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Mad Passion

Page 4

by Ml Mitchell

  At the first touch of Tyree’s hand on her hot flesh, Madison wanted to jump out of her skin. Feeling his hand teasing her nipple into a hard pebble, made her react by arching her back giving him easier excess. She was on fire just from this small amount of contact.

  Breaking the kiss, she panted, “Ty, what are you doing to me?”

  He looked into her eyes and saw a desire that matched his. “Mad, I want to taste you so bad.” When he saw hesitation enter her eyes, he continued, “I can’t look at you and not want you.” He bent his head and pulled her nipple into his mouth, suckling her through her shirt. Her reaction was instantaneous. She practically jumped off the floor.

  Closing her eyes to the sensations rocking her body, Madison grabbed hold to Tyree’s dreads. A deep moan escaped through her parted lips. “My God,” she gasped. She could feel his smile against her breast, but she could not conjure any embarrassment at what he was doing to her. As he quickly divested her of her shirt, thoughts of stopping him never entered her conscious. The feelings his touch provoked in her were too exhilarating to think about stopping.

  Tyree realized she was in the throes of passion, and didn’t know exactly what he was planning. He knew he was going to take advantage of it just as sure as he knew he’d never get through another night without tasting her. Continuing to stimulate her breasts, he slowly lowered his hand and undid the opening of her shorts. Slipping his hand inside, he realized she wasn’t wearing any panties. Damn, if he didn’t grow harder than diamonds. He pulled her shorts over her hips and down her legs before she realized what he was about.

  Running his fingers up the inside of her legs, he reached her honey pot. Rubbing his thumb across her clitoris, he sucked in a breath, trying to slow his breathing. She was so damn wet, he was ready to buss in his pants at that moment. Putting a rein on his desire, he slowly worked her as he inserted a finger. As her moans grew louder, Tyree added a second finger, stretching her a little more, watching her lust grow to a fever pitch.

  Madison was so senseless, it didn’t dawn on her that she was lying naked on the floor with her best friend. Her mind and body were humming from his expert touch. When she felt Tyree slip her nipple out of his mouth, and started trailing kisses down her stomach, her eyes flew open. “Ty, what are you doing?”

  He paused in his descent to look at her face. “I’m just tasting you, Mad. Let us enjoy the moment.” Not waiting for her reply, he picked up where he left off. She just closed her eyes and gave herself over to his administration. Tyree reached the top of her bikini line, tracing the edge of her trimmed hair. Spreading her thighs wider for better excess, he flick his tongue over her clit. She tried to pull back, but he had one hand secure on her hip, while his other was still stroking her pussy.

  Madison yelped when Tyree put his mouth on her. She had never imagined anything like this. Ron and she had never performed oral sex during their entire relationship. God, if this is what it feels like, I’ve been missing out on a lot. Her thoughts scattered as Tyree brought her to her most earth-shattering climax.

  Before she could catch her breath, he was leaning over her again. She could see that his desire hadn’t faded and she was happy about it, because it made her feel sexy. She brought his mouth down to hers in a searing kiss. As he pressed against her, she could feel his erection through his jeans. The friction he was causing by rubbing against her exposed sex, was delicious. Her pussy was dripping wet now, and she wanted more. Reaching between them, she grabbed his massive bulge and began to stroke him.

  Tyree almost came in his pants for the second time. He couldn’t wait any longer. Disengaging Madison’s hand from him, he quickly undid his buttons and slid down his pants. He had withdrew a condom from his pocket and covered his stiff dick. Bracing himself on one elbow, he entered her an inch at a time.

  A strangled cry escaped her lips as she closed her eyes against the discomfort of stretching. She was no virgin, but Ron was the only man she had ever had sex with, and judging by Tyree’s size, he was small.

  Tyree had to stop himself from savagely fucking her. It seemed like he had been wanting to fuck her for too long. She was so tight, that if he didn’t know any better, he would have thought her a virgin. “I’m sorry, Mad,” he apologized.

  Opening her eyes, she replied, “It’s okay. I just didn’t realize that you were so much bigger.” When he laughed, she could feel him move inside her. “I’m alright now.”

