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Dangerous Curves

Page 14

by James, Marysol

  “Goddmmit,” he said. “Sarah… God, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

  Tears streamed down her cheeks, and that scared him a bit.

  “Hey, you need me to stop?”

  “Yeah, I need you to stop,” she said in a small, broken voice. “Just – just wait, OK?”

  “OK.” He stroked her hair back from her face. “You let me know when you’re ready. Or do you need me to pull out?”

  “No.” She opened her eyes, and he saw the pain in them, still. “Don’t pull out.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah.” He was relieved to see the color coming back in to her cheeks. “It was just for a few seconds, but it’s better now.”

  They lay quietly for a minute, letting Sarah adjust to him. Slowly, the tension left her body and she went soft against him again. Gently, he ran his hands up her legs, over her breasts, along her cheeks. He soothed her with his touch, and it worked: she started to shift under him restlessly. He ran his tongue over her lips and she gasped as her desire flared, then roared back to life.

  “I’m ready,” she said.

  Jax wasn’t totally sure, so he pulled back just a bit, then slid in carefully. She gripped his hips and held him in place tightly, pushing him deeper. He did it again, withdrawing a bit farther before thrusting again, angling his cock to hit her cervix walls. She jerked in his arms, and they stared at each other.

  “Oh, Jax…” He heard the surprise in those two words. “What – that was – oh, God.”

  “It felt good?”


  “So maybe I found the spot, baby.” He reached under her to cup her ass, gathering Sarah closer, pushing down on that melting place harder. When she fluttered around him and gave a throaty groan, he grinned. “Yeah, I found it for sure.”

  “It feels… oh…” Her head fell back. “Oh!”

  Jax moved in a steady rhythm now, thrusting slowly, hitting that magical, sweet place deep inside her body. Sarah didn’t even notice when she started lifting her hips to meet his plunges; she was acting on pure instinct, moving with him over and over, her fingers leaving marks on his back and ass as she pulled him to her.

  They moved faster now, and Jax started to lose his mind. He didn’t want to hurt her again, but Christ, her pussy was pulsing on him almost like hands, and his climax was building. He was sure now that Sarah would be able to come, and he just hoped he could hang on long enough to make that happen.

  “God,” Jax panted. “You feel so good, baby.” He buried his face in her throat and moved harder, faster, deeper. “You’re so fucking amazing… come with me. Come now.”

  His words did something to her, and the pressure that had been growing inside spun out of control. She writhed beneath him, desperate to end this almost-too-much pleasure. Her orgasm was within her grasp: it was right there.

  Sarah locked her legs around him, digging her ankles in to his lower back, and that slight change in position was all that she needed. He pulled out and she stayed with him, followed him, his length rubbing her burning clit even as the tip of his cock nudged something deep inside. Two thrusts, three, four. And Sarah exploded.

  “There… there. Like that… Jax!” Her entire body lifted right off the bed as she came, clenching around him, hungry and wild.

  Jax pounded in to her now. He knew he was being too rough, going too hard, but Sarah didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she seemed to love it, crave it, even. He was just about to let go, when she came again, a second wave of intense tightening and relaxing that had her crying out and calling his name.

  That was all Jax could take. He let loose a shout and let his head drop back as his orgasm blasted out of him. Every single muscle in his body strained and flexed, over and over. Never in his life had he known this kind of white-hot release – his mind spun, and he saw flashing lights behind his eyelids.

  He collapsed on her, crushing her, before he could manage to push himself up on shaky forearms again. Sarah hadn’t noticed, though: she was floating on a cloud of sheer bliss, just trying to remember to breathe.

  They lay together, joined and sweaty, for long minutes. Sarah stroked his shoulders and back, loving his muscles. He was something else, this man, and the way he made her body jump and dance was a miracle. He made her feel feminine and powerful, at the same time.

  Jax rested his forehead on Sarah’s now, and her eyes fluttered open.

  “Are you OK, Red? Was I too hard on you?”

