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Page 4

by Aline Riva

  I changed my clothes and sat down and waited. It was almost five in the morning when I heard Matt speaking to the medic, then he led him down the stairs but I could not hear their conversation. I got up, feeling tired and shattered by the events of the last few hours, and as I opened the door Matt had reached the top of the stairs.

  He saw the look in my eyes and sensed my fear and quickly explained.

  "Jack's been lucky. Well, as lucky as a bloke can be for taking two bullets. His shoulder's fine and the other wound was deep but not deep enough to hit internal organs, lucky for him the shot went through the car before it hit him and it slowed it down, made less of an impact. He had to open him up to take the bullet out and he's got two big scars but he's had blood and fluid and he will be hurting when he wakes up, but he is going to live."

  And Matt blinked back tears as I started to cry with relief.

  "Which is all good news," Matt added, and then he gave me a hug.

  "Right," he said, "I'm knackered, but I have to open up the pub as usual. Can't let anyone think anything is going on. You stay up here out of sight. Just look after Jack. That's all he needs, a lot of looking after and he will be right as rain before we know it."

  I hugged him again and went straight to Jack's room, where I sat beside him, then got on the bed and laid next to him and finally my eyes closed and I slept, my hand clinging tightly to his as I wished I could feel relief but instead all I felt as I slipped into sleep was a painful ache in my heart as I wondered if he would recover. I couldn't cope with the thought that if he didn't make it, I would never look into his eyes again...

  Chapter 8

  When I woke up the sun was streaming through the net curtains and I looked at the clock and saw it had gone ten in the morning. Jack was lying there in bed still sleeping, he was pale but breathing steadily and deeply. I kissed his cheek and softly spoke his name. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me.

  "It's alright," I told him, "You're safe. Matt came and got us, he called a medic and he got the bullets out. You're going to be alright."

  I kissed him and as he tried to move he quickly changed his mind, feeling pain cut into his body.

  "You have to keep still," I reminded him as I gave him a tablet and helped him to swallow it with a glass of water.

  "These are very strong painkillers. You have to take one every three hours and rest and let me take care of you, okay?"

  Jack gave a sigh of relief as everything I said began to sink in.

  "You do that," he said, "You take care of me, I'll be better before you know it. I'm feeling better already."

  "That's the pain killers working," I reminded him as I tenderly stroked his cheek.

  He closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep once more. While he slept I never left his side, if he stirred I made sure the covers stayed over him, keeping him warm. I watched him sleeping feeling relieved to know the man I loved was safe and getting well.

  I looked at him thinking about the life he had led, how hard everything had been, but now he was here with me and in this state I was determined that I would show him all the tender loving care he could possibly need, I would make him feel as loved as he was and show him that all the time, every single day, because that was what he needed most of all.

  For the next two days I cared for him constantly, Jack could barely move but the painkillers kept him comfortable although they made him sleep a lot too. After everything he had been through I agreed with Matt not to talk about the money until he was a little stronger, he needed peace and quiet and rest and nothing else while he was recovering. On the third morning I woke beside him, Jack put his arm around me and kissed me gently.

  "The pain's easing off at last," he told me.

  "Well don't you go trying to get up just yet," I told him, “You have to rest."

  He ran his hand down my body and it was then I saw the sparkle was back in his eyes. I was aching for him but after everything he had been through he had to rest.

  Later on I gently bathed him, changed his dressings and saw that both wounds were healing well. As I gently washed his thighs I felt my hand lingering down there as he began to grow hard but as much as he wanted me to make him come I was very aware of the wounds on his body that were still healing.

  "You're too weak," I said, "You have to rest."

  He gave a heavy sigh.

  “But you turn me on so much!”

  I smiled as I thought about this situation. Jack was on the mend and getting as horny as ever but I knew I couldn't make him tired when he was still recovering and needed his energy focus on his healing.

  "Tomorrow," I promised him, "I'll give you something special tomorrow..."

  Later on as he rested, I was still wondering about what to give him, to slowly ease him into being more active without making him tired, when an idea came to me in a totally unexpected way. Matt had told him by now; Jack knew the money was safe. And the two of them had then shared quite a conversation with Matt telling him all about his life over the past eight years, mainly a rather tangled love life. Then Matt looked at me and said, "My ex bird left some stuff here when she walked out - it's in the back room. You should have a look, help yourself - she had all this sexy gear she used to sell - hen parties and stuff."

  Then he winked at me.

  "But don't get too carried away till he's properly better!"

  I went straight down to that back room and went inside.

  As soon as I saw the lingerie and costumes and the array of shoes some that were my size - my eyes lit up. Matt's ex had been a size ten and I was between a twelve to a fourteen so I knew as I slipped into the costume that although it was meant to be sexy, a fit this tight would be even better... I turned and looked in the full length mirror and smiled. This was the start, I told myself, no more crime, police and frightening nightmares happening like the man I loved getting shot. No more blood and fear and all the rest of it - Jack had said that had been his last job. And even when the worst had happened, he had pulled through it. Things were getting good - starting with this...and it would just get better and better...