  Looking into her eyes to make sure she wasn’t just trying to be brave, he slowly withdrew until just his head was in her. Then he pushed the full length of his shaft deep into her. Eyes closed, he started pumping into her harder, increasing his speed with each stroke. He raised Madison’s legs onto his shoulders as he fiercely pounded into her pussy.

  He was trying to hold to his control, but it was of no use thanks to her screaming his name. Knowing he should pull out and doing it were two different things. His mind went blank as he hammered into her one last time as he came.

  Madison had never imagined sex could be this intense. She knew now what she and Ron had shared was superficial. She had thought it was how everyone did it, but Tyree had just showed her something completely different. Wiping her husband from her mind, she disengaged her legs from Tyree’s shoulders. Feeling a little embarrassed, she turn her face away from his.

  “Mad,” Tyree asked as he grabbed her jaw to turn her face back to him, “what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she lied. How could she tell him that she was embarrassed about what they had just done. As she was about to expand on her lie, he bent and took her lips. As she responded, she felt his cock growing inside her. She didn’t know men could become aroused so quickly.

  Tyree began to move his hips as he grew harder, enjoying the way her eyes widen. If she thought he was done with her, she had another think coming. He picked up the tempo as she started moving with him. Damn, I can stay in this pussy for days, he thought. Kissing her more deeply, he settled in for round two.

  Chapter Seven

  Madison slowly opened her eyes as she felt Tyree playing with her nipples. What a way to wake up. Smiling into his gorgeous face, she purred, “Good morning.”

  He rolled her onto her stomach as he moved over her. Leaning closer to her ear, he whispered, “Good morning, sexy.” Nudging her legs open, he entered her swiftly, growling as he plunged into her over and over again.

  She matched him stroke for stroke, enjoying the fast pace he set. Before long, she was screaming his name as they both found their release. They collapsed on the blanket, exhausted from their explosive quickie.

  “Damn, Mad,” Tyree gasped, “I could do this all day long.”

  She laughed. “You would never get any work done.”

  He kissed her shoulder. “You’re right.” He detangled himself from the covers and stood up. “I’ve got to go into the studio today.”

  “What time is it,” she asked as she pulled a blanket up to cover her breasts. Even though they had sex many time through the night, she still felt shy about showing her body.

  Noticing Madison’s maneuver with the blanket, Tyree snatched it from her loose grip. “It’s eight in the morning.”

  “Give that back,” she demanded, trying to recapture the blanket as she tried to shield herself.

  “I don’t think so.” He took in her glorious body, remembering every curve he ran hands across. Just thinking about how soft she was grew him hard. He could tell when she noticed his soldier standing at attention, her eyes grew wider. Placing his hands on his hips while still holding the blanket, caused her to laugh. “What’s so funny?”

  Trying to show a straight face, she answered, “You look ridiculous standing like that. Is the blanket supposed to be a matador?” When he just stood there with a slight smile on his lips, laughter burst from her lips.

  “If you want me to be your matador, then I will.” He dropped the blanket and quickly seized her hands, bringing her to her feet. “Now, it is time for a shower.” Sl
inging her over his shoulder, he headed for the stairs. She laughed the whole way.

  It had been three weeks since Madison and Tyree’s night of wild sex and they had fell into a pattern of easy companionship, one that was labeled as friends with benefits. She knew that it would be foolish to want more than what he offered, but sometimes she felt as if she was hanging on a precipice. She didn’t know if she would fall or gain her footing, and with Tyree, she could never tell. He treated her the same as always, just with the added sex. She tried not to dwell on it too much, because she knew that for him there was no deeper involvement, only sex.

  Turning her mind away from her depressing thoughts, she sat on the couch to watch some television. Tyree was at the studio, so she didn’t expect him home anytime soon. As she was getting into the news, the telephone rung. She answered on the second ring. “Hello?”

  A female voice responded, “Hello, is Tyree home?”

  In all the time that she had live at his home, Tyree had had only two other female callers on his home line. This woman was not one of them. “No he not. Can I take a message?”