  She gave a laugh. “Oh, Stud. I’m so much better than OK.”

  “Yeah, I noticed.”

  He moved back, pulling out of her, and she winced. He saw it, and concern rolled through him.


  “Yeah.” She bit her lip. “I guess I’m a bit sore after all.”

  Jax looked down and saw blood on the condom. “I’ll be right back, Sarah. Get under the covers, OK?”

  She snuggled down, feeling a slight pain in her stomach. It wasn’t bad – she’d had worse period cramps, and besides, this pain meant that she’d fully given herself to Jax. It was a pain she could handle. Hell, she even welcomed it.

  Jax came in from his attached bathroom with a wet cloth in his hand. He drew back the covers and tenderly, he washed Sarah. He ran the rough-soft cloth between her lips, down her thighs, wiping away the last evidence of her discomfort. She watched him, too exhausted to even move.

  He went back to the bathroom, and then climbed in to bed with her. Sarah closed her eyes as his warm strength enveloped her. Her eyelids felt incredibly heavy now and she forced them open again.

  Jax chuckled at the sated look on her face. “You had two orgasms, huh?”


  “Greedy girl.”

  “Uh-huh.” She sighed. “It was amazing.”

  “And it will just get better. Next time, it won’t hurt so much.”

  “I know,” she said. “Then maybe it won’t hurt at all.”

  “That’s the plan. No pain, just pleasure.”

  Sarah’s eyes closed again, and Jax dropped a kiss on her nose.

  “Sleep, baby. I just want to hold you all night, wake up with you in the morning.” He stroked her tumbled curls. “Spend the whole day tomorrow making love.”

  She nodded drowsily. “Mmm-hmm.” Her breathing deepened and slowed, and Jax watched her fall asleep in his arms.

  Now she’s mine.


  Sarah opened her eyes, and blinked around the room. The sun was high in the sky, and she glanced at the clock. She gasped when she saw that it was after ten o’clock.


  She was just sitting up to find her shirt when she heard a noise, and she turned. Jax stood in the doorway, gorgeous and half-naked, gazing at her. In one hand he held a steaming cup of coffee; in the other, he had a pink rose.

  “Morning, doll.” His voice was sexy rough. “How’d you sleep?”

  “God,” she said, running her hands through her hair. “I don’t remember the last time I slept this late… and I need to call and check in. I can’t believe that I didn’t wake up two hours ago.”

  “No need.” He set the coffee on the bedside table. “I called when I got up an hour ago. Everything’s fine.”

  “You did?” She was dumbstruck. “It is?”

  “Uh-huh. Helen was there at seven thirty to get Noah’s breakfast, and it all went fine. He washed the dishes, and they went for a walk. Your Mom’s sleeping in ‘cause she worked the late shift last night, but Helen will wake her up before she leaves at noon. I promised to have you back by four, so your Mom can get to work tonight.”

  Sarah stared at him. “You – you did all of this?”

  He shrugged. “I figured you’d be worried and distracted until you knew all was OK at home.” A slow smile crossed his face now. “And I don’t want you worried or distracted.
I want you totally relaxed and focused on me.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Jax had never heard Sarah purr before, and the sound made him rock-hard in an instant. “Focused on you how?”

  He stepped forward and in one strong movement, he threw her on the bed. She laughed, surprised, and then he was on her.

  “For you,” he said, and handed her the rose.

  “Oh, thank you.” She inhaled its fragrance. “It’s beautiful.”

  “You’re beautiful,” he growled. “Totally drop-dead, knock-me-flat stunning.”

  She laughed again. “You plant these roses yourself?”

  “Yep. I love gardening.”

  Sarah shook her head.

  This man. Always a surprise.

  “So, Red.” His fingers moved down her naked body, stroked between her legs. “We have a few hours together. What do you want to do?”

  “Ummm.” She arched in to his touch. “Make breakfast?”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “Maybe do some laundry?”

