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Untrusting Hearts: A Contemporary New Orleans Romance

Page 6

by Hartt, Madison

  Jade gasped. She waved her hands and backed away. “Oh, no! I couldn’t possibly wear that. It must be worth a fortune.”

  “You will wear it, and the matching earrings.” She indicated a pair of long dangling chains with five diamonds hanging from elongated ruby encrusted posts. “These will look marvelous with the sparkling embellishments of your bodice. And what good is having jewelry if it’s never worn?”

  “Oh, Maylene. They’re absolutely gorgeous,” she said, when she found her voice. “But I must decline; what if I lost them?”

  “You won’t lose them, dear, they’re quite well-made and you would break my heart if you deny me the pleasure of seeing them on you.” Maylene moved behind her and draped the necklace around her neck, securing it in the back. “Now, just put these earrings on.” She clasped her hands together with pleasure after Jade donned the earrings. “You look like a movie star; all you need is your leading man.”

  Speechless, Jade’s fingers moved between her ears and neck, fondling the jewelry. She turned to view herself in the mirror. Was that truly her? “But, Maylene…”

  “No buts,” Maylene stated firmly. Taking the younger woman’s arm, Maylene guided her to the stairway. “You’ve made me very happy by agreeing to wear my diamonds.”

  Agreeing? Jade nearly laughed. This demure woman at her side was anything but. She knew what she wanted and maneuvered a person until she got her way.

  Arriving at the bottom of the stairs, Jade took a deep breath and decided to be gracious and not mention the jewelry again. She couldn’t imagine an instance where the necklace or earrings could fall off without her being aware anyway.

  Around the corner from the stairway, in the entrance hall, the women could hear Gage berating Ty. There was no way to avoid noticing their disagreement. Gage’s voice rose slightly. “I thought you’d be in Florida arranging the opening of the new restaurant but here you are.”

  “You have no right to dictate my whereabouts,” Ty snapped. “I’m not under your thumb.”

  “You’re letting your title go to your head and I’m fed up with it.”

  “You keep forgetting my last name is Dubois. This is a family business, after all. My family, not yours.”

  “Lucky for you,” Gage shot back. “You certainly wouldn’t have gotten the job on merit.”

  “That’s low, even coming from you,” Ty growled. “You know what? Maylene invited me and I believe I will go along tonight after all.”

  “Oh, that’s good news,” Gage said sarcastically.

  Maylene cleared her throat, whispering in an aside to Jade just before they turned the corner, “Boys will be boys.”

  But Jade could tell she was furious that the men were arguing when there was a guest present. Maylene released Jade’s arm and marched around the corner. “Ty. Gage. How are my two favorite men tonight?” Her voice was collected but Jade caught the warning flash she sent both men. “I’m so glad you decided to join us this evening, Ty.”

  “Yes, I had a change of heart,” Ty muttered in a distracted fashion as his attention was drawn to Jade. He silently appraised her.

  Jade’s heart fluttered when Gage reacted with pleasure at his first glimpse of her. Their eyes locked for a long moment. His were warm instead of cold, as she had expected. He smiled a slow sexy smile. Jade was reminded of the burning desire she’d felt when he’d kissed her earlier.

  Before she could react to Gage’s charisma, Ty stepped forward. “Jade. You look lovely.” He brushed her hand with soft lips and then turned to his aunt, complimenting her as well. Nodding toward Jade, Ty enquired, “Aren’t those the jewels Uncle gave you for your twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, Aunt Maylene?”

  “Why, yes, Ty. I’m amazed you recognized them.”

  “I’ve noticed you wearing them in a number of pictures, but this is the first time I’ve actually seen them. They’re stunning.”

  When Jade looked back at Gage she was surprised to see the light had vanished from his eyes. “You’re sure you want to loan out such a prized possession, Maylene?”

  “Now Gage.” Maylene waved his comment aside. “Jewelry is supposed to be admired and no one can admire it when it is locked away. Besides, Jade had told me the story about her Grandma losing her precious earrings. I thought maybe these gems might help her feel the loss a little less, at least for one night.”

  “Ah, yes! The story.” Gage added stress to the word. “So very touching.”