  Instead of answering the question, she inquired, “Is this the housekeeper?”

  Taken by surprise, Madison said, “No, but I can still take a message.”

  “Whatever,” the caller said impatiently. “Tell him that Monica is back and she is looking forward to his promise.” Before she could retort, Monica hung up.

  She replaced the handset on its base and sat back. Something in her mind clicked. No wonder Tyree never seemed to want more with her, he was still enjoying his freedom. Well, she was not gonna be his convenient bedmate any longer. He can have Monica and whomever else, but she was done. With that thought fueling her determination, she went to the gym to work off some steam.

  It was around midnight when Tyree finally made it home. He found Madison curled up in her favorite spot. Leaning down, he kissed her cheek. “Hey, sleepyhead.”

  She opened her eyes and smiled. “Hey yourself.” Yawning, she got up to stretch. “Are you hungry?”

  He knew she had cooked, so he’d passed on the pizza offered at the studio. He preferred her cooking anyway. “I’m starving.” Following her into the kitchen, he asked, “What did you cook?”

  “Pork chop casserole.” She went to the refrigerator to retrieve his plate.

  “I can get it, Mad,” he offered.

  Ignoring him, she place his food in the microwave. “You had a caller today.”

  Tyree sat at the counter to await his meal. “Who was it?”

  She grabbed the salt and pepper and some silverware and placed them in front of him. When he went to grasp her hand, she hastily pulled it out of his reach. Turning her back on him so he would not see her face, she said, “It was someone named Monica. Said for you not to forget your promise to her.”

  Since he noticed she hadn’t allowed him to touch her, he knew something was on her mind. He just didn’t expect it to be this. “I guess she’s back in town now.” Sighing, he explained, “She’s my previous…friend.”

  She didn’t feel any better with his explanation. She knew she didn’t have any right to be jealous, but she couldn’t stop that emotion from surfacing. “Oh,” she said trying to sound indifferent, “and what is this promise you made?”

  He waited until she put his food on the counter before he spoke, “To take her to a benefit next week.” He took a bite of food. “She’s been out of the country for the past year. I thought she’d forgotten by now.”

  Not liking that at all, she started to exit the kitchen. “Well, good night,” she through over her shoulder as she left him to his meal.

  Damn, this didn’t look good, he thought. He thought she understood their relationship, that they were not beginning anything serious. He didn’t want her to get hurt, but he had a feeling it was too late. He’d have to do some damage control tomorrow. Until then, he decided to enjoy the food on his plate.

  Chapter Eight

  It was three in the morning, a week later, and Madison was in bed staring at the ceiling wondering why Tyree wasn’t at home yet. She had tried to sleep, but only tossed and turned for more than an hour. Her thoughts were not allowing her to get any peace. She kept picturing Tyree before he had left for the banquet.

  She remember her lungs seizing up when he had first entered the TV room dressed in his black tuxedo. The jacket fit snuggly across his broad shoulders, his pants weren’t quite as snug, but no less arousing. She would have been very proud to have been on his arm tonight, however, Monica got that privilege.

  Rolling onto her stomach, she sighed and punched her pillow. She knew she had to stop thinking about what Tyree was doing. It did her no good to want something he wasn’t ready to give. It was time to move forward for herself. No more sex with Tyree or anybody for that matter. With that thought foremost in her mind, she finally succumbed to sleep.

  The smell of bacon tickled Madison’s nose, causing her to smile as she opened her eyes. So, somebody made it home and he was cooking breakfast—probably for Monica. The smile slipped from her lips at that thought. She looked at the bedside clock, seven-twenty. Deciding to face the day straight on, she rolled out of bed, and went to freshen up.

  Once seated at the breakfast bar, she was presented with a plate of food. It was piled high with bacon, eggs, grits, and toast. “I can’t eat all of this, Ty”

  “Yes you can,” Tyree replied as he sat down beside her. Studying her for a minute, he said, “It looks like you were the one out partying last night.”

  She didn’t want him to know that she was up most of the night thinking about him and his adventures, she teased, “I was. Got wasted all by myself.”

