Forever Mine

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Forever Mine Page 3

by Lisa Evans

  Then, without knowing why exactly, I glance into the kitchen window. I notice something odd about the reflection in the glass, and when I turn around, I realize that someone’s been watching me. And it’s not dad.

  It’s him.

  The only man who can make me blush just by looking at me.


  ”Uh…hi,” I mumble, feeling a little awkward that Adam’s there all of a sudden. My cheeks flush, and I’m mortified. How long’s he been standing there?

  ”Hey,” he says, and leers at me.

  Damn him. Damn he’s handsome. Standing there with a beer in his grip, he’s leaning against the doorway looking so damn sexy that I could die.

  ”I didn’t mean to interrupt you or anything,” he says, pointing with the beer bottle to the food cooking behind me.

  ”You didn’t,” I lie, and shake my head nervously. ”I was just…”

  I don’t even know what I’m talking about, and I feel like a such a floozy standing here before him.

  ”Need a hand?” he asks, taking a sip from the bottle.

  God yes. I need his hand.

  More than that.

  I need all of him.

  ”Uhm… I guess, I mean… If you want to maybe you could help me make salad?”

  ”Sure. Anything you need.”

  Moving closer to me, he places the bottle on the kitchen table. He looks so suave when he moves, and it makes me jittery. I’m usually so calm and collected, but I never was around Adam. Probably never will be either.

  Instead of moving towards the counter, he walks up real close to me. My heart beats so fast right now that I’m scared it’s going to leap out of my chest.

  What’s he doing? Doesn’t he know dad is in the other room?

  God he’s tall. He towers above me, and I feel like a tiny bird and he’s the big bad wolf come to get me.

  Lifting his hand to my face, he cups my chin and tips my head upwards. I tremble at his touch and I feel like my whole entire body is covered in goosebumps.

  What is this?

  What’s he doing?

  Staring straight into my eyes, I feel like he’s looking right into my soul. My pulse is beating so fast I can feel it in my ears.

  Oh my gosh. What’s happening?

  Licking his lips, he smiles his crooked smile and he’s so fucking sexy I can’t stand it.

  Come on Adam.

  Kiss me already.

  Stop torturing me.

  Give me what I want already.

  Leaning forward, he bows his head down next to my cheek. I can feel the warmth of his breath on my skin, and I am forced to shut my eyes from how keyed up he’s making me.

  ”You know something?” he whispers into my ear.

  ”What?” I mumble, my nipples tingling with desire.

  ”I am going to fuck you tonight. And you’re going to love it.”

  What did he just say?

  Gasping, I open my eyes to look at him.

  ”Don’t look so surprised,” he tells me. ”You heard me.”

  My cheeks start burning, and I can’t look at him. I’m too embarrassed. I don’t want to be like a little girl in front of him. I want to be cool and behave like an adult around him.

  Unable to utter a single syllable, I keep quiet. Adams laughs quietly, like he’s amused by all this. But it’s no joke. My feelings for him are as real as they get, and I’m in love with him. I hope he sees that.

  ”And you know what the best part of all is?” he asks, glancing over his shoulder as if to make sure dad’s nowhere around.

  Shaking my head, I wonder what he’s going to say next.

  ”Well, sweetie. The best part of all is that I know that you want this,” he says quietly, and grabs hold of my hand. Then he places it against his crotch.

  Holy fuck. He’s hard.

  And big.

  ”So I’m going to enjoy it a lot giving it to you and showing you what it’s like to be taken by a grown man.”

  Then he pulls my hand away from the bulge in his pants, leaving my palm feeling empty and wanting more.

  My head is spinning, and I can’t really fathom what just happened. But there’s no time for me to process it, because before I know it, dad saunters into the kitchen. He immediately steals Adam away from me, and asks him to come give him a hand.

  Damn him. But most of all, I want to curse Adam for getting me so worked up. Because now my whole body is just oozing with desire and I can’t even think straight. I’m probably going to end up burning all the food and then we’ll have to order pizza instead.

