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Page 16

by Missy Johnson

“It’s not about that, Beth. I refuse to take advantage of you like that.”

  “What? Don’t be stupid. Coop, you are the most selfless person I know. I donate to about ten charities—what’s the fucking difference?” she protested. “Think of it as me providing funds into Alzheimer’s research. Because that’s what it is, right? Basically?”

  I shook my head. I couldn’t. There was no way I could possibly… Could I?

  Beth sensed I was faltering. “Coop, this makes sense, and you know it.” She reached out and touched my arm. “You deserve to be happy. If this gives you a chance at happiness, then it’s worth it. You’re so much more than an escort. You could be so much more.”

  “I don’t get it, Beth. Why? Why would you do this for me?”

  “Just take the damn money,” she growled, “get yourself a normal job, and live a normal fucking life. Do things for you for once, and don’t worry about your family. Put you first.”

  “Tell me why!” I said, my voice rising.

  “Because you’re like family to me!” she yelled back. “Because you do more for me than anyone else I know.” She laughed as I raised my eyebrows. “Get your mind out of the gutter. Not like that, you idiot. You treat me like a normal person. I can be myself around you. I don’t have that with anyone else,” she muttered, her cheeks glowing red. “I don’t have family, Coop. You’re my family. The way you’re helping your mom? That’s how I feel about you. Please let me do this.”

  I reached for her hand and pulled her toward me, wrapping my arms around her. I laughed as I heard her sigh.

  She hugged me back. “Go talk to her, Coop. Then figure out what you want to do with your life.”

  She was giving me an out. Beth was taking the decision away from me. She knew I’d never choose love over my family, so she was changing the equation.

  I had to talk to Mia. Had she meant it when she’d said she’d take me back in a second if I gave up my life for her? I kissed Beth on the cheek.

  “Thank you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Mia was back to not answering her phone. I sent a few texts and waited. Still no response. Starting the car, I headed toward Northwest Hospital. I was getting anxious. I needed to talk to her, immediately. It couldn’t wait.

  Hell, what am I doing? Am I going to corner her at work and force her to talk to me?

  I didn’t even know if she was working. Regardless, I was going to find out.

  Driving down into the underground parking at the hospital, I pulled into a spot. Getting out, I ran to the elevator. I pressed ground level, having no idea where to start to look for her.

  I stepped out of the elevator and spotted a reception desk at the far end of the hall.

  “Hi,” I said, as I approached it.

  A surly looking woman in her late fifties glared at me.

  “I’m looking for Mia Weston? She’s a nurse here.”

  She narrowed her beady eyes at me, as if she were weighing up the legitimacy of my story. Or maybe she just recognized me from the news. Either way, I didn’t see myself getting anywhere with her.

  “I’m her roommate. She left her key at home, and I’ll be out tonight.”

  She kept her eyes on me, her mouth turning downward into a frown.

  “Fourth floor, north wing,” she sighed.

  I nodded and turned back for the elevator. Once inside, I contemplated just what I was going to say. My head was a jumbled mess of words. Glancing at my reflection on the mirrored wall, I ran my hand through my hair. At least l looked remarkably better than I had the last time she saw me—not that that would’ve been hard.

  No sooner had I stepped out of the elevator, than I saw her. She had her back to me, deep in conversation with someone else—another nurse. I hid behind a corner and watched. My heart was pounding. What if she’d changed her mind? I wanted to explain everything to her, but what if she didn’t want to listen to me?

  She laughed and waved at her friend, then walked into a room. I quickly walked over to the doorway of the room she’d entered, waiting for her to exit. Five minutes felt like hours, and I was sure I couldn’t look any shadier than I did right then, loitering in a hospital. Finally, she appeared, letting out a loud yelp when she saw me.

  That went well. Make the girl feel special by scaring the hell out of her.

  “What the hell are you doing here, Coop?” she gasped, her hand over her chest. Her eyes were wide with . . . annoyance? No, it was more excitement…or maybe both.

