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Once a Pirate (Mystical Realm Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Snyder, Sarah

  Char snorted at the Fairy’s timing. “You’re a bit late, Mara.”

  “Is Anna well?” Mara asked in alarm.

  “Yes,” Char nodded. “And, I will take every precaution to ensure it doesn’t happen again.”

  “No,” Mara shook her head as she stepped close to him. “You cannot protect her from this threat.”

  “What do you mean?” Char demanded clarification.

  “Those who seek to harm her know of the prophecy,” Mara informed. “They want her blood to be spilled.”

  “How do they even know of her existence?” Char questioned.

  “I don’t know,” Mara sighed deeply, looking more tired than Char had ever seen a Fairy. “I do know they are too powerful for mortal defenses.”

  “Then, what do you suggest?” Char ran his hand through his hair in frustration. “Some sort of spell, or perhaps a stronger Guardian.”

  “No, there is nothing which will stop them, Highness,” Mara placed a hand on Char’s arm. “Anna is no longer safe in Meridelle.”

  “You want to take her away,” Char noted.

  “Aye,” Mara nodded sympathetically. “There is a league of Fairies adept at defense and protection. She can stay in their care.”

  “No,” Char shook his head. “I swore to protect Anna when you brought her to me. I won’t hand her off to some Fairies because of a threat.”

  “She can’t remain here, Highness,” Mara stated.

  “I know,” Char nodded as a plan began to form. While he didn’t relish the idea, Char knew there was one man he could trust, at the very least, with a hasty and silent retreat from Meridelle. Jake Reynold’s ship was the fastest in the realm, able to escape even the most heavy and adept fleets on the seas. The Pirate couldn’t be trusted with Anna’s protection, but Char knew his options were limited. He sighed deeply as he turned from the Fairy, motioning her to join him. Anna needed removed from Meridelle and Jake Reynolds was the only one capable of ensuring no threats followed.


  Jake watched the first rays of sun begin to crest the horizon from the small window of his cell. He knew his crew would be concerned at his lack of appearance, promising them his deed would be done before the rising sun. A pang of remorse struck him as Jake thought of how he failed them as a Captain.

  Jake knew long ago the price of love and caring about anyone other than oneself. He was a fool to pursue Anna and an even bigger one for returning for her. Jake had no right to return. The longer he sat in his cell, the more he was sure of his mistake. Sully was right to worry after him. Jake fell into the same downslide his mother had. It was lost love which led to his mother’s death and apparently that would be his fate as well. When the Prince walked in, Jake smirked at him in ironic humor.

  “Come to insult me before my hanging, Highness?” Jake drawled. “Tell me how I don’t deserve to be in her presence?”

  “You don’t,” Char glared at him. “You don’t deserve to kneel at her feet!”

  “Highness,” a feminine voice spoke from behind the Prince. Jake recognized the golden figure as a Fairy immediately, his interest piqued by her presence.

  “You’re right,” Char sighed as he regained control of his temper. “I am not here to fight with you.”

  “Well, go on then, Mate,” Jake waved, bracing for whatever the Prince had come to say.

  “I come offering a deal,” Char’s hand went through his hair in frustration.

  “A deal,” Jake repeated. “You offer a deal to a monster like me? Unlike you, Mate.”

  “You are a monster. And, you don’t deserve what I’m offering. You’re a selfish, arrogant ass who only cares for himself.” Char’s tone grew harsher with each word.

  “So, why offer a deal?” Jake asked. “And, why would I take it?”

  “Consider it a challenge,” Char offered.

  “A challenge,” Jake prodded.

  “Prove me wrong,” Char’s tone was desperate, keeping Jake’s laughter at bay.

  He eyed the Prince warily for a few moments, wondering what changed the man’s mind. “And, how am I to prove you wrong?”

  “Swear allegiance to me; to my Kingdom,” Char’s offer caused Jake to roar with laughter, but the Prince continued. “Keep your ship and your crew, but serve me.”

  “Now, why would I go and do something like that?” Jake asked, gasping for breath.

  “For Anna,” the Fairy’s tone was soft, but strong. “You do care for her, do you not?”

