Forever Mine

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Forever Mine Page 4

by Lisa Evans

  I come.


  My orgasm shoots through me like a fountain. It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before in my whole life. Patting her hair, I whisper to her that I love her. Because I do.

  What a sweet little girl she is, my dear Willow. I love her to death.

  There’s something I need to tell her. But not now. I don’t want to make her sad or disappointed. It’ll have to wait. First, I have to let her know that she’s mine now. She belongs to me. She’s forever mine.

  Chapter 10


  WONDERING WHEN I’LL get to see Adam again, it’s a struggle to stay focused at work. My body aches with heartache. I miss him so much. Even though it’s only been about an hour since he kissed me goodbye after he spent about half an hour with his head down between my legs, I need to be close to him again. Just hearing his voice would be nice.

  Whenever I think about the fact that I got to sleep in his arms and wake up right next to him this morning, it makes me want to do it all over again. I wonder what life would look like with Adam. Would it always be this perfect? Would it always feel this good?

  I can feel my yearning for him in my bones, and I know he said he’d check up on me once he got the chance to stop by the office, but so far I haven’t heard from him. Well, that’s not exactly true. He did send me a text a while ago saying that he misses me. When I read it, I smiled. And my heart felt like it was filled with a thousand butterflies, fluttering with love.

  Because that’s what this is, right?


  Trying not to think of the moment when he entered me or when he came inside of me, I concentrate on work for a while.

  Hours pass, and apart from the odd heart-emoji and brief ”Thinking of you”-text message, there’s still no sign of Adam here at the office. I think he mentioned something about an important meeting this week, but I didn’t think it was today. Maybe I got the dates mixed up or something. Whatever. I’m sure things are fine. Because I’d hate it if he broke my heart now that he’s had his way with me. And then what would I do?

  My dad’s set on moving soon, and if I don’t find a place of my own before that then I’ll probably have to leave here and go stay with mom for a while. And as attractive as it may sound to live out in sunny California, I kind of want to stick around here for a bit. See how things turn out with Adam. I want to be with him. As long as he’ll have me.

  My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of my cell phone buzzing. Thinking that it’s him, I answer without checking the caller ID.

  ”Hi Willow!”

  The voice on the other end isn’t Adam. It’s not even male. It’s an old friend of mine.

  ”Hey Melanie,” I say, trying my best to mask the disappointment I’m feeling.

  I haven’t talked to her in months, especially not since she started dating that guy Matt she’d been eyeing for so long. At the time I was a little jealous of her, not because I wanted to be with Matt, not at all, but because I wanted to have what she had. True love. Matt and her relationship just sounded too good to be true, and I wanted it for myself.

  I wanted it for Adam and me.

  ”Guess what,” she asks, sounding as bright and bubbly as usual.

  ”What?” I ask, hoping that it’s something that can cheer me up.

  ”I’ve got big news. We have to meet up so I can tell you in person.”

  Whatever it is, it has to be something important. So we decide to meet later today after I get off work. Who knows, maybe I’ll have something important to tell her too. About Adam. At least I hope so. Right now I feel like I want to tell the whole entire world how I feel about him.

  I just hope he feels the same.

  Chapter 11


  I CAN STILL smell her on me. No matter what I do, her scent and taste simply won’t wear off.


  I like that.

  The thought of always having her with me keeps me calm. I don’t like not knowing exactly what she’s up to or where she is. Not now when she belongs to me. Because she does.

  Willow is mine.

  And no one else’s.

  My cock is ready to salute her the moment I walk in the door. It’s like my hunger for her has only gotten worse since last night when I made love to her for the very first time. Every waking moment my body is throbbing with desire for her body, craving to be inside of her once more. I’m glad we got past the first time though, because from now on it’s only going to get better and better. Getting to know each other’s bodies, exploring each other’s turn-ons — it’s going to be a wild ride. And I plan on enjoying every single moment of it.

  With my hard-on ready for her, I step inside the office. There she is. Eyes glued to the computer screen with the phone pressed against her ear.

  ”Uh…” she mumbles into the phone, a look of astonishment on her face.

  Doesn’t she know what I’m here for? It’s not work. Far from it.

  ”Hold on a sec, my boss just walked in,” she tells the person on the other end, which enrages me. I don’t want her talking to other people. I need her full attention right now.

  ”Hang up,” I command her.

  ”What?” she whispers, looking confused.

  God, her big eyes turn me on. They’re so cute and so is her pretty little mouth which I’d just love to fuck all over again.

  ”I said, hang up the phone.”

  I know my voice is stern, but my need for her body is making me impatient.

  ”I’m… I’m sorry, I’m going to have to call you…back,” she excuses herself, while I unzip.

  She’s wearing that pink skirt which I love, the one that I’ve been imagining pulling over her butt before taking her against a table. Good thing for me that she’s sitting right behind a desk right now and that I’m the boss. I’m the one who decides what’s going to happen next. Pulling out my massive erection, I watch her slowly hang up the phone. Still looking somewhat puzzled, she gawks at me in amazement. I have no clue what on earth she could be confused about since I’m making damn sure what I’m about to do.