  That’s when it hits me.

  Adam is going to take me tonight.

  And I am going to enjoy it. That’s what he said. And for as long as I’ve known Adam, he’s never broken a promise. Never.

  Chapter 7


  DINNER WAS PURE and utter hell.

  Steven kept talking about random stuff like always, but Willow kept her mouth shut for most of the time so I had to make sure to keep the conversation going without it getting awkward. It was more than flesh and blood can bear.

  All I wanted to do was sweep the plates and glasses off the table with my arm and then fuck Willow on top of it. Sitting opposite from her, I was able to watch her pretty little mouth as she ate and drank, and the only thing I kept thinking about was how I want to feed her something completely different. It’s about the only thing I could think about throughout dinner and it’s the single thing on my mind right now as well. Oh, to be allowed to finally slip myself between those pink lips of hers, that must be heaven.

  I’m throbbing with an aching hunger to be inside of her, and knowing that it’s finally going to happen tonight is enough to soothe my desires for now. Even though I’m sitting next to her father watching the game on the TV, chatting and laughing with him, the sole thing I’m thinking about is getting the chance to finally show his daughter how much I care for her.

  I’ve been waiting for this day for God knows how long, and I’m so excited that it’s finally coming true tonight that I can hardly contain myself. Damn, it’s going to be so sweet to be with Willow. The thought of getting to see her naked in real life is enough in itself to make me drip with desire. And knowing that I’m going to get my hands on her nude body tonight, oh man that is just about as good as it gets.

  There have been countless times before when I’ve considered sticking around until Steven drifts off to sleep and then sneak into Willow’s room to show her how much I care about her. But I never did. Not because I didn’t want to, but because I guess I didn’t want to risk ruining the fantasy. I needed to be one hundred per cent sure that she wanted me as much as I want her in order for it to be as good as I want it to be.

  I don’t know what Steven would do or how he would react if he were to find out that the one girl I want is his little girl. Not that it matters. The only thing that does matter is what Willow wants. And I know that she wants me. I can tell. It’s written all over her face.

  ”I’m off to bed you guys,” I hear Willow’s darling voice calling from the kitchen.

  ”Alright sweetheart,” Steven replies. ”The game’s probably gonna go on a while longer, but we’ll keep it down. Won’t we Adam?” he chortles, and winks at me.

  ”Sure will,” I say, letting my eyes wander to the doorway leading into the kitchen. There she is. Looking like a doll with her hair tied into a ponytail and her face clean from makeup. I like that. I love seeing her with no makeup on. She’s so fucking perfect in her own skin, she doesn’t need cosmetics.

  ”Whatever. Good night,” Willow says, tilting her head to the side. Her eyes avoid mine, and I can tell she’s probably still in shock from earlier. I didn’t want to scare her or anything, but I needed to make sure she was on par with me.

  ”Good night,” Steven says without pulling his eyes off the TV-set.

  ”Good night Willow,” I holler, even though I know I’ll get the chance to tell her good night later on.

sp; She turns around and walks away. How I long for the day when we won’t need to keep pretending like this. I can’t wait to be with her for real and show the world that we belong together. That what we have is true love. That we are that one soul two bodies kind of thing that everyone is searching for.

  Chapter 8


  LYING IN MY bed, I can’t fall asleep. Not that I know if I should be sleeping right now or if Adam expects me to be awake when he comes around.

  What does he want from me? Is he just looking to have his way with me and then dump me? I have no idea. And not knowing what his intentions are other than the fact that he’s going to take my virginity tonight, well it kind of scares me to be honest.

  Looking at the clock I see that it’s almost past midnight. If I know my dad right, he’s already fast asleep downstairs in his bedroom. But what about Adam? Is he still up? Is he even still here in the house?

  What if he changed his mind and went home? It could happen.