  He started digging into his food. “Too bad. A woman should never get wasted alone.”

  Seeing the amusement in his eyes, she smiled. “You would say something like that.”

  He returned her smile, but remained silent. He knew she wasn’t happy about him going out with Monica, but he didn’t make any promises to be exclusive. Nonetheless, he knew he needed to smooth her ruffled feathers. “Mad, you know—”

  “No need to explain anything,” she interrupted. “I know I have no claim on you and it’s cool. It was time for us to slow down anyway.”

  Not liking the way this was headed, Tyree interjected, “I know you’re right, and I don’t want anything to hurt our friendship.” He put his fork down and grabbed her hand. “Mad, hope you don’t feel like I used you. I love you very much, but not in the way you deserve.”

  She pulled her hand free. “It’s okay. I knew what I was getting into anyway.” Trying to make light of the conversation, she added, “Besides, I don’t think it’s time to get into any kind of relationship with this thing with Ron still hanging over my head.”

  He felt even worst now that he thought about what she had just been through. She deserved to be treated like a queen, and all he did was use her for his baser needs. “Well, I’m happy that our friendship won’t suffer for my stupidity.”

  “You didn’t do anything that I didn’t want.” She patted his hand, put a smile on her face, and got up. “We’ll just move forward and leave all that in the past.”

  Not feeling any better, Tyree just kept quiet. He’d make it up to her one day. But until then, he would try to keep a reign on his lust. Because although he didn’t want to get too serious, he still wanted her body. Damn, he was a dog.

  Tyree stood at the gym door, watching Madison perform combos on the Nexersys NXS-C. He couldn’t help the stimulation his dick was having at that moment. He would have had to be dead to not look at her and not be aroused. She wore black biker shorts with a loose sleeveless t-shirt and sweat was glistening off her skin giving her an ethereal glow. When she swung at one of the pads, he could see her tight ass bounce. He don’t know how he had been able to keep his hands to himself the last couple of weeks, but he’d done it. It was for the best, after all.

  Madison felt Tyree’s presence and turned toward him.
“Is there something you wanted, Ty?”

  Bringing his thoughts to a halt, he replied, “You look like you can use a more promising challenge.” He walked up to her. “Want to give it a go with me?”

  Although he had been teaching her some defensive techniques, she knew she was no match for him. But the thought of hitting him was too appealing to pass up. She’s been tied up in knots for weeks thanks to the sexual frustration neither of them did anything about. “Let’s go.”

  Their sparring started out with slow jabs, until Madison got in a good right to his face. Tyree touched his throbbing jaw, “So you want to play rough?” Speeding up the pace, he quickly flattened her on the mat. Before she could recover, he pinned her under his weight. “You know you’re no match for me, Mad.”

  Feeling irritated at being defeated so fast, she started struggling to get free. It was pointless, because he was too heavy. She would have hit him again if he hadn’t pinned her arms between them. When she stopped moving and looked into his eyes, she saw his raw desire. Realizing the position they were in wasn’t helpful to their situation, she gasped, “Let me up.”

  Tyree knew he should get off of her, but she felt so damn good he had to enjoy what little contact they had. They had been careful not to become intimate again, but he couldn’t help wanting to be inside her again. Feeling her breasts pressed up against his chest, he let all thoughts float away as he took her mouth.

  Madison was so surprised by the kiss, she didn’t immediately react. As he teased her lips with his tongue, she finally gave up all pretentions of indifference. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she greedily kissed him back. This kiss was more explosive than any they had shared in the past. It was like a drink of water after two weeks of thirst.

  Tyree’s cell phone rang, causing them to end the kiss. He rested his forehead on hers, “I’m sorry, Mad.” Lifting his head, he smiled at her. “I know we agreed to no intimacies, but I couldn’t help myself just now.” He rolled off of her and stood. Reaching his hand out he helped Madison to her feet. He looked as if he was going to say something else, but thought better of it and retrieved his phone from his pocket. He answered the phone as he turned his back to her. “Hey, Monica.”


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