  Willow is my girl.

  Mine and mine only.

  Moving towards her, I clear the desk with my arm before pulling her close to me. She gasps as I grab hold of her, and I can tell by the look on her face that my actions frighten her. But there’s no need for her to worry, because I am going to make her come so hard she’ll never want to do anything else in her life but be with me.

  Because if there’s one thing that’s for sure, it’s that she’ll never be with another man in her life.

  I’ll make damn sure of it.

  Kissing her hard on the mouth, I study her face while I slide my tongue down her throat. Moaning into my mouth, she shuts her eyes and tilts her head back. God her lashes look sexy when her eyes are shut. And fuck, do I love when I make her moan like this. It makes my hunger for her even stronger.

  Pulling away from her, I turn her around so that her back is turned against me. Then I make her bend over across the desk, exposing her curvy behind to me. Groping the inside of her leg just by her knee, I move my hand all the way up her leg until I reach her skirt. Her skin is covered in goosebumps, and I can hear her breathing heavily.

  ”Don’t worry baby,” I tell her. ”I’m going to take real good care of you.”

  Pulling her skirt over her butt, just like in the fantasy I’ve been having, I then yank down the pink panties she’s wearing underneath. Licking my lips, I shut my eyes before I dip my fingers into her wet warmth. She shudders when my fingertips glide around in her wetness, and I feel her trembling the moment my fingers graze her most sensitive area.

  ”Adam…” she mumbles, purring like a kitten for me.

  I can feel her throbbing and swelling with each move that I make, and the moment I start rubbing my fingers around in circles, she begins to thrust against my hand.

  ”Ah, good girl,” I whisper, knowing that she’s ready for me. My body
is aching to fuck her right now, so I won’t waste a moment longer to get down to it.

  Grabbing hold of her hips, I plow right into her. Pushing all the way inside, I groan when I hit her internal wall. She squeals as I start to thrust in and out of her, and she moans every single time I enter her.

  The dirty sound of my shaft slipping in and out of her dripping wetness is making the beast inside of me want to take her even harder. So I do. Slamming myself into her with as much force as I can, I know that I’ll never get enough of her. This is the one for me, and I never want to be with anyone else in my whole life. Willow is my everything. And I want to give her everything.

  ”Adam… Adam…” she starts mumbling over and over like she’s about ready to come.

  ”Aw yeah,” I grunt, continuing to shove myself harder and deeper inside of her with each thrust.

  She’s so sexy and beautiful at the same time, and I smile at the sight of having her bent over for me like this.

  Feeding her my shaft makes me feel like a king.

  She’s mine, and no one else’s.

  Now and forever more.

  ”Come for me,” I tell her. ”Show me how good I make you feel…”

  ”Adam… Adam…” she whimpers again and again as I dig my fingers harder into her hips. Taking her with even more force, I reach depths within her snug, wet, warmth I’ve never felt before. ”OH GOD…” she gasps beneath me, and I feel her contracting, squeezing around me as she comes for me.

  ”Holy fuck,” I murmur, and then allow myself to come as well. Pushing deep into her, I hold her body down on me and then sense that familiar tingling sensation. I shut my eyes and face the ceiling as I come harder than I’ve ever come before inside my sweet darling Willow. I can hear her moaning and whining, and this feels so damn good that I can’t help but smile as I come inside of her.

  Willow is whimpering and trembling, her body wallowing in the aftermath of climax. Opening my eyes, I see her upper body sprawled out across the desk, her lids shut and her mouth open. She’s panting, obviously exhausted from our lovemaking.

  She’s so frail, my girl. I have to take good care of her. I’m always going to look after her. Make sure she’s alright. Make sure that she always has what she wants. Make damn sure her every need’s been taken care of.


  Too bad I have to leave her so soon. But it’s all for a good cause. I hope she sees that when I tell her about it a little further down the road.

  Chapter 12


  I HAVE NEVER come so hard in my life.


  Honestly, I thought I was going to die when Adam fucked me just now, I think I even saw a white light before my eyes when I came.

  Holy hell…

  I could never have imagined that it was possible to come as hard as Adam made me do. It makes me wonder if it’s always going to be this way or if it’s just because this is all brand new to me.

  Could it be that sex is always this mind-blowing?

  Or is it just Adam?

  Straightening my skirt after having pulled up my panties, I glance over at him. He’s busy zipping up his blue jeans, looking down at his own crotch. Damn he is huge. I can’t believe that thing fits inside of me. And I definitely cannot comprehend that it feels so damn good inside of me.

  The office is a mess, and I know I should take a look in the mirror and fix my hair and makeup. But when Adam lifts his eyes to my face, I freeze. It’s like I’m mesmerized and can’t move an inch.

  I’m completely in his power.

  Smiling at me, he reaches out his hands to touch me. Wrapping his rough fingers around my neck, he pulls my body closer to him, and kisses me. His tongue fills my mouth, and I can’t help but moan. His kisses are fierce, and they always seem to make me want more of him. I never want this kiss to end.

  Come to think of it, I never want this thing we have going on between us to end.