  Ty’s head swiveled back and forth. “Am I missing something?”

  Jade finally found her tongue. “No, Ty, nothing that matters now.” She tried to unclasp the necklace but couldn’t figure out how to work the catch. “Maylene! I had no idea these were a gift from Jean Pierre. You should wear them, not me.”

  “No, dear. I insist you wear them. Jean Pierre would approve, especially if it makes me happy. And it does make me happy.” She took Jade’s hands in her own. “Now, I’ll hear no more. We need to leave or we’ll be late for dinner.”

  Ty helped his aunt drape a sweater over her shoulders while Gage forced his face into the semblance of the well-mannered man he usually was. But his eyes were hard as stone, his smile strained.

  Jade could see beyond a doubt that Gage believed she’d used the sob story of the lost jewelry in order to wheedle Maylene into offering her the valuable earrings and necklace. The thought made it hard for her to breathe. Her cheeks burned with rage. She’d had no idea Maylene even owned such priceless jewels when she told her about Grandma losing her earrings. And besides, these priceless gems weren’t hers to keep. She decided to voice this last thought. “As soon as we get home Maylene will put these back under lock and key. You can be sure I will protect them all night. I’d rather die than lose them.”

  “Don’t worry so, dear.” Maylene gave Jade a reassuring smile. “I don’t know why we’re still discussing the matter. It’s settled.”

  “Be that as it may, we need to go.” Gage held the door open for Maylene and offered her his arm. Jade followed as Ty set the alarm and shut the door behind them.

  “We’ll meet you there,” Ty said as he led Jade to his vehicle.

  Gage stopped short. “If you must. But Jade will be riding with Maylene and me. Get in, Jade.”

  With a shrug, Ty handed Jade into Gage’s car. The two women made small talk and Jade calmed down a little. She dreaded the evening ahead if Gage planned on remaining surly all night. Hopefully, Ty would be more entertaining.

  As they pulled up to the curb, Jade got her first look at Maylene’s restaurant. Her eyes widened at the sight of the two story building lit by the thousands of small golden lights surrounding an oval sign that read JP’s Oyster Bar in large faux-gold lettering. Wide double doors stood open, allowing easy access to the inside.

  Gage got out of the car and went around to help Maylene and Jade from the vehicle as a young man in a sharp uniform hurried from his post out front, took the keys from Gage, and drove his car away; Jade assumed he was parking the vehicle and not stealing it. The maître d’ bowed slightly to Maylene as she swept through the doors. “The Pearl room is ready, Madam.”

  “Thank you, Raimond.” Maylene touched his arm gently before she led the way through the dining room. Here and there patrons waved and called out. Maylene smiled but didn’t go to greet them, although Jade suspected on another occasion she would have done so.

  Following close to her aunt’s heels, Jade took in the fabulous interior. A large oval shaped bar stood near the front entrance. Glasses hung suspended from racks overhead and beer taps circled the inner ring. Domed ceilings done in gold panels covered three eating areas filled with tables draped with white linen cloths. Tile walkways wove through the tables which sat on gold-flecked black carpet. Virtually every seat was full.

  Gage hurried to open the door of a private dining room. He gestured Maylene and Jade through. Always the gentleman. At least in public, Jade thought ruefully. But then her attention was drawn to the candlelit table under anot
her domed ceiling. The crystal glass glittered like fireflies.

  “Oh, Maylene!” Jade stood with mouth agape. “It’s beautiful, simply beautiful.”

  “Thank you dear, but I can’t take credit. JP’s was all Jean Pierre’s dream. He built it from the ground up.”

  “Well, he did a fantastic job.”

  Maylene beamed.

  They were still seating themselves when Ty joined them. “Shall I order wine?” he asked.

  “Please do,” Maylene said as Gage snorted softly.

  A light white wine was served as Jade scanned the menu. Ty looked at a menu also though Jade assumed he knew it as well as Maylene and Gage. He wanted her to feel comfortable.

  Maylene ordered six of each: Oysters Bordelaise, Rockefeller Bienville Fonseca, and Louisiana Oysters on the Half-shell for the table.