  “I need to talk to you. Now.” I grabbed her hand. “Is there, like, a closet around here or something?” I asked, glancing around.

  She chuckled. “What do you think this is, Grey’s Anatomy?”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Come with me. Maya!” she yelled out “I’m taking my break.”

  The nurse from earlier nodded as Mia led me down the corridor.

  We walked down the hall the same way I’d come, both of us trying hard to ignore the awkward silence that was brewing between us. She pushed open a door. I went inside. It looked like a lunchroom that was, thankfully, empty. She gestured to one of the tables.

  “I only have ten minutes, so you might want to get to the point.”

  “Okay.” I sat down, my hands on the table in front of me. “I want to tell you everything. The escorting, it wasn’t something I did for the hell of it. I mean I enjoyed it—” Her eyes narrowed. “—but I had a reason. I needed the money,” I added hurriedly.

  This wasn’t going according to plan. Or maybe it was, considering I had no fucking idea of what I was saying in the first place.

  Get yourself together, Coop. You’re losing it.

  “You know how sick my mother is,” I began, trying a different approach.

  Mia nodded slightly.

  “The trial I told you about? It costs a fucking fortune to keep her in that. Not to mention the costs of having her live at the facility she’s at. That is why I do what I do. Or did.”

  “Did?” Mia repeated uncertainly. Her index finger tapped lightly on the table as she waited for an answer.

  “I’m getting to that.” I sighed. God, she was pushy. “Mia, I like you a lot. Things were messed up…I was starting to feel something for you, but I had to keep working, and you kept sending me mixed signals. Then when this whole thing with Melinda happened it just sort of exploded in my face.” I sighed. “My point is, I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had to choose between you and helping my family. There was never going to be another job that would’ve paid enough to cover what I needed it to—”

  “Then what is there to talk about, Coop?” she interrupted me. “I can’t be with you if you’re doing that, and I don’t think it’s fair of you to ask me that.”

  “I’d never ask that of you,” I cried, my hand reaching for hers. “Will you please just let me finish here? What I’m trying to tell you is, I quit. I am no longer an escort. God knows what the fuck I will be doing with my life, but it won’t be sleeping with women.”

  “You quit?” she said softly. “What about your mom?”

  “Someone set up a fund for Mom’s care. It’s something I never have to worry about again,” I explained, smiling. I couldn’t even begin to describe the emotions that were running through me. I was feeling it all: anxiety, happiness, fear.

  “Someone?” Mia said flatly. “And by ‘someone,’ you mean one of your millionaire clients?” She let out a low growl. “Why not one of them, Coop? Why me? I’m sure they could make you much happier than I—”

  “Because it’s you I want, not them!” I exploded.

  Right at that moment the door opened, and in walked three very surprised looking women. They glanced from Mia to me before backing out of the room quietly. I groaned, and rubbed my forehead.

  “Coop, I have to get back to work.” She spoke quietly. “I need time to think.”

  “Come over tonight?” I pleaded.

  “I don’t know. I need to think.” She stood up, pushing
her chair against the table behind her. “I’m sorry.”

  I watched as she walked out. I couldn’t help but wonder if I’d ever see her again.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  I stopped by the grocer’s on the way home.

  Did I expect to see her tonight?

  No, but if she did come, I wanted to be ready. After filling my basket with everything I needed, I paid and went home. On the way, I passed the diner where Mia had been re-introduced to her love for cheesecake. I slammed on the brakes, causing the person behind me to swerve around while screaming obscenities out their window.

  I parked in front of the diner and got out. Inside, I walked up to the counter and ordered two slices of baked cheesecake to go. I paid, took the container out to the car, and continued my drive home.

  Standing back, I surveyed my handiwork. The balcony looked pretty amazing, and would look even better after the dusk. The red blanket I had laid out looked inviting, and the string of lights left over from Christmas added a little romance to the scene. I’d put out the food a little later.