  Turning around in my bed, I glance at the window. It’s pitch black outside, and knowing that I need to get up early to go to work tomorrow I should already be fast asleep. But what happened between Adam and me earlier has messed me up way too much. I can’t sleep. At least not until I come. Because he turned me on so much that I know I won’t be able to get a moment’s rest until I have an orgasm. And if Adam’s not around to provide me with it like he said he would, I guess I’m just going to have to do it myself.

  Shutting my eyes, I think of Adam and the way he looked tonight in the kitchen. Reaching my hand underneath the covers, my fingers head straight down between my legs, running along my slit which is already wet from desire. I’m always about thirty seconds from coming whenever I think about Adam, and tonight is no different. Modifying my memory from what happened between us in the kitchen tonight, I pretend that Adam’s got me pinned up against the wall, taking me. Rubbing my fingertips against my most sensitive spot, I feel my orgasm building up quickly, way faster than usual. But right before I reach climax, I hear the door handle turning.

  Ceasing to touch myself, I almost stop breathing from the anticipation inside me. The only sounds I hear are the door shutting and Adam’s footsteps as he makes his way over to my bed.

  I’ve lived here my whole life, and I never could have imagined that my first time with a man would be here in my bed with Adam.

  Even though I’ve dreamt about it a thousand times, I never would have dared believe that it would actually come true one day. But it is.

  It’s finally happening.

  My heart is beating fast inside my chest, and the sound of Adam’s zipper opening followed by the noise of his pants dropping to the floor makes me nervous. All of this is so thrilling and arousing that I can’t breathe normally. And when he finally joins me in my bed and crawls on top of me, I feel like I’m on cloud nine.

  ”Baby,” he whispers in the dark, placing himself between my legs before he kisses me. Opening my mouth wide to receive his hungry kiss, I moan as he slides his tongue inside. Thrusting against me, I can feel that he’s already hard for me. To think that this handsome and sexy man wants me is beyond anything that I can comprehend. I simply cannot wrap my head around it. Adam wants my body. He wants me.

  Not wasting any time, he pulls up my nightie and moves his mouth down to my chest. Sucking my nipple into his mouth, he groans and tells me how sweet I taste. I am just dripping wet, and all I want is for him to take me already.

  ”I want you Adam, I want you so much,” I whimper, hoping he’ll give me what I want. Reaching my arms around his shoulders, I play around with the hair on his neck while he places himself against my wetness.

  ”Is this what you want, huh?” he grunts, his voice sounding even deeper than usual. ”My…cock?”

  ”Yes…” I mumble, my head spinning with desire and yearning for him. ”I want your cock…”

  Soaking his shaft in my juices, he rubs himself against me. I feel like it’s enough to make me come right away, and I dig my face into his chest to muffle my moans.

  ”Fuck, you’re sexy baby…” Adam mumbles, and then he pushes into me. Plowing me wide open, he thrusts into me with such force that I have my first orgasm with him. I clasp around his shaft, and I’m throbbing and pulsating from the orgasm he’s provided me with. I want to tell him that I love him, but I’m not sure if it’s too soon, so I keep my mouth shut.

  Adam continues to thrust into me, digging his girth deeper inside of me than I had thought possible. His body covers me, and I can feel the weight of his body pushing me into the mattress beneath us.

  I love it.

  It makes me feel safe and secure.

  Fucking me and kissing me, he grabs hold of my hips and pushes himself even deeper inside of my warm wetness. I’d never dreamed that my first time would feel this good, and I’m so blissfully happy that it’s Adam who’s teaching me to do this.

  It’s absolutely perfect.


  ”God you feel good Willow,” he mumbles between his hungry kisses, still thrusting his hard hugeness deep into my virgin body. ”You feel so damn good…”

  Grunting and groaning, he increases his pace and I can feel him so deep inside of me that I have to tilt my head backwards and stop kissing him. Arching my back, I cling to his wide shoulders, doing what I can to keep up with his speed.