  “What does it matter?” Jake was somber at the words spoken by the creature in front of him.

  “Because Anna will never choose a Pirate, but she may choose a Captain in the royal fleet,” the Fairy spoke knowingly as she stepped forward, her gold fingers draping on the bars of his cell. “If you truly care for her, if you’re not just out for yourself, prove it. Be a man she would be proud of. Prove you are worthy.”

  “Take my offer,” Char insisted.

  Jake watched the Prince hold out his hand through the bars, waiting for shaken agreement to his arrangement. His mind and heart were at war, conflicted over what was happening. Jake swore never to serve a King, having seen what horrors Char’s father was capable of. The thought of serving royalty now was nauseating, but it would guarantee him access to Anna. Jake worked so hard to believe he didn’t need love, but with the offer Char made, hope began to bloom.

  Even as his every instinct urged Jake to turn from the man and accept his punishment, he found himself reaching for the Prince’s grasp. Despite his arguments and self-assurances, Jake knew it was too late. He had fallen into an abyss and the only escape was through Anna. If joining the Prince’s fleet was the only way to be close to her, Jake would make the sacrifice. “Deal.”


  Dawn crested the horizon, proving to be yet another cloudy day. Thick dew clung to all which was exposed to the elements, dripping slowly to moisten the sodden ground beneath. Char stared down at the thoughtful Fairy at his side waiting for her take on the deal he’d been quick to make a notorious Pirate. “Have you nothing to say, Mara?” Char finally questioned.

  “About,” Mara looked up in confusion before realization dawned. She waved her hand at Char as she turned to face him. “Captain Reynolds’s ship is the fastest of all, even a child knows this. It was wise to procure it for your leave.”

  “My leave,” Char repeated. “Are you not joining us?”

  “Nay,” Mara smiled sadly. “I have my own obligations elsewhere. I will meet with you in Andrello.”

  “Andrello,” Char sneered at the name of the small beach town. He had no desire to stop in such a useless village, but Mara was already walking away from him.

  Char returned to his study to find Anna asleep on one of the small couches. Guardian Cole stood at his arrival, waiting for further orders from his Prince. “Cole, I need you to gather three of your best men. Have them plan for a trip for an undetermined length of time. Be ready in an hour’s time.”

  “Yes, Highness,” Cole bowed respectfully, the man not bothering to question the order of his Prince.

  “And, have Tiana prepare a bag for Anna as well,” Char added.

  “Tianna, Highness, not Friga?” Cole questioned.

  Char knew his request would seem strange, asking a common chamber maid to gather Anna’s belongings when Friga was so close to her. “Yes,” Char assured him, dreading what else needed done. “Have Friga confined.”

  Cole’s eyes widened at the order, but he bowed and left the room to carry out Char’s orders. Char didn’t know if Friga was coerced, forced or working on her own, but the woman gave Anna an explosive device. Char couldn’t risk allowing the woman to walk free.

  Char went quietly to sit beside Anna, looking down on the woman as she slept. He wanted to allow her sleep, but Char needed to inform her of their plans. “Anna,” Char placed a hand on her arm, waking her gently.

  “Char,” Anna sat up, wiping the sleep from her eyes. “Is everything alright, now?”r />
  “Everything is fine,” Char smiled at her childlike innocence upon waking. “But, we must leave for a time.”

  “Leave?” Anna asked.

  “Yes, I must meet with our neighboring Kingdoms,” Char noted her confused and doubtful look. “And, I refuse to leave you here to mope about the castle on your own.”

  “I need to pack,” Anna hedged while the remnants of sleep dulled her uncertainties.

  “It is taken care of,” Char assured. “We leave in an hour.”

  “So soon,” Anna mumbled. “Are you sure everything is alright? Why did you want to know about Friga’s gift?”

  Char hesitated, his mind struggling to find an answer she would accept. “I was merely curious,” He stood to put distance between himself and the woman he was deceiving.

  Anna stared at him for several moments, her eyes searching for something Char couldn’t place. She must have found what she sought, because Anna smiled softly and nodded. Char smiled in return, glad for her acquiescence. He detested lying to Anna, but Char saw no other way to keep the woman safe. The less she knew, the more willing she would be to follow Char’s direction.