  While kissing him, it’s like I can still feel him inside of me. Knowing that I have his seed in my body makes me want to squeal with delight. Instead, I moan. I moan into Adam’s delicious mouth.

  ”Willow…” he murmurs and pulls his lips from mine.

  My heart is beating so hard I can hear my pulse drumming in my ears. Looking into his stunning eyes makes me want to always be close to him. I never want us to be apart. Not for one single moment.

  ”There’s something I need to tell you,” he says, his voice sounding slightly softer now than when he first entered the office.

  ”Uh-huh?” I reply, drawing in a deep breath.

  ”And I hope it won’t upset you too much.”

  What? What’s going on? What’s there to be upset about?

  Narrowing his eyes, he studies my face with great care before opening his mouth to speak again.

  ”You know I love you, don’t you?”

  Looming above me, the way he looks at me makes my nipples harden all over again. They strain against the fabric of my top, and I yearn to have him inside of me all over again.

  Shuddering at his words, I don’t really know what to say.

  ”I guess,” I say, feeling shy all of a sudden.

  ”Always have. And for a very long time I’ve been wanting to let you know just how much I love you. And I will. Soon.”

  He glances to the side for a moment, as though he’s trying to think of a way to let me down nicely. Suddenly, I feel afraid about what he’s going to tell me. Is there something the matter?

  ”But the thing right now is that I’ve done something that I probably wasn’t supposed to.” Lifting his eyes to mine, he strokes my hair gently. ”For one, I promised your father I was going to help him move his stuff up to Alaska. Which means I will have to leave you for a couple of days. Second, we’re leaving tomorrow.”

  ”Tomorrow?” I blurt out. The shock and panic erupting inside of me makes me want to scream. ”But how? He’s not even sold the house yet.”

  ”Well,” Adam says, furrowing his brow. ”I sort of took care of that this morning. The papers have been signed and the house is sold.”

  ”What? To whom?”

  My heart keeps thumping and right now all kinds of thoughts are running through my head. What am I going to do? I can’t move out tomorrow, my stuff’s not even packed. On top of that, I have no place to go.

  ”You’re looking at him,” he says, moving his hand to my chin. Tipping my head upwards, he twists the corner of his mouth into a smile. ”From now on, I’m your landlord. And you’re going to live in my house.”

  The moment he says that, my cheeks turn scarlet. I can’t believe he did that, went behind my back and bought the house I grew up in. But I guess that’s a good thing.

  Pressing his lips against mine, he gives me another one of his hungry kisses. Part of me is elated. I’m glad things have turned out the way they have, but I’m also scared. What if Adam decides he doesn’t want to be with me after all?

  What if he suddenly wakes up one day and changes his mind about me?

  One thing is for sure. I’m going to do everything in my power to keep him. I have to make him fall in love with me and then keep him in love with me. Because he’s already stolen my heart.

  Now I have to steal his.

  Chapter 13


  MY GIRL IS driving me insane.

  Every time I leave her, all I can do is think about the next time I’ll get to see her. I hate knowing that she’ll spend dinner with someone I hardly know at some restaurant I’ve never been. But she had to see her friend tonight, and I have to talk to mine.

  Whiteknuckling the wheel, I park the truck outside Willow’s home. Or should I say my home considering that I went and bought the place?

  How sneaky of me.

  Laughing under my breath, I run my fingers through my hair and look at the time. It’s almost seven.

  The sun has set and the sky is dusky. Waiting for my best friend Steven to appear, I smile to myself. I wonder what Willow’s
going to say when she sees me. Will she be angry? Or simply surprised and delighted?

  I guess I’ll find out.

  Steven exits the house and nods at me before locking the place up. Once he gets in the car, he slams the door shut and wraps his arms around me.

  ”Thanks again, buddy. You really did make my day,” he says, hugging me.

  ”Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of the house for you. And Willow.”

  Luckily, I was able to move some cash around, giving me enough money to purchase Steven’s house. I hadn’t thought about it initially, but the idea hit me after waking up in Willow’s bed this morning. I wonder what she thinks about all this. I hope she’s happy about it.

  Pulling up outside the same restaurant where Willow told me she was going tonight to meet a friend of hers, Steven and I talk about the first time we met. We both remember it like it was just yesterday, and we chuckle as we get out the car. When I first met Willow’s father, we were about five or six. My family had just moved here, and I didn’t know a soul. Expecting to spend my summer alone, I never could have dreamed that I would end up meeting a life-long friend when I bumped into Steven. The two of us were the only boys on the street and so we started talking about baseball and fishing, and realized we not only had mutual interests, but also shared the same birthday. The rest, as they say, is history. We were inseparable from then on until, well now, I guess.

  Patting me on my back, Steven goes on to talk about the time when he was about twelve years old or something and almost set the house on fire, and I was there to help him put it out before his parents came home. Telling him to stay away from flammables when he gets to Alaska, I open the door to the restaurant.

  We’re loud when we enter the establishment, and all eyes are on us as we enter the room. But there’s only one person in this place that I want to notice us. And as my eyes scan the tables, my heart thumps faster the moment I see her.


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