  Jade scanned the menu, nervous. She’d never eaten most of the items offered but she didn’t want to seem finicky. At last, she chose catfish pecan served with sautéed shrimp, popcorn rice, Creole meuniere, and seasonal vegetables. Maylene had the paneed veal & Crab with mashed Yukon potatoes, asparagus, lemon butter and jumbo lump crabmeat. Gage ordered the gulf fish Iberville with artichoke hearts, mushrooms, shrimp, and lemon beurre blanc. Ty chose the twelve-ounce rib eye with pommes frites and andouille sausage, which earned him a scathing glance from Gage. Evidently he expected Ty to order seafood and was not happy when he chose differently, which was probably exactly why Ty did so. With a surge of annoyance, Jade wondered if Gage thought he needed to control everyone’s choices.

  Conversation was surprisingly pleasant during the meal. Gage seemed to have determined a truce was called for and smiled and joked along with Ty. At last, when they were full to bursting, their waiter asked if they desired dessert.

  “I couldn’t possibly eat another bite.” Jade put a hand over her flat stomach.

  Maylene agreed but insisted they come another time. “You must try the Bananas Foster Torte. It’s banana cake with banana cream, brown sugar frosting, and Foster sauce.”

  “It’s spectacular,” Gage agreed.

  “We can stop in for some when we go out, if you want,” Ty said, causing both Gage and Maylene to pause as they were getting to their feet.

  “Out?” Gage asked, frowning.

  “That’s right,” Ty smiled. “Jade’s agreed to see Bourbon Street with me.”

  “Oh, has she?” Gage looked deeply into Jade’s eyes, causing her to blush.

  She answered for Ty. “She has. Do you have an issue with that?”

  “No, no.” Gage shook his head. “Just be sure to stay where there are people.”

  “Meaning what?”

  “Meaning nothing,” Ty jumped in. “Gage is just sorry he didn’t think to ask you himself.”

  But Jade wondered. Was Ty dangerous in some way? Surely not, or Maylene would insist she stay home and she didn’t say a word. Although, Jade noticed she didn’t look completely pleased.

  “Shall we go?” Gage held open the door and they made their way back to the street where both vehicles.

  They went directly to a swank old-fashioned club with old-time big band ambiance. A table was reserved for them at the edge of the inset dance floor and in clear sight of the stage that was crowded with musicians taking their places. Candlelight graced the tabletops and the lights were dim. Gage held Maylene’s chair for her. Jade couldn’t help but smile when he frowned as Ty did the same for her. All this gallantry, she thought. And competitiveness.

  The group ordered drinks, wine for Jade and Maylene, a gin and tonic for Gage, and Jack and Coke for Ty. At Maylene’s frown, Gage assured her he would stop after two, since he would be driving. Ty said nothing.

  The music started. The saxophones, trumpet, and trombones competed with the rhythm section. For a while, the foursome watched as a few couples stepped down to the dance floor. The band played some swing classics and Jade clasped her hands together, awed over some of the moves the dancers made. Maylene clapped in pleasure and Ty whistled loudly.

  Sophisticated Lady by Duke Ellington started and Ty rose to his feet, a hand held out to Maylene who accepted it at once.

  “Shall we?” Gage raised an eyebrow toward Jade.

  “I’d love to,” she said.

  She fit into Gage’s arms perfectly and they moved around the floor as if they had danced together for years. He was every bit the gentleman, and gave her his complete attention. It was so unexpected, she found it disconcerting.

  “How have you enjoyed your stay so far?”

  Jade cocked her head. “It’s been…interesting.”

  “Interesting? How so?”

  “Well, some of the people I’ve met change their emotions like snakes do their skins.”

  “Ah, I see.” Gage smirked. “Well, if you’re referring to me, you must understand that Maylene’s interests are my own. I have to look out for her; I have to keep the vultures at bay.”

  “Vultures?” Jade stiffened.

  Gage pulled her closer. “Don’t get all uptight. I mean in general; nothing personal. What are your plans for tomorrow?”

  “I was thinking about visiting some of the places I found online before I came here. You know…there’s the Pharmacy Museum, the Historic New Orleans Collection, or maybe the Aquarium of the Americas.”

  “What time should we go?” he asked as they danced to the strains of Smoke Rings by Glen Gray.