  At twelve, I finally gave up. She wasn’t coming. And I was an idiot for sitting there, waiting for her. I walked back inside and switched on the TV, settling down on the couch. I glanced outside at the picnic I’d set up and felt like an even bigger idiot. Fucking idiot. That’s what I was. A fucking dickhead. Of course she wasn’t coming back to me. She could do much better than I could ever offer her. I’d gone in there declaring my feelngs to her, and all I had to offer was . . . nothing. No job—sure I had savings, but how long would that last me? I’d need to move out of my apartment.

  And what the hell was I going to do for work? The truth was, without Mia, I didn’t care. I didn’t want a normal life if she wasn’t going to be a part of it. The hell with that; I’d rather stick to escorting. At least it was something I knew I did well.

  I turned off the TV; I gave up. Trudging down to the bedroom, I unbuttoned my shirt and threw it on the ground. I unzipped my pants and stepped out of them, too.

  I climbed between the sheets, my head throbbing from overwhelming thoughts. I’d had enough. I was so tired, I could barely keep my eyes open.

  All this? It would have to wait until tomorrow.

  My eyes opened, trying to register to the darkness that surrounded me. I struggled to figure out what was going on. I glanced at my clock. Two in the morning. What the fuck was I doing awake at two in the morning?

  Then I heard it. The door.

  I almost fell out of bed, my legs tangling in the sheets. I grabbed my robe and hobbled to the door, swinging it open and slamming the corner into my chest.

  Mia smiled at me sheepishly.

  “Did I wake you?” she asked. She looked edible in a pair of faded blue jeans that hugged her curves like a second skin. What I’d do to that ass . . . And that top—was she teasing me, showing that much cleavage?

  “Nah. I’m always awake at two in the morning,” I replied dryly. “Would you like to come in?”

  She nodded, squeezing under my arm and inside.

  I shut the door. “Late shift?” I joked, rubbing my eyes.

  “No. I finished work at five.” She turned around, her hands shoved in her pockets. “I’ve been going over and over in my head all the reasons I shouldn’t be with you. The list is quite convincing, actually.”

  “Good to hear,” I joked. Then I felt sick. That didn’t sound good for me. “So, why are you here then?”

  She paused. “Because, no matter how many things are on that list, there is one thing on the other list that outweighs everything.”

  “Is it my ability to do my own laundry? Because I’ve been told that’s pretty impressive.”

  She laughed. “No, you fucking dickhead. It’s the fact that you’re all I think about.”

  “Really?” I smiled, my hand running over the curve of her ass.

  She nodded, her hands resting around my neck.

  I threw her up against the wall, my hands desperate to touch every inch of her. Ripping off her top, I squeezed her breasts through her bra as she moaned softly. I lifted her onto my hips, and she wrapped her legs around my waist. My lips crushed against her mouth, every taste of her leaving me needing more.

  I walked into the kitchen with her still in my arms, my cock throbbing as she grinded herself against me. Fuck, she was so sexy. I lowered her onto the kitchen counter, my arm curving around her back to unclasp her bra.

  “Oh, Coop,” she whispered softly as I ran my tongue along her neck.

  I moved back for a moment, taking in the sight of this incredibly hot woman, her full, rounded breasts and her hard, erect nipples. I reached out, my finger stroking each nipple, until the slightest touch made her squirm away from me.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” I mumbled, fumbling with the button on her jeans. It popped open. I lowered her zipper as she lifted her butt off the counter, allowing me to slip them and her panties down her legs.

  “How the fuck do you get these on?” I grumbled, my patience wearing thin as I struggled to ease them past her ankles.

  She giggled, eventually leaning down to help me.

  “That’s better,” I sighed.

  My cock was rock hard and aching as it pressed against my pants. I unzipped them, reaching into my wallet for a condom, and shrugged them off along with my boxers. Kicking them aside, I stood between her legs, my cock sitting at her entrance. She kissed my neck as I pushed myself inside of her, so tight and wet. I groaned, pumping faster and deeper, unable to get enough of her.

  “I love you,” she whispered, her legs around me, clenching me inside her.