  I planned it well.

  I got up early before he woke up and changed into the outfit - then I put on the stockings and the white high heels. I stood in front of the mirror and looked at my reflection:

  The heels made my legs look longer and shapely. The dress was a white lycra version of a nurse's outfit, a skin tight mini dress that just about reached my thighs and I'd had to struggle to do up the zip that ran all the way up the front because my D cup breasts had been a real squeeze to fit in, and the way it thrust me forward gave me a magnificent cleavage.

  I ran my hand slowly down the material and it felt silky and warm like a second skin. I'd seen another similar outfit that I could have put on but that one had been PVC and while I also liked that I knew it would have been virtually impossible to zip it up because it did not have the stretch quality that this one did - and it would have to have some ability to stretch once Jack was feeling stronger and ready to have me on top of him while I was wearing it! I could picture it now, the dress up to my hips while I slowly rode him to orgasm - the thought was making me so horny I was soaking down to my thighs already.

  Yes, I felt sure of it : Things were getting better. My life felt as if it was hitting a calm, straight road and in my mind I saw no obstacles in the way. I walked out of the room with my high heels making my body sway a little as I got used to the difference in height - I never usually wore shoes this high - and I went in the bathroom and felt my hands tremble with excitement as I picked up a bottle of body lotion.

  I paused outside the bedroom door and smiled to myself, this was giving me such a thrill! I was so turned on I had to take a deep breath and calm myself a little before I pushed the door open.

  As I walked into the room, I didn't get the reaction I'd hoped for. Jack was still sleeping. I stood there for a moment as the same thought ran through my mind that had done so many times since the shooti
ng, thank God you're still alive... Then I pushed that thought aside before tears smudged my mascara.

  I sat down beside him and put the lotion next to the bed. Then I tenderly kissed his cheek. He slowly woke up, as he opened his eyes I smiled at him.

  "How are you feeling today?” I asked him, "I'm your private nurse and I'm here to take care of you."

  That woke him up for sure, Jack stared at me, his eyes wandering down my body, lingering on my cleavage as he realised what that uniform did for me.

  "You certainly can take care of me," he told me.

  I ran my hand over his chest, then up to his shoulder and over the bandaged gunshot wound.

  "Better tell me where it hurts, then."

  Jack was getting turned on, I could tell by the look in his eyes.

  "I hurt all over," he told me, "I really need some attention."

  "Let's do this carefully," I replied, and helped him to turn over. Then I slid the covers off him and if not for the dressing that covered the second bullet wound, his body would have been perfect.

  I took some lotion and rubbed it in my hands, then gently began to massage his back and shoulders, as my hands swept gently over his body I felt more of an ache and a need for him to be inside me but he wasn't quite well enough to make love just yet. I took my time slowly massaging his back, then I ran my hands over his hips and worked my way lower, running my hands all over him. Then he turned over and opened his legs.

  "This is where it hurts the most. It's aching, Nurse."

  Despite what he had been through, he was as hard as ever.

  "I'll take care of that for you," I said softly, "Make you feel all need a very intimate massage down there, an oral massage..."

  Jack was still aching from his injuries but he shifted a little on the bed and made himself comfortable and spread his legs wider.

  "Oh yeah that's the medicine I need..."

  I got on the bed and placed my hands on his thighs, began to kiss gently through his pubic hair. Then I went lower, my mouth caressing him, my tongue teasing him. I stayed there for a long time, my head buried between his legs, kissing him and teasing him ever so gently, I could feel him shaking with the pleasure of it all and knowing that he was feeling so good made me want to come myself. My tongue went everywhere, took him to such heights of ecstasy that by now I knew he wanted to come very urgently. So I took him in my mouth and started to suck, as I did so, one hand was massaging his balls while I ran the other down his body, as he came in my mouth that orgasm was so beautiful it made me feel high just knowing the extent of the pleasure that was running through him.

  "Feeling better?" I asked him.

  Jack smiled.

  "That was the best, that was so good..."

  I got up and straightened up his covers, tucked him in slowly, making sure as I leaned over him my cleavage was right in his face. Then he reached out and slid his hand up my skirt.

  "I think I should give you a good seeing to when I'm better, nurse...”

  And he slid his fingers inside me. My legs turned to jelly as I stood there, leaning over him while he played with me. As he started to massage my clitoris I lost control and came hard, my legs buckling and losing balance in those shoes, he reached up and caught hold of me, but kept his hand down there, feeling me come and holding me as I gasped with pleasure. But I recovered enough to kiss him and then stand up again.

  "Feeling better?" I asked him softly.

  "Very much. I'd like to see up your skirt, Nurse. Lift it up for me, let me see the state of you."

  I lifted the skirt and he looked at me, still wet and swollen with desire. He reached out and gently stroked me and a wave of pleasure ran through me all over again.

  "Very nice," he said, "That was just what I needed."