  “No way. I want these sheets to smell of your sweet pussy for as long as possible.”

  She gasped as he inserted a finger inside her, and he paused.

  “You sore?” he said.

  “Yeah, maybe a bit.”

  “You want to stop?”

  “No.” She gyrated her hips, taking him deeper. “Maybe we can take it slow?”

  Jax’s kiss was hard and deliberate. “We can do that.”

  “I mean slow at first,” Sarah clarified.

  “Slow can be good too, Red. Trust me.”

  “It can?”

  “Yep.” He gave her a wicked grin, his finger sliding in and out torturously slowly. “You want me to prove it to you?”

  “Oh, yeah, Stud.” She moaned as she felt her first orgasm of the day start to build. “Prove it to me. And more than once.”

  He stopped for a second, looking at her with dark eyes. She was taken aback at his sudden shift in mood – from playful to serious.

  “Jax? What?”

  “I was so amazed to wake up and find you here, baby.”

  Tears stung her eyes. “I know. I’m so, so happy to be here.”

  “Remember what you said when I told you that sometimes I wake up, and I can't believe that this is my life now?”

  “You mean when I said that as long as you’re amazed by where you wake up every day, you’ll remember to be grateful for it?”

  “Exactly.” Jax stroked her hard little bud now, loving how wet she was getting under his hands. “And when I woke up this morning – in this house, with you in my bed – I was amazed all over again.” He kissed her, then murmured the last words against her lips. “And that’s how I know that I’m grateful to have you. I haven’t forgotten that, and I never will.”


  For Sarah and Jax, the summer passed quickly, in a blaze of passion and lust, tempered by gentle whispers and soft kisses after the heat of their love-making. As the shorter, cooler days of September descended upon them, they found themselves talking about Christmas plans, talking about what they’d do together the next year.

  Sarah had never been so happy. Between herself, Helen, Annie, they easily handled everything that Noah needed, and they all managed to focus on other parts of their lives, too. Sarah picked up a new client, Annie got a decent raise at the diner, Helen found a nice guy.

  And so for almost five weeks after first making love with Jax, Sarah believed that she could be this happy: with Jax, with her family, with her job. Then the Saturday night that changed everything happened – and Sarah knew that she’d been fooling herself.

  Suddenly, she saw that her freedom was temporary, a fantasy, an illusion… and she understood that it always had been.

  Chapter Twelve

  Sarah looked around Dangerous Curves, feeling unsettled, wishing that Jax would finish his phone call and come out of his office. The bar was surprisingly empty for a Saturday night, and the few people who were there gave Sarah the creeps. She knew that the fullest table was occupied by the motorcycle club members that Jax was so worried about, and as she looked over at the dozen or so of them, Sarah could see why he was uneasy.

  They were drinking, of course, and drinking a lot. But they weren’t just drunk, she knew. Sarah had had very little exposure to drugs – she’d shared exactly one joint with Dave – but she would bet that these guys were on something. Their eyes were strange. Too alert, too active. Darting around, never at rest. Almost crazed.

  She saw that Dillon and Curtis were watching the guys too, and so was King. He caught her eye now, and he came over to where she was sitting alone at the bar.

  “Hey, Red. You doing OK?”


  “You and Jax leaving soon?”

  “We were going to stay at his place tonight, but now I’m not so sure that’ll happen.” Carefully, she nodded at the table. “He may end up staying and keeping on top of that situation.”

  King didn’t turn around to see what she was referring to, but his dark gray eyes flashed in understanding. “Yeah. It’d be better if he stayed, I think.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. Those idiots are trouble at the best of times, but when they’re like this? You need to watch ‘em like hawks.”

  “Why not just throw them out?”

  King shrugged. “Because they’re Kirk Jensen’s boys, and you don’t do anything to Jensen’s people without discussing it with him first.”

  “Kirk Jensen?” she said faintly. “But – but I thought these guys were from a motorcycle club. Kirk Jensen doesn’t run an MC, does he?”