  ”Oh… God…” I whisper, and then, just like that, I come. I come so hard that it feels like an explosion is happening inside of my body. I’ve never felt anything like this before, and all I can do is moan and mewl underneath Adam’s heavy body. At the same moment, I feel him thrusting deep into me without pulling out. When I open my eyes to look at him, I see that he’s staring at me with his salty blue ones. Creasing his forehead, he groans as he comes inside of me.

  ”Willow…” he whispers as his seed spews into me. Sensing it, I smile. No longer a virgin, I’ve had my dream come true. I belong to Adam now, I hope he realizes that.

  Holding him close to me, I shut my eyes while playing with his hair. I want to do everything with him, and I’m hoping I’ll get to do this with him again soon. Whatever he wants of me, I’ll do it. As long as he’ll keep giving it to me again and again.

  Lying here with Adam’s seed resting inside of me, I feel complete.

  For the first time in my life, I am whole.

  Chapter 9


  I’VE ONLY BEEN in this room once before. That was when Willow was only about sixteen and hadn’t grown into the young woman she is now. I remember it perfectly. It was summer, and we were having the first rain we’d seen in weeks. Thunder was in the air, and I was spending a couple of nights in Steven’s house to look after Willow while he was away on a job ten hours from here. He’d said he didn’t want to leave her alone since her cat Buttons had just died, but he simply couldn’t do without the money that job was going to pay. So I offered to stay here at the house with Willow for a couple of days while he was away. Just to make sure she was doing alright. Since I was going to head to the store after the rain stopped, I went upstairs to ask Willow if she wanted me to pick something up for her, but when I reached her bedroom door I heard her crying. Peeking inside I saw her sitting on her bed, bawling her eyes out. She was crying over Buttons and so my heart kind of broke for her. I went in her room and sat down next to her. Without saying a single word to her, I wrapped my arms around her and held her. I hugged her and she hugged me back. She wept on my shirt, soaking it with her young, beautiful tears. I’ve no idea how long we sat there, but it was for quite some time. It was so nice. And I can remember the scent of her hair to this day. It still smells the same. Like honey blossom.

  Stroking her hair right now in her sleep, I wonder if she remembers that day. Maybe she doesn’t. It probably didn’t mean as much to her as it did me. But it doesn’t matter now. Because she’s mine.

  Mine forever.

  Pressing my lips against her forehead, I give her a gentle kiss. G
od it feels good to feel her skin next to mine. The warmth of her body turns me on, and my shaft comes to life again. At the same time, Willow starts moving about and as she opens her eyes to look at me, I smile at her. My woman. My everything.

  ”Good morning,” she whispers, her voice husky.

  ”Good morning,” I reply, and then bow my head down to kiss her mouth. Slipping my tongue between her lips, I kiss her hard.

  Her hand finds my naked cock under the covers and it goes hard the second she wraps her fingers around the shaft. Ending our kiss, she scoots down underneath the covers and I know what she’s going to do even before she does it because I can feel the heat of her open mouth on the tip of my shaft.

  Holy fuck.

  This is heaven.

  I knew it.

  Willow kisses me at first and then starts moving her hand up and down my shaft. Lying on my side, I slide my hand down underneath the covers and place it behind her neck. I can hear the noises of her mouth sucking on me which makes this all the more exciting. She’s moaning, and every time she sucks me into her mouth, I thrust. This is a dream come true, and I want to watch her face as I do it. Yanking the covers off her head, I watch myself move in and out of Willow’s mouth.

  Fuck, it looks just like I imagined it. But it sure feels about a million times better.

  Keeping my hand on her head, I thrust harder and faster into her mouth, pushing myself into her the same way I did last night.

  ”Oh, God… Willow,” I murmur, keeping my eyes on her face the whole entire time. ”You feel so damn good…”

  Then she does something that I’ll remember for the rest of my life. She looks up at me. Straight into my eyes. And she looks so desperate for love that it pushes me over the edge. I can’t restrain myself any longer, so I simply let go.


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