  Then he took hold of my hand and drew me on to the bed. He put his arm around me.

  "Do you feel wonderful?" I asked him.

  He closed his eyes and gave a sigh of contentment.

  "Oh, you bet I do."

  Then he laughed softly.

  "You are one dirty bitch and I'm so glad you are, you make me feel amazing even with what I've been through, I still feel wonderful."

  And the he slept in my arms and while he slept I looked down at him, I thought of everything that had happened, of the danger he had been in, of how I thought I was going to lose him while he was bleeding in the car. I knew he was not like most men and had lived a life most men never would, I had seen the best of him and the worst of him and I understood what had driven him to be so reckless after coming out of prison. My heart ached with the need to give him all the love that had been so absent from his life.

  "I love you." I whispered as he slept.

  Then I felt an ache deep inside me and my hand slid down to my belly. For the first time in my life I was filled with an overwhelming desire to be pregnant, to have his child so that I would always have a part of him to hold and love, before the next bullet killed him, before he was taken away from me.

  What was wrong with me? I didn't want to be thinking that way but I couldn't help myself. The thought that I could lose him scared me to death; I blinked back tears as I looked at him. I knew I would never forget that day he swerved past the stinger, he had known he would be shot when we passed the armed police, but he had done it anyway. I couldn't be sure that he meant what he said, even though he knew the money was safe now, would there still come a day when he went back to stealing? He had slid into that mode so easily that I found it hard to believe he could ever just write it off as a way of life. Then I wondered, did he want kids? With the life he had lead, probably not. Yet he came inside me every time we made love with no thought of the consequence...

  Chapter 9

  The next day I was on top of him, slowly riding him and he was running his hands all over that nurse outfit and as he reached orgasm he slammed into me so hard I felt every part of his body shake. Then he embraced me and told me he loved me again. These days since the shooting had transformed the world for me, it was now all about making love and being with the man I loved and I was starting to think about the future. We would find a place to live and settle down, we would be happy, I had convinced myself of that.

  By the end of the week, Jack was up and about although the pain made him a little stiff he insisted that he had to get moving again, even though being in bed and me in the nurse’s outfit had its advantages. I knew he was in pain but despite that he got up, got dressed, went over to Matt's room and they started to talk about plans.

  "Jack," Matt said, "They've seen your face. The old bill will definitely suspect you, cos you just got out and you've got form. I bet they're turning everywhere over looking for you - and you know the money's going to take time to transfer. About two weeks and you'll have it, in cash. But if you stay here any longer and they recall my name was linked to you -"

  "It won't happen." Jack lit a cigarette and sat back in the armchair, clearly feeling a lot better for all the rest and my tender loving care, "I'm safe as houses. No one knew you were involved in the robbery, you were just someone I used to drink with, an old mate from before, plus you've changed your name, I think they would have given you a knock by now. You're just getting paranoid."

  Matt sighed.

  "But you went off on one, Jack. You really lost it when you did that bank."

  “I think so to, you did lose it.” I added.

  Jack glared at me.

  "Shut up!" he snapped.

  That stung me a bit, he had never spoken to me sharply before.

  “Maybe you never should have robbed the jeweller's either, not so soon after getting out,” I reminded him.

  The two men looked at each other and Matt read the expression in his eyes: There was worse to come.

  "What the fuck have you been doing since you got out?"

  Jack glanced at me.

  "You opened your mouth, you might as well say the rest."

  He didn't sound angry now, more resigned to the fa
ct that matt knew half the story and now might as well learn the rest.

  "Jack tracked Gary down, thought he'd been ripped off and kicked the shit out of him. Then he did a jeweller's and sold the lot made nine grand but the cash got stolen and then he did the bank job because he thought the money was gone."

  Matt just stared at him for a moment.

  "What the bloody hell have you been playing at, Jack? You thought I'd ripped you off? You thought I'd do that to you? I love you, bro!"

  Matt's eyes were filled with tears and his voice was choking up with emotion.

  "You really thought I'd do that to you?"

  "No, I didn't know what to think, not after eight years inside, I never heard from you, I didn't know what to think, Matt."

  A tear ran down Matt's face.

  "You saved my life, Jack. You think I'd forget that? And what the fuck are you doing running about with a gun again? If you get caught they'll bang you up for life you will never get out again!"

  Jack stayed calm, he just nodded as he agreed with him.

  "Yeah, I realise I've been a bit out of order. But that was my last job. I don't have any intention of going back inside. I don’t have to worry now, I got the money coming."

  Matt gave a heavy sigh.

  "I'll have to get you some ID sorted, paperwork and stuff - you'll have to change your name and everything. And get the fuck out of this area. And if you're on Crime Watch next month you'll have to leave the bloody country!"

  Jack put his cigarette out and looked back at Matt. For a man who had lost his temper so easily before, he was very calm now, He had been since he had found out the money was safe.

  "Matt, calm down. The old bill hasn’t come knocking. That’s because they won't. Two weeks from now I'll be gone, me and Sal will go off -"


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