The prophecy will come true at last.

  He waved a hand and vanished, materializing on a wide branch of a shady live oak tree. His long legs dangling in the air, the Silver Wizard surveyed cattle grazing on the Mitchell ranch spread. It was a good place for Aiden to raise a family.

  A wry smile touched his mouth. Gideon materialized and sat beside him.

  “You almost fucked that one up, Tristan. If you had told Aiden…”

  “But I did not. And he will prove his love, as Gabriel has proven his love for Sienna.”

  A gray squirrel approached, twitching its tail as it neared them. Waving his hand, Tristan conjured a fistful of peanuts. He held one out. The squirrel scampered closer, then snatched it from his hand and began to eat.

  “You are far too fond of your charges, Tristan. Too lenient. You are the judge and guardian of the Wylding shifters, not their friend.”

  At 3,000 years old, Gideon was his senior. But though the Crimson Wizard’s words rang true, Tristan knew Gideon was far too cynical and harsh. Time would do that to you. He held out another peanut to the squirrel.

  “I like shifters. Is there any harm in enjoying the company of the ones whose fate you guard?”

  “No, but getting close and intimate dissolves one’s impartiality, Tristan.”

  He knew Gideon had once loved a mortal woman and lost her. It had been many hundreds of years ago and the experience left the Crimson Wizard jaded, with a sarcastic sense of humor Tristan shared.

  But he did not share his friend’s cynicism regarding love and friendship.

  “I am impartial in all things, Gideon.”

  “Do not risk your heart, Tristan. It will shatter.”

  He frowned and turned from the squirrel to Gideon. “Whatever do you reference?”

  “The Blakemore Lupine. I know your blood runs hot for her and you will do anything to bed her.”

  Tristan’s silver blood now ran cold. “And your point is? I am not forbidden from having a Lupine for a lover. Nor am I forbidden from procreating with her. She is the one destined for me.”

  “But you must realize that a lover cannot become a love. You cannot be a judge of others and a member of the Brehon and give your heart to a shifter, even one you are destined to impregnate.” Gideon’s deep blue gaze turned hard as diamonds. “It would be like a god falling in love with a human. It will never last and you will violate your vow as a Guardian. Are you prepared to end your existence if you sacrifice your duties for love?”

  For the first time in his 1,700 years, Tristan felt a tiny flicker of fear. “I will not interfere.”

  “But you already have by telling him Nikita will lose her virginity to you and he can never claim her heart. Aiden thinks he desires Nikita. He does not realize he wants Nia, her identical twin sister who masquerades as Nikita.”

  Tristan shrugged. “I am playing games with Aiden. It is good to test his willingness to fight for his true love.”

  Gideon frowned. “I have no qualms about your tricks. It is amusing to see you, what is the saying? Push the buttons of the Wylding shifters like Aiden. But you must never fall in love, my friend.” He gave Tristan a level look. “Fulfill the prophecy and get a son on her, but do not fall in love.”

  Tristan held out the last peanut to the squirrel, which now ate out of his hand. He began stroking its fur, enjoying its happy chatter. “You are a friend, Gideon, but what I choose to do is not your business. So, as the Skins say, butt out.”

  The Crimson Wizard’s eyes turned bright red. He said nothing, but flicked a finger. A bolt of red energy shot from his finger and hit the squirrel. The creature tumbled off the branch and lay still on the ground.

  Tristan’s stomach roiled at the mindless violence, but he showed no emotion, knowing Gideon would call it a victory. His mouth curled in a cold smile. “Well, there is one less squirrel who has to worry about gathering nuts.”

  Gideon narrowed his now blue eyes. “Take care, Tristan, lest you lose everything you’ve gained since your ascension to the council. Do not lose your head, nor your heart. You are forewarned.”

  With a hand wave, the Crimson Wizard vanished.

  Tristan pushed off the branch and landed on his feet. He knelt by the dead squirrel and gathered his powers. With a gentle finger, he touched the squirrel, sending currents of bluish-silver energy into its body.

  “Come on, little one,” he coaxed.

  The squirrel opened its eyes and then rose to all fours, shaking its tail. It approached Tristan. Probably looking for more peanuts. Probably thinking Tristan was its friend because he’d fed him and given him back life.

  But he was no true benefactor, only a judge and guardian of shifters. Gideon was right. His duties as a member of the Brehon came first. Those who did grow close to him would suffer for it. His chest squeezed tight.

  He had no real friends.

  “Go away,” he muttered.

  The squirrel remained still, searching his face with bright and hopeful eyes.

  “I said go away!” He picked up a pebble and chucked it at the squirrel. When the squirrel drew near, Tristan summoned his powers and flicked a bolt of raw energy at the squirrel’s feet.

  It got the message and raced away with a frightened squeal.

  It was much better this way. Better to push aside all those who wanted to draw close. Better to display his power and frighten the living lest they end up dead because he called them friend.

  But as he stood and dusted off his black trousers, he wondered if the damned loneliness would ever cease.

  Author’s Note

p; If you enjoyed this book, look for others in my Werewolves of Montana series.

  Prequel: The Mating Heat

  Book 1: The Mating Chase

  Book 2: The Mating Hunt

  Book 3: The Mating Seduction

  Book 4, The Mating Rite.

  Book 4.5: The Mating Intent

  Book 5: The Mating Challenge, Aiden’s story, coming soon.

  Book 6: The Mating Season, Tristan’s story, coming soon.

  Book 7: The Mating Game, Gideon’s story, coming soon.

  Stay updated with previews of more Werewolves of Montana books by visiting my website, and signing up for my newsletter. Or visit my Facebook page at

  The Mating Intent

  Copyright © 2014 by Bonnie Vanak

  All rights reserved.

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.




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