Forever Mine

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Forever Mine Page 5

by Lisa Evans


  My girl.

  Knowing she’ll hate it if her dad and I crash her dinner with her friend, I refrain from walking over to the table where she’s seated. Instead, I make sure I’ve got a perfect view from my seat. Steven is too busy reminiscing about old times to notice that his daughter is in the same space, and the moment we sit down he starts gawking at the menu.

  Chapter 14


  WHAT ARE THEY doing here? Did they pick this place on purpose? I figure as much. Not that dad would do such a thing, although thinking about it it wouldn’t surprise me, but this has Adam written all over it.

  I had no idea he was this possessive. But guess what? I kind of like it.

  Melanie and I have just ordered our food, and are catching up on the latest in each of our lives. When she talks about Matt, I no longer feel so jealous. Because now I have Adam in my life.

  ”So Matt and I are planning on going on a cruise together next summer,” Melanie says, taking a sip of her drink. It’s got a big slice of orange in it, with a pink umbrella stuck into it.

  ”Really? How cool.”

  ”Yeah, we wanted to go this summer, but you know, it’s really expensive so we decided we we’re gonna work our butts off and save money this year to go next year.”

  ”That sounds awesome.”

  ”Speaking of work, how’s your new job coming along? I can’t believe Adam hired you. That was so sweet of him, wasn’t it?”

  ”Yeah, it was really sweet of him.” My eyes glide across the room, landing straight on Adam. He looks so handsome over there, and I’m glad the only male waitor in this restaurant has their table. If it were a female catering to him and dad, I’d get jealous. Real jealous.

  Watching him from a distance, I recall what happened in the office this morning. It was utterly mindblowing, and it seems almost like a dream to me just now. Telling Melanie about how dad’s decided to move to Alaska, my eyes continue to stray to Adam every now and then. And whenever his gaze meets mine, I feel like I’m going to die.

  Our food arrives, but I’m too worked up right now to eat. So I excuse myself for a moment, and tell Melanie I want to freshen up in the restroom before we start eating. Leaving her behind, I walk straight ahead without looking over at Adam a single time. Reaching the restroom, I hope he’s followed me. But when I turn around, I’m crestfallen. Maybe he didn’t even notice me get up and leave.

  So I head inside the restroom and wash my hands. Putting on some more of my cherry lipgloss, I smile at my reflection in the mirror. I feel pretty. Especially with this new pink dress on, it shows off my goods perfectly. So what if the neckline’s a bit revealing? It makes me feel sexy, and that makes me feel good about myself. Confident.

  I’m in a really good mood when I leave the restroom behind, so I’m taken by complete surprise when someone says my name angrily.


  Adam is standing here before me, teeth gritted. What’s he all worked up about?

  ”What’s going on?”

  Adam doesn’t say anything, but just stares at my cleavage. His face is dark.


  He still says nothing, but he pushes me back inside the restroom, and lifts me up on the sink. Kissing my neck, he runs his hands all over me. It feels like he’s got more than just two hands, because it’s like he’s touching me all over all at once.

  ”Oh Adam…”I mumble, and spread my legs for him. I want him. I want him so bad.

  Kissing me on the mouth, Adam reaches his hand down between my thighs. Had I even thought that we’d end up like this in the restaurant, I might have opted for not putting on any underwear. But that doesn’t seem to faze Adam, because he simply pulls my panties aside, and pushes himself into me.

  ”Oh GOD…” I mumble, shutting my eyes. Hoping nobody will come in and catch us here, I cling to his broad shoulders while he makes love to me. Feeling him move in and out of me, I hang my head over his shoulder, and enjoy the ride.

  ”I love you Willow,” Adam whispers into my ear.

  ”I love you too,” I whisper, and then I erupt. My climax spreads through my whole lower body like an explosion, and my breathing turns into quick, shallow gasps. Whimpering, I stifle my urge to moan out loud. It feels so good when he makes me orgasm, that it almost brings tears to my eyes.