  The sun was low in the sky, not quite high enough to melt the fog from the night before. The dew settled heavy on plants and the atmospheric smell common after a hard rain was present. Anna breathed deeply of the aroma, loving the freshness of the morning. She was never much of a morning person, but as she strolled through the small, sleeping town of Meridelle, Anna found herself enjoying the quiet of the hour.

  She walked down the docks next to Char, her hand protectively held at his elbow. Anna glanced up at his stoic form, her own misgivings about their sudden journey mounting with his somber mood. Char was a horrible liar, his eyes never meeting hers as he explained the intentions of the trip they took. Anna wanted to confront him for the lies, but decided to allow the Prince his secrets for a time. She trusted Char and didn’t require knowledge of details, but there was a part of her which ached to know the truth.

  Anna wasn’t one to sit back and allow others to decide her life; she left that behind when she was dragged from her meddling family. A lifetime of fighting their wishes led Anna to a place where she wanted to be informed. Allowing Char to make the decisions for her now was against everything Anna wanted. However, the conversations she heard throughout the night were disturbing and Anna thought Char may want his privacy.

  Threats were made; an attempt on a life. Anna wasn’t sure what type of threats, but by Char’s vague answers the night before and cold attitude during their walk, she suspected he feared them. Anna wondered if the threats had something to do with the treaties Char claimed to be reading through for the past several days. If someone was threatening Char’s life or his Kingdom, Anna knew he would need time to process.

  “Which ship will we be sailing on?” Anna asked, assuming by their current location they would be sailing to their destination.

  Char was uncomfortable as they approached a large black, red and silver sailing ship. “Anna, there’s something I need to tell you.”

  “Greetings, Highness,” A loud male voice boomed from the main deck of the ship. “Welcome aboard the Crimson Jewel!”

  Anna looked up at the men standing on the ship and her heart began to throb. Jake and his men stood at uncomfortable attention. The Pirate’s black leather was exchanged for dress blues as were common among the royal fleet. Jake stared down, his eyes never leaving hers as Char led her to the plank and onto the ship.

  “Captain Reynolds has taken a position in the royal fleet,” Char’s tone was low enough for only Anna to hear. “I should have told you before we arrived, my apologies.”

  Anna pulled her eyes away from Jake to look up at the Prince at her side. Before she could speak, an older man stepped forward and bowed regally. “Your highness, my lady, welcome aboard, my name is Sully,” Sully motioned toward the bow of the ship. “If you come with me, I’ll show you to your cabins.” Anna followed the man, her mind whirling with confusion and doubt as she wondered what else Char was keeping from her.

  Chapter Ten

  The small bed chambers were simple, holding only a twin-sized bed, dresser and chair by the porthole window. Anna looked around in a daze, not really seeing the curved walls or hard wooden floor on which she stood. “I’m sorry it isn’t the quality you’re used to, my lady,” the man who escorted her shifted nervously as the thickness of his accent deepened.

  Anna looked over the man who introduced himself as Sully, instantly liking the older gentleman and feeling bad for his discomfort. She wondered if the man was given a choice in this latest assignment. “It is fine, Mr. Sully, thank you, and please call me Anna,” Anna smiled reassuringly.

  “Once you are settled, I would be honored to give you a tour of our ship,” Sully offered with a grin, the pride in his eyes obvious. “The Crimson Jewel may not be the biggest ship but she’s the best ever sailed.”

  “Maybe, later,” Anna mumbled. She didn’t want a tour of the ship. Anna only wanted to hide in her new room and forget the outside world.

  “Is everything alright?” Sully asked.

  “I just don’t like feeling I’m being lied to,” Anna claimed. “I mean, lied to again.”

  “I don’t know all the details, Anna,” Sully assured, his voice and eyes honest. “All I know is my Captain returned from the castle and told us we worked for the Prince.”

  “And, you don’t find that strange?” Anna asked.

  “Aye, Anna,” Sully nodded hastily. “If I hadn’t heard the words straight from Jake’s mouth I wouldn’t have believed it possible.”