  King gave her a hard look. “What do you know about Jensen?”

  “Just what you can read in the papers.” Sarah swallowed. “Drug dealer, pimp, accused of murder, but not enough proof of any of it and never any witnesses. So he’s a free man.”

  “Right. And the MC these guys belong to? It runs Jensen’s drugs for him, up and down the state and over in to Nevada.” King held her gaze. “Bad fucking news, darlin’. Believe me. Jax needs to stay close ‘cause I get the feeling that something’s about to go down. They look like they’re just itching for a fight.” He glanced around. “Explains why nobody’s sticking around tonight.”

  “You think there will be trouble?”

  “I’d lay money on it. In fact, I want you out of here, OK? Like now.” He stood up. “I’m going to go tell Jax to take you home… while he’s been in the office trying to convince the MC Prez to come down here and collect his loser members, things have ramped up out here, and I don’t fucking like it. Not one bit.”

  “OK,” she said, badly shaken.

  “I’ll be one minute, Red. You sit tight.”

  She nodded, and watched him walk down the hall to the office. She took a deep breath, and shot a look over at the table again.

  Oh, fuck. Mistake.

  She’d made eye contact with one of the men, and his gaze sharpened, took her in fully. He got to his feet and lurched over to her. She stood up to follow King to Jax’s office, but she was too slow. The man was on her now, his hands gripping her arms, shoving her back in to the bar.

  “Hey,” he said. “Where you going, girl?”

  “Just – just to the ladies’ room,” she squeaked.

  “Good idea. I’ll join you.” His dark eyes were cold. “Come on, slut. Let’s get this party started.”

  His friends were standing up now, calling things over at them. The few remaining people in the bar beat it out the door, and Sarah felt real fear stealing over her as he started pulling her towards the bathroom.

  “Let her go, Kane.” Dillon’s calm voice was just behind her, and Sarah shut her eyes in relief. “She ain’t yours to touch.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Kane spun around to face Dillon, pulling Sarah in to a
choke-hold. “And whose is she?”


  Everyone turned to see Jax standing there, stark still and coiled up. Sarah stared at him, wondering at the look on his face. His dark green eyes were harder than she’d ever seen them, and he somehow seemed larger than usual. Pure rage poured off him, but it was ice-cold, as cold as his face, and its intensity made her shake.

  Jax saw Sarah’s body trembling and the urge to beat Kane off her started to overwhelm him. He had to stay calm now, though, to keep this situation from escalating. These fuckers were out of their minds on something, and that only made them more dangerous, less predictable. He felt King at his side, saw Dillon and Curtis close to Sarah, and he knew that Aidan was around somewhere. He’d trust his life to any of them; he’d even trust Sarah’s.

  On the other hand, Kane’s asshole jacked-up buddies were all here, too, and they were starting to make noise. Shouting at Kane, at Jax, at Sarah. The volume rose and rose, and Jax saw Sarah start to lose it. He met her terrified eyes.

  It’s OK, baby. Me and the boys have got this. I’m right here.

  “Yours, huh?” Kane grinned, his eyes bouncing around the room, his hands tightening on Sarah’s throat, and she struggled for breath. “Didn’t know you were the old lady kind, Hamill.”

  “Let her go.” Jax’s husky voice was even and measured, maybe too much so. “Right the fuck now.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “You really want to find out?”

  “That sounds like a threat.” Kane reached in to his back pocket and now silver glinted in his hand. “I feel the need to protect myself, all of a sudden.”

  Sarah whimpered as something sharp pressed in to the side of her neck. It hurt, and she tried to pull away from it. Kane shook her hard, hard enough to rattle her teeth, then the pointed thing was back, pushing deeper. This time, she felt something wet sliding down her neck.


  “You get that fucking thing away from her, Kane.” Jax’s voice was a low hiss. “I swear to Christ, you do as I say, or I’ll use it to carve out your fucking eyes.”


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