  Adam comes too, and when he does, he kisses me on the mouth. After he’s done coming, he pulls out of me, and zips up. Looking into my eyes, he holds my face. ”I love you Willow,” he says, without smiling. He looks so stern, and it makes me worried. ”You’re so beautiful.”

  ”I love you too, Adam,” I whisper, and stand up on my toes to kiss him. Afterwards, I return to my seat opposite of Melanie and start eating like nothing’s happened. The food is real good, and I’m so hungry. But deep down, there’s another kind of hunger inside of me, one that will never be satiated.

  Chapter 15


  THIS MORNING IS the last time I’ll see Willow in a couple of days. At the back of my mind I curse myself for making this promise to help Steven out, but I know this is exactly what needs to happen. At least now when I come back I’ll have Willow all to myself. Nobody will bother us, and I will make love to her as many times as I like without worrying about getting caught.

  The truck is filled and we’re just about ready to go. Steven is taking his time to check the house one last time before we leave. Giving me a moment alone with Willow.

  My girl.

  My darling.

  My everything.

  Walking into the kitchen, I see her standing there dressed in an over-sized sweatshirt and a pair of shorts. Hair pulled up with a scrunchie on her head, she looks amazing with no makeup on. She’s perfect in her own skin.

  Leaning against the yellow wall-paper on the wall, she’s holding a glass of milk in her hand. As I move closer to her, I notice there’s a slither of milk on her upper lip. The sight of it makes my body throb with need for her, and I feel myself grow hard.

  Towering above her, I move real close to her. Close enough for me to smell the scent of her hair. It’s intoxicating. She looks up at me with her big eyes, looking like she has no clue what I’m up to.

  Doesn’t she see what she’s doing to me?

  Can’t she tell the power she has over me?

  All I want to do when I see her is please her.

  ”Sweetie,” I whisper, making sure we’re out of earshot. Stroking her soft chin with one hand, I take the glass from her hand and place it on the kitchen table behind me. ”You can’t be looking like this and expect me to leave here without something.”

  ”What do you mean?” she asks, batting her eyes at me.

  ”I said, I’m going to need something from you.” My hand slips down her front, resting on her crotch. The only thing separating my hand from her sweet, soft wetness is a piece of fabric.

  ”What?” she asks, with a daring look in her eyes.

  Her voice is too loud, and I need her to be quiet. The last thing I need right now is to explain to Steven why I’ve got my hand down his daughter’s shorts.

  ”I need you to promise me one thing.” My hand slips inside the leg of her shorts, reaching the edge of her panties. They’re moist.

  ”Uh-huh?” she murmurs, struggling to keep her eyes focused on mine.

  ”Promise me,” I begin while pushing her panties aside. Dipping my fingertips into her hot wetness, I feel myself growing harder and bigger for her. ”Promise me that you won’t come while I’m away. No matter how horny you get, you’ll wait for me.”

  She looks at me with confusion in her eyes, and I know this must be very perplexing for her. I can’t even believe I’m asking this of her since I know it’s going to be a struggle to not think about her while I’m away.

  ”Can you do that for me?” I ask her, and rub her with the tips of my fingers.

  Nodding her head, a silent ”Yes,” escapes her velvet smooth lips. Her cheeks are blushing r
ed, and her pupils are dilated.

  ”Good. I promise I won’t either,” I tell her. ”But I’ll call you every single night, you hear me?”

  I’m rubbing her faster now, and as I do I feel the urge to make love to her growing stronger and stronger. We just had sex about an hour or so ago, but I’m already hungry for more. It’s like I can’t get enough of her.

  ”Please Adam…” she mumbles under her breath, lifting her hands to my shoulders. ”Just one more time before you leave… I need you…”

  Since I can’t deny her anything she asks for, I lift her up on the kitchen counter. Clinging to my shoulders, she splits her plump thighs wide open, enough for me to catch a glimpse of what’s waiting for me inside those shorts.