  “I love you too,” I mumbled, kissing her soft lips, slipping my tongue into her mouth. Oh god, after thirty seconds I was going to come and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I gasped, holding onto her as my body jolted, spraying inside her.

  Fuck, that was intense. I kissed her again, this time slowly, tilting her mouth up to mine.

  “Anytime you want to throw me down on the table and have your way with me, I’m up for that.” Mia smiled at me as she sat up, looking as giddy as I felt.

  Yeah, I’d lost control, and it felt damn good.

  She gazed past me and saw the balcony outside, a puzzled look on her face.

  “Coop?” she asked. She hopped off the counter and walked over to the door, not caring in the slightest that she was completely naked. Sure, it was three in the morning, but who knew who was sitting in an apartment opposite with a telescope in one hand and his dick in the other.

  She turned around, her expression amazed. “You did all this for me?”

  Ah, shit. I’d forgotten to pack up the picnic. It’d been a stupid idea anyway. Kitchen counter sex had been much more efficient, and with much less planning.

  “No, I did it for the postman,” I retorted. “Yeah, I did it for you,” I muttered, embarrassed. “I wanted to have something nice ready, just in case you did come.”

  She glanced over my bare chest, her eyes resting on my dick.

  “Trust me,” she said, with a faint smile, “you definitely managed that.” She walked back over to me, her arms snaking around my waist. “Now are you going to take me to bed, Mr. Cooper, or what?

  I chuckled. “What did we just do?”

  She shrugged, playfully, biting her lip. “Come on, don’t be a tease. You can call that a preview. Now I want the whole show.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “Are you sure this is a good idea? I don’t want to scare her.” Mia eyed me with uncertainty.

  “Come on. Just go with it. Some days she’s better than others.”

  We walked into Mom’s room. She was sitting at her table, attempting a crossword puzzle.

  She looked up at me, her eyes clouded with the confusion I’d become so used to seeing. She moved her gaze over to Mia. What happened next shocked me.

  “Mia,” she gasped, her lips parting into a smile. “How lovely to see you, dear.”

  Mia tur
ned to me in shock. I shrugged helplessly. In my head, it made sense—sometimes patients have a much easier time remembering things or people from their past—but it still hurt that she didn’t recognize me, yet she knew the girl who was friends with her daughter twelve years before.

  “Hi, Mrs. Cooper.”

  “Are you here to see Nicole? She’s around somewhere. Probably goofing off with Liam,” she chuckled. She raised her eyebrows at Mia. “You know that boy is crazy about you, don’t you?” She giggled.

  Mia laughed and nodded. “I’m crazy about him too,” she replied, sneaking a glance at me.

  “That’s lovely. I remember you three, always together. I could never get you inside for dinner. And this boy,” she pointed to me. “He’d follow you to the end of the earth. He would have done anything for you.” Her eyes clouded over as she remembered, a smile breaking through as she chuckled.

  “Mom,” I muttered, embarrassed. Mia squeezed my hand.

  “You look after that boy of mine,” Mom warned, pointing a finger at her. “He’s a good boy with a big heart. He deserves the best.”

  A single tear trickled down my cheek. At this moment, Mom looked more alive than I’d seen her in years. The way her face lit up when she saw Mia, the sparkle in her eyes, it was incredible to watch. I walked over and took Mom’s hand and squeezed it as Mia smiled.

  “I will, Mrs. Cooper. I promise I will.”



  “Did I tell you Beth is coming over tonight, too?”

  Mia shot me a look. Okay, I probably deserved that. I knew they weren’t the closest of friends, but until now, Mia had respected my friendship with her.

  The truth was, I was worried about Beth. She was almost manic in some of her behavior recently. If I thought she was carefree before, then this was just fucking insane. One minute she was hyper, and the next she was a mess.

  “Lucky I cooked extra,” Mia grumbled. She handed me the salad to put on the table.

  I set down the salad and walked over to Mia, wrapping my arms around her. My hand slipped under her shirt, running over her soft skin until it cupped her breast.


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