  “I beg your pardon, but I don’t need an escort. I’m going to borrow Maylene’s car.” That should shut him down.

  His hand slid up her back, sending unexpected thrills of desire over her skin. “Maylene surely doesn’t plan for you to roam around town alone.”

  “I am a grown woman.”

  “Oh, yes. I know you are.” He pulled her nearer and breathed in her perfume. “A very beautiful woman. Which is why I’m going with you tomorrow.”

  His audaciousness was simultaneously galling and charming. She moved woodenly, fighting the urge to melt into his powerful arms. She was halfway convinced his friendliness was phony, but it was hard to think clearly within the circle of his embrace. She still hadn’t gotten over that kiss. She put a syrupy tone in her voice. “I don’t want to take you away from work, and who knows, maybe I won’t go out at all. I might choose to hang around the house.”

  “Why would you do that?” he asked, sounding almost accusing.

  “What’s wrong? Are you worried I’ll end up with the deeds to JP’s?” She laughed to show she was joking.

  “Should that concern me?”

  “I don’t know why it would.”

  He held her away and considered her. “Maybe I ought to worry. I mean, look at you. You only arrived a day ago and already you’ve managed to turn yourself into a young Maylene. You’re wearing the same color she wore in the portrait in the library; in fact, it could almost be the same dress. You’ve borrowed her most prized jewelry and have even styled your hair like she used to wear hers. Should I worry, Jade?”

  “My hair? I had my hair fixed before Maylene even saw me tonight. As far as the dress is concerned, I brought it with me from Kansas; I hadn’t even seen the library portrait of Maylene when I packed it. And trust me, I did not ask to wear this jewelry; in fact, I tried my best to refuse. But she was insistent. Frankly, I’m sick and tired of your suspicions and allegations.” She realized they had quit moving and started to turn away toward their table.

  But Gage swung her back into motion. “Maylene is studying our every move. She’s dear to me and I won’t let you hurt her. So keep dancing until the music is over.”

  Working hard to look happy for Maylene’s sake, Jade complied. Through a frozen smile, she muttered, “You, Mr. Pichot, are an ass.”

  “And you are a minx.” He dipped her smoothly. “Very hard to resist and, I’m quite sure, not nearly so innocent as you seem.”

  She shook her head; words were useless with Gage. She’d never abandoned a dance partner mid-song, but she virtually ached with
the desire to do so now.

  As soon as the music was over she hurriedly returned to the table, leaving Gage to helplessly follow. Sliding into the seat, she wrestled to contain her feelings of outrage. With grim determination to survive the evening, she sipped her wine and set her features in a placid expression.

  “Are you having fun, dear?” Maylene wore a slightly concerned look.

  “Of course, Maylene. Everything is perfect. I’m just not used to this much activity in one night. After staying home with Grandma these last couple of years I’ve forgotten what going to a club was like.”

  “I understand…” She abruptly stopped as the band segued into You Made Me Love You by Harry James. “Oh! This is my and Jean Pierre’s song.”

  Gage sprang to his feet. “May I have this dance, Maylene?”

  “Oh, yes. Thank you, Gage.”

  Gage escorted Maylene onto the floor. Ty, who had put away an impressive number of drinks, held a hand out to Jade. “Join me?”

  Not wishing to appear rude, Jade accepted. Ty cupped her elbow as they moved down the two stairs to the dance floor and then pulled her into his arms.

  “Ah, Jade. I’ve wanted to get close to you all evening.” He nuzzled her ear, his breath hot. “Watching you with Gage has been eating me alive. You should have been in my arms, not his.”

  Conflicted over this statement, Jade said nothing. Ty was handsome, but he was her cousin, even if only by marriage. Still, his embrace was comforting and his attentions seemed sincere. They were a balm on her wounded spirit after Gage’s abrasiveness. She let herself be wooed.

  At the end of the dance, she remained in Ty’s arms through the next number, spinning and twirling around the floor, feeling quite pretty and taking a certain grim pleasure in the look of dismay on Gage’s face. She even began to enjoy herself.

  But, as all good things do, the night eventually ended. The lights came up and people began making their way to the exits. “I’ll take Jade home,” Ty said, staggering slightly.


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