  Not wasting any time, I pull out my erection and push straight into her. Her beautiful, warm wetness squeezes me in the most perfect way, and I start thrusting into her as hard and fast as I can.

  We make love in silence. Staring into each other’s eyes, we fuck each other like we’ve been at it for all eternity. Our bodies fit perfectly together, and there’s really no need for words. And I can tell from the look on her face when she’s ready to come. Biting her lip, she buries her face in my chest, her body twitching and wiggling as her orgasm erupts inside of her.

  I hold her close to me, and finish deep inside my girl. When I’m done, I kiss her on the head before pulling out. Then I give her one last kiss before it’s time to go.

  ”I love you,” I say as my lips pull away from hers.

  Leaving her sitting on the kitchen counter with my seed buried deep inside her, I clench my fists.

  I wish I could stay here with her.

  I would make love to her all day long if I could.

  And that’s exactly what I’ll do once I come back to her.

  Make love to her all day and night.

  Chapter 16


  MY THOUGHTS OSCILLATE between considering breaking my promise to Adam just to get some release, and reverting back to wanting to stay true to him and keep the promise I made. But it’s so hard. I had no idea it would be so difficult to not touch myself. I am so horny and desperate to come that my entire body aches. I can hardly even shower without worrying that I’m going to do something I’m not supposed to. Just the act of lathering myself with shower gel makes me want to slip my hand down between my legs and give myself the orgasm my body is craving.

  Work is even worse. Because whenever I’m at the office I keep reliving the memory of Adam fucking me against the desk. I’m trying to stay on top of things, making important phone calls and what not, but it seems that work isn’t enough to keep my thoughts away from Adam. He’s the only thing my mind wants to think about.

  It’s becoming an obsession.

  Adam is my obsession.

  Stepping out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth, I’m ready to go to bed. But I know I won’t fall asleep before Adam calls to say good night. It’s kind of strange how quickly my life has turned around, because now it feels like I couldn’t ever go to bed without talking to him first. To think that I didn’t know my life was going to be like this a mere week ago scares me. What if it could change back again?

  What if Adam suddenly decides he isn’t in love with me at all?

  Pushing that negative stuff out of my mind, I crawl into bed and stare at the phone. It’s around 10.30 PM and usually he would have called already. But I’m not going to worry about that, there’s probably a perfectly good explanation for him being late.

  My eyelids feel heavy, but I don’t want to fall asleep. I won’t. Not until I get to hear his voice.

  Just when I’m about ready to start worrying that something’s wrong, the phone rings. I’m so eager to answer it that I almost knock the phone off the nightstand.

  ”Adam?” I ask, without thinking ahead. Technically, it could be dad, or even mom, calling and trying to explain why I’m expecting a call from Adam at this time of day might be a challenge.

  ”Willow. My girl. How are you?”

  God I love it when he calls me his girl. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to be. It’s all I ever want to be.

  His girl.

  ”I’m good. At least now that I get to hear your voice.”


  The sound of his voice makes my whole body tremble, it’s like the memory of him is physically ingrained in my bones. Like my body recalls the memory of him.

  Asking me about my day, he let’s me do most of the talking at first. I love it how he listens to what I have to say, and not just by listening passively. Adam actively asks me questions about the stuff I’m talking about, acting like he’s genuinely paying attention to and is really interested in me.

  I tell him about Melanie and a party that she’s got planned. I want to ask him if he’ll want to go there with me, but I’m afraid of what he’ll say. What if he doesn’t want to be seen around town with me? What if he doesn’t want to get to know my friends?

  Time goes by so fast when Adam and I talk, and before I know it an entire hour has passed. Here I’ve been talking about buying an outfit for Melanie’s party, but I haven’t even so much as asked him how his day has been.

  ”But enough about me. How’s your day been?” I ask him, turning over onto my back. Lying in my bed, I shut my eyes as I listen to his rumbling voice. God it’s sexy.