  “So, you’re just going to follow along with it,” Anna stated. “You aren’t going to question it?”

  “I’ve been with Jake for a long time,” Sully’s eyes were filled with memory. “I can’t say I always know why he does as he does but he is my Captain and my friend. I would follow him to the ends of time and back again. If he says we take you and your Prince, I believe he has a purpose.”

  “You trust him,” Anna was surprised at the fact.

  “Aye, with my life and the life of any man on this ship,” Sully nodded confidently. “And, yours as well, Anna. As long as you are in his care, no man or beast dare harm you.”

  “I wish I had the faith you do, Mr. Sully,” Anna smiled sadly.

  “No need for faith, Anna,” Sully smiled. “You’ll see in time. Just let him prove it to you.”

  Anna wondered if she had the strength to keep an open mind around the Pirate who gave her every reason not to believe in him. She wanted to share Sully’s confidence, but with so many men keeping secrets and controlling her life, Anna wasn’t sure she had it in her.


  Jake watched the lights of Andrello come into view, their bright flicker cutting through the hastening darkness settling over the realm. He looked toward the bow of his ship from where he held the wheel, his eyes focused on the door to Anna’s bed chambers. She hadn’t exited since Sully showed her to the room, remaining in seclusion and away from him. Jake wanted to see her, assure himself she was truly there on his Crimson Jewel, but knew her avoidance was best. Especially since Prince Char and his four Guards never left the deck.

  The Prince ordered Jake to sail to the nearby village of Andrello, giving no reason or purpose for the stop. Jake wanted to question him, knowing there was little in Andrello which would interest the Prince or his men. He’d almost denied the Royal’s request to sail with his ship but when Char said Anna would be traveling with them, Jake chose silence. He knew Char didn’t believe Jake’s claim of a threat to Anna’s life but having her on his ship was a fair compromise in Jake’s eyes. While not ideal, at least Jake could keep eye on her until he determined if the threats he heard while drunk were credible.

  Char approached Jake as he gave the order to dock, the Prince having taken time to change into a regal coat and slacks. “I’m taking Anna to dinner on the main land,” Char notified.r />
  “I’ll dress as soon as we’re secure,” Jake offered, still fighting his urge to deny any order given by the man.

  “No,” Char’s voice was a command. “You and your men will remain docked here until our return.”

  “It’s safer if I accompany you,” Jake argued.

  “You are not responsible for our safety,” Char waved off the comment.

  “I’m responsible for any creature taking passage on my ship,” Jake ran a hand through his hair as he grew more frustrated at the Prince’s attitude.

  “We will not be on your ship,” Char informed. “And, therefore we are not your responsibility. Remain onboard.”

  Jake brooded at the wheel as he watched Char, Anna and two of Char’s Guards leave his ship. Once they were out of sight, Jake stormed down to the main deck and into his stern side bed chambers. He slammed the door behind him, pacing the bedroom with a tense anxiety filling him. A knock on the door heralded the arrival of his first mate. “What is it, Sully?” Jake asked shortly.

  “I was just wondering what you were doing, Captain?” Sully asked.

  “What do you mean,” Jake stopped pacing to glare at the man. “What am I doing?”

  “I thought we took on this fool’s errand because you believed your lass was in danger,” Sully offered. “So, why are you letting her go off with those worthless lubbers?”

  “I wasn’t invited,” Jake gritted through his teeth.

  “Begad, Man!” Sully looked appalled. “The Jake Reynolds I know would never let something as silly as an invitation stop him!”

  The tension in Jake’s body eased at the older man’s words. Sully was right. A few weeks ago, Jake wouldn’t have thought twice about taking whatever he wanted from wherever and whoever. He didn’t need an invitation to do so, it was just done. So, why was he so concerned about following orders now? “You’re right,” Jake admitted.

  “Of course, I’m right,” Sully grinned. “Now, go make sure your lass stays safe.”

  “Who’s in charge around here?” Jake asked sardonically.

  “Well, it used to be you, Captain,” Sully’s eyes were thoughtful. “I think you just need reminded sometimes.”


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