  ”It’s been alright, but I’ve been missing you sugar.”

  ”I’ve missed you too,” I tell him.

  ”I miss you so much that I get hard just thinking about you or even listening to the sound of your voice,” he says. ”I keep thinking about how good it felt making love to you in the kitchen. And it breaks my heart that I can’t be there with you right now to do it again.”

  ”Oh Adam…” I mumble. My whole body is tingling, and my heart starts beating faster.

  ”You know, Willow,” he tells me with that deep, rustic voice of his. The sound of it always makes me tremble. I love it. ”I’m coming for you. I’ll be there to hold you tight every single night of your life from now on. You hear me?”

  Yes I hear you. Loud and clear.

  I can’t believe this man actually wants me.

  And to think that I’ll get to see him again tomorrow. It’s going to be amazing.

  Chapter 17


  STEVEN GAVE ME the keys to the house last thing he did, which is why I can just enter at my own will when I’ve made it back from Alaska. Seeing Steven’s new place up there was awesome – it was really pretty, and I can tell he’s going to enjoy living there – but there’s no place like home. No place like here, at home, with Willow.

  It’s early morning when I enter the house, and the place is quiet. I guess my sweet girl is still sleeping upstairs, a sight which I’ve just got to see. So I head up the stairs and walk straight into her bedroom. There she is, lying in her bed, wearing a pair of pink cotton panties and a T-shirt. Damn she’s cute. I love watching her sleep. Walking over to her bed, I bow down and kiss her on the forehead. Not wanting to wake her up, I smell her hair – again, it’s that honeyblossom scent which drives me nuts – and then return downstairs. It feels so good to be here, to be home, with her.

  With my girl.

  Locking the place up, I get in the car. First thing I’m gonna do is head home to my place and take a shower. Being on the road for two days has taken its toll on me. I’m tired and I need to change out of these clothes.

  About an hour later, I feel much better, and as I get dressed I think about Willow. I wonder if she’ll be happy when I bring her breakfast? It’s still just about 6 AM, so she’s probably still fast asleep. Pulling on my favorite black pants and a brand new white T-shirt, I check my messages before getting back in the car. Seems like the boys and girls at the construction site have been doing a great job working overtime, because they’ve already come a long way with the new house I’m building. I know I push them hard, but it’s worth it because I pay them good as well. That’s the w
ay I roll, you work hard you get to play hard.

  The estimation is that the house will be up and running within two months. Wondering what Willow will think once I bring her out there to see it, I hope she’ll like it. No, I bet she’ll love it.

  Getting back in the car, I head on over to Starbucks to get us some coffee and a couple of bagels. I notice the lady at the register trying to flirt with me, but I ignore her. I’m not that kind of a man, I would never cheat on my woman. My father was a notorious womanizer, and as a kid I used to watch my mother cry over my father’s countless affairs. Seeing her hurting that way, I decided back then that I would always be faithful to my woman. And I expect no different from her.

  Driving back to Willow’s house (well, technically it’s mine since I went ahead and bought it) I can’t wait to see her. I can’t wait to kiss her, hug her, hold her, tell her that I love her…

  Pulling up outside the house, I take one look at myself in the mirror. My hair is still dripping wet, but other than that I look pretty good if I may say so myself. Now, all I’ve gotta do is walk up to the door and knock on it. Then I’m going to get what I’ve been yearning for for so long…

  Chapter 18


  A LOUD THUDDING noise wakes me from my sleep. Bang, bang, bang. Somebody must be pounding on the front door.

  My head drowsy with sleep, I struggle to open my eyes. What’s going on? And who is that pounding on the door like some kind of a brute? Jeez, chill out, it’s – what time is it? – glancing at the clock I see that it’s still very early in the morning. Very early.

  The pounding does not recede, and it’s starting to bug me for real. Whoever that is, I’m going to tell them a thing or